Programmatically modify firewall rules Linux - linux

I need to assign rules in my firewall using programming.. I mean I want to create a web app in which user can select the firewall rules for their ip address and those rules will be assigned to that IP. There would be only one firewall machine. I think a firewall with nice api will do this. Anyone knows open source firewall with good api??

The linux firewall is called netfilter and is a part of the linux kernel. There are various userland tools which manipulates it, most notably the de-facto standard utility iptables. As you need to be root in order to modify firewall rules, and web servers should not run as root, I'd recommend a two-tier approach to solving this: A web app which modifies a set of rules (in a SQL db, or a config file), and a daemon running as root which monitors for rule changes and applies them by executing iptables.


How can I configure the firewall with node js?

How can I configure the firewall with node js?Could you give me a sample project?
A firewall is a completely different piece of network infrastructure than node.js which is an application environment. So while the two may be used in the same deployment, they are different tools for different jobs. You would not typically "configure the firewall with nodejs". Your firewall would usually have its own admin interface that you can login to and then make configuration changes.
If your firewall had a secure HTTP API for doing firewall administration, you could build a node.js app to login and then send HTTP requests to the firewall to modify its configuration. The details of how to do that depend entirely upon what the HTTP API is in the firewall so we'd need to see that in order to recommend anything more specific. In general, one can make an HTTP request from a node.js app to another HTTP server using the request-promise module in NPM.
Both Windows and Mac (and of course Linux) enable you to view and modify the firewall settings via some kind of command line tool.
For example, this post talks about modifying Windows firewall settings through the netsh command, and this post covers command line firewall management in OSX (Mac).
Since Node.js is able to execute command line commands via Child Processes, theoretically, you can modify a system's firewall settings through code running in Node.js.
There's also an npm package called firewall which claims to "Add or remove system firewall rules using Node.js.".
This is a valid question. Network firewall and application firewall both can co-exist together.

How to set network interface as static or DHCP programmatically (script, node or c)?

I am developing an embedded system accessed through a node server running express.js. One of the functions that I'm trying to provide our users is the ability to configure the network interfaces via a web UI/REST call, without the need to drop down to a SSH session.
Here's my question: Is there a programmatic way of setting an interface as DHCP or static? Short of editing /etc/network/interfaces, I haven't been able to google or stackoverflow search a programmatic method. Can anyone recommend a direction and/or best practices for doing this?
p.s., I should mention that as part of my change, I would have the necessary configuration parameters (e.g., address, netmask, gateway) and, of course, I would preface any changes with ifconfig down.
Not really. If you want to modify network configuration, you'll need to edit the config file and invoke /etc/init.d/networking script to apply the changes.
If you want to change active network configuration, you need to exec() appropriate tools, e.g. ifconfig of dhcpcd.

Windows Active Directory Domain setup remotely through univention using samba4

I have a slight problem bit of the back story. recently ive been trying to test out univention which is a linux distribution with the goal of being able to replace Microsoft active directory.
I tested it locally and all went reasonably well after a few minor issues i then decided to test it remotely as the company wants to allow remote users to access this so i used to host it and its now been setup successfully and works reasonably well.
my main problem is DNS based as when trying to connect to the domain the only way windows will recognize it is by editing the network adapter and setting ip v4 dns server address to the ip address of the server hosting the univention active directory replacement. although this does allow every thing to work its not ideal and dns look up on the internet are considerably longer. i was wondering if any one had any ideas or have done something similar and encountered this problems before and know a work around. i want to avoid setting up a vpn if possible.
after initially registering the computer on the domain i am able to remove the dns server address and just use a couple of amendments to the HOST file to keep it running but this still leads to having issues connecting to the domain controller sometimes and is not ideal. any ideas and suggestions would be greatly received.
For the HOST entries, the most likely issue is, that there are several service records a computer in the domain needs. I'm not sure, whether these can be provided via the HOST file or not but you'll definitely have authentication issues if they are missing. To see the records your domain is using issue the following commands on the UCS system.
For the slow resolution of the DNS records there are several points where you could start looking. My first test would be whether or not you are using a forwarder for the web DNS requests and whether or not the forwarder is having a decent speed. To check if you are using one, type
ucr search dns/forwarder
If you get a valid IP for either of the UCR Variables, dns/forwarder1, dns/forwarder2 or dns/forwarder3, you are forwarding your DNS requests to a different Server. If all of them are empty or not valid IPs then your server is doing the resolution itself.
Not using a forwarder is often slow, as the DNS servers caching is optimized for the AD operations, like the round robin load balancing. Likewise a number of ISPs require you to use a forwarder to minimize the DNS traffic. You can simply define a forwarder using ucr, I use Google on IPv4 for the example
ucr set dns/forwarder1=''
The other scenario might be a slow forwarder. To check it try to query the forwarder directly using the following command
dig #(ucr get dns/forwarder1)
If it takes long, then there is nothing the UCS server can do, you'll simply have to choose a different forwarder from the ucr command above.
If neither of the above helps, the next step would be to check whether there are error messages for the named daemon in the syslog file. Normally these come when you are trying to manually remove software or if the firewall configuration got changed.
Sponsored post, as I work for Univention North America, Inc.

Ubuntu Server Default Security on AWS

I'm totally new to Linux but have been developing on windows platforms for years. I'd like to set up an Ubuntu server on AWS to house Node.js. If I run through the default install for Ubuntu server, load Node.js and start up a simple Node.js server on port 80 is there anything else I need to do to secure the server?
There are many ways to harden a server, I will only name two that are absolutely necessary.
On Ubuntu server there might or might not be activated already, but you should always check.
Activate a firewall
The simplest way to handle iptables rules for firewall is ufw. Type in your terminal:
ufw default deny # Silently deny access to all ports except those mentioned below
ufw allow 22/tcp # Allow access to SSH port
ufw allow 80/tcp # Allow access to HTTP port
ufw enable # Enable firewall
ufw reload # Be sure that everything was loaded right
Be sure to allow SSH, otherwise you will be locked outside your server. Also note that UFW (and iptables) allows to allow or deny single IP addresses and subnetworks.
Force pubkey login in SSH, disable root login and use fail2ban
Password login is weak if an attacker can try accessing your server anytime, unless you use a long and impossible-to-remember pseudo-random sequence. SSH allows to handle authentication via public/private keys, which are more robust and far less predictable, being generated from a random seed.
First generate your own pair of keys and add your public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the server, so that you are not locking yourself out. After, and only after, have a look at /etc/ssh/sshd_config. The two relevant options are:
PermitRootLogin no
PasswordAuthentication no
This way, the attacker must guess the username of the administrator before even trying the password, because they cannot login as root. You don't need to access as root to get root privileges, you will be able to elevate from your user account with su or sudo.
Finally, use fail2ban to temporarily ban by IP address after a certain number of wrong attempts to authenticate (so that attackers cannot brute force that easily). I said temporarily because if an attacker spoofs your legitimate IP, he/she can perform a DoS on you.
After applying all changes, restart the daemon with:
service ssh restart
I will repeat it, be careful, check everything or you will lock yourself out of your server.
Other remarks
A default Debian/Ubuntu installation is secure enough to be exposed on the Internet without fearing any major flaw. Still, you should always review security settings, gather information about software you are deploying on the server and periodically inspect logs searching for abnormal patterns.
Other tools that might be useful are Apparmor, providing MAC profiles for most system services (Postfix, HTTPd...), LXC for sandboxing, chroots, etc... It depends on how critical the infrastructure is.
I think this topic is too wide for a SO answer.
The best place to start would be probably to start mapping the security best practices and the required knowledge for you to gain.
Knowledge Centers:
CSA - Cloud Security Alliance: The place to have full understanding of what is required to run a server in the cloud.
OWASP - Open Web Application Security Project. Deals with your web app. Take a look at the top 10 list
PCI - The payment card industry regulator. Though you are probably not storing credit cards - this is a good source to learn. Here is an intro.
Now you have several approaches to deal with it:
Enterprise approach - learn, plan, implement, test, create ongoing processes.
Guerrilla approach - Iterative: find the lowest hanging fruit and handle it.
Hybrid - combine some properties from both approaches.
Regarding your lowest hanging fruit / most critical attack vectors:
Your Perimeter aka Proper Firewall Configuration - since you are running on AWS you should consider using their powerful network based FW (aka Security Groups). For simple use-cases you can use their console UI. For more complex setups you might want to add dedicated security management services such as Dome9 that could assist with management of both network based and host based security policies.
Utilize WAF (Web application firewall) - consider either using mod-security - host based WAF that can be installed on your nginx that (hopefully) sits in front of your nodejs. OR alternatively use WAF as a service by Incapsula or Cloudflare
Setup proper centralized logging. Compare Splunk Cloud, Sumo Logic, LogEntries and Loggly to find your service of choice.
Harden your server authentication and accounts (too long to cover here)

How to manage a DNS server remotely?

I whant to make a web interface on a server that will manage a few dns servers on another servers.
How can i remotely manage a bind dns server programmaticly ?
I would like to add/edit/delete zones.
I see that there is rndc but that only allows reloading of zones and not adding/deleting.
I could NFS mount zones from dns servers and edit them but is there a better way?
If there isn't a hard requirement on writing something like this from scratch, why not simply use an already existing interface without having to reinvent the wheel? A simple Google search for the keywords bind dns web interface yields an entire list of good open source projects in the very first result link.
There is work at the IETF to define a standard for remote control of name servers based on the Netconf framework. See:
The requirements include the ability to add/remove zones, etc.
You could set up something that does remote SSH commands? That may be a bit insecure, though, unless the server running the commands themselves is pre-authenticated with an SSH key, and that's the only way you can access the server.
