Redirecting in SharePoint - sharepoint

I am having an issue regarding navigation in my SharePoint site. On my front page I have a link that takes you to the EditForm.aspx of one of my lists. When I edit an element and click save, SharePoint takes me to the list. Instead I want it to take me back to the default page, where I came from.
Is there any way to redirect back to the page I initially came from, instead of going back to the list?

Found the answer!
Use '?source=' in your anchor tag url, that way it will return to the source site, rather than back to the list.
Ex: http://yoursite/yourlist/newform.aspx?source=http://yoursite/yourlibrary/thankyou.aspx
Works perfectly!


Orchard CMS remove Home menu link when adding title of the page to the menu

I just created a new Orchard website. I added 5 articles to it and when I was done, I have 6 menu links.
See: Home and A Quick Look are the same page and same url. This was the first article I added and I just overwrote the content of the existing hello world page. I wanted the link text to be "A Quick Look" instead of "Home", so I clicked Show on main menu:
How do remove the "Home" link?
I had considered deleting the hello world page first and then adding my content, but It seems Orchard is still a bit rough around the edges and didn't want to risk anything that would crash the app like I have been seeing on a regular basis. Like, don't put a dot in table prefix or the site will crash. Don't put "http://" in the url when creating the Tenant site, ditto on the crash. Anyways, any advice would be great!
You can manage your menu through the Navigation link in the Orchard dashboard. Just delete the extra item from the menu there and your menu should look like what you want it to look like.
And of course, if you want to be safe, make a database backup before doing so, even though I don't think that would be necessary.
Make a backup first and then try it. This way, you're safe.

In XPages Mobile App / Mobile Control, how to make picklist

I have two pages, one page for input, another page for the options, how to send value form page to another page on xPages Mobile Controls, or is there another way to make like this.
See my sample page:
1. Page 1:User Input
Page 2:Picklist
note: the built-in typeahead not posible
The in built type ahead is missing the dojo tundra.css file when using the single page app control. This file comes with Dojo its just not being included. Import this file to get the type ahead to work.
I'm unsure as to what you mean about passing value from one page to another, you can submit data to a document and open it in another page, add it to a scoped variable, add a parameter to the URL. All of these options will work.
Have a look at my blog post on this topic. There are a couple of gotchas to get around, most notably, ensuring the the page with your document datasource gets recalculated at the correct time. I'm working on a NotesIn9 on it.
Part 3 covers a couple of amendments to get it working with existing documents and includes a sample page that will work in the Extension Library Demo db. Note the extra view that needs to be created and other details in Part Two.

AllItems listview web page

I am trying to create a custom default view for a list. I made a copy of my list's AllItems.aspx page, and renamed it, and inserted a CEWP onto the page, as I would like to use jQuery to display a color in a column field similar to The issue I am having is that when I save my changes and check in the new page, SharePoint removes all of the web parts that were on my page.
Why is this happening, and how do I stop it from removing my webparts?
UPDATE: Still not definitely sure why, but I noted that it stopped doing this when I changed the filename to something different, instead of the default copied filename which I had been using before.
Rather than using a content editory query web part to change the color of an item, have you considered using conditional formatting which you can do via SharePoint designer?
Try this article for steps .. but I will also suggest you drop the idea of CEWP and use conditional formatting.

sharePoint arcitecture custom action in list shown in pop up

this is an image of a sharepoint list action , the sending news letter is a custom action that i added , but when clicking on it , i want it to open a page not redirection, i want it to get a pop up action with a mask behind as the View item do
What you are referring to is the modal framework in sharepoint 2010. You need to change your action javascript code.
Here is an article i've used in the past.
You need to call ModalDialog Javascript function from your CustomAction rather than redirection.
Here's the URL with example of what you are looking for:

Using a MulitpleLookupField in MOSS '07 Layout Page

I have a page layout for my MOSS '07 site that I want put a MultipleLookupField in. The field will point to a multiple lookup column in my custom content type that points back to the pages library so I can have a "Related Articles" field.
I've gotten the field to show up correctly--it's even editable when the page is in edit mode! But when you click on the link that shows up there, it display the page's properties view instead of the page itself.
There's lots of properties on the control, but there's little documentation at MSFT as to what they do.
Does anyone know how to change the link's URL to the actual page instead of the properties view?
Here's the tag I'm using:
The link takes me to here: /Pages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=6&RootFolder=*
I want it to take me here: /Pages/faq1.aspx
Unfortunately the lookup control is designed to be compatible with generic lists and does not understand that the document libraries have a file with a specific url associated.
You will probably have to find a custom lookup control on the web or roll your own.
