Updating external list from sharepoint workflow - error - sharepoint

I've created page workflow to update data in external list:
When I execute this workflow, I get an error. I don't know what causes the error:
I've read about permissions to the Sharepoint system account. I feel like I've tried everything.
Do you have any ideas what can cause this error ? Is there any way of debugging such workflows in Sharepoint designer ? I've tried reading Sharepoint logs, but nothing interesting there.
TIA for any clues.

I've managed to do that, I needed to configure Secure Store Service application:
link 1
link 2


Trying to Publish a Workflow From SharePoint Designer 2010 to SharePoint 2010

Let me start off by saying that I am not a SharePoint guru, nor an administrator for this site. I have enough rights to build my site. I have taken on the task of creating a site at work to make things better since it has gone through several people's hands and I take it as a challenge that I can do it.
So I have a workflow I created in SPD 2010 to send an email out based on an kickoff action in List A that references email addresses in List B since I am sending this email to people outside the organization. I have even tried to make a simple workflow to send an email to my name in the To: field and TEST in the Subject and Body. No Luck.
The issue lies in the fact that when I try to publish the workflow to the site, after checking for any errors (none I might add), I get back a "Workflow Error" that says "Errors were found when compiling the workflow. The workflow files were saved but cannot be run" and if I hit the Advanced button it says "Unexpected error on server associating the workflow."
I am looking to this forum to determine if this error is related in some way to an incorrect setting in the SharePoint Server that I don't know about, if it has anything to do with a lack of permissions from the overall SharePoint Server administrator to upload workflows or something else that I know nothing about.
I have asked the SharePoint administrator and he won't be able to get back to me until next week as he is at a conference, but I would like to try the workflow out and see if it works or I need to go back and work on it more.
If the consensus is I need more rights and I will have to wait until next week, is there a way to run the workflow in SPD or can I download my site as a sandbox and just play with it there?
Any and all help is gratefully appreciated.
For others who have this issue, it was a rights issue. The company did not install SPD as an admin, hence I could not create work flows.

Sharepoint 2010 - feature not appearing in UI

Does anyone here know what could cause a new feature to not show up in the SharePoint UI?
The solution it is part of has been correctly deployed to the GAC and shows up in the central administration list of deployed farm solutions, the feature appears in the FEATURES folder of the 14 hive, yet the feature itself does not appear in the features list for the site collection, either in the UI or in PowerShell using Get-SPFeature.
Yes, the feature is correctly scoped, and no, it is not hidden. :)
Any thoughts or pointers would be very welcome!
Answer supplied on sharepoint.stackexchange.com, with thanks to Simon Doy. https://sharepoint.stackexchange.com/questions/73871/sharepoint-2010-feature-not-appearing-in-ui
Somehow, something had gone wrong with the installation of the feature, and neither the UI nor commands like Get-SPFeature revealed its existence, although the Install-SPFeature -ScanForFeatures command emboldened below displayed the missing feature.
"Check that the feature has been installed. For example, if you are
performing Update-SPSolution and a new feature has been added between
solution deployments then the feature is not installed by default.
To check do the following:-
Run SharePoint 2010 Management Shell from one of the SharePoint
servers Type Install-SPFeature -ScanForFeatures This will show you any
features that are available in the SharePoint Root but have not been
installed. You can install any missing features using the command :-
Install-SPFeature -AllExistingFeatures
See the following TechNet
Article for more information.
Look in central admin to see what site collection the feature is deployed to. Make sure in that site collection the feature is turned on.
Also, check the deploy job status to see if it actually finished.
Is there a on install event receiver? If it errors out, the feature will not finish installing even after the DLL is copied.

Trying to delete a site that has been created via a template issue

Once again another issue
I am trying to delete a site that i have created via a template and i am running in to
No available sandboxed code execution server could be found.
The template only contains a few columns programatically created along with some content types.
The CT's are also added to lists.
Anyone got any ideas?
I will continue to go through the ULS logs and hope someone saves me
If you have empty receivers in your features and your solution is a SANDBOX one you should either switch it to Farm solution or check if your user code host service is running. Go to Services and check the "SharePoint 2010 User Code Host". Also check the "Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Sandboxed Code Service" service in the /_admin/Server.aspx It has to be running to support sandbox solutions.

Workflow Fails to Compile and Publish in SharePoint Designer 2010

The SharePoint install is a SP2010 install on a 2008 R2 server. Everything is fully patched. I am running the SP Designer on the SharePoint Server directly.
I have a workflow which is intended to send an email when a new document is created in a custom list. I have deliberately kept the workflow very simple in order to illustrate this problem.
After creating this single step workflow in SP Designer, I click "Check for Errors" and SP Designer reports "The workflow contains no errors".
I then click "Publish" but the Workflow Error dialog is displayed with the message
Errors were found when compiling the workflow. The workflow files
were saved but cannot be run.
Clicking the advanced button reveals more information:
Could not publish the workflow because the workflow configuration file
contains errors
Any suggestions gratefully received
I'll share what fixed it for me - deactivating all workflow features at the site collection level (that is, Workflows, Three-state workflow, Publishing Approval Workflow) and then reactivating the features. I was then able to publish my workflow. This post helped, not sure whether this only works for 365 though, but it's sure worth trying first if you are considering a reinstall.
after googling for quite some time, i think it's an authentication issue. How is your SharePoint set up? Do you use HTTPS for authentication? If so check out this article.
I know this error message from sharepoint. I got this by dealing with multiple lookup fields refering to other lists. Even when I check the worfklow for errors SharePoint says that its all fine but i can't publish it at all.
Try to build a new Test-Site on your Site Collection. Build a Custom Document Library, leave it standard and then set up a new simple workflow just sending a mail.
Fill out the needed fields in mail only using simple values. Send to your mailadress, simple mail subject and simple mail body.
Set the workflow to run only manually.
Try to publish the workflow.
When this is working, then compair to your existing workflow and change your values by trail and error.
After doing a clean install of the OS and SharePoint, workflows are working flawlessly. I can only conclude that the problems were caused by left over registry settings from MOSS 2007. Thanks for the suggestions that people made.
This could also happens if you chage the URL of the web application, all you have do is click the Design button from the library itself.
when changinf the URL from http://server/Site to example: http://server.xx1.net/site, and you try to publish it tries the old url.
what helped in my situation is changing from start workflow automatically to manually.some times answers for critical situation is very easy. hope it helps, many thanks
I ran into this problem and after digging for days and folks suggesting to rebuild the servers, disabling and re-enabling site features, remove previous workflow versions, etc. and trying everything except rebuilding the servers (not practical for clients production environment). I decided to try some tests and found that this issue was only happening on one particular list no matter how simple or complex the workflow was... And when I would check the box for start automatically on item create (or when item changed) it would fail to publish and give the error above, but if I published it with just manually start worked fine. Finally after deleting views and some more testing, I discovered that there was over 240+ columns in this list (I did not create it...) and 50+ workflows set to run on create... Thankfully I have a test environment I built out for the client so I sync'd the Site Collection database back to test environment from Production re-ran my tests and got same error... So what resolved the problem and what was the ultimate cause of the problem, there was to many columns defined in the list and I had to delete several columns to publish the workflow in the test environment. This actually issue translates into the there is a limit in SQL Server on how much data the list can store each type of column takes up so much space read more about it here:
So what I did in production was worked with my client to determine how to break up the list into multiple lists and have relationships between them, thus moving some of the columns and data to another list (Think database/list normalization)... I hope this solution helps someone.

SharePoint OOTB Workflow Problem

I'm getting this error message when trying to add an approval workflow.
There has been an error while loading
the form. A required resource could
not be downloaded. To try to resume
the download, refresh the page.
Any ideas why?
(Googling didn't find any solutions, was wondering what this community had in mind)
Do you get to the "_layouts/AddWrkfl.aspx" page? If yes, do you get to "_layouts/WrkSetng.aspx"?
If you are not able to get to AddWrkfl.aspx, I would start by disabling any custom workflows (features) and try again. The idea here is when SharePoint loads up the page it collects a list of Workflow Templates deployed to display it on page.
Let me know if you need any further help.
