JSF and PrimeFaces Strategy - jsf

What is or could be a best practice?
Using standard JSF components and combine them by PrimeFaces components when needed (for example when DHTML or AJAX components are needed)
Forget all JSF Components and try to use all PrimeFaces components as much as possible
Please explain it and tell me about your experiences.
Thanks in advance...

PrimeFaces is your AJAX framework, so if you need to send ajaxical request, then use PrimeFaces components.
Even though, you dont need to send ajax request, but you can still use PF component, if u need to provide a consistency look for your web page. For example, h:commandButton and p:commandButton. Use p:commandButton if u need to send ajax request, but u can also do this
<p:commandButton ajax="false" action="Your Action here"/>
This will provide the same result as:
<h:commandButton action="Your Action here"/>
but this way, you can provide the same consistent look for your button throughout the page.
PrimeFaces does not have replacements for h:panelGrid, h:panelGroup, h:inputText, h:outputText ...

Depends on the sole functional requirement. If you're already using PrimeFaces and whatever you want to achieve can better/easier be achieved using a PrimeFaces component, use it.
Option 1 comes close, but option 2 goes overboard. PrimeFaces for example doesn't have a <p:form>, <p:panelGroup>, <p:outputText> or something.

With Primefaces it's very easy to get a consistent look for your application since it comes with Themeroller CSS framework. And you can easily switch designs. Although it is not difficult to let plain jsf components look like primefaces components if you apply the right css classes.
I think primefaces is a great component library. However some components are still buggy (e.g. date picker). So if you get some unexpected behavior with a primefaces component, it is alway good to have a jsf fallback (or an alternative from another component library or from jquery).
I have no experience with mixing different component libraries. Would be interesting to know, how they interact. But that would be subject of another question ...


Embed JSF code in a xhtml

I need to complete a xhtml page with some JSF code (with p:panel and p:datatables, etc.) from a managed bean, but I'm not sure that is possible.
My attemps:
<h:outputText escape="true" value="#{controller.jsfString}"/>
It's not be able to understand "p:" components, only simple html.
<ui:include src="#{controller.jsfString}">
It expects a xhtml path, not a String.
I don't know what else try... Is it even possible?
It's not be able to understand "p:" components, only simple html.
Of course it is not!
The h:outputText value is evaluated at view render time, so if you render JSF tags, they won't be evaluated again since rendering is done.
In principle, it could have been possible to add JSF tags this way using the JSTL <c:out>, but it is not available in JSF facelets.
Anyway, just tell yourself that it prevents you from making bad design.
We'll need more information regarding what the controller is supposed to output in order to help you.
Here p means prime-faces u need to include prime-faces dependency in pom and enable tag lib for prime-faces in XHTML then u can use the all the prime-faces components.

JSF, PrimeFaces, or RichFaces etc. components requiring h:form

How do you know which JSF, PrimeFaces, RichFaces etc. components actually require an h:form around them?
Does <h:link> generally require a form?
Does <p:dataTable> generally require a form?
Does <p:dataGrid> generally require a form?
How do you know without having to trial and error through "The button/link/text component needs to have a Form in its ancestry. Please add <h:form>." faces messages?
Any component that you want to send data to the server needs a form around it. I.e. every inputBox, textArea, checkbox etc. If you only want to retrieve data from the server but not send anything back you don't need a form.
So <dataTable> doesn't generally require a form, but if you want to make it editable then you'd need a form.

PrimeFaces - Set a JSF component as mandatory

I am using PrimeFaces and JSF - I need to be able to set a component on the page as mandatory in response to an AJAX event. Is the best way to accomplish this using the following code or is there also a way to accomplish it using JQuery ?
UIInput componentToChange = (UIInput) facesContext.getViewRoot().findComponent("ComponentId");
Just set the component's required attribute with the desired EL expression.
<h:inputText ... required="#{bean.required}" />
There are even EL ways without needing an additional bean property, but it's impossible to propose one based on the sparse information provided so far.
Use findComponent() with care. Think twice if it really can't be done just in the view (XHTML) side.

Can I use <f:setPropertyActionListener> inside an autoComplete component?

Can I use <f:setPropertyActionListener> inside an autoComplete component?
The autoComplete uses the managedbean mbAC for example and I want to send the cliCod from it to another bean with:
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{targetBean.cliCod}" value="#{mbAC}" />
Is <f:setPropertyActionListener> the right way to do this?
The <f:setPropertyActionListener> works only inside a component implementing ActionSource interface, such as <h:commandButton>, <h:commandLink>. It's unclear what autocomplete component you're talking about, but the PrimeFaces <p:autoComplete> doesn't implement it.
You need to look for an alternate solution, such as placing the bean in the right scope and/or using #ManagedProperty and/or using <p:ajax> instead. The exact solution depends on the concrete functional requirement which you didn't tell anything about.
In the future questions it would be more helpful for us and yourself if you ask how to achieve the given functional requirement instead of asking how to achieve a solution of which you thought that it's the right solution but which after all isn't.

<button> with JSF 1.2

Simple question:
Is there any way of rendering a html <button>-element using JSF or any other framework (RichFaces, Tomahawk etc.)? Or would I have resort to writing a custom component for this?
No, there isn't. Since a <button> is usually only used in GET requests, you can also just put it plain vanilla in the JSF template. You don't need to bind any action to a JSF managed bean anyway.
In JSF 2.0, there's by the way the <h:button> which renders a GET button and offers the option to include view parameters and/or to perform implicit navigation. Both features aren't available in JSF 1.2, so there's not really a point of having similar component in JSF 1.2 anyway.
On the other hand, if you actually intend to use a <button> to invoke a POST managed bean action method, then you should really be using a <h:commandButton> instead. If you're having a specific problem with it for which you thought that using <button> was the solution, then you'd need to reframe your question to elaborate in more detail about that specific problem so that we can answer how to achieve the same with <h:commandButton>.
