I am working on a project that requires fast performing proximity queries on a database with location data.
In my database I want to store locations with additional information. Idea is that user opens a map on a certain location and my program only fetches the markers visible to the user. If I plan on having millions of values, fetching markers from NYC when I'm zoomed in on London would make the map activity work extremely slow and the data I send back from the db would be HUGE.
That's why when the user opens the map I want to fetch all the markers that are for example in 10km distance from the center of the map. (I'm okay with fetching markers outside of the visible area. I just don't want to fetch markers that are 100km away)
After a thorough research I chose the S2 Geometry Library approach with Hilbert's space filling curve.
The idea of mapping a 2D value to one integer value, where the longer a shared prefix between two indexes is, the spatially closer they are together, was a big selling point.
I need my database to be able to perform this SELECT query lightning fast and I expect to have A LOT of data in the future so operating on only one column is a big plus.
Also the thing that intrigued me the most was the ability to perform fast proximity searches because of the fact that two numbers that are close to each other on the map will have 1D indexes also close to each other.
The idea looks very simple (If I don't miss anything).
The thing I'm having problems with is how to (If it's even possible) pick the min value and max value on the 1D plane to be sure I'm scanning the whole visible area.
Most of the answers and tutorials I find on the internet propose a solution where you take a bounding area full of smaller S2 index "boxes" and then scan every index in the database to see if it's contained in one of the "boxes" from the array. This is easy to do but when you have 50 milion records it's not possible to go through every single one of them to see if it's in on of the "boxes".
What I have in mind is a solution where you take the minimum value of the area and the maximum value of the area you're searching in and you perform something in the lines of SELECT (...) WHERE s2cellid BETWEEN min AND max
For example I'm in a location 47194c and want to fetch all markers in 10km distance so I take a value that's x to the left of the indeks and a value that's x to the right of the index and perform a BETWEEN 47194c-x AND 47194c+x query
Is something like that possible with the S2 library?
If no then what approach should I take to make my queries as quick as possible?
Thanks in advance :)
[I plan on using PostgreSQL]
I have a Google Sheet with a custom function formula that: takes in a matrix and two vectors from a spreadsheet, does some lengthy matrix-vector calculations (>30 sec, so above the quota), before outputting the result as a bunch of rows. It is single-threaded, since that's what Google Apps Script (GAS) natively is, but I want to parallelize the calculation using a multi-threading workaround, so it speeds it up drastically.
Requirements (1-3):
UX: It should run the calculations automatically and reactively as a custom function formula, which implies that the user doesn't have to manually start it by clicking a run button or similar. Like my single-threaded version currently does.
Parallelizable: It should ideally spawn ~30 threads/processes, so that instead of taking >30 seconds as it now does (which makes it time out due to Google's quota limit), it should take ~1 second. (I know GAS is single-threaded, but there are workarounds, referenced below).
Shareability: I should ideally be able to share the Sheet with other people, so they can "Make a copy" of it, and the script will still run the calculations for them:
3.1 Permissionless: Without me having to manually hand out individual permissions to users (permissionless). For instance whenever someone "Makes a copy" and "Execute the app as user accessing the web app". My rudimentary testing suggest that this is possible.
3.2 Non-intrusive: Without users of the spreadsheet having to give intrusive authorizations like "Give this spreadsheet/script/app access to your entire Google Drive or Gmail account?". Users having to give an non-intrusive authorization to a script/webapp can be acceptable, as long as requirement 3.1 is still maintained.
3.3 UX: Without forcing users to view a HTML sidebar in the spreadsheet.
I have already read this excellent related answer by #TheMaster which outlines some potential ways of solving parallelization in Google Apps script in general. Workaround #3 google.script.run and workaround #4 UrlFetchApp.fetchAll (both using a Google Web App) looks most promising. But some details are unknown to me, such as if they can adhere to requirements 1 and 3 with its sub-requirements.
I can conceive of an other potential naïve workaround which would be to split the function up into several custom functions formulas and do the parallelization (by some kind of Map/Reduce) inside the spreadsheet itself (storing intermediary results back into the spreadsheet, and having custom function formulas work on that as reducers). But that's undesired, and probably unfeasible, in my case.
I'm very confident my function is parallelizable using some kind of Map/Reduce process. The function is currently optimized by doing all the calculations in-memory, without touching the spreadsheet in-between steps, before finally outputting the result to the spreadsheet. The details of it is quite intricate and well over 100 lines, so I don't want to overload you with more (and potentially confusing) information which doesn't really affect the general applicability of this case. For the context of this question you may assume that my function is parallelizable (and map-reduce'able), or consider any function you already know that would be. What's interesting is what's generally possible to achieve with parallelizationin Google Apps Script, while also maintaining the highest level of shareability and UX. I'll update this question with more details if needed.
Update 2020-06-19:
To be more clear, I do not rule out Google Web App workarounds entirely, as I haven't got experience with their practical limitations to know for sure if they can solve the problem within the requirements. I have updated the sub-requirements 3.1 and 3.2 to reflect this. I also added sub-req 3.3, to be clearer on the intent. I also removed req 4, since it was largely overlapping with req 1.
I also edited the question and removed the related sub-questions, so it is more focused on the single main HOWTO-question in the title. The requirements in my question should provide a clear objective standard for which answers would be considered best.
I realise the question might entail a search for the Holy Grail of Google Sheet multithreading workarounds, as #TheMaster has pointed out in private. Ideally, Google would provide one or more features to support multithreading, map-reduce, or more permissionless sharing. But until then I would really like to know what is the optimal workaround within the current constraints we have. I would hope this question is relevant to others as well, even considering the tight requirements.
If you publish a web-app with "anyone, even anonymous", execute as "Me", then the custom function can use UrlFetchApp.fetchAllAuthorization not needed to post to that web-app. This will run in parallelproof. This solves all the three requirements.
Caveat here is: If multiple people use the sheet, and the custom function will have to post to the "same" webapp (that you published to execute as you) for processing, Google will limit simultaneous executionsquota limit:30.
To workaround this, You can ask people using your sheet to publish their own web-apps. They'll have to do this once at the beginning and no authorization is needed.
If not, you'll need to host a custom server for the load or something like google-cloud-functions might help
I ended up using the naïve workaround that I mentioned in my post:
I can conceive of an other potential naïve workaround which would be
to split the function up into several custom functions formulas and do
the parallelization (by some kind of Map/Reduce) inside the
spreadsheet itself (storing intermediary results back into the
spreadsheet, and having custom function formulas work on that as
reducers). But that's undesired, and probably unfeasible, in my case.
I initially disregarded it because it involves having an extra sheet tab with calculations which was not ideal. But when I reflected on it after investigating alternative solutions, it actually solves all the stated requirements in the most non-intrusive manner. Since it doesn't require anything extra from users the spreadsheet is shared with. It also stays 'within' Google Sheets as far as possible (no semi- or fully external Web App needed), doing the parallelization by relying on the native parallelization of concurrently executing spreadsheet cells, where results can be chained, and appear to the user like using regular formulas (no extra menu item or run-this-script-buttons necessary).
So I implemented MapReduce in Google Sheets using custom functions each operating on a slice of the interval I wanted to calculate. The reason I was able to do that, in my case, was that the input to my calculation was divisible into intervals that could each be calculated separately, and then joined later.**
Each parallel custom function then takes in one interval, calculates that, and outputs the results back to the sheet (I recommend to output as rows instead of columns, since columns are capped at 18 278 columns max. See this excellent post on Google Spreadsheet limitations.) I did run into the only 40,000 new rows at a time limitation, but was able to perform some reducing on each interval, so that they only output a very limited amount of rows to the spreadsheet. That was the parallelization; the Map part of MapReduce. Then I had a separate custom function which did the Reduce part, namely: dynamically target*** the spreadsheet output area of the separately calculated custom functions, and take in their results, once available, and join them together while further reducing them (to find the best performing results), to return the final result.
The interesting part was that I thought I would hit the only 30 simultaneous execution quota limit of Google Sheets. But I was able to parallelize up to 64 independently and seemingly concurrently executing custom functions. It may be that Google puts these into a queue if they exceed 30 concurrent executions, and only actually process 30 of them at any given time (please comment if you know). But anyhow, the parallelization benefit/speedup was huge, and seemingly nearly infinitely scalable. But with some caveats:
You have to define the number of parallelised custom functions up front, manually. So the parallelization doesn't infinitely auto-scale according to demand****. This is important because of the counter-intuitive result that in some cases using less parallelization actually executes faster. In my case, the result set from a very small interval could be exceedingly large, while if the interval had been larger then a lot of the results would have been ruled out underway in the algorithm in that parallelised custom function (i.e. the Map also did some reduction).
In rare cases (with huge inputs), the Reducer function will output a result before all of the parallel (Map) functions have completed (since some of them seemingly take too long). So you seemingly have a complete result set, but then a few seconds later it will re-update when the last parallel function returns its result. This is not ideal, so to be notified of this I implemented a function to tell me if the result was valid. I put it in the cell above the Reduce function (and colored the text red). B6 is the number of intervals (here 4), and the other cell references go to the cell with the custom function for each interval: =didAnyExecutedIntervalFail($B$6,S13,AB13,AK13,AT13)
function didAnyExecutedIntervalFail(intervalsExecuted, ...intervalOutputs) {
const errorValues = new Set(["#NULL!", "#DIV/0!", "#VALUE!", "#REF!", "#NAME?", "#NUM!", "#N/A","#ERROR!", "#"]);
// We go through only the outputs for intervals which were included in the parallel execution.
for(let i=0; i < intervalsExecuted; i++) {
if (errorValues.has(intervalOutputs[i]))
return "Result below is not valid (due to errors in one or more of the intervals), even though it looks like a proper result!";
The parallel custom functions are limited by Google quota of max 30 sec execution time for any custom function. So if they take too long to calculate, they still might time out (causing the issue mentioned in the previous point). The way to alleviate this timeout is to parallelise more, dividing into more intervals, so that each parallel custom function runs below 30 second.
The output of it all is limited by Google Sheet limitations. Specifically max 5M cells in a spreadsheet. So you may need to perform some reduction on the size of the results calculated in each parallel custom function, before returning its result to the spreadsheet. So that they each are below 40 000 rows, otherwise you'll receive the dreaded "Results too large" error). Furthermore, depending on the size the result of each parallel custom function, it would also limit how many custom functions you could have at the same time, as they and their result cells take space in the spreadsheet. But if each of them take in total, say 50 cells (including a very small output), then you could still parallelize pretty much (5M / 50 = 100 000 parallel functions) within a single sheet. But you also need some space for whatever you want to do with those results. And the 5M cells limit is for the whole Spreadsheet in total, not just for one of its sheet tabs, apparently.
** For those interested: I basically wanted to calculate all combinations of a sequence of bits (by brute force), so the function was 2^n where n was the number of bits. The initial range of combinations was from 1 to 2^n, so it could be divided into intervals of combinations, for example, if dividing into two intervals, it would be one from 1 to X and then one from X+1 to 2^n.
*** For those interested: I used a separate sheet formula to dynamically determine the range for the output of one of the intervals, based on the presence of rows with content. It was in a separate cell for each interval. For the first interval it was in cell S11 and the formula looked like this:
=ADDRESS(ROW(S13),COLUMN(S13),4)&":"&ADDRESS(COUNTA(S13:S)+ROWS(S1:S12),COLUMN(Z13),4) and it would output S13:Z15 which is the dynamically calculated output range, which only counts those rows with content (using COUNTA(S13:S)), thus avoiding to have a statically determined range. Since with a normal static range the size of the output would have to be known in advance, which it wasn't, or it would possibly either not include all of the output, or a lot of empty rows (and you don't want the Reducer to iterate over a lot of essentially empty data structures). Then I would input that range into the Reduce function by using INDIRECT(S$11). So that's how you get the results, from one of the intervals processed by a parallelized custom function, into the main Reducer function.
**** Though you could make it auto-scale up to some pre-defined amount of parallelised custom functions. You could use some preconfigured thresholds, and divide into, say, 16 intervals in some cases, but in other cases automatically divide into 64 intervals (preconfigured, based on experience). You'd then just stop / short-circuit the custom functions which shouldn't participate, based on if the number of that parallelised custom function exceeds the number of intervals you want to divide into and process. On the first line in the parallelised custom function: if (calcIntervalNr > intervals) return;. Though you would have to set up all the parallel custom functions in advance, which can be tedious (remember you have to account for the output area of each, and are limited by the max cell limit of 5M cells in Google Sheets).
While passing the dataframes as entities in an entityset and use DFS on that, are we supposed to exclude target variable from the DFS? I have a model that had 0.76 roc_auc score after traditional feature selection methods tried manually and used feature tools to see if it improves the score. So used DFS on entityset that included target variable as well. Surprisingly, the roc_auc score went up to 0.996 and accuracy to 0.9997 and so i am doubtful of the scores as i passed target variable as well into Deep Feature Synthesis and there the infor related to the target might have been leaked to the training? Am i assuming correct?
Deep Feature Synthesis and Featuretools do allow you to keep your target in your entity set (in order to create new features using historical values of it), but you need to set up the “time index” and use “cutoff times” to do this without label leakage.
You use the time index to specify the column that holds the value for when data in each row became known. This column is specified using the time_index keyword argument when creating the entity using entity_from_dataframe.
Then, you use cutoff times when running ft.dfs() or ft.calculate_feature_matrix() to specify the last point in time you should use data when calculating each row of your feature matrix. Feature calculation will only use data up to and including the cutoff time. So, if this cutoff time is before the time index value of your target, you won’t have label leakage.
You can read about those concepts in detail in the documentation on Handling Time.
If you don’t want to deal with the target at all you can
You can use pandas to drop it out of your dataframe entirely before making it an entity. If it’s not in the entityset, it can’t be used to create features.
You can set the drop_contains keyword argument in ft.dfs to ['target']. This stops any feature from being created which includes the string 'target'.
No matter which of the above options you do, it is still possible to pass a target column directly through DFS. If you add the target to your cutoff times dataframe it is passed through to the resulting feature matrix. That can be useful because it ensures the target column remains aligned with the other features. You can an example of passing the label through here in the documentation.
Advanced Solution using Secondary Time Index
Sometimes a single time index isn’t enough to represent datasets where information in a row became known at two different times. This commonly occurs when the target is a column. To handle this situation, we need to use a “secondary time index”.
Here is an example from a Kaggle kernel on predicting when a patient will miss an appointment with a doctor where a secondary time index is used. The dataset has a scheduled_time, when the appointment is scheduled, and an appointment_day, which is when the appointment actually happens. We want to tell Featuretools that some information like the patient’s age is known when they schedule the appointment, but other information like whether or not a patient actually showed up isn't known until the day of the appointment.
To do this, we create an appointments entity with a secondary time index as follows:
es = ft.EntitySet('Appointments')
es = es.entity_from_dataframe(entity_id="appointments",
secondary_time_index={'appointment_day': ['no_show', 'sms_received']})
This says that most columns can be used at the time index scheduled_time, but that the variables no_show and sms_received can’t be used until the value in secondary time index.
We then make predictions at the scheduled_time by setting our cutoff times to be
cutoff_times = es['appointments'].df[['appointment_id', 'scheduled_time', 'no_show']]
By passing that dataframe into DFS, the no_show column will be passed through untouched, but while historical values of no_show can still be used to create features. An example would be something like ages.PERCENT_TRUE(appointments.no_show) or “the percentage of people of each age that have not shown up in the past”.
If you are using the target variable in your DFS, than you are leaking information about it in your training data. So you have to remove your target variable while you are doing every kind of feature engineering (manuall or via DFS).
Is it possible to use React Virtualized when there is no notion of a row index to get rowdata?
I would like to use React Virtualized to display data coming from a large (100k+ rows) database-table that is constantly being modified: rows are added/deleted/updated at random positions in the table.
I have no function that can get a row by using a row index because the position of every row is changing every few seconds.
The table is sorted and every row is guaranteed to have a unique content, so what I do have are the following functions:
getFirst/LastRow() => data : get the data content for the (currently) first/last row
getNext/PreviousRows(startData, nrRows) => data[] : get the data content for the (currently) next/previous nrRows, starting at row with content startData
findRow(data) => data : find the row that has content data
I also have an observer function that is tracking the table mutations in real-time, so I can get a callback for every insert/delete/update operation for the table.
Is there a way to map these available functions to a workable React Virtualized configuration ?
Is it possible to use React Virtualized when there is no notion of a row index to get rowdata?
No. Mapping an index (or indices) to data is core to how react-virtualized works. You would need to build/maintain some structure that allowed you to efficiently access data at an index (even if that index frequently changed) in order to benefit from the lib.
When the data changes, every few seconds, is it usually items being appended onto one end of the remote collection? Or could it be resorting, deletions, etc?
The linked-list style API you describe almost seems like it was meant more to work with a pagination control.
I think the answer as asked might be "Yes" if the semantics of
to use React Virtualized
can be understood to mean where RV is "a piece of the puzzle". I think this was essentially stated very well and accurately with the opposite answer in terms of RV itself having
no notion of a row index
RV does need to know about its own row indexes. But if RV is implemented, and simply handed data at whatever event interval (i.e. pagination) from a "parent"... it is possible to use RV w/o it having an understanding of the parent's row index being used
to get rowdata
You could think of your paginated app as the parent. The dataGrid component as the child. The state/render cycle in your parent React app just needs to re-render the dataGrid (and it's scroller) at the spot the user will find intuitive in relation to your data "pages".
I've been modeling a similar solution with a different "dataGrid" component, and following various mindshare on the issue. At the risk of [more] tl;dr, my current technique is like this:
feed a total rowcount to the dataGrid component, so it sets up as if I'm going to give it the whole api in one un-paginated shot
feed only the data from the currently available data page (say 500 records)
dataGrid's onScroll event calculates a conditional threshold for me to cross (scrollTop, etc.) indicating that the list has scrolled to the top or bottom row of the current page as my parent application understands it
onScroll calculates rows and pages, gets new data, and sets new state
new state has the same huge rowcount, but along with different data rows from a API call
use should/did update lifecycles in React to:
"scrollTo" and reposition the component grid to whichever row my
parent understands as the top of right "page", and
(warning... prototype) I concatenate my paged data array with padding (cringe) like [...Array({#ofRows*#ofpages})].concat(newData), so that the child component leaves the drag handle where the user expects just before I render. Ultimately, I am hoping this will be done by adjusting the height of the top or bottom-most divs in my list to compensate for the intended scrollbar position, but it's an evolving work in its priorities.
I've also maybe found a macrocosm of the same issues in my own pagination that the windowing libraries solve with over-scanning rows. It seems I must "overscan" in my API calls, so that I have a buffer outside the windowing component's own top/botom. This may well go away with better logic in the end. Fingers crossed.
References I am finding helpful:
Some more history for the discussion using this library is here.
Also, react-window-paginated looks to have solved the basics of the problem your comments describe using the newer react-window lib. This solution is very compelling to me as a code design of where I might end up in my final composition. RW doesn't leave you with RV's feature set, though, but it's easily extendable and maybe easier to start here if you don't need tons of RV features out of the gate.
If you were to tackle the pagination solution in RV, this might stimulate a prototype, though it does not solve the API pagination or mapping/threading issue itself.
Here is a question that has me awake for a number of days now. The only conclusion I came up so far is that Red Bull does not usually help coders.
I have a scenario in my application where I have a couple of jobs (1 to 50). The job has an address and I have the following properties of an address: Postcode, Latitude, and Longitude.
I have a table of workers also and they too have addresses. While the jobs or workers are created through screens, I use Google Map queries to make sure the provided Postcode is valid and is in UK so all the addresses are verified.
I am using a scheduler control to display some workers on y-axis and a timeline on x-axis. Every job has a date and can only move vertically on the scheduler on the job’s date. The user selects a number of jobs and they are displayed in a basket close to the scheduler. The user can then drag and drop job against workers. All this is manual so it works.
My task is to automate this so that the user does not do much except just verifying and allotting the jobs. Therefore, I have to automate the process.
Every worker has a property called WillingMaximumDistanceTravel which is an integer representing miles, the worker is willing to travel for a job.
Now here is the headache: I have over 1500 workers. I have a utility function that uses Newtonsoft’s Json Convert to de-serialize a stream of response from Google Maps. I need to feed it Postcode A and B.
I also plan to introduce a new table to DB to store the distance finds as Postcode A, Postcode B, and Distance. Therefore, if I find myself comparing the same postcodes again, I will just retrieve the result from DB instead and slowly and eventually, I would no longer require bothering Google anymore as this table would be very comprehensive.
I cannot use the simple Haversine formula, as Crow-fly path is not my requirement here. The pain in this is that it takes a lot of time to calculate. Some workers can travel over 10 miles while some vary from 15 to 80. I have to take the first job from the list and run it with every applicable worker o the system! I was wondering that the UK postcode has a pattern to it. If we sort a list of UK postcodes, can we rough-estimate, from the alphanumeric pattern, where will we hit a 100-mile mark, a 200-mile mark and so on?
If anyone is interested in the code, please drop a line and I will paste it.
(I work for Google, but I'm not speaking on behalf of Google. I have nothing to do with the maps API.)
I suspect this isn't a great situation for using the Google Maps API, simply because you're pushing so much data through. You really don't want to make that many requests, even if you could do so under the directions limits.
When I tackled something similar in a previous job, we bought into a locally-hosted maps API - but even that wasn't fast enough for this sort of work. We ended up precomputing the time to travel from the centroid of each postcode "area" (probably the wrong name for it, but the first part of the postcode followed by the first digit of the remainder, e.g. "SW1W 9" for "SW1W 9TQ") to every other area, storing the result in a giant table. I think we only did it for postcodes which were within 100 miles or something similar, to cut down on the amount of preprocessing.
Even then, a simple DB wasn't quite as fast as we wanted - so we stored the results in a giant file, with a single byte per source/destination pair. (We had a fixed sequence of source postcodes and target postcodes, so we didn't need to specify those.) At that point, computing a travel time consisted of:
Work out postcode areas (substring work)
Find the index of each postcode area within the sequence
Check if we'd loaded that part of the file (we lazy loaded for startup speed)
Load the row if necessary, and just access it otherwise
The bytes were on a sliding scale of accuracy, so for the first 60 minutes it was on a per-minute basis, then each extra value meant an extra 2 minutes, then 5 etc. (Those aren't the exact values, but it was something like that.)
When you've worked out "good candidates" you can ask an on-site API or the Google Maps API for more accurate directions for your exact postcodes, of course.
You want to look for a spatial-index or a space-filling-curve. A spatial index reduce the 2d problem to a 1d problem and recursivley subdivide the surface into smaller tiles but it is basically a reordering of the tiles. You can subdivide the surface either with an index or a string using 4 characters. The latter one can be useful to you because it let you query the string with all string operation hidden in the database engine. You want to look for Nick's spatial index quadtree hilbert-curve blog.