NSIS Script: Shortcuts of a Silent Install are not showing up - nsis

I got an NSIS script which starts a silent installer. In this silent installer, I create shortcuts using CreateShortcut. Unfortunately those shortcuts are not showing up in the Start Menu.
My workaround is to explicitly create those shortcuts but that leads to duplicated logic, which I'm not a fan of. Any ideas?

Where did you put the logic that creates the shortcuts? Only .onInit and Section's are executed when a installer is silent.
Could you be creating the shortcuts for the wrong user? On Vista+ if you elevate with a different user, $SMPrograms is going to resolve to their start menu...


How to make uninstallation work by right clicking app icon from start menu [duplicate]

I created an install file with Inno Setup 5.5.9 that I then ran on a Windows 10 machine. My only problem has to do with uninstalling the program. I can use the Control Panel just fine to uninstall. But in the Start menu, when I right click on the shortcut that launches my program, there is no option in the context menu to Uninstall. Other programs do have this option.
Is this a Windows 10 thing that I can't get around?
Does the program need to be installed under Program Files or Program Files (x86)?
Or is there a change I can make to my Inno script to have the uninstall option show up?
I'm a standard user on the Windows 10 machine, and therefore installed the program without administrative privileges. Does that have anything to do with it?
Only "Windows apps" (aka Universal Windows Platform [UWP] apps, Windows Store apps and Metro-style apps) have working "Uninstall" command.
Classic "Desktop apps", like those installed with Inno Setup, do not. Their Uninstall command only opens "Program and Features" Control Panel. Check other major desktop apps, like Microsoft Visual Studio or Google Chrome. Their "Uninstall" command behaves the same. And they are definitely not packaged by Inno Setup.
You would have to re-package your desktop app to turn it to "Windows app", instead of using Inno Setup.
I had the same problem.
In my case sometimes only the uninstall shortcut in windows start menu disappers.
I somehow fixed it.
Just use in Icons-section the command to create this shortcut twice. Their names need to differ.
For example:
Name: "{group}\{#Uninstall_Name} {#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}";IconFilename: {app}\{#IconFileStartDesktop};
Name: "{group}\{#MyAppName} {#Uninstall_Name}"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}" ;IconFilename: {app}\{#IconFileStartDesktop};
If the first uninstall-shorcut does not show up, the second one enter code here will to it.

Uninstall file in Start Menu applications list isn't always shown

After installing the application, the installer and uninstaller files are properly saved in the "install application folder" and in the "Start menu application folder" rispectively.
For example:
- "install application folder" = "C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\"
- "Start menu application folder" = "C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\"
Sometimes, though, the uninstaller file is not displayed into the application folder of the Start Menu Installed Applications List (list of installed Applications displayed on the left by pressing the Windows keyboard key).
Unfortunately I can't reproduce the problem. It doesn't appears each time I launch the Installer and I couldn't understand under which circumstances it appears.
Is there a possibility it can be solved by forcing a refresh of the Start Menu Installed Applications List? if this is the case, how can do it?
Thanks in advance to everyone for the possible help
EDIT: no solution but a workaround found here Inno Setup Start menu uninstall shortcut is not shown on Windows 10 2nd answer
Windows 8 and 10 hides shortcuts to uninstallers and help files on purpose, this is by design.
The Windows logo requirements says that you should only provide a single shortcut to your main application in the start menu. Only create multiple shortcuts if you have a suite of applications (like MS Office etc.). These guidelines have been in place for at least 20 years!

msi silent installation. There is still dialog UI appears after the installation

I use silent installation for msi product using command line. When the installation finishes, there is an information wizard dialog appearing. My problem is why does that dialog appear even though I used silent installation command. The silent installation in my case handles only the next button prompts. Is there someway to also handle the last information dialog that appears after installation. the command I used for this is (msiexec /i Product.msi /qn )
If you ran the msi with /qn and still saw a dialog appear then the UI isn't coming from MSI it's coming from a custom action. It is a violation of best practices to author UI to appear in a silent installation but odds are the person who wrote the MSI doesn't know that and didn't test the silent install.
The only thing you can do is examine the MSI using ORCA and create a transform to eliminate the custom action. I can't tell you exactly how to do that because I would need to look at the exact MSI to know what needs to be changed.

Completely silent mode for Installscript installation

I have an installscript projects which accepts some prefined command line arguments. Depending upon the arguments passed to it, certain features are selected and installation is performed.
I want this installation to be without any User interaction, even the dialogs should not be visible on the screen like we have /qn mode for msi installation.
How can I achieve it for installscript project.
You can construct a command line based on the information found here: Installshield Setup.exe Command line settings.
Some Installshield Installscript setups need a response file created to run silently, and even then there might be cases where it doesn't run entirely silently. This is just how this project type works. Response files are created by running Setup.exe with the /r option.
More information here.

How to make an Exe Run as admin

I have a small application whose exe has to be worked in windows server 2008.
But in Win Server 2k8 it works properly only if the Option Run as administrator is selected, even if the user have admin previlege.
By selecting the property of that file to always run as admin, in the compatiblity tab will solve the issue.
But i have to enable this property while it installs.
And I am building the installer in Installshield 2009.
My question is how to enable this property from the installsield.
How can I make the Exe alwas run as admin.
Any one pleeasse hellpp......
Thanks In Advance..
If your exe always requires administrative privileges, you should build it with a manifest that specifies requireAdministrator. If it only requires administrative privileges sometimes, it should probably launch itself with ShellExecute using the verb "runas". In neither case should you rely on the shortcut option.
