Best way to do a pagination on front end - pagination

I have a table that has a data for 30-60 rows. I would like to paginate this on front end. Basically something like:
First 1 2 3 4(<current) 5 6 .. 15(<last page) Last
jQuery would be the weapon for this I believe. Any good tutorials/advices how to do this? What to remember etc.

If you want to do everything on the client side, this plugin should do the trick very well:

In angularJs, you may follow this approach as we do in Oodles Technologies,
Assume that their are 3000-4000 enties that you need to show with UI-select directive. usually if you bind more than 500 entries in select box or UI-select the website will get stucked for some time if you click on the select box or UI-select ,so how to solve this problem ?
Inorder to solve this problem you to two things:-
1. limitTo filter
2. A directive that alert controller that user has reached the bottom of list
Pagination in Ui select
<ui-select ng-model="education.clg" name="clg" theme="select2" append-to-body="true" sortable="true" >
<ui-select-match placeholder="Select institution/university">{{$}}</ui-select-match>
<ui-select-choices repeat="college in colleges | propsFilter: {name: $} >
<div ng-bind-html=" | highlight: $"></div>
Now add limitTo filter in "ui-select-choices"
Now Create a directive that determine that user has reached down of list.
angular.module('app',[]).directive('scrollDetector', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var raw = element[0];
element.bind('scroll', function () {
if (raw.scrollTop + raw.offsetHeight >= raw.scrollHeight) {
console.log("end of list");
Lets use the above directive in ui-select. add scroll-detector=loadMore() in directive
<ui-select-choices repeat="college in colleges | propsFilter: {name: $} >
<div ng-bind-html=" | highlight: $" | limitTo:currentElement" scroll-detector="loadMore()"> </div>
Now initialize currentElement in controller
Add loadMore() function in same controller
This will increment by 20 when user reach bottom of list. if you want to reset currrent element back to 20 if user click out side ui-select just use the below line to reset it back.
var myDiv=angular.element(document.querySelector('#myDiv'));{
// reset back to 20
Hope it helps


kendo ui angular grid - how to leave row when user hits enter key instead of clicking off of row

Ive got a working grid, using in-line editing thanks to this example
What I need to do now, is force the saving upon a user hitting the enter key, instead of clicking away onto another row or away from the current row. I suppose I could add a "save" button in the header?
You could probably use cellClose event in your html (cellClose)="cellCloseHandler($event)" - API Documentation
You could then write your own code (in typescript) in cellCloseHandler() to modify and save the updated items accordingly.
From Kendo UI for Angular Documentation:
In-Cell Editing
You could capture the Enter key hits and force executing cellCloseHandler() like that:
#HostListener('keydown', ['$event'])
public keydown(event: any): void {
console.log("keydown event", event);
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
Similar to Giannis answer but with small modifications:
Add keydown event to kendo-grid tag.
Call grid.closeCell() instead of calling the closeHander directly.
<kendo-grid #grid
[data]="data$ | async"
(keydown)="onKeydown(grid, $event)"
onKeydown(grid: GridComponent, e: KeyboardEvent) {
if (e.key === 'Enter') {
cellCloseHandler(args: CellCloseEvent) {
const { formGroup, dataItem } = args;
// save to backend etc
Calling grid.closeCell(); will make the grid to call cellCloseHandler
You dont have to implement a HostListener for Keydown by yourself. If you set the input navigable to true, the cellClose event will get triggered when pressing Enter while editing a cell or row. This way you get the data of the row in your cellCloseHandler aswell for saving it.
<kendo-grid [navigable]="true" (cellClose)="cellCloseHandler($event)"></kendo-grid>

Populating a dropdown based on selection in another dropdown in ASP.NET MVC 5

hoping someone can point out where I am going wrong. I am working on an MVC 5 ASP.NET application. In my View I have a form which, amongst other controls, has 2 dropdown boxes.The first dropdown is populated with values in the Viewbag, but I want to populate the second dropdown based on the value selected in the first dropdown. I've read lots of other posts but still can't work it out.
Here is the code for the dropdowns.
#Html.DropDownList("EquipmentPortList", new SelectList(ViewBag.EquipmentPortList, "hvid", "hvnamn"), "--Select Equipment--")
#Html.DropDownList("PortConnectedList", Enumerable.Empty<SelectListItem>(), "--Select Port--")
Here is the change event code for the first dropdown :-
$(document).on('change', '#EquipmentPortList', function () {
var url = '#Url.Action("GetPortInt", "bearers")';
var ports = $('#PortConnectedList');
var id = $(this).val();
$.getJSON(url, { portid: id }, function (response) {
$.each(response, function (index, item) {
Here is the method in the controller :-
public ActionResult GetPortInt(int portid)
var PortConnectedList = from h in nadb.hvportar
where h.porthvid == portid && (h.portnamn.Contains("NT") || (h.portnamn.Contains("Port")) || (h.portnamn.Contains("/")))
orderby h.portid
select new { h.portid, h.portnamn };
return Json(PortConnectedList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
OK, so the first dropdown populates correctly, and when I select a value I can see (using alerts) that the change event fires and the value is correctly selected.
I can see with the use of a breakpoint that the method is triggered and returns the correct data from the database, but after that I don't know what is wrong as the dropdown does not populate.
I picked up the code change event code from another post and amended it to fit my own project but I can't see what I'm missing. Thanks.
Stephen, your DotnetFiddle link actually showed me the answer. This line :-
Should read
Once I changed that it worked. Many thanks.

Pagination with Keypress (right arrow key)

I am facing an issue in pagination counter, I am using yii2 pagination, on keypress it is going to another page i.e http://localhost/web/index.php?r=test/page=1
so I need to increment the page value in the upper url
I am already doing like this but it is not working, the value is increment only once, and I need to increment the value for every page
<script type="text/javascript">
var val = 1;
$(document).keydown(function (event) {
if (event.keyCode == '39') {
window.location.href = "localhost/web/index.php?r=test/page="+ val;
please give some suggestions, thanks a lot.
Looks like you're defining the page number (val) as 1 on every page so when you click the right arrow it sends you to page 2 every time. You'll need to first get the query parameter page to decide the value of val. Here's an example of getting query parameters with vanilla javascript How can I get query string values in JavaScript?.
You're also incrementing the page count on any button press, that looks like it should be within the right arrow keyCode condition.
Of course this won't work because you assign "1" to "val". So after keydown, "val" should always be "2". You need to store the page number somewhere else, for example, get it from url;
var pageNumber = getParameter('page');
$('document').on('keydown', function(event){
if(event.keyCode === 39) && window.location.href = ......

How to display standby dialog in XPages view when expanding a section

In my XPages application I am using the xe:dynamicViewPanel control and would like to add a standby/wait dialog/popup when a section is being expanded by the user (click on the expand-icon to open the section).
Sometimes the view index is not up-to-date and opening a category holding a lot of documents will last a while, in the meantime I want to display some "loading dialog" (which I already have, so, no need to explain how to do this).
My problem is, that I can not find any event or entry point where to start from.
Thank you all !
You can try code from this link:
If you want to show stanby dialog on the current section, replace the 79 line
var forms=dojo.body()
with some other container. For example, a partial refresh element
var forms = dojo.byId(refreshId)
In this case you need to replace lines 75 and 140 to pass the id parameter
function StandbyDialog_Started(refreshId) {
if(this.StandbyDialog_Obj==null) {
var forms= (refreshId)?dojo.byId(refreshId):dojo.body();
this.StandbyDialog_Obj = new dojox.widget.Standby({
target: forms,
zIndex: 10000
dojo.subscribe( 'partialrefresh-start', null, function( method, form, refreshId ){
I didn't test it, but I hope it can help you to go further.

click to replace value, shift + click to append value using jquery

I have a list with items.
When I click any of these items, I copy its id-value into a form text-field.
Everytime I click, it replaces the value, which is correct by default. But what I would like to add, is a way for the user to hold down a key on their keyboard, and when they then click, they just .append whatever they just clicked into the same form field.
Here's my jQuery-code I'm using for the first/default scenario:
$('ul#filter-results li').click(function(){
var from = $(this).attr('id'); // get the list ID and
$('input#search').val(from+' ').keyup(); // insert into text-field then trigger the search and
$('input#search').focus(); // make sure the field is focused so the user can start typing immediately
Is there a way to implement some sort of keyboard key-listener?
Something like:
if (e.shiftKey){
.append('this text instead')
haven't tried out to see if shiftKey is even any valid name here
shiftKey is of one of the properties of the event object and is valid to be used. try this:
$(document).on('keyup click', function(e){
if (e.shiftKey) {
$('ul#filter-results').on('click', 'li', function(e) {
if(e.shiftKey) {
do something;
} else {
do something else;
There is a jQuery plugin for extended click.
You could try that or see how they have done it and implement it yourself.
ExtendedClick plugin
Hope this helps.
This is what I ended up with:
I switched over to altKey because shiftKey marked a lot of text when I clicked.
Didn't do anything besides it doesn't look good...
$('ul#filter-results li').click(function(e){
var text = $(this).attr('id'); // get the ID
var input = $('#search'); // form field to insert text into
if (e.altKey){ input.val(input.val()+', '+text+' ').keyup(); } // fetch whatever is already there, and add some more
else { input.val(text+' ').keyup(); } // just replace whatever is already there
Thanks for good suggestions...
