I update kohana 3.0.5->3.1.1 error - kohana-3

I followed the example http://www.dealtaker.com/blog/2010/02/25/kohana-php-3-0-ko3-tutorial-part-5/
I get the following error:
ErrorException [ Notice ]: Undefined property:Response::$response.
APPPATH\views\pages\hmvc.php [ 2 ].
I don’t know how to fix it. Can you offer any suggestions?

In Ko3.1 execute() method returns Response object. You must use echo Request::factory('posts/getposts')->execute()->body() or just echo Request::factory('posts/getposts')->execute().
Follow this tutorial to upgrade your Kohana app.


What's the normal procedure for finding the name of the necessary ESLint package based on the config name given in the error message?

I was just struggling with the error below in my IDE for a frustratingly-long time:
ESLint: Error: Failed to load config "#vue/typescript" to extend from.
After a lot of Googling and running commands I found online, I eventually found that what (seemed to) fix the problem was running this:
yarn add -D #vue/eslint-config-typescript
My question is: How was I supposed to figure that out? Is there some website or service or something where I could have searched for #vue/typescript and found out that the package I needed to install was #vue/eslint-config-typescript?
Ok, I figured it out: in the ESLint docs, it says that basically that the part after the forward-slash should be understood to always start with eslint-plugin:
They show the following examples:
"plugins": [
"jquery", // means eslint-plugin-jquery
"#jquery/jquery", // means #jquery/eslint-plugin-jquery
"#foobar" // means #foobar/eslint-plugin

"Buffer2 is undefined" Error when using userbase-js with SvelteKit/Vite

I get this error when importing userbase-js into a svelte file. First I tried to use it via a script tag but then I got the error window is undefined when declaring let userbase = window.userbase. I thought it would probably be better anyway to use it via the npm package. But how to I fix this error?
Full error message:
Buffer2 is undefined

Error loading getstream with php

I have followed the instructions in the documentation of getstream.io but i am still getting this error.
Warning: require_once(C:\xampp\htdocs\getstreamtest/vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\getstreamtest\test.php on line 3
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'C:\xampp\htdocs\getstreamtest/vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\getstreamtest\test.php on line 3
I have included the current version of getstream. And according to the brief documentation, that should be enough. It says "Composer will take care of the autoloading for you, so if you require the vendor/autoload.php, you're good to go."
"require": {
"get-stream/stream": "2.2.9"
It's not working. Any solution to this?
I wasn't able to install composer.But this solved the problem
"config": {
"secure-http": false

Nodejs Stormpath authentication error

I'm following this tutorial to understand the basics of stormpath: https://stormpath.com/blog/build-nodejs-express-stormpath-app/
I've followed exact steps but after login I get the following error
TypeError: Cannot read property 'href' of undefined at
Application.authenticateApplicationAccount [as authenticateAccount]
at forms.loginForm.handle.success
at C:\work\nodejs\node_modules\forms\lib\forms.js:94:63 at
C:\work\nodejs\node_modules\forms\lib\forms.js:55:21 at done
at C:\work\nodejs\node_modules\forms\lib\forms.js:52:25 at
C:\work\nodejs\node_modules\forms\lib\fields.js:58:21 at
at Object.b.validate
What am I doing wrong?
Edit: Turns out I had access issues on my mac and some modules were not installed properly. This issue has been resolved. How do I close the thread?

Using object in views in Kohana 3.0

I am upgrading a project from Kohana 2 to Kohana 3.
In the Kohana 2 version, in the view file, it is written:
if ($this->uri->segment('page'))
if ($this->uri->segment(5))
In Kohana 3, I changed this to
if ($this->request->param('page'))
if ($this->request->param('param5'))
but it's giving the following error message.
ErrorException [ Fatal Error ]: Using $this when not in object context
How should I resolve this?
Use Request::current()->param();. Refer to Upgrading from 2.x for further details.
