riak search result excerpt - search

Doeas anybody know if riaksearch has the ability to generate excerpt with highlight points in it similar to lucene does?

Riak Search doesn't expose this functionality out of the box, but with a little work you can create a rough approximation.
Riak Search allows you to feed search results into a MapReduce job. If you do this, then your Map or Reduce function will also get a list of token positions in the document that matched the query (this is exposed as keydata, http://www.basho.com/search.php?q=keydata). Using these positions, you can write code to mark up the document or excerpt portions of text.

I think this functionality will hardly ever be implemented in Riak since it's philisophy implies that it doesn't care about what exactly is stored in the values and therefore does not process them in any meaningful way except providing some metadata like indices.


How to create a partial search in Meteor that only returns permitted data

I'm trying to create a search feature in Meteor 1.8.1 that does the following:
returns partial matches, e.g. "fish" will find "fish", "fishcake" and "dogfish"
has server-side control of which documents are returned, so search results don't include documents that are not published to the user
is reasonably efficient
returns a limited number of results
This seems like it should be a common requirement, but I'm failing to find any solution.
MongoDB full text search will only return on whole words, so will only find "fish".
Easy search doesn't support server-side permissions, as far as I can tell.
I could try a regex solution but I think it would be expensive?
Thank you for any solutions!
Edit: From discussion it seems that Easy Search does support server-side filtering using a selector, and this would be the best solution. However, I can't get a selector working from the examples and documentation. For clarity, I've created a new question for that issue
The documentation explicitly states that for advanced use cases you may want to use elastic search and offers you a pluggable extension to ease the burden of integration.
You might wish that a search for cafe returns documents with the text café in them (special character). Or that your search string is split up by whitespace and those terms used to search across multiple fields.
You should consider using a search engine like ElasticSearch for your search if you have these usecases. ElasticSearch allows you to configure precisely how your fields are being searched. One way you can do that is by analyzing your data, so that searching itself is as fast as possible.

CouchDB query for more dynamic values

I have more "Location documents" in my couchdb with longitude and latitude fields. How to find all location documents in database which distance to provided latitude and longitude is less than provided distance.
There is a way how to achieve it using vanilla CouchDB, but it‘s bit tricky.
You can use the fact you can apply two map functions during one request. Second map function can be created using list mechanics.
Lists are not very efficient from computational side, they can‘t cache results as views. But they have one unique feature – you can pass several arguments into list. Moreover, one of your arguments can be, for example, JS code, that is eval-ed inside list function (risky!).
So entire scheme looks like this:
Make view, that performs coarse search
Make list, that receives custom params and refines data set
Make client-side API to ease up querying this chain.
Can‘t provide exact code for your particular case, many details are not clear, but it seems that coarse search must group results to somehow linearly enumerated squares, and list perform more precise calculations.
Please note, that scheme might be inefficient for large datasets since it‘s computationally hungry.
Vanilla CouchDB isn't really built for geospacial queries.
Your best bet is to either use GeoCouch, CouchDB-Lucene or something similar.
Failing that, you could emit a Geohash from your map function, and do range queries over those.
Caveats apply. Queries around Geohash "fault lines" (equator, poles, longitude 180, etc) can give too many or too little results.
There are multiple JavaScript libraries that can help convert to/from Geohash, as well as help with some of those caveats.
CouchDB is not built for dynamic queries, so there is no good/fast way of implementing it in vanilla couchDB.
If you know beforehand which locations you want to calculate the distance from you could create a view for each location and call it with parameters ?startkey=0&endkey=max_distance
function(doc) {
function distance(...){ /* your function for calculating distance */ }
var NY = {lat:40,lon:73}
emit( distance(NY,doc), doc._id);
If you do not know the locations beforehand you could solve it by using a temporary view, but I would strongly advise against it since it's slow and should only be used for testing.

What indexer do I use to find the list in the collection that is most similar to my list?

Lets say I have my list of ingredients:
and I want to return lists from a database that are most similar to mine:
My query would return this first:
I've used Solr, and have looked at CloudSearch, ElasticSearch, Algolia, Searchify and Swiftype. These engines only seem to let me put in one query string and then filter by other facets.
In a real scenario my search list will be about 200 items long and will be matching against about a million lists in my database.
What technology should I use to accomplish what I want to do?
Should I look away from search indexers and more towards database-esque things like mongo, map reduce, hadoop... All I know are the names of other technologies and I just need someone to point me in the right direction on what technology path I should be exploring for this.
With so much data I can't really loop through it, I need to query everything at once.
I wonder what keeps you from trying it with Solr, as Solr provides much of what you need. You can declare the field as type="string" multiValued="true and save each list item as a value. Then, when querying, you specify each of the items in the list to look for as a search term for that field, and Solr will – by default – return the closest match.
If you need exact control over what will be regarded as a match (e.g. at least 40% of the terms from the search list have to be in a matching list) you can use the mm EDisMax parameter, cf. Solr Wiki
Having said that, I must add that I’ve never searched for 200 query terms (do I unerstand correctly that the list whose contents should be searched will contain about 200 items?) and do not know how well that performs. But I guess that setting up a test core and filling it with random lists using a script should not take more than a few hours, so it should be possible to evaluate the performance of this approach without investing too much time.

Solr - Enriching the TermsComponent answer

I'm using Solr 3.5.0 (with WebSphere Commerce). While performing a search, commerce use the suggestion tool to suggest (auto-complete) search terms regarding the letters already typed on the search box.
Currently WebSphere Commerce is using the Solr's TermsComponent. But one of my new requirement is to be abble to enrich the list of suggested terms.
Do you know is there is any way to do that by creating a plain text dictionary, using an other solr component, ... ?
Thanks for reading,
and for your help.
I think a plain-text dictionary probably wouldn't be a usable data source (even if you could use it, search linearly through a plain-text file would probably be too slow). If you create an index from you dictionary, you could probably incorporate it in the TermsComponent as a shard (see the TermsComponent documentation, under the heading "Distributed Search Support").
I don't believe TermsComponent supports searching multiple fields, so you'll want to make sure the same field name is used for the terms in the dictionary that you want to use (that is, if you are looking at the "name" field in the index, then create a "name" field in your indexed dictionary as well, rather than a "dictionaryentry" field)
Just to my mind, though, I fail to understand what the value this would be. Generally, it's intended to look at the terms available in the index on that field. "Enriching" it with more data, would just be providing suggestions that it won't actually be able to find when searching. Of course, I don't really know about your search implementation, but in most cases, that would certainly be my thought.

Cocuhdb a fit for a query like this?

I have been looking for an escape from GAE as the datastore does not support a lot of the things I want to do with it.
So I have looked at CouchDB (among others) and I really like the REST interface and the hosting option I found at Cloudant.
But for all my googling and reading any docs I could find, I still am not sure if it is a good fit.
So I come here in the hope that someone might have more insight.
I write web apps and a lot of the projects I want to do will involve a query that looks like this:
Find all entries that are within a user-input-lat/long bounding box and where start-time is less than user-input-time-1 and end-time is greater than user-input-time-2 and has all tags in user-input-list-of-tags.
Thats not even pseudocode, but I hope it makes sense anyway.
I am not just looking for a "You cannot do that in CouchDB". Some kind of explanation and perhaps something like "If you can live without the tags then you can do this:"
I would like to use the Cloudant service so GeoCouch is apparently out of the question, but they do something that should work like lucene, but does that mean the queries are slow?
As you can tell, I am a bit confused here, so just do your best to straighten me out and I'll be greatfull :)
Not mentioning the tags (which in itself is already a problem), what you describe is a multi-dimensional query : you have several "coordinates" (lat, long, start-time, end-time) and provide a range for each of these coordinates.
On its own, CouchDB cannot perform multi-dimensional queries at all — you only get single-dimension queries across one coordinate.
Tags certainly are possible, but it depends on whether you need documents that have at least one tag in the list, or documents that have all tags in the list. The first case is easy (run one query per tag using the bulk API), the second might require excessive amounts of memory (if a document has N tags, it needs to emit 2N-1 tag-sets in order to match all possible tag combinations involving it, so you should place an upper bound on either the number of tags in a document, or the number of tags in a query).
Lucene does allow multi-dimensional and keyword-based queries, though I cannot vouch for their performance.
