.htaccess solution for localhost - .htaccess

I am developing local websites and keep having problems with wordpress sites when they use relative links such as:
<a href="/wp-content/themes/mytheme/myfile.php">
This resolves to my localhost document root (htdocs) instead of the root of the job (htdocs/myjob).
Is it possible to use an .htaccess file in the root of the job (htdocs/myjob) folder to "fix" this behaviour? Or is it possible to put this htaccess file in htdocs, check the HTTP_REFERER, and send the browser to the correct site root?
Can you show me an example of the rewrite rule needed?
Any other suggestions would be welcome too.

In fact you mean absolute links. Relative links are what you want.
You should be able to configure the root directory in your Wordpress setup: this would be the correct approach.


Apache Map All Paths to Root Without Redirect

I want Apache to blindly give the root website directory the full URL without a concern for the path. Reason being I have an Angular app that handles routing and it's at the root directory.
I've tried stuff like this:
AliasMatch ^/(.+) /var/www/html/mywebsite.com
But it always results in an infinite loop.
Essentially, I just want to disable path-directory resolution.
EDIT: I should also clarify that I have multiple sites hosted on the same machine and still want that to function. I just don't want directory routing from within a single website.
I figured out how to accomplish what I want while also having the neat side effect of allowing me to still have assets that can be reached through directory navigation:
FallbackResource /
Will use the root directory without changing the URL when no such directory the path specifies exists.

mysite.com/new redirects to mysite.com

I just rebuilt my site to be responsive with Gantry 5 and Joomla. built in inmotion hosting server. moved it into a sub domain on my real sites server, www.umiultrasound.com/new. when i try to access the site to test it redirects to www.umiultrasound.com.
I have discussed this with my host, they say i have a wildcard redirect- i don't. they say to check my .htaccess file. i did but i do not see where i am redirecting / or www.mysite.com to itself.
they then recommended that i read one of your forum results. the one they sent didn't apply to me. hoping you can help
Check for any RewriteBase command in .htaccess. You could also temporarily copy the standard htaccess.txt over .htaccess to see if this makes any difference (backup .htaccess to .htaccess.old or similar first).
Also check your configuration.php file to see if the live_site parameter has been set.

Is it possible using .htaccess file to keep / and all links in a subfolder?

I have a website example.com with a subdirectory of example.com/admin/, I want to put a .htaccess file in my /admin/ directory so that if I create a link like this Home that it will stay in example.com/admin/ and not go to example.com/.
I know I could just do Home, but want an over all solution where I don't have to do that to all links, encase at a later time I decided to rename the /admin/ directory.
You can not do that with .htaccess. Because it is not on the server that it happens, but in the browser.
But it is possible to redirect some pages, If it is possible to recognize them, for example by name.
You can redirect all admin-xxxx.html pages to admin/admin-xxxx.html

Making the Document Root dynamic

I have been searching and looking for the answer to this for SO long now without any joy, I hope someone can help.
Okay I have a web structure of:
Main folder - This is where you first land prior to logging in. After you log in you will be either directed to a number of websites that are resident in a sub-folder called websites. The problem I have is that I would like the document root, say the $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] variable, to default to the root of the website folder that it has been directed to. You see I have a lot of $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] in my php code and I use the '/' slash a lot in the href on my HTML tags.
I have seen that I could accomplish this by adding a .htaccess in the root of eiach website folder but 1, would like work for my situation and 2, could anyone please help me with the code. I understand I can use the RewriteRule command but I can't get my head around it. My folder stricture is like this:
login (index.html)
websites folder
website1 (index.html)
website2 (index.html)
website3 (index.html)
I have tried many versions of using RewriteCond etc but non of them work.
If anyone can help me out here I'd be very grateful.
Nothing you can do in your htaccess file that's going to be able to change the document root. One thing that you can do is create separate domains that you can make their document roots point to each of the websites folders. Then proxy to one of those domains.
That way the URL on the browser doesn't change domain names, and internally, you're proxying requests back to yourself and the individual website domains will each have their own document root.

Changing Outgoing Links via HtAccess but with exceptions

Hi there on my site i link to a site that has changed the url of the site but uses the original domain to host the images. Is this possible to catch the links via htaccess but no change any of that domain with an image file detected?
So change outgoing link from www.oldsite.com to www.newsite.com but if images detected leave oldsite.com url.
I have too many links to change manually, is this even possible ?
It can't be done using .htaccess . .htaccess is directory level Apache configuration file!
