Make installshield merge module installation path configurable for user - installshield

I have 2 custom installshield merge modules. I am using these merge modules inside a installshield project. Now I want when user run main installshield package then he should be able to select the installation path of 2 merge modules him self. Is it possible in installshield merge module?

You need to create 2 features in the installshield project, with 1 merge module in each feature. Then make sure the Custom Destination dialog is in your sequence, so the user can select the install path for each feature.


Verify file version within installshield during build

This may be a very simple question but I couldn't find a solution. What I am trying to achieve is verify the file version of the files to be deployed within InstallShield. If the version does not matches with a given version number, the InstallShield project will fail to build. Btw, the file version will be supplied from external source.
You could do this as a prebuild or postbuild step. For prebuild you would reflect the ISM's File table and ISPathVariable tables to determine the files InstallShield is pickign up and then check the version on those files against your external source.
For postbuild you'd reflect the MSI's File table and compare the FileVersion column to your external source. Or, perform an admin install to extract the MSI to a directory and then reflect that structure and compare to your external source.
It's an unusual request though... in all my years I haven't needed to do this.

Orchard CMS - Multiple Module Directories

Is it possible to configure multiple root Module directories in Orchard? My use case is that I want to keep my custom modules completely separate from the GIT clone of the orchard repository and to make it easier to pull down the latest orchard changes without having my customizations in the mix.
One solution for this problem that I often use is to store the modules in separate repositories and create hardlinks in the Orchard's Modules folder. For example, if you store your module's code in C:\Modules\MyModule and you want to use this with an Orchard enlistment in C:\Orchard, then you can create a hardlink (using mklink command in cmd.exe) in C:\Orchard\src\Orchard.Web\Modules which points to C:\Modules\MyModule. You can then use the module's code as if it was located directly in the Modules folder. You can even easily modify the code in the Modules folder and then commit the changes from C:\Modules\MyModule.
Here is an example of a script which creates such links:
This is currently not supported but most possibly will in the next major version of Orchard since there is an open PR for it:

TFS copy build output to source control

I have been working with a TFS project that supports copying build output to source control. If I open the build definition, this is under "Build Defaults". There is an option to copy build output to a source control folder.
I have just installed TFS Server 2013 (with update 2) and I want to use this feature with a new Team Project. However, if I create new build in VS 2012 or VS 2013 on the new server, I am not given the option to copy build output to source control. What gives?
I am not looking for a workaround, I want to know what to change so that my server acts like the first one I described. Thanks!
Screenshots of what I'm talking about:
This was a feature that was temporarily present in TFS, but I believe has since been removed. If I recall it was put in there specifically to support the cloud-hosted elastic build servers which didn't have access to network shares to drop the builds in.
Most people recommend against putting your build outputs into TFS. The best approach is to publish them to a NuGet feed.
In any case if you want to put your build outputs into TFS (or a NuGet feed) you'll have to modify the build workflow to do that yourself.
Open a new build definition > process.
Under template select new and you should be able to choose project and folder. Find your original template and link it. Your option should appear.
In TFS 2013 this has changed to be "store drops in TFS". When you select this option the drop I'd stored in a new inversioned store that you can access.
While you can easily get the files out as indecision or zips the built in tools like release management do not support it yet. I would recommend that you use this option but publish your assets to a nugget repository.
If your TFS is available online (VSO or https) then you can use MyGet to dynamically load the nugget packages that you are publish and make them available on a feed.

TFS 2012 - Referencing external projects by Label

Okay, I have a couple inquiries:
1 - Let's say I have a solution that references several external projects. I want to reference specific Labels (that represent stable versions) on those external projects. I know that you can do this by doing a Get Specific Version by Label on those projects. But once you've done that, is there a convenient way to do a Get on the whole solution, and have it preserve all of the specific versions?
Ultimately, I would like to do a single Get and have it get latest where that is applicable and get specific versions where that is applicable. It seems frustrating to have to do separate Gets on all the projects.
2 - Is it possible to build binaries from labels? When an external project is a stable version that isn't going to change, it makes sense to just reference the binary. When you create a label and build it, does it generate binaries in a specific location for that label that can be referenced?
On your first question: While TFS allows you to grab sources by Label, there is no way to setup a a workspace configuration that is bound to a specific Label or Changeset for a specific path. The only thing I can think of would be to create a batch file which fetches the latest version:
tf get $/Project/Sources /Version:T /recusive
tf get $/Project/ComponentA /version:LMyLabelName1 /recursive
tf get $/Project/ComponentB /version:LMyLabelName2 /recursive
The way forward to do this is to publish your external references to a NuGet repository (can be your own) and then configure NuGet to get a specific version. A CI build can publish a new version to your NuGet server. And you can setup your own server so that you don't need to publish all your binaries to a public server.
On your second question: yes you can build by label in the Queue Build screen you can setup the version to build which will be built:
You can specify a Changeset number (C######), Label (LLabelname) etc. Any version spec will do (see the commandline docs for a explanation on version specs).
By default, no easy referencable name is generated if you build by label. I suspect that some clever build customization will allow you to drop the build output in a predefined folder based on the label name, but there is no such out-of-the-box functionality. checking files in source control (into different projects) after building them

I have set up an automated build server - so far so good. Now I want to sort out dependencies. We have several DLL files that are included in many (unrelated) projects, and I want to set up CruiseControl.NET to first build our DLL files and then "check them in" other projects in SVN, so when they get built, they will always use the last version of DLL files.
Is something like that even possible? Is there a better way to keep dependencies sorted over several projects on many computers?
The way I do this is to have a project in cruise control for the common dll, it uses a source control trigger and builds whenever changes are checked in.
On the dependant project, I have the source control trigger, but also a project trigger so any checkin on the common.dll causes the common.dll to be rebuilt, which in turn triggers a build of the dependant project.
