I am currently working in iPhone application in which I have used wikitude api.
I am successfully integrate and run the app but my app is crash while adding poi over wikitude camera view. And my app throws exception of "CORE ANIMATION CALAYER NAN". I am getting this issue in iPhone 4.0.
Please try the new version of the Wikitude iPhone API which should fix the described issue. You can download it from http://www.wikitude.org/developers
Cheers, Nicolas
I have a fully designed and running a message extension on the MS-Teams Desktop app and iPhone app.
But when I am running on the same app on Android, it fails to load, after certain tries, it crashes the MS-Teams application.
Thanks for reporting this. We are able to repro this at our end and we are tracking it here: https://domoreexp.visualstudio.com/MSTeams/_workitems/edit/1472217
Please follow this issue for updates/progress/questions.
I’m facing a problem with my own developed plugin.
In fact, i developed a plugin using ionic, angularjs 1 and integrate it in a buildfire application. It’s working perfectly in android and in iOS versions that are below iOS 10.
The problem is that i need to tap twice on a link or on a button in order for the click to be executed.
Firstly i thought that this problem is coming from ionic, but once i generated my app as an ionic standalone app and tested it on a physical device all is was working perfectly even in iOS 10 and above.
The problem arise only when my plugin is running in a buildfire environment.
Do you have any idea of what is happening? could you please help me resolving this issue?
I don't know if it helps.
but Here is my home screen Code:
I'm using ui-sref to navigate between tabs, I tried ng-click but it doesn't work either. please note that everything works correctly on android and on ios versions below 10
<ion-tabs class="tabs-striped tabs-icon-top tabs-background-royal tabs-color-assertive tabs-fullwidth" tabs-wipable>
<ion-tab title="Cursuses" icon-off="ion-university" icon-on="ion-university" ui-sref="app.home.cursus" >
<ion-nav-view name="tab-cursus2"></ion-nav-view>
<ion-tab title="Soon" icon-off="ion-ios-list-outline" icon-on="ion-ios-list" ui-sref="app.home.soon" >
<ion-nav-view name="tab-planning3"></ion-nav-view>
I am trying to develop android and iOS application using xamarin.forms. And already completed the main part that includes Canvas drawing. For that, I have used Skiasharp, to perform operations on bitmap images.
Now, in android,
1. If I try to dispose bitmaps that I initialized before I get SIGSEGV fatal error. (I think this issue is not OS specific)
2. When I continuously run my app for 20-22 minutes, app crashes suddenly.
And in iOS,
my iphone gets hanged when I run my app for long time. And it doesn't start until I uninstall app from iFunBox in my pc.
I wanted to ask if there are ways in xamarin.forms or in native projects to find out where my memory is leaking.
How can I know how much memory of RAM is actually being used at the moment ?
Thank you
For Android, you can use the Android Debug Monitor tool. This is a tool that is installed as part of the Android SDK.
Below is the URL for more information:
For iOS, you can try to use the native XCode Instrument.
Below is the URL for more information:
Also, Below is a useful article that talk about Xamarin.Forms Memory management.
Hopefully it will be helpful.
We have a Xamarin.Forms app for iOS and Android that we have in the stores for some months now. We develop with VS 2017. For testing the iOS-version, we use TestFlight.
Everything worked pretty well, until mid-april when we wanted to test a new release via TestFlight:
We installed the iOS-App on our test devices via TestFlight, and now on our test devices the app closes down right after the splash screen without generating a crash report (we use HockeyApp).
The app works fine though on the iOS-simulator and when being published directly on a device (iPad) via VS.
We found out that the problem is the update of Xamarin.Forms from version to version or later.
We would like to use latest version of Xamarin.Forms. Does anyone have the same issue and did you find a solution?
We just found the solution for this problem:
We use a custom font for our app and changed the font of the navigation bar in the AppDelegate.FinishedLaunching method by using UINavigationBar.Appearance.SetTitleTextAttributes.
This caused the iOS version of our app to crash when distributing via TestFlight. We removed the code to change the font and now we can publish the app again.
I need to make sure that our iPhone App (implemented with Monotouch) will still be be working from the very first day that iOS 6 is released to the public.
I've installed XCode 4.5 and iOS 6 Beta 3 and upgraded Monotouch to the latest version. Then I ran my app in the iOS 6 emulator and the app crashed instantly with the following error message:
Terminating since there is no system event server.
(Run the EventPump or pass the argument "-RegisterForSystemEvents" if you want to run without SpringBoard.
I've tried googling for similar problems but could not find anything. What can I do to make my App run on iOS 6?
Details on iOS 6 and Xcode 4.5 are under NDA and won't be discussed publicly. Please either contact support#xamarin.com or fill private bug reports on http://bugzilla.xamarin.com