Remove auto generated j_id from composite components - jsf

I'm loving the jsf 2.0 composite component setup. One other thing I love is prependId="false" on forms. Is there an equivalent that can be defined in cc:interface or cc:implementation that will prevent jsf from creating a j_id to prepend to the ids defined within the composite component?

That's not possible. Just give the component a fixed id instead letting JSF autogenerate one. The same applies on forms by the way. This way you can still select them using CSS selectors.
Or better, just give them a styleClass so that you don't need to select by ID, for the case that this aversion was actually caused by inability to select components/elements by client ID (I don't see other feasible reasons).


How do I bind a composite component in JSF?

I have a composite component which is composed of other composite components. Now I would like to render only some of the child components within the parent component. From the Java EE tutorial I take it that I should probably bind my child components to some property of the backing bean for my parent component so that I can access their render attribute.
However, the NetBeans IDE does not know about a binding attribute for my composite components. So how am I supposed to do this?
Use case: The parent component is some wizard which should display only one of the child components at a time. Think of it as a poor man's tabbed view. I know there are libraries which provide ready-made components for this, but I do not want to add another dependency.
Netbeans is lying. That attribute is definitely supported on <ui:component>. Just use it and ignore the warning/error in the IDE. Or better, just use the rendered attribute; the need to conditionally render components is not a valid reason to prefer binding over rendered.

JSF Multiple components in grid

I am trying to get the reusable group of jsf 1.2 components inside a panelgrid using Facelet tag file. #Balusc's previous answer at How to make a grid of JSF composite component? was a fabulous resource. I have a couple of followup questions:
In my c:when how do I test for the tagName itself instead of checking for the attributes. Instead of
<c:when test="#{type != 'submit'}">
I want to check tagName itself to decide how to format it. If 'input' do xxx.
2 Is this approach is still valid with jsf 1.2 other than f:ajax? If yes, can I replace with a4j:support...?
In my c:when how do I test for the tagName itself instead of checking for the attributes.
I'm not sure how this question makes sense. It sounds like that you're approaching something not entirely right. Do you maybe have copypasted exactly the same piece of code over multiple tag files? You should not do that. Make it a reuseable <ui:composition> or maybe <ui:decoration> instead which you compose/decorate in every tag file along with a fixed and unique <ui:param> value depending on the taglib file.
Is this approach is still valid with jsf 1.2 other than f:ajax? If yes, can I replace with a4j:support...?
Being able to create tag files is not necessarily specific to JSF, but to the view technology used, which is in this case Facelets. You can even do similar stuff in its predecesor JSP, see also this answer for an example: JSF 1.2 custom component from jsp:include It should work just fine in every JSF version supporting the view technology in question.
As to ajax support, it doesn't matter to the tag file what you're all doing inside the tag file. If you want and can use <a4j:support> then just do it.

jsf popupwindow with a datatable

I have a form which one of it's fields is a code and description, also a button for opening a popup window that contains a list of all of the available codes.
when the user double clickes a row from that table i want to set these values to the code and description. - how can this be done?
Another question, I want to create this popup and table to be initialized dynamically - by that i mean that if i have a few forms in my application, when ever i have a field which has a description i want to be able to open this popup and to see the available list for that field. (every field can be from a diffrent table). is it possible to create something like that? if so, how?
Any help will be appritiated,
Thank's In Advance.
Yes, it is possible. Even more, many component libraries have ready to use popup/dialog components, such as RichFaces with <rich:popupPanel> and PrimeFaces with <p:dialog>.
If you do not want to use a component library for some reason, you would need to create a custom component for this which generates basically an absolutely positioned HTML <div> element with a CSS overlay which get shown/hidden by JS on a particular click/action. The HTML/CSS/JS part should be relatively simple if you are familiar with those languages. The JSF part is somewhat hard if you have never created a custom component before, but it should be possible with a composite component as well, so you could also just create one with pure XHTML. The updating/refreshing can just take place by the usual <f:ajax> means.

Is the ID generated by JSF guaranteed to be the same across different versions and implementations?

We are about to write a full set of tests for one of our JSF applications using Selenium.
So far, it seems that there are two preferred approaches to uniquely identify each element: by ID or using a unique class name. The later is really a hack and doesn't make sense semantically. The former is the right approach, but the element IDs are generated by JSF.
All the different JSF implementations I've seen seem to be using the same approach: use the parent element as the namespace and then concatenate the element ID using a colon. Fair enough.
The question is: do you know if this is guaranteed in some part of the JSF specification? It'd be a real problem to find out later that we need to rewrite all the component selectors in the tests just because JSF x.y changed the way it generates the ID names.
JSF usually generated the ID of components, if ID attribute is not explicitly mentioned.
It will be generated in the format j_idXXX (XXX will be number incremented)
<h:form id="LoginForm">
<h:inputText id="userName" .../>
for this inputText the id will be formed as LoginForm:userName and if id is not mentioned explicitly,then it will be formed something like LoginForm:j_id15
This is mentioned in JSF specification in section 3.1.6, But the exact format is not specified though.
The clientId is generated using this method UIComponent.getClientId(); Follow this link UIComponent
Is the ID generated by JSF guaranteed to be the same across different versions and implementations?
No. You've to explicitly specify the component ID on the UIInput component of interest and all of its parent UINamingContainer components such as <h:form>, <ui:repeat>, <h:dataTable>, etc yourself. Those IDs will by default be woodstocked using separator character :.
However, the separator character is in turn configureable since JSF 2.0. So, if you change the separator character for your webapp from : to - or something, then you'd have to rewrite the selenium tests which are relying on the HTML element IDs.
From the JSF (2.1) spec:
The client identifier is derived from the component identifier
(or the result of calling UIViewRoot.createUniqueId() if there is
not one), and the client identifier of the closest parent component
that is a NamingContainer according to the algorithm specified
in the javadoc for UIComponent.getClientId(). The Renderer
associated with this component, if any, will then be asked to convert
this client identifier to a form appropriate for sending to the
client. The value returned from this method must be the same
throughout the lifetime of the component instance unless setId() is
called, in which case it will be recalculated by the next call to
Aside from the spec, 3rd party plugins can affect the client identifier (e.g. protlet bridge APIs)

Suggest the appropriate method of managing beans in Richfaces

The scenario is like this. I have a rich:tabPanel with about 5 tabs. On first tab there is a rich:datatable. When I click on first column's element (a4j:commandLink), I get another rich:datatable. When I click on first column's element (a4j:commandLink) of this table, I change the tab where I have another rich:datatable and the same thing follows as above. The constraints from previous tab is used to get elements for the current one. If I click on the tab directly I get all elements related to that tab. Each rich:datatable refers to different tables. Each table is interrelated. Each tab refers to a single managed bean. I am using hibernate in backend.
The problem starts now. I dont want the managed beans to be session or application based since there are many variables to store. If I give request scope, the following thing happens. The first table in the tab renders perfectly, however when I click on the first column, the second table doesn't use all constraints since the scope is request, for example actionlistener. What am I supposed to do ?
One thing I can do is define one managed bean for each table. Or forcefully use session scope. Or is there any other way? Please help.
If you are using Richfaces 3.0.0 or above you can annotate your bean with #KeepAlive
or use the tag <a4j:keepAlive beanName="#{bean}" /> instead.
This is an equivalent to the view scope in JSF 2.0.
If you're already on JSF 2.0, use view scope. It's a scope which lives as long as you're interacting with the same page (independently of the browser tab/session!).
If you're still on JSF 1.x, use request scope with an <a4j:keepAlive beanName="#{bean}" /> declared in the view. It behaves like the JSF 2.0 view scope.
