How to keep an UIButton highlighted once it was pressed? - ios4

I have a UIScroll view and there are some UIButton (actually each button is representing a photo, just like the photo app in iPhone.)
UIImage *photo = [photoArray objectAtIndex:i];
UIButton * button = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];
My question is when "EDIT" button (an UIBarButtonItem) is pressed, user can click more that one photo, let say 10 photos, and then he can click "delete" or "blah blah blah" button, etc, to have some actions on selected photos.
So to distinguish what photos are currently selected, I want to keep them Highlighted,
and I tried to use "setHighlighted" but this fails ( just highlighted for 0.0001 second >< )
So I hope that you all could give me some suggestion !
Thanks in advance!

try putting this UIImage&UIButton inside a UIView..
and when this UIButton is clicked change the color of corresponding UIView..


How to identify colour of an icon of presence

I am new to espresso .My test scenario involves to check the colour of the icon during the presence.For example if person X in available there is small green icon next to his name, if he is busy icon change to red
I am not quit sure how I can test colour of the specific icon
I do understand I need to use drawable but not sure how
You can try something like this. Try to find the element(probably in your case) and then try to get the background color of the element. Now compare it with the expected color.
Sample code for a button where green as background color is being verified.
Button btn = (Button) findViewById(;
Drawable buttonBackground = btn.getBackground();
ColorDrawable btn_color = (ColorDrawable) btn.getBackground();
int color = btn_color.getColor();
if (color == {
log("color is green");
Hope it helps :)

How to set Dialog text position from code?

Good day all,
I have a simple Dialog started after click button, I post my code:
Dialog dialog;
dialog = new Dialog("Dialog example");
dialog.addText(strFmt("Text to show"));
dialog.addText(strfmt("SecondText to show"));;
I will show a Dialog window loollike this :
It's possible to set the position from code the Text: Text to show ?
For example, if I want to centered position the second text how should I do?
I tried to put blanks in the code:
dialog.addText(strfmt(" Text to show"));
But nothing changes, and this I think not good method.
I saw any suggestions on Web but or I do not use well or is not suitable for me: Example-suggestions.
Exist a method to do what I want?
Thanks for help,
You can center the text using the form control:
Dialog dialog = new Dialog("Dialog example");
DialogText t1 = dialog.addText(strFmt("Text to show"));
DialogText t2 = dialog.addText(strfmt("SecondText to show"));
FormStaticTextControl c1 = t1.control();
The first control is now centered (to the surrounding group).
You have to give it ColumnWidth, otherwise the control would have the minimum size and the centering would have no effect.

GXT: UiBinder new instance of a Widget

I have a TextField form inside a window. Created with UiBinding. Next to the TextField is a button. I wanted to know if it was possible to create a new TextField widget when that button was pressed using UiBinder?
This is what I have:
Window class:
TextField text;
HorizontalPanel hPanel;
public void onClick(SelectEvent event){
My UiBinder file:
<gxt:Window ...(generic setup)...>
<g:HorizontalPanel ui:field="hPanel">
<form:FieldLabel text="Text">
<form:TextField ui:field="text"/>
<button:TextButton ui:field="addText"/>
When I click the button it all it does is move the button from the right side of the text field to the left. I have more textfields in the window so I played around to see what it was really doing. It's taking that field and just moving it next to the button.
Is there a way I can create a new TextField underneath the original?
Probably LazyDomElement will help you.

uiscrollview for scrolling a very, very tall page

From top to bottom I have UIView, UIScrollView, a UIImage, a UILabel, a UITextView and a UIButton.
My reason behind the top-most UIScrollView was so the whole vertical content would scroll.
What I really need a substitute for is the UITextView (5th down) because the UITextView is a subclass of UIScrollView. And this substitute must accomodate the very tall column of formatted text.
What I don't want is a scrollable object in the middle of the page; I want the whole page to be scrollable.
One more thing ... please note there's a button immediately below this tall column of text.
John Love
THANK YOU! Ashack and Pentagp. I guess I finally had to surrender and dump the idea that IB could be used for all GUI ...
The entire UIView contains a UILabel, a UIImage, a UITextView and
a UIButton at the very bottom.
The goal here was to make this entire content scrollable.
Thanks to you guys at
using IB, un-check "Scrolling Enabled" for the UITextView
because it's a concrete type of UIScrollView
using IB, drag a UIScrollView to the UIView and match sizes and
insure that the UIScrollView encloses all sub-views
make the UITextView height = its contentSize.height
move the UIButton to below this UITextView
and then, thanks to
adjust the contentSize.height of the top-most UIScrollview to
include the height of the re-positioned UIButton
Problem solved!!!
Your question is not very specific, but I think you're asking how to make a text view that does not scroll, and expands to fit the text. You can do this with UILabel, but it's a multi-step process. The same will work for UITextView if you disable scrolling and set the contentSize to match the frame dimensions.
UILabel *label = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(100,100,100,100)];
label.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:24];
NSString *yourTextString = #"your text";
CGSize maximumLabelSize = CGSizeMake(100, 500);
CGSize expectedLabelSize = [yourTextString sizeWithFont:label.font
CGRect labelFrame = label.frame;
labelFrame.size.width = expectedLabelSize.width;
labelFrame.size.height = expectedLabelSize.height;
label.frame = labelFrame;
Then from there, use the label's frame to set the position of the button and all elements below it.
If I understand your problem, you don't want nested scroll.
So set yourTextView.scrollEnabled = NO; //Do it programmatically our in the nib
Also in order to display all the text set yourTextView frame height to its content height:
yourTextView.frame = CGRectMake(yourTextView.frame.origin.x,
yourTextView.contentSize.height + (yourTextView.contentSize.width > yourTextView.frame.size.width ? (yourTextView.contentSize.width * yourTextView.contentSize.height / (yourTextView.contentSize.width - yourTextView.frame.size.width)) - yourTextView.contentSize.height :0)));
If textView is dynamically filled, you have to check if yourTextView.contentSize.width is bigger than yourTextView.frame.size.width then add proportionally what is remaining to the height.
At the end change your button position if needed:
yourbutton.frame = CGRectMake(yourbutton.frame.origin.x,
yourTextView.frame.origin.y + yourTextView.frame.size.height + 20, //If you want your button to be 20 point after your textView
Hope that will help you...

How to fetch the selection of pop-up menu and then zoom out?

How can I fetch the selection of a pop-up menu after the user has selected "his" item and then pressed "Done"?
The selected can be displayed with:
var clicked = document.getElementById("popup").value;
And, how can I zoom out, after this item has been selected?
I have put a "ChangeHandler" on the pop-up men
function myChangeHandler(event) {
var clicked = document.getElementById("popup").value;
