.htaccess - How to hide the internal directory used by subdomains? - .htaccess

I installed a small FTP space for my classmates which allows them to upload school related documents to my server. After the files have been uploaded, they can be easily accessed via a subdomain i.e. ftp.mydomain.com
Everything is working fine, the files can be downloaded and everything works properly.
There are two things which still annoy me though:
If you enter ftp.mydomain.com you see Index of /my_internal_directory instead of something like Index of /
Once you enter a sub-directory and click the Parent Directory link it will redirect you to ftp.mydomain.com/my_internal_directory/ as well
Is there any way to hide my_internal_directory ?
This is the content of my .htaccess file so far:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ftp\.mydomain\.com
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/my_internal_directory/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /my_internal_directory/$1 [L]
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If you are using linux server then you can remove read permission for folder my_internal_directory
If not resolve, try to add:
Options -Indexes
on top of the file.
If still doesnt resolve please post your .htaccess file... :)


How do i change the .htaccess on cPanel's Online File Manager (ByetHost)?

I'm using ByetHost as my website's FTP service, i configure everything (besides uploading the stuff) via ByetHost's Vista Panel, which has a Online File Manager where i presume i could edit the .htaccess.
However when i arrive at the File Manager, i can't seem to find the .htaccess file, and there is also a lack of a Settings button too.
Here is what the File Manager looks like: (the htdocs is where all my website's stuff is at)
I know ByetHost and/or whatever this unknown File Manager is not well known, but i'd like to ask anyways if there's anyone that could help me on how to configure my .htaccess. I would appreciate it.
I had this issue too, and couldn't find any settings or otherwise.
So what I simply did was:
Just created a new file and named it .htaccess!
And a quick test, I put in the following to allow access to my .html pages without actually typing the extension:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.+)\.html$ /$1 [R,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.html -f
RewriteRule ^(.*?)/?$ /$1.html [NC,END]
And it worked successfully.

index.cfm append with SES URL in MURA

Recently working with MURA CMS with RAILO on UBUNTU. I am installing MURA in inner folder of root directory.
public_html >> website.
Following code added in .htaccess to rewrite URL to run website without index.cfm and website directory.
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
DirectoryIndex index.cfm
RewriteRule ^$ /website/ [R]
RewriteRule ^website/([a-zA-Z0-9/-\s]+)$ /website/index.cfm/$1 [PT]
So my url http://example.com/website/privacy/ rewrite as
I think rewrite rule should work correctly as I have tried some online validator and giving me correct result but if run it into MURA it produce URL like
I am not sure who is adding last index.cfm (apache or mura) and this take me to 404 page everytime.
Please help... this driving me crazy..
I have same site setup with windows/IIS 7 under subfolder of root and work fine though, if that help
To take off index.cfm of the URL, you have to edit file settings.ini.cfm
To edit this file
go to Modules / File manager
Then tab Application Root
Select folder config
Then right click on settings.ini.cfm and edit
In this file, siteidinurls and indexfileinurls have to be at 0
After change, you have to reload application by clicking on Reload application on the Settings menu at the top of the window.
Thanks Matt and Mael for spending time for this issue.
Finally figure it out that TOMCAT was causing issue and adding index.cfm at the end.
Add above URL pattern in web.xml file and it start working fine.

Show index page for all links to folder

I have a folder named "keywords" for my website, such as this: http://www.mysite.com/keywords/
In the folder I only have an index.php file. Regardless of what someone types in after the folder, I need the index.php to show. For example, http://www.mysite.com/keywords/this-is-a-test should show the index.php file's content but without changing the URL.
Everything I've tried seems to fail - I'm working with the .htaccess in my /keywords/ folder. Regardless of what I put there I seem to keep getting a 404 error. Any help would be appreciated, I'm sure it's something small and simple that I just don't know how to do.
This is what I currently have:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule - index.php [L]
The problem with this is that it only work when going to links with a dash in them.
For example,
does work. But this does not work:
Any help would be appreciated.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase / #make sure your website is located in root directory, if not you have to add directory here...
RewriteRule ^keywords/testingthis$ /keywords/index.php$1 [L]

CodeIgniter Path Issue

I am use Codeigniter to creat my site. it is a huge site with a lot of contents.
i use the default welcome controller for all pages.
the path is like this now
and my folder structure is like this
/codeigniter Application folder
because i am doing the content first, so all the images are set to absolute patch (http://mydomain.com/static/images/foldername/pc.jpg)
now when i use the rewrite to remove "inde.php" and "welcome"
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|robots\.txt|system|pdf|sitemap\.xml|profile.htm|^([A-z,0-9,_,-]+).asp|(.*)\.pdf|phpadmin)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/welcome/$1 [L]
all css and image file are not accessible anymore. I have nearly a thousand pages with images. I don't have the time to change the page one by one. the deadline is coming, please help.
Have you tried adding the css-folder to your excluded rewriteconditions?
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|robots\.txt|system|pdf|sitemap\.xml|profile.htm|^([A-z,0-9,_,-]+).asp|(.*)\.pdf|phpadmin)
Does not seem to exclude the folder css from rewriting (see images is excluded).
Try something like
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|css|robots\.txt|system|pdf|sitemap\.xml|profile.htm|^([A-z,0-9,_,-]+).asp|(.*)\.pdf|phpadmin)
Good luck
I think the problem lies with your .htaccess file. We have a similar setup, and that url living outside of the application directory is available just as you have it with a direct url relative to its path. Check out the wiki at http://codeigniter.com/wiki/mod_rewrite for the correct way to set up your .htaccess file.
Edit to clarify: The url http://mydomain.com/static/images/foldername/pc.jpg should work. something about your .htaccess file is wrong.
RewriteCond $1 !^(static|index.php|images|robots.txt|system|pdf|sitemap.xml|profile.htm|^([A-z,0-9,_,-]+).asp|(.*).pdf|phpadmin)

htaccess rewriterule for directory is changing the url in a undesireable way

After a comment from Seth below, and heading to a helpful apache page here, I have found that VirtualHosts are the way to go for the following issue.
First, a little background on file setup. I am running a LAMP server that hosts multiple domains. I have staging and live sites on this server, under different directories under the web root.
/webroot/live/site1/[public files]
/webroot/live/site2/[public files]
/webroot/stage/site1/[public files]
/webroot/stage/site2/[public files]
The domains for each of these go to the IP of the server, which points at the webroot directory. I have an .htaccess file there to load the appropriate content based on the http_host.
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.site1-live.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /live/site1/$1 [PT,L,QSA]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.site1-stage.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /stage/site1/$1 [PT,L,QSA]
These work great for hitting the home page and any of the internal pages, even with the specific pages being like site1-live.com/view/123. Each site's htaccess handles those.
My issue (sorry it took so long to get here):
When I head to any subdirectory within a site, like www.site1-live.com/rss, the content loads just fine, but the URL changes to something like the following
Essentially showing the path from the webroot to the files.
How can I avoid this? I obviously want the url to remain www.site1-live.com/rss. Do I need an htaccess file inside the rss directory to block this somehow?
Thanks in advance!
replace ^www with ^(.*)
then have the whole url in the second line www.yourdomain.com/live/...
why do you need the QSA flag?
Anyway, what is happening to you is that mod_index (or whatever is serving you directories) is redirecting you www.site1-live.com/rss (without the ending /) to the equivalent URL with the ending /.
If you don't use mod_alias or something list that on the rewritten URLs, removing the PT should work as you expect.
