DotNetOpenAuth : "No OpenID endpoint found" on IIS but runs fine on VS development server - iis-7.5

I am running the OpenIDRelyingPartyWebForms sample from the DotNetOpenAuth release.
I have VS 10, IIS 7.5, Windows 7.
When I run the project using the development server, it works fine and I navigate to the OpenId login page. It works with both F5 and Ctrl F5,
When I add the project as an application inside IIS 7.5, I get the "No OpenID endpoint found" error.
Any ideas?
Where are the VS development server settings stored so I can compare them?

Is the IIS 7.5 server the same as your dev box or is it a different box? Usually firewalls are to blame for this.
Perhaps the best way to diagnose it is to enable verbose logging and see if DNOA tells you more about why it is failing.


How to switch ASP.NET Core MVC application from IIS Express to local IIS after allowing Visual Studio to generate IIS certificate?

I had a previously running ASP.NET Core MVC application working fine on local IIS in Visual Studio when I hit the PLAY button, however some other sites and applications I was working on, on the same computer, did not run on IIS Manager when browsing directly to them from IIS manager or running them in Visual Studio.
Most applications that uses HTTPS for example mentioned that the "Remote Certificate is invalid for the validation procedure message". Yet for some other sites that used IIS Express, it worked fine.
What I have done to try to fix this is:
Removed the original IIS Self Signed Certificate from IIS Manager
Then deleted the website that was working fine
I then used GIT to clone the repository the application is located in
When I opened the solution again that previously worked in Visual Studio it gave me the following message about creating a new IIS Certificate:
Message I get when opening visual studio after deleting the already Self Signed IIS Express Certificate for Local development
Initially I hit YES to this which may be the cause of the problem
Now when I run the application that previously was working and seemed to be using LOCAL IIS, it keeps defaulting to IIS EXPRESS I can see beside the play button
Is there anyway I can put this back to running on LOCAL IIS for my ASP.NET Core MVC application? I cannot see it listed even in the IIS Manager on my computer.

Self Host SignalR in windows 10

Hi iam making an app for which i have already completed the UI part and is currently a MVC project. for which i use the local IIS to debug. A part of the project that we are using uses signalr for device that connect to the system running the app.
Local IIS on windows 10 PRO limits the max connection to 10. Which is not something we can do away with.
The solution that seems promising is to make a signalR self host.
as the link states here
if the app is not using any part of the inbuilt IIS then there is no limit of the maximum connection.
The problem that im facing is that there is not help available anywhere related to it. and i want to be sure before getting to start with signalR self host about the maximum connections that it will be able to hold on a system running windows 10 Home / Pro.
Run it in IIS Express.
Right click your web project and go to properties.
On the Web tab, note the Project Url with port (http://localhost:12345)
That is the url it will be running in IIS Express.
Then start your site to fire it up in IIS Express. I right click the web and select View, but you could also start debugging.
Once it is running in IIS Express you can see the icon in the taskbar by the clock and manage all sites running in IIS Express there.
So without the available help. I converted my application to SignalR Self Host and tested it. ANd seems there is no Connection Limit even on Windows 10 Home version. So the system is working fine.
#Lex Li i think you should test again with windows 10.
So the conclusion is that IIS is actually the culprit for the max connection limit.

HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found (.Net 4)

I've just got a new server setup on Windows 2008 Web edition. I'm trying to set the first 4 application up on it but am having nothing but problems.
The latest is that I'm getting the 404.17 error, which says "the requested content appears to be script and will not be served by the static file handler.".
I've done a lot of research on google but most suggestions seem to be to run aspnet_regiis -i to install 4. I've done this several times both on the Framework and Framework64 folders, but with no success.
I tried changing from the default application pool to a .net4 application pool, which appeared to work at first and I instead got a server error to do with permissions. I fixed that, and immediately the 404.17 error returned.
Other suggestions I've read say to go into the "turn windows features on and off" and make sure .net 4 is selected there under IIS. However on this server clicking "turn windows features on and off" takes me to the standard windows 2008 server manager. I click "add features" there, and only ".NET Framework 3.0 Features (Installed)" is listed and selected. .NET 4 isn't shown there, yet it is selectable through the application pools.
What else can I try to get the website running as I'm at a complete loss now. Its annoying because my old server was easy to manage - I did it all through the server itself without a control panel (Windows 2003), now on my new server I have to manage most of it through Plesk because there is no dns.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I too had the same problem but solved it with simple solution. My program was in framework 4.0 but in application pool was mapped to framework 2.0.
Just changed the frame work in application pool to 4.0.
It worked.
I've finally figured out the problem, and it was to do with Plesk itself.
After delving through some of the thousands of links throughout the plesk control panel I found a page for "Website Scripting and Security". Under there it was set to .NET 2.0. However, even though I'd installed .NET 4 on the server, Plesk didn't know about it. Although the application pool I'd set the website to run under through IIS was .NET 4, it still wouldn't work for some reason.
I then found another page under "tools and settings" for server components, and on that page is a refresh button. Hit that and it suddenly realised that .NET 4 was installed, went back to the website scripting and security page, selected .NET 4, and hey presto, I got a server error (never have I been so glad to see a server error).
I then just had to give the application pool identity read access to the web folder, and the website worked.
I wish I'd paid an extra £15 per month for Windows 2008 Standard edition now so I could manage it all manually without Plesk.
Ensure that you are running this application under a Virtual Directory, also ensure that your IIS has ASP, ASP.Net, ISAPI Extensions And Filters, Static Content installed.
Change the .net framework from 'plesk' panel:
go to Domains
select then domain
Go to 'Domain and Websites & Domains'
Hide Advanced Operations
Go to ' Settings'
Go to 'Change Version'
select 4.0
If you don't have the 4.0 option then you must install the framework on your server first.

Running ASP Classic on IIS 7.5

I need to do some work on an old ASP Classic site, so I’m trying to host it on my IIS, but when I try load a page I get:
An error occurred on the server when processing the URL. Please contact the system administrator.
If you are the system administrator please click here to find out more about this error.
When I follow the link, it takes me to a Microsoft site and talks about running ASP Classic on IIS 7, but none of the pages help and nothing I found on Google will get it to work. I have all the elements under turn Windows features on and off - IIS - WWW services - app dev features.
This was bugging me earlier today and it turned out I had an error in my script.
This assumes you have installed the ASP/ISAPI extensions via the Control Panel's "Add/Remove Windows Features."
By default, errors will not be sent to the browser. To enable sending errors to the browser, go to the site in your IIS manager. Double click the ASP icon and expand "Debugging Properties." Set "Send Errors to Browser" to True.
I had this same problem and it turns out you need to set application pool to classic .net for it to work.

HTTP Error 404.3-Not Found in IIS 7.5

I'm using IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Enterprise Edition. In the project we have developed with ASP.NET 4.0 we used WCF Service. But it doesn't run over domain when the software is running from local computer. Otherwise, I am getting the following error:
HTTP Error 404.3-Not Found
The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the extension
configuration. If the page is script, add a handler. If the file should
be downloaded, add a MIME map.
You should install IIS sub components from
Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off
Internet Information Services has subsection World Wide Web Services / Application Development Features
There you must check ASP.NET (.NET Extensibility, ISAPI Extensions, ISAPI Filters will be selected automatically). Double check that specific versions are checked. Under Windows Server 2012 R2, these options are split into 4 & 4.5.
Run from cmd:
%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -ir
Finally check in IIS manager, that your application uses application pool with .NET framework version v4.0.
Also, look at this answer.
In my case, along with Mekanik's suggestions, I was receiving this error in Windows Server 2012 and I had to tick "HTTP Activation" in "Add Role Services".
In windows server 2012, even after installing you might run into this issue.
Check for "Http activation" feature. This feature is present under Web services as well.
Make sure you add the above and everything should be awesome for you !!!
I was having trouble accessing wcf service hosted locally in IIS. Running aspnet_regiis.exe -i wasn't working.
However, I fortunately came across the following:
Rahul's blog
which informs that servicemodelreg also needs to be run:
Run Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt as “Administrator”.
Navigate to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation.
Run this command servicemodelreg –i.
