Store image in core data - core-data

I want to store image for every employee while updating their records. How can I do that?
I have a dictionary storing name, id and department of employees. Now i want the image to be saved together.

Core Data supports the "Binary Data" type - When you define a model with a Binary Data field, it creates your model class with an NSData field. You can move an image into the NSData field, and CoreData will save it for you.
You can then use UIImage initWithData: to load the image from the NSData field.
Hope this helps !

For strore image as CoreDate attribute need:
Add transformable attribute and set transformer with own class
Implement ImageToDataTransformer
See here for an example


EDMX Updates clears model class data annotation

I have EDM model classes generated by entity FrameWork DB first approach. Everytime I update EDMX all the classes that have I added validation,schema, attribute names to be displayed are gone.
What is the best approach to handle this situation ?
enter image description here
enter image description here
The generated classes are partial, so you can generate your own properties and methods into a new partial class (in different file) for associate generated class.
Hope my answer could help.

Transformable Attributes in Core Data using swift 3

I have a Core Data model with a multiple transformable attribute. I also have this attribute use a custom NSValueTransformer, setup in the model properly. I can not found any example of transformable attribute using core date for swift 3.
How to create transformable object in NSManagedObject class?
How to create a string transformable and save in core data and fetch
the details from core data?
Is there any blog example of this? If You have any idea about this please help.
Thanks in advance.

Coredata Programming

I am newer to core data programming. Can anyone help me on the following issue.
I have created a object model wit 4 attributes in 1 entity. image name ,image coordinates,text, features.
And set all value to database, and i got all objects from array . Actually i need to compare the current image with database image. If exist i need to load all values from database ie, image name . image coordinates, text , and features to relevant loaded image. How do I compare self.image with images in the database.
Actually i am storing all url of the image to database,. How do i compare with self.image url and image url in the database , and load all values in to current view,.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance

record store in j2me

I have 2 forms and the data should be stored in the record store only after filling all the fields in both the forms and if we switch from one form to another the fields in the form should contain whatever the user has entered. So how do I store the previous data and auto populate it when he switches from one form to another?
You need to indicate whether you are actually using LWUIT manually to build the form or using the GUI builder. Also the answer for 1.4 differs from the answer to 1.5.
If you are using LWUIT 1.5 just use LWUIT4IO's Storage classe's writeObject method. Create an object that implements the interface and contains your data. You will need to register it using the LWUIT4IO Util class.
There is a sample for serializing data within the Tipster demo in LWUIT, it stores hardcoded and modified data into storage.
If you are using 1.4 just go over the RMS API. Not the most intuitive API in the world but usable for storing data.
You can get the values from RecordStore and populate that values into another Form. Look on the following article for how to read/write/update the record's into RecordStore.
J2ME record management system
Update record's in record store
RMS basics
you can have one public DataObject Class.
Now Create getter & setter public method in it and access them from anywhere in the project.

Core Data: Can I add a relationship to the parent entity?

I made the Photo entity, which has a Data attribute to store the image data. Photo is the parent of the Thumbnail entity. I also added a one-to-one relationship between Photo and Thumbnail so that a Photo can have a Thumbnail.
This seems to work but is sort of confusing.
Do you think it's better design to make another entity called Image that has the image data attribute and make Photo & Thumbnail children of Image?
Do you think it's better design to
make another entity called Image that
has the image data attribute and make
Photo & Thumbnail children of Image?
You shouldn't look at entity inheritance as a means of making a tidy design but instead it should be used such that multiple entities can inhabit the same relationship.
Suppose you had a Person entity that had image data but the images where of different sizes or types but you needed all the image entities to be in the same relationship. You would set things up like so:
//... GIF related attributes
//... JPG related attributes
Because the GIF and JPG entities inherit from Image you can put both in the Person.images relationship.
In your case, there appears to be no particular reason, other than analogy to Classes, to make the Photo and Thumbnail inherit from a common super entity.
Also, if you are using an SQLite store, all the subentities of a parent entity end up in the same table. For very large data sets, this can create performance problems. So, that is another reason not to use entity inheritance just for neatness.
