Document Analysis and Tagging - nlp

Let's say I have a bunch of essays (thousands) that I want to tag, categorize, etc. Ideally, I'd like to train something by manually categorizing/tagging a few hundred, and then let the thing loose.
What resources (books, blogs, languages) would you recommend for undertaking such a task? Part of me thinks this would be a good fit for a Bayesian Classifier or even Latent Semantic Analysis, but I'm not really familiar with either other than what I've found from a few ruby gems.
Can something like this be solved by a bayesian classifier? Should I be looking more at semantic analysis/natural language processing? Or, should I just be looking for keyword density and mapping from there?
Any suggestions are appreciated (I don't mind picking up a few books, if that's what's needed)!

Wow, that's a pretty huge topic you are venturing into :)
There is definitely a lot of books and articles you can read about it but I will try to provide a short introduction. I am not a big expert but I worked on some of this stuff.
First you need to decide whether you are want to classify essays into predefined topics/categories (classification problem) or you want the algorithm to decide on different groups on its own (clustering problem). From your description it appears you are interested in classification.
Now, when doing classification, you first need to create enough training data. You need to have a number of essays that are separated into different groups. For example 5 physics essays, 5 chemistry essays, 5 programming essays and so on. Generally you want as much training data as possible but how much is enough depends on specific algorithms. You also need verification data, which is basically similar to training data but completely separate. This data will be used to judge quality (or performance in math-speak) of your algorithm.
Finally, the algorithms themselves. The two I am familiar with are Bayes-based and TF-IDF based. For Bayes, I am currently developing something similar for myself in ruby, and I've documented my experiences in my blog. If you are interested, just read this - and if you have any follow up questions I will try to answer.
The TF-IDF is a short for TermFrequence - InverseDocumentFrequency. Basically the idea is for any given document to find a number of documents in training set that are most similar to it, and then figure out it's category based on that. For example if document D is similar to T1 which is physics and T2 which is physics and T3 which is chemistry, you guess that D is most likely about physics and a little chemistry.
The way it's done is you apply the most importance to rare words and no importance to common words. For instance 'nuclei' is rare physics word, but 'work' is very common non-interesting word. (That's why it's called inverse term frequency). If you can work with Java, there is a very very good Lucene library which provides most of this stuff out of the box. Look for API for 'similar documents' and look into how it is implemented. Or just google for 'TF-IDF' if you want to implement your own

I've done something similar in the past (though it was for short news articles) using some vector-cluster algorithm. I don't remember it right now, it was what Google used in its infancy.
Using their paper I was able to have a prototype running in PHP in one or two days, then I ported it to Java for speed purposes.


Are transformer-based language models overfitting on the paraphrase identification task? What tools overcome this?

I've been working on a sentence transformation task that involves paraphrase identification as a critical step: if we are confident enough that the state of the program (a sentence repeatedly modified) has become a paraphrase of a target sentence, stop transforming. The overall goal is actually to study potential reasoning in predictive models that can generate language prior to a target sentence. The approach is just one specific way of reaching that goal. Nevertheless, I've become interested in the paraphrase identification task itself, as it's received some boost from language models recently.
The problem I run into is when I manipulate sentences from examples or datasets. For example, in this HuggingFace example, if I negate either sequence or change the subject to Bloomberg, I still get a majority "is paraphrase" prediction. I started going through many examples in the MSRPC training set and negating one sentence in a positive example or making one sentence in a negative example a paraphrase of the other, especially when doing so would be a few word edit. I found to my surprise that various language models, like bert-base-cased-finetuned-mrpc and textattack/roberta-base-MRPC, don't change their confidences much on these sorts of changes. It's surprising as these models claim an f1 score of 0.918+. The dataset is clearly missing a focus on negative examples and small perturbative examples.
My question is, are there datasets, techniques, or models that deal well when given small edits? I know that this is an extremely generic question, much more than is typically asked on StackOverflow, but my concern is in finding practical tools. If there is a theoretical technique, then it might not be suitable as I'm in the category of "available tools define your approach" rather than vice-versa. So I hope that the community would have a recommendation on this.
Short answer to the question: yes, they are overfitting. Most of the important NLP data sets are not actually well-crafted enough to test what they claim to test, and instead test the ability of the model to find subtle (and not-so-subtle) patterns in the data.
The best tool I know for creating data sets that help deal with this is Checklist. The corresponding paper, "Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP models with CheckList" is very readable and goes into depth on this type of issue. They have a very relevant table... but need some terms:
We prompt users to evaluate each capability with
three different test types (when possible): Minimum Functionality tests, Invariance, and Directional Expectation tests... A Minimum Functionality test (MFT), is a collection of simple examples (and labels) to check a
behavior within a capability. MFTs are similar to
creating small and focused testing datasets, and are
particularly useful for detecting when models use
shortcuts to handle complex inputs without actually
mastering the capability.
...An Invariance test (INV) is when we apply
label-preserving perturbations to inputs and expect
the model prediction to remain the same.
A Directional Expectation test (DIR) is similar,
except that the label is expected to change in a certain way. For example, we expect that sentiment
will not become more positive if we add “You are
lame.” to the end of tweets directed at an airline
(Figure 1C).
I haven't been actively involved in NLG for long, so this answer will be a bit more anecdotal than SO's algorithms would like. Starting with the fact that in my corner of Europe, the general sentiment toward peer review requirements for any kind of NLG project are higher by several orders of magnitude compared to other sciences - and likely not without reason or tensor thereof.
This makes funding a bigger challenge, so wherever you are, I wish you luck on that front. I'm not sure of how big of a deal this site is in the niche, but [Ehud Reiter's Blog][1] is where I would start looking into your tooling ideas.
Maybe even reach out to them/him personally, because I can't think of another source that has an academic background and a strong propensity for practical applications of NLG, at least based on the kind of content they've been putting out over the years.
Your background, environment/funding, and seniority level/control you have over the project will eventually compose your vector decision for you. I's just how it goes on the bleeding edge of anything. What I will add, though, is not to limit yourself to a single language or technology in this phase because of those precise reasons you've mentioned. I'd recommend the same in terms of potential open source involvement but if your profile information is accurate, that probably won't happen, no matter what you do and accomplish.
But yeah, in the grand scheme of things, your question is far from too broad, in my view. It identifies a rather unmistakable problem pattern that not all branches of science are as lackadaisical to approach as NLG-adjacent fields seem to be right now. In that regard, it's not broad enough and will need to be promulgated far and wide before community-driven tooling will give you serious options on a micro level.
Blasphemy, sure, but the performance is already stacked against you As for the question potentially being too broad, I'd posit it is not broad enough, so long as we collectively remain in a "oh, I was waiting for you to start doing something about it" phase.
P.S. I'd eliminate any Rust and ECMAScript alternatives prior to looking into Python, blapshemous as this might sound to a 2021 data scientist
. Some might ARight nowccounting forr the ridicule this would receive xou sltrsfx hsbr s fszs drz zhsz s mrnzsl rcrtvidr, sz lrsdz
due to performance easons.

Extracting information from unstructured text

I have a collection of "articles", each 1 to 10 sentences long, written in a noisy, informal english (i.e. social media style).
I need to extract some information from each article, where available, like date and time. I also need to understand what the article is talking about and who is the main "actor".
Example, given the sentence: "Everybody's presence is required tomorrow morning starting from 10.30 to discuss the company's financial forecast.", I need to extract:
the date/time => "10.30 tomorrow morning".
the topic => "company's financial forecast".
the actor => "Everybody".
As far as I know, the date and time could be extracted without using NLP techniques but I haven't found anything as good as Natty ( in Python.
My understanding on how to proceed after reading some chapters of the NLTK book and watching some videos of the NLP courses on Coursera is the following:
Use part of the data to create an annotated corpus. I can't use off-the-shelf corpus because of the informal nature of the text (e.g. spelling errors, uninformative capitalization, word abbreviations, etc...).
Manually (sigh...) annotate each article with tags from the Penn TreeBank tagset. Is there any way to automate this step and just check/fix the results ?
Train a POS tagger on the annotated article. I've found the NLTK-trainer project that seems promising (
Chunking/Chinking, which means I'll have to manually annotate the corpus again (...) using the IOB notation. Unfortunately according to this bug report n-gram chunkers are broken: This seems like a major issue, and makes me wonder whether I should keep using NLTK given that it's more than a year old.
At this point, if I have done everything correctly, I assume I'll find actor, topic and datetime in the chunks. Correct ?
Could I (temporarily) skip 1,2 and 3 and produce a working, but possibly with a high error rate, implementation ? Which corpus should I use ?
I was also thinking of a pre-process step to correct common spelling mistakes or shortcuts like "yess", "c u" and other abominations. Anything already existing I can take advantage of ?
THE question, in a nutshell, is: is my approach at solving this problem correct ? If not, what am I doing wrong ?
Could I (temporarily) skip 1,2 and 3 and produce a working, but
possibly with a high error rate, implementation ? Which corpus should
I use ?
I was also thinking of a pre-process step to correct common spelling
mistakes or shortcuts like "yess", "c u" and other abominations.
Anything already existing I can take advantage of ?
I would suggest you first have a go at processing standard language text. The pre-processing you refer to is an NLP task in its own right, known as normalization. Here is a resource for Twitter normalization: , additionally, you can use spell checking, sentence boundary detection, ...
THE question, in a nutshell, is: is my approach at solving this
problem correct ? If not, what am I doing wrong ?
If you make abstraction of normalization, I think your approach is valid. With regard to automating the annotation process: you can bootstrap the process by using off-the-shelf components first, after which you correct, retrain, and so on, ... during different iterations. To get acceptable results, you will need to do your steps 2, 3, and 4 a couple of times.
If you are interested in understanding the problem and being able to optimize existing solutions, I would suggest you focus on tools that allow you to develop your own models. If you prioritize getting results over being able to develop your own models, I would recommend looking into existing open source text engineering frameworks such as Gate ( UIMA ( and DKPro (which extends UIMA) ( All three frameworks wrap existing components, so you have a wide range of possible solutions.
I'd suggesting giving a try to NER and Temporal Normalizer.
Here is what I see for your example sentence:
You can try the demo here:

Associating free text statements with pre-defined attributes

I have a list of several dozen product attributes that people are concerned with, like
Manufacturing quality
Sales experience
and several million free-text statements from customers about the product, e.g.
"The financing was easy but the housing is flimsy."
I would like to score each free text statement in terms of how strongly it relates to each of the attributes, and whether that is a positive or negative association.
In the given example, there would be a strong positive association to Financing and a strong negative association to Manufacturing quality.
It feels like this type of problem is probably the realm of Natural Language Programming (NLP). However, I spent several hours reading up on things like OpenNLP and NLTK and find there's so much domain specific terminology that I cannot figure out where to focus to solve this specific problem.
So my three-part question:
Is NLP the correct route to solve this class of problem?
What aspect of NLP should I focus on learning for this specific problem?
Are there alternatives I have not considered?
A resource you might find handy is SentiWordNet. ( Which is like a dictionary that has a sentiment grade for words. It will tell you to what degree it thinks a word is positive, negative, or objective.
You can then combine that with some nltk code that looks through your sentences for the words you want to associate the sentiment with. So you would write a script to get some level of meaningful chunks of text that surround the words you were looking at, maybe sentence or clause level. Then you can have another thing that runs through the surrounding words and grab all the sentiment scores from the SentiWordNet.
I have some old code that did this and can place on github if you'd like, but you'd still need to make your own request for SentiWordNet.
I guess your problem is more on association rather than just classification. Now moving forward with this assumption:
Is NLP the correct route to solve this class of problem?
What aspect of NLP should I focus on learning for this specific problem?
Part of speech tagging
Sentiment analysis
Maximum entrophy
Are there alternatives I have not considered?
In depth study of automata theory with respect to NLP will help you a lot, it helped me a lot in grasping the implementations like OpenNLP.
Yes, this is a NLP problem by the name of Sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis is an active research area with different approaches and a task where a lot of other NLP-methods have to work together, so it is certainly not the easiest field to get started with in NLP.
A more or less recent survey of the academic research in the field can be found in Pang & Lee (2008).

Word characteristics tags

I want to do a riddle AI chatbot for my AI class.
So i figgured the input to the chatbot would be :
Something like :
"It is blue, and it is up, but it is not the ceiling"
Translation :
<Object X>
</Object X>
(Answer : sky?)
So Input is a set of characteristics (existing \ not existing in the object), output is a matched, most likely object.
The domain will be limited to a number of objects, i could input all attributes myself, but i was thinking :
How could I programatically build a database of characteristics for a word?
Is there such a database available? How could i tag a word, how could i programatically find all it's attributes? I was thinking on crawling wikipedia, or some forum, but i can't see it build any reliable word tag database.
Any ideas on how i could achieve such a thing? Any ideas on some literature on the subject?
Thank you
This sounds like a basic classification problem. You're essentially asking; given N features (color=blue, location=up, etc), which of M classifications is the most likely? There are many algorithms for accomplishing this (Naive Bayes, Maximum Entropy, Support Vector Machine), but you'll have to investigate which is the most accurate and easiest to implement. The biggest challenge is typically acquiring accurate training data, but if you're willing to restrict it to a list of manually entered examples, then that should simplify your implementation.
Your example suggests that whatever algorithm you choose will have to support sparse data. In other words, if you've trained the system on 300 features, it won't require you to enter all 300 features in order to get an answer. It'll also make your training and testing files smaller, because you'll be omit features that are irrelevant for certain objects. e.g.
sky | color:blue,location:up
tree | has_bark:true,has_leaves:true,is_an_organism=true
cat | has_fur:true,eats_mice:true,is_an_animal=true,is_an_organism=true
It might not be terribly helpful, since it's proprietary, but a commercial application that's similar to what you're trying to accomplish is the website, albeit the system asks the questions instead of the user. It's interesting in that it's trained "online" based on user input.
Wikipedia certainly has a lot of data, but you'll probably find extracting that data for your program will be very difficult. Cyc's data is more normalized, but its API has a huge learning curve. Another option is the semantic dictionary project Wordnet. It has reasonably intuitive APIs for nearly every programming language, as well as an extensive hypernym/hyponym model for thousands of words (e.g. cat is a type of feline/mammal/animal/organism/thing).
The Cyc project has very similar aims: I believe it contains both inference engines to perform the AI, and databases of facts about commonsense knowledge (like the colour of the sky).

NLP classify sentences/paragraph as funny

Is there a way to classify a particular sentence/paragraph as funny. There are very few pointers as to where one should go further on this.
There is research on this, it's called Computational Humor. It's an interdisciplinary area that takes elements from computational linguistics, psycholinguistics, artificial intelligence, machine learning etc. They are trying to find out what it is that makes stories or jokes funny (e.g. the unexpected connection, or using a taboo topic in a surprising way etc) and apply it to text (either to generate a funny story or to measure the 'funniness' of text).
There are books and articles about it (e.g. by Graeme Ritchie).
Yes, you should use a Training Corpora to build a predictive model able to detect funny sentences. Sometimes this is known as "Sentiment Analysis" in the literature. Take a look at this article about Sentiment Analysis with LingPipe.
If you can use Java, you can use their library (see license matrix). I found it very useful, not exactly in the same context than you.
The only way to pull this off is to get a couple of thousand people (monkeys won't do, sorry) to look through thousands of funny sentences/stories, rate them, and then build some sort of expert system/neural network out of it. Given the problem scope and the subjectivity of it (a thing funny to one person might not be funny - even offensive - to another), I'd say it's an impossible task.
You can use the same technique as spam filters. Instead of spam/non-spam you classify on funny/not-funny. Look into naive bayesian classifiers for more information.
Also, try Computational Humor # Google Scholar if you're serious about getting into the field. Sentiment Analysis has been mentioned too, see wikipedia on that.
Of course, this all depends on what your scope and aims are...
