Is there no standard (Either a) monad instance? - haskell

I was under the impression that there was an instance for Either a somewhere, but I can't seem to find it. I have tried importing Control.Monad, Control.Monad.Instances and Data.Either as shown
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Either
import Control.Monad.Instances
test :: [Either a b] -> Either a [b]
test = sequence
main = return ()
but ghc tells me that it could not deduce (Monad (Either a)). Adding
instance Monad (Either a) where
return = Right
Right b >>= f = f b
Left a >>= _ = Left a
makes the code compile, but this instance declaration seems so general that it doesn't make sense to me if it isn't already out there in some standard module. If it is, where should I look to find it, and if it isn't, is there then a reason for this?
-------------- EDIT ---------------
Be aware that I now think that the answer by user31708 below ("As of base 4.6, the instance is in Data.Either itself.") is currently the correct answer. I am not sure of the proper protocol of reassigning the selected answer in this case, where the selected answer was the correct answer at the time that the question was asked, so I have left it as it is. Please correct me, if there is another guideline for this.

This instance has been added in base 4.3.x.x, which comes with ghc 7. Meanwhile, you can use the Either instance directly, or, if you are using Either to represent something
that may fail you should use ErrorT monad transformer.

As of base 4.6, the instance is in Data.Either itself.

There is not an instance for Either a, but there is for Either String in Control.Monad.Error. (Actually, it's for Error e => Either e, IIRC).

I believe there's something in Control.Monad.Error - don't have anything to check, though.


Where does Haskell keep its libraries? [duplicate]

Is there a way to see Typeclass definition in ghci for a specific type?
For example, Maybe is defined like this:
instance Functor Maybe where
fmap f (Just x) = Just (f x)
fmap f Nothing = Nothing
Can I see this in ghci ?
When, I use :info in ghci, I get this:
Prelude> :i Maybe
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a -- Defined in `Data.Maybe'
instance Eq a => Eq (Maybe a) -- Defined in `Data.Maybe'
instance Monad Maybe -- Defined in `Data.Maybe'
instance Functor Maybe -- Defined in `Data.Maybe'
instance Ord a => Ord (Maybe a) -- Defined in `Data.Maybe'
instance Read a => Read (Maybe a) -- Defined in `GHC.Read'
instance Show a => Show (Maybe a) -- Defined in `GHC.Show'
In the above output, I want to see how it is defined in Data.Maybe as an instance for Functor. Anyway to see that in ghci ?
No, it's not possible – not just for instances but for anything. GHC only registers the compiled version of a package, so the source code generally won't be available to ghci.
Probably, most often you'll be using stuff from Hackage; in that case it's very simple to find the source code of such instances by hoogling the module, locating the class or data declaration, and clicking on source.
When you don't have internet access or whatever else reason you can't hoogle online, you first need to find out in what package the module is included. The easiest way to do that:
$ ghc-pkg find-module Data.Maybe
Then, as I said, GHC doesn't know where the source code to these packages is located – in fact it might not even be available on your system! But if you've installed the package (or one that depends on it) with cabal install, it will be there, by default in ~/.cabal/packages/ᴀᴄᴋᴀɢᴇNᴀᴍᴇ (as a compressed archive, but that's not a big hurdle). Within the package project folder, you can simply locate the module via the directory structure, which represents the module hierarchy.
Other packages, like your example of Data.Maybe (package haskell2010), may have come right with your installation of GHC, e.g. the Haskell platform. In that case, I believe the easiest thing is to search there for the Haddock documentation file. In my case,
$ find /usr/local/haskell -name 'Data-Maybe.html' | head -n1 | xargs firefox
That'll open up the equivalent to what hoogle links you to (but on your local HD), where you can also browse the source code in a user-friendly way.

Function names with symbol characters makes Googling difficult

In Haskell, many function names contain only symbol characters. Like $$, >>=, >>, :, ->, =>, =~.
Since I am new to Haskell, I am finding it difficult to search their meanings in Google. For example, to understand what -> means in Haskell, I need to use the search string hyphen followed by greater than which is not the best approach, as per me.
Is there a place that I could search for functions with symbols only?
Yes, this is a known bug with Google. You might consider a better search engine like Hoogle.
In general you need to look up the documentation for the actual function. To do this, you need to know what module it's defined in. The easiest way to determine this is to load up your source file in GHCi (so that you have all of its imports etc.) and then ask for the operator's :info thusly:
Prelude> :info (>>=)
class Monad (m :: * -> *) where
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
-- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
infixl 1 >>=
If the type signature is not enough, then this also tells you that you need to google the GHC.Base module, and the Monad typeclass. By itself that's pretty googleable, but if that typeclass keyword weren't there, what you would do is to google GHC.Base, the first result leading to the base package overview page. Once you are there1 then you look for a little link labeled [Index] beneath the module listing (GHC.Base has a huge module listing so in this case it's easier to miss).
Clicking that link takes you to an index of all the public symbols in that package; you can click the > character to find all operators beginning with a greater than sign. You will then have three links of modules which export that function; click on one and Ctrl-F to find the following documentation:
(>>=) :: forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b | infixl 1 | Source
Sequentially compose two actions, passing any value produced by the first
as an argument to the second.
Again, Hoogle does all of this rigamarole for you and has some other nifty features like searching-by-type-signature.
For things like <-, ->, and => which are not functions, you will just have to know the language. The meaning of <- ("from") is from "do-notation", which you can Google; the meaning of -> ("to") varies depending on whether it appears in lambda-notation (like \a b -> b), case-expressions, or the type signature of a function (where a -> b -> c means "a function which takes an a and returns a function which takes a b and returns some c". The meaning of => is from "constraints" or "type classes" in Haskell.
Other than ->, you can sometimes see operators appearing in type signatures, too. These should be searchable by the above procedure.
This is assuming a stable API for the package. If the API has changed you will need to look up with ghc -v which package version the file is using, then click on that version.

How to view Typeclass definitions and a type's Typeclass implementations [duplicate]

Is there a way to see Typeclass definition in ghci for a specific type?
For example, Maybe is defined like this:
instance Functor Maybe where
fmap f (Just x) = Just (f x)
fmap f Nothing = Nothing
Can I see this in ghci ?
When, I use :info in ghci, I get this:
Prelude> :i Maybe
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a -- Defined in `Data.Maybe'
instance Eq a => Eq (Maybe a) -- Defined in `Data.Maybe'
instance Monad Maybe -- Defined in `Data.Maybe'
instance Functor Maybe -- Defined in `Data.Maybe'
instance Ord a => Ord (Maybe a) -- Defined in `Data.Maybe'
instance Read a => Read (Maybe a) -- Defined in `GHC.Read'
instance Show a => Show (Maybe a) -- Defined in `GHC.Show'
In the above output, I want to see how it is defined in Data.Maybe as an instance for Functor. Anyway to see that in ghci ?
No, it's not possible – not just for instances but for anything. GHC only registers the compiled version of a package, so the source code generally won't be available to ghci.
Probably, most often you'll be using stuff from Hackage; in that case it's very simple to find the source code of such instances by hoogling the module, locating the class or data declaration, and clicking on source.
When you don't have internet access or whatever else reason you can't hoogle online, you first need to find out in what package the module is included. The easiest way to do that:
$ ghc-pkg find-module Data.Maybe
Then, as I said, GHC doesn't know where the source code to these packages is located – in fact it might not even be available on your system! But if you've installed the package (or one that depends on it) with cabal install, it will be there, by default in ~/.cabal/packages/ᴀᴄᴋᴀɢᴇNᴀᴍᴇ (as a compressed archive, but that's not a big hurdle). Within the package project folder, you can simply locate the module via the directory structure, which represents the module hierarchy.
Other packages, like your example of Data.Maybe (package haskell2010), may have come right with your installation of GHC, e.g. the Haskell platform. In that case, I believe the easiest thing is to search there for the Haddock documentation file. In my case,
$ find /usr/local/haskell -name 'Data-Maybe.html' | head -n1 | xargs firefox
That'll open up the equivalent to what hoogle links you to (but on your local HD), where you can also browse the source code in a user-friendly way.

Safely serialize Text to Bytestring

The text package does not provide an instance of Binary to encode/decode text. I have read about and understand the reasoning behind this (namely, Text should be encoding-agnostic). However, I need a Binary instance of Text. I've found that there is a package called text-binary that does this. However, the instance is as follows:
instance Binary T.Text where
put = put . T.encodeUtf8
get = T.decodeUtf8 <$> get
Pretty good, except that decodeUtf8 is a partial function, so I'd rather be using decodeUtf8' and passing the failure through the Get monad. I can't figure out how to fail correctly with the Get monad. Just from looking around in Data.Binary.Get, I see this:
data Decoder a = Fail !B.ByteString {-# UNPACK #-} !ByteOffset String
| Partial (Maybe B.ByteString -> Decoder a)
| Done !B.ByteString {-# UNPACK #-} !ByteOffset a
Which seems to indicate that there is a way to do what I want. I just can't see how the library authors intend for it to be used. I appreciate any insights that a more learned mind than my own has to offer.
Well, though we tend to disregard it, the Monad class still has that yucky fail method:
get = do
utf8'd <- get
case T.decodeUtf8' utf8'd of
Just t -> return t
Nothing -> fail "No parse for UTF-8 Text"
I'm not sure if it should still be considered "correct" to use fail, but it seems to be the obvious thing for a case like this. I suppose even if it's removed from the Monad class, there'll be some other class MonadPlus m => MonadFail m where fail :: String -> m a which Get will be an instance of.

Alpha conversion on a Haskell expression

Given a Haskell expression, I'd like to perform alpha conversion, ie. rename some of the non free variables.
I've started implementing my own function for this, which works on a haskell-src-exts Exp tree, however it turns out to be surprisingly nontrivial, so I can't help wondering - is there an established easy-to-use library solution for this kind of source conversion? Ideally, it should integrate with haskell-src-exts.
This is one of the problems where the "Scrap Your Boilerplate" style generic libraries shine!
The one I'm most familiar with is the uniplate package, but I don't actually have it installed at the moment, so I'll use the (very similar) functionality found in the lens package. The idea here is that it uses Data.Data.Data (which is the best qualified name ever) and related classes to perform generic operations in a polymorphic way.
Here's the simplest possible example:
alphaConvert :: Module -> Module
alphaConvert = template %~ changeName
changeName :: Name -> Name
changeName (Ident n) = Ident $ n ++ "_conv"
changeName n = n
The (%~) operator is from lens and just means to to apply the function changeName to everything selected by the generic traversal template. So what this does is find every alphanumeric identifier and append _conv to it. Running this program on its own source produces this:
module AlphaConv where
import Language.Haskell.Exts
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens.Plated
import Data.Data.Lens
instance Plated_conv Module_conv
= do ParseOk_conv md_conv <- parseFile_conv "AlphaConv.hs"
putStrLn_conv $ prettyPrint_conv md_conv
let md'_conv = alphaConvert_conv md_conv
putStrLn_conv $ prettyPrint_conv md'_conv
alphaConvert_conv :: Module_conv -> Module_conv
alphaConvert_conv = template_conv %~ changeName_conv
changeName_conv :: Name_conv -> Name_conv
changeName_conv (Ident_conv n_conv)
= Ident_conv $ n_conv ++ "_conv"
changeName_conv n_conv = n_conv
Not terribly useful since it doesn't distinguish between identifiers bound locally and those defined in an outside scope (such as being imported), but it demonstrates the basic idea.
lens may seem a bit intimidating (it has a lot more functionality than just this); you may find uniplate or another library more approachable.
The way you'd approach your actual problem would be a multi-part transformation that first selects the subexpressions you want to alpha-convert inside of, then uses a transformation on those to modify the names you want changed.
