DNS question nearlyfreespeech with heroku - dns

So I'm trying to use a domain I registered at Nearlyfreespeech(NFS) to use it with heroku. How do I do that? I am new to this, but the NFS help seems to be full of jargon and confusion, and heroku is posting email setting up video on the domain help page. Your human language input will be deeply appreciated!

Two parts to this, you'll need to add the custom domain addon to your Heroku application with the domain you intend the application to be available on, eg. www.myapp.com
Then (I've not used NFS) but you probably need to head towards something like Advanced DNS in your NFS control panel - you're looking for the ability to edit DNS records for your domain. You'll probably find a www. entry already exists - it would usually show the 'type' of record it is, if it's a series of numbers separated by dots then it's called an A record. If it is numbers with dots then you need to delete that entry and then add a new entry of type CNAME and set the host to www and the value to proxy.heroku.com. If it's already a CNAME type then you can just edit the value to be proxy.heroku.com
Hopefully that will get you going in the right direction.


Advanced DNS settings for BIND regarding a sub domain for my local home network that integrates nicely into its parent domain (on an external network)

The intent of this post is that I ran into things I had a hard time understanding and wish to implement things in a more professional and objectively better way. Some of my choices I simply don't know to be good or bad. I believe the open questions are very instructive for people that can follow documentation to set up a working local DNS server - but wish to understand and learn how things are done the right way. Hence I opted to ask here!
I have a domain sakujo.tld and use namecheap's FreeDNS service as the authorized DNS. I configured entries for the following host.domains in their zone configuration
nas.home.sakujo.tld, gateway.home.sakujo.tld (A record via DDNS via curl via cron to my router)
vps.sakujo.tld (A record to my VPS on lowendspirit)
*.home.sakujo.tld, home.sakujo.tld (they map to CNAME gateway.home.sakujo.tld)
mysql, ns01, nzbget, sonarr (.sakujo.tld) (they map to CNAME nas.home.sakujo.tld)
So far so good and very simple. I run a home NAS based on Arch linux on an eeePc that can handle quite a lot of things at once apparently. One of them is now a bind installation. My intent is to override home.sakujo.tld and all its hosts but apparently I have to introduce quite a bit of redundancy to achieve those things.
The need for a second zone
I want to achieve a set-up, naively speaking like this
gateway IN A
nas IN A
phone IN A
user2.phone IN A
tab IN A
htpc IN A
tv IN A
quad IN A
red IN A
I was hoping that a zone set up like this one would be all that is needed but sadly this turned out to be too naive and did not suffice. My hopes were that
nas.home.sakujo.tld (and gateway.home.sakujo.tld) would now resolve to (and instead of the DDNS A record on namecheap's external DNS.
That way, if I used mysql.sakujo.tld or for instance sonarr.sakujo.tld, a DNS look up would first find the canonical name (CNAME) nas.home.sakujo.tld (as it of course does) and I was hoping that that canonical name had an A record to now as defined in the zone file above. Sadly, in reality, mysql or sonarr resolve to nas.home.sakujo.tld (which is fine and wanted), but that one still has the external A record as defined on namecheap (the place that also defined the CNAME for nas.home.sakujo.tld).
So in essence I had to set up a second zone. I already had home.sakujo.tld and now I added sakujo.tld. That new zone now uses all the info that is already defined in namecheap's configuration I have externally. It goes like this:
mysql IN CNAME nas.home
nzbget IN CNAME nas.home
sonarr IN CNAME nas.home (I can't seem to get code to work here, apologies)
But mysql, nzbget, sonarr already have the zone entries set on namecheap exactly this way. This seems redundant. Do I have to do this? Or can I make some vodoo entry somewhere on namecheap or in home.sakujo.tld and have it transfer/update/authority whatnot (I really don't understand things from here on out at all anymore, you probably noticed I tried to learn and understand everything that leads up to this point - from now on I am 5 years old).
The # and NS entries
First thing's quick: I don't know what to put into sakujo.tld # A record and just have it point to Ideally I would just leave that entry out as I don't have anything that makes sense to map sakujo.tld to.
Next on, I am told / need to add these lines into the zones to make them "good"
$TTL 30
; home.sakujo.tld
# IN SOA ns01.home.sakujo.tld. postmaster.home.sakujo.tld. (
2015041917 ; Serial
28800 ; Refresh
1800 ; Retry
604800 ; Expire - 1 week
86400 ) ; Minimum
IN NS ns01
IN NS ns02
ns01 IN A
ns02 IN A
# IN A
I know what the TTL is, the comment is probably irrelevant. I am sure I can look up the things in the brackets and I already know the Serial setting. My questions on this one are of more practical nature. Do I need all those entries?
both NS entries and both A records referring them?
The # A record?
The # SOA entry? (I understand this is a very likely yes - heck I ask because chances are this is related to the first paragraph)
I also tried to replace the A record for # with a CNAME entry to no avail. It would not resolve.
Either way, I read a lot that I should have two name servers. I guess it makes sense to set up another external DNS on a VPS? Is that trivial/would be identical to how I set up the first one? I guess there is a relation between the two ns01 entries and the appearance of ns01 in the SOA entry as well.
Are there best practices I am missing?
Are domains even supposed to be set up that way? I currently use two distinct kinds of entries
Unique FQDNs for physical/virtual hosts like nas.home.sakujo.tld for my NAS or tv.home.sakujo.tld for the tv (home being the location, a subnet) - so that is why for instance vps.sakujo.tld is not under home.
Aliases that are semantically labeled. Like mysql.sakujo.tld. This will be my main MySQL server - I currently only use a single db in a MariaDB installation. Or sonarr.sakujo.tld - so that should map to whichever physical machine hosts my Sonarr installation. The advantage of this is that in a year I might use another machine for the MySQL database so the references in my configuration and data should be agnostic of the physical/virtual host .
Maybe there are things I don't see? Even if it is things like "It's more common to name your router portal/router instead of gateway".
For posterity, I pasted my complete /etc/named.conf and zone files. Now that I mention that I don't really know if I need the allow-update and notify settings but that part of the documentation I am able to follow myself (I just thought I'd mention this in case there are questions about why I have them in, I simply don't know)
zone config
Now that I think about things it would be best to have the following nameservers set up
ns01.sakujo.tld pointing to nas.home.sakujo.tld
ns02.sakujo.tld pointing to the namecheap DNS
Can I use CNAMEs here? Do I have to set up ns0#.home.sakujo.tld as well? If so can I use CNAMEs there?
Somebody in #bind on freenode wondered why I was using a separate subdomain for my home network to begin with. He advised me to use views instead.
Is it not arbitrary whether I put the hosts on my local network into their own subdomain? After all they are in their own subnet, too and semantically speaking it seems to make sense.
I read up a bit on views, but his advise does not seem to apply to me on a first quick and naive glance. I mean I don't intend to expose my local DNS to the internet so there is no point in having separate zone configuration for different clients. I want all the zone configuration to apply to all clients that use the DNS.
Maybe he was suggesting to use views on namecheap's DNS instead? Would that even work? Also, how would namecheap tell whether I make the DNS request from my home network or an external network to begin with? After all mapping my hosts on home.sakujo.tld to would not help all that much when I am not in my local subnet.

Domain name point to subdomain of a entire different domain

I am completely confused the last few days with this and I still haven't found an outcome that's worked.
Basically I have a domain name without hosting at letshost.ie which is dublinplasterer.ie
I also Have one domain & hosting with godaddy for domain- shanafagan.com which is my own site for web/graphic design service.
I created a subdomain= dublinplasterer.shanafagan.com and uploaded the site files.
Basically I want for example when someone types in dublinplasterer.ie in the address bar if goes to dublinplasterer.shanafagan.com but doesn't show dublinplasterer.shanafagan.com url, stays as dublinplasterer.ie
Im not even sure if this can be done at this stage. head is melted
shanafagan.com and the subdomain dublinplasterer.shanafagan.com have the same ip so how will that work if changing dns?
Any help would be greatly appreciated , am so stuck at this stage.
If you wanted to do it this way you would need a web server for domain2.com
Search for ProxyPass.
The way you should do this is add a second domain on your web hosting (cpanel for example) and point the other domain to this web server.
If you are struggling I recommend using a solution like cPanel that is widely used and simplifies much of the process. It is common enough you can google most issues.
So normally you would have started by making an add-on domain (instead of a subdomain) which would also create it's own subdomain anyway. To do that, you go to your cPanel in GoDaddy and find add-on domain, then make it "dublinplasterer.ie" (Don't add www. to it. Even though this name is hosted elsewhere, we will later go to your DNS files at that hosting and point it to your GoDaddy's name servers and this add-on helps it direct to the right root folder) then choose your local root folder for that site (I think you can actually make this the same as your other subfolder already hosting your files and then it will just pull the same site) or you can pick a different subfolder and then make the add-on domain. This tells any request to this name server that if it is a request for "dublinplasterer.ie" it needs to send it to the subfolder you specified.
If you don't make the subfolder the same as the one you already made, you can either load the same content into your new subfolder or create a CNAME record telling this add-on to point to your subfolder instead but that is more complex so go with the other route.
Lastly, you need to go to your original hosting at letshost.ie and under your domain name find the DNS records tab. Change the name servers to match your GoDaddy ones and now (may take a day or two to show as DNS changes often take days and can't be seen immediately but you can try using a different device/computer/mobile that hasn't loaded it previously to see if it will refresh the correct dns) it should work. Even though it points to your main site name servers, the add-on domain you made receives it and directs it to the subfolder you specified on the add-on domain.
Hope that helps, let me know if it works for you.

Can't add CNAME domain to Azure Websites where the domain name has a number, in it

I've read other questions before posting this one, none of them is having the solution to what im facing. Im not new to Azure websites and already have a few websites running already but this one in particular is being a pain. I have a domain something like www.abc2wxyz.com (sorry can't reveal the name). I have made the required CNAME with awverify and awverify.www but still even after 24hrs Azure keeps giving me abc2wxyz.com or www.abc2wxyz.com. On the other hand if i add another domain called abc-wzyx.com it gets added. Could this be due to the first domain containing numerics? or is this something else?
Also whenever i visit my domain abc2wxyz.com i get that blue Azure 404 image which shows that the domain's CNAME have infact propogated and all that is left is adding it to the respected Azure Website.
I guess problem was due to the fact that I had a number in my domain name e.g. www.abc2wxyz.com but as soon as i got a domain that was www.abctowxyz.com it started working. Im not sure what the problem might be but if you know, i would be happy to know about it.

CNAME to an A - pointer To webpage

Is it possible to use a CNAME pointer, that points to an A pointer that points to the webapplication?
I've tried this multiple times now, without any success, and i start to think that it is not possible?!
i got this
"Bad request, invalid hostname" think its an 400 error.
If it is not possible to do it this way, can someone please give me some ideas how to start?
My web application:
I got a couple of users registered at my web application.
Each users is supposed to get an sub domain, for example, user1.mydomain.com (A-pointer to web.mydomain.com, where all the aspx filer are)
by reading the domainname I get the userID.
If this is not possible i have to put a lot of files in each domain, which i dont want to do. what would you do?
wildcards is not possible.
Why a cname to a A? i have to take into account that each user maybe want to point their domain to his or her account at my place. so their pointer should be a CNAME...
The problem is that your virtual hosts are not configured to accept requests for the domain the the CNAME record is for.
You need to set the ServerAlias directive (assuming you are using Apache) so it contains all possible variants that you want to use to access your app.
A CNAME record is simply an alias of an A record, so it will always resolve to the IP that the A record points to. What you need to do is tell your web server how to handle those domains (it's based on the Host: header of the HTTP request).
You will find that you have same problem if you create A records for your other subdomains, instead of CNAMEs.
If you need to dynamically add/remove users, you would probably want to use mod_vhost_alias so you don't have to restart Apache every time you do it.
EDIT Sorry, just noticed the reference to aspx, which presumably means you using IIS, which means I can't tell you exactly how to configure it since I know next to nothing about IIS. Re-tag this question with IIS and someone will probably be able to help :-)
ANOTHER EDIT This page from M$ may help you with IIS virtual hosting, although I still don't know how to do it dynamically/programmatically.

DNS two domains one server

Greetings All,
Long time reader first time poster.
I work for a small school district. We are our own SOA so we can pretty much do what we want.
In the state of Washington all educational institutions are given a name like myschools.wednet.edu. I've recently purchased a new and hopefully easier to remember domain myschools.org and I'd like to use both domains and have them point to the same information and subdomains i.e. helpdesk.myschools.org would equal helpdesk.myschools.wednet.edu. I'd also like this to work with e-mail but I think this is a bit more complicated.
I'm sure this has been done, but I'm not entirely sure I'm asking the question in a way that can be easily answered.
Any and all help is appreciated.
To do this, you'll have multiple DNS record entries (A-Recs) pointing to the same IP Address. You may also need to tweak IIS (or your web server software) to accept requests coming from both domains.
So...in your DNS manager (e.g. in Register.com or whereever you manage your domains) change the A-Rec to point myschools.org (your domain) to the same server IP address where myschools.wednet.edu is currently pointed (I take it that you told them where to point the subdomain).
If you are using IIS then setting up multiple domains on one web site is easy. You'll create just one web site (or use the one to which wednet.edu points). Next, right-click the web site in IIS and choose Properties. On the "Web Site" tab, click "Advanced" and in the resulting dialog, use the "Add" button to add your additional domains/subdomains. That's all you'll need to do.
Hope this helps!
If you want lots of subdomain entries to map from one domain to the other then you'll need to either add A or CNAME records in the new domain pointing to the old domain.
In most cases I'd recommend a CNAME, however if you want the unadorned "myschools.org" domain to respond to HTTP requests that would have to be an A record, because you can't put in a CNAME at the top level of a zone.
Alternatively, there's a relatively new DNS record type called DNAME which can map an entire domain to another in one fell swoop. Unfortunately it's not widely supported yet.
All you should do is create two 'A' records, one of host-type '#' and the other one of host-type 'www' both should point to the IP address of your server.
It could be a bit confusing, here's an example of how to set it up #GoDaddy's:
