can the license information stored in Dongle be taken out of it and stored on a file or something? - security

We have a registered PC based application that needs a Dongle (hardware that gets plugged on the printer port) to start and execute. The vendor who provided us this application and Dongle, does not make or work with these dongles any more, since they are very old technology, and would not help us in this aspect.
So my question is --> is it possible to read the security code from this Dongle and store it in a file or something on the PC. We also do not have the source code of the application. Can we change the call in the application to read the security key from this file instead of trying to read it from the Dongle attached to the printer/parallel port.
Sorry for the vague question but we are very desperate to get help on this problem as out application has 16-bit code and it would not be supported by Windows 7 which is 64 bit. Thanks!!

The LPT security devices don't just contain information but usually include a processor and perform certain operations. Dongle emulators were developed when dongles where more widespread, but as they were based on reverse-engineering, they didn't work exactly right.
To answer your question, no, what you need is not possible. You need to start thinking about migration to another application. A temporary solution would be to have a copy of older OS running in virtual machine and to have your application run in this virtual machine. Such solution will work for another 5-10 years for sure, and I think it's enough for migration.


Web-Bluetooth error "GATT operation not authorized" occurs on Windows only

I have been working with web-bluetooth for the past several months on iOS and ChromeOS without any problems. But today, I tried to run some of my examples on Windows for the first time, and to my surprise, most of the things I had implemented didn't work with Windows. I am able to successfully connect to my peripheral, but whenever I try reading or writing anything to a custom service with a custom characteristic, I get the error "GATT operation not authorized". I have tried looking around but there is no information anywhere about this.
I am including below the simplest example I have which is just for turning the LEDs on / off on an nrf52832 board. There is only one custom service and one custom characteristic implemented, the value of which controls the states of the LEDs. This works without any problems on Chromebooks and Macs but does not work on Windows. Here is the link to this simple project including the embedded code and the web-app.
I have made two implementations of the same thing, one based on promises and another based on async-await located in the folders "WebApp (Async)" and "WebApp (Promises)", respectively. Both of those implementations work fine on Mac and Cromebook, but not on Windows.
It is a known issue that secure characteristics are not accessible using Web Bluetooth on Windows. On other platforms the pairing occurs automatically, but not on Windows. There is an issue tracking this:
Stuck with this also and as for workaround i can recommend for windows platform to pair device firstly using windows itself and than to pair it via browser(as a workaround). Not much but hope this helps, at list a little.
P.S. it should be paired via windows only once, so PC will remember device, and than you can pair via browser as long as PC remembers device.

Using (DR)STRACE to compare Windows program execution

I'm posing a question here directly in relation to this issue on github for node-serialport. In a nutshell something that used to work fine in v4.x of the library no longer works in v6.x of the library. I think it must have something to do with how the library is opening the COM port (options or something), and I suspect its artificially limiting the power delivered over USB in the current version of the library.
I wrote the simplest scripts that I could to reproduce the problem (scripts posted in the issue) using:
NodeJS and v4.x of the library [works]
NodeJS and v6.x of the library [fails]
Python and PySerial equivalent [works]
Following through on a recommendation by the repository maintainer, I researched and found a utility for windows called drstrace that allowed me to capture logs of the execution of each of these scripts executing for a period of time (these logs are posted as attachments in the referenced issue).
Now I'm stuck, as I don't know how to make heads or tails of the drstrace logs, though I feel confident that the difference is probably evident in comparing the three files. I just don't know enough about how to read the drstrace logs and windows drivers and system calls to break through.
I realized posting this question here is something of an act of desperation, but I figure it's worth a shot. Hopefully it is clear that I've not lacked in effort pursuing this on my own, I'm just over my head at this point, and could use help getting further. Any guidance would be appreciated. Most awesome would be someone who is versed in this level of diagnostics giving it a look and reading the tea leaves. It would be great to contribute back to such an important open source library.
Update 2017 Nov 10
I reached out to FTDI support asking:
I use the FT231X in many of my products. I need some help with
understanding how the Windows FTDI driver manages power. More to the
point, I'm hoping you can help me understand how to direct the driver
to allow the full 500mA allowed by USB to be delivered to my product
by a Windows computer.
The reply was:
Just use our FT_Prog utility to set the max VBUS current to 500
This drive current becomes available after the FT231X enumerates.
I haven't tried this advice yet, but I wanted to share it with anyone reading this. The fact remains that node-serialport 6.0.4 behavior differs from both node-serialport 4.0.7 behavior and pyserial behavior.
Here is an alternative theory you could look into:
Windows interacting with V6.x might be interacting with the flow control settings differently, which might be causing your device to respond with an unexpected state causing your test to fail.
I Read a bit more about windows drivers and how they manage that i only found out that its related to the hardware manufacturer i think its not a fail from serialport it self since its really using the drivers it self it adds no extras on that level.
i am Contributor of SerialPort and can tell you that it offers only bindings for the Operating System to node that means it don't does any actions it offers you only a API read the following from microsoft they say you should ask your hardware vendor
Power Management in Serial Port Drivers (Windows CE 5.0)
Windows CE 5.0
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The minimum power management that a serial port driver can provide is to put the serial port hardware into its lowest power consumption state with the HWPowerOff function, and to turn the serial port hardware fully back on with the HWPowerOn function. Both of these functions are implemented in the lower layer. Beyond this minimal processing, a serial port driver can conserve power more effectively by keeping the port powered down unless an application has opened the serial port. If there is no need for the driver to detect docking events for removable serial port devices, the driver can go one step further and remove power from the serial port's universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART) chip, if no applications are using the port.
Most serial port hardware can support reading the port's input lines even without supplying power to the serial line driver. Consult the documentation for your serial port hardware to determine what parts of the serial port circuitry can be selectively powered on and off, and what parts must be powered for various conditions of use.
about changes from serialport v4 => 6
new Stream Interface
but nothing changed with the core opening method of the port.
also nothing changed in the bindings which open the port
node serialport is a collection of bindings written in c++

Write driver for laptop sensor

I want to write a driver for sensor which can tell me if my yoga 2 pro is in tablet mode or not.
I read some about writting modules but as far as I know, I need to know address in memory which belongs to this device (hope it's correct), and here is my question.
How can I find information about this address?
Or what should I do to find this address?
Both in Windows and in Android you absolutely don't need to write a driver for this purpose. To identify Tablet/Laptop mode, you need just one sensor - accelerometer. In Windows 8.1 + this functionality is built-in, but in case you wish to build your own application you can use an example from here:
In Android, you have a Java API to all sensors:
However if you have a custom Linux installed on your Yoga, there indeed may arise a need to add a driver. As of now, the most useful solution are IIO drivers that are part of Kernel:
If there aren't already there, you'll have to rebuild a Kernel and include those drivers. If you don't know how to find a device address, you have to learn for a while about Linux Kernel in general. Anyway, some tips:
Sensors are normally defined via USB/HID interface
If you still have your Windows along with Linux, you may go to
Devices Manager and there you can easily reach Sensors and see what
address is used by a driver.

How did NOKIA N9 pppd to network?

When use wcdma module ,we should use ppp protocol to communicate with ppp server. But I can't see any file about ppp in NOKIA N9's filesystem.
So,How N9 use linux(harmattan) to dial to PPP server and then linked to internet ?
This question seems more suited to - it is not related to programming. See the StackOverflow FAQ for more information on what kind of questions you can ask here.
Regardless of where you post a question, it would help all of us if you provided more context, preferably using full sentences. As it stands now, it is difficult to tell what your actual question is. Do you want to connect a computer to the internet using the phone? Do you want to use the phone itself to access the network?
It is also difficult to understand what the problem is. You should at least tell us what you have tried and where that failed.
Unless you pay more attention to your question, you will not get any meaningful answers. You should probably have a look here for a guide on asking questions.
You should keep in mind that hardware-related questions can usually be answered only by people that have access to that particular device. With the amount of information you are providing this question boils down to "How do I connect to a PPP server on Nokia N9?", which is impossible to answer, unless one has access to that particular phone model.
By providing more context, such as describing how the firmware in that phone is setup, you allow people that have more general experience on Linux and embedded devices to help you.
Since I do not have that particular device, I will take a shot in the dark and offer a few alternatives, in order of decreasing probability:
You may need to install additional packages. I believe that MeeGo uses Debian-style packages and the PPP-related packages may not be installed by default. You should have a look at your software repositories.
The PPP support does not have to be a module - it can be included in the main kernel binary. pppd could also be replaced by a custom binary, although that is not very common, even on embedded devices.
Are you absolutely certain that your current software configuration does not support PPP? How are you searching in the filesystem for PPP-related files? What are you expecting to find? Does using the phone UI to connect work?
There is a very slim chance that the default firmware does not support PPP at all - in that case you may have to install custom packages or even replace the firmware itself with a custom version.

Listening a particular port on linux to access data comes from mobile device

i am newbie to Linux platform, i am working on java technology.
what i have to do is : Having a program that running on mobile devices,that sends some data to my Linux machine, now i have to create a program in java that
listen to a particular port.
access data comes on that port(which is sending by mobile device)
save that data to the database.
response back to the mobile device.
i.e. i would make my Linux system as server that can listen from many clients(mobile devices), but not getting how to configure this environment... :(
i used cent OS 5.4 and
installed jdk1.6.0_24
any help would be appreciated.....
thanx in advance!
One of Java's greatest strengths is that you can pretty much ignore the host operating system as long as you stick to core Java features. In the case you're describing, you should be able to accomplish everything by simply using the standard Java networking APIs and either the JDBC to access an existing, external database or you could choose any number of embedded Java databases such as Derby. For your stated use case, that you'll be running the application on Linux is pretty much irrelevant (which should be good news... you don't need to learn a whole operating system in addition to writing your app ;-).
Here's a nice client/server tutorial, in that it is broken into steps, and adds each new concept in another step.
Here's another client/server tutorial with much more detail.
I would write it to accept one connection at a time. Once that works, I would study the new(ish) java.lang.concurrent classes, in particular the ExecutorService, as a way of managing the worker bee handling each connection. Then change your program to handle multiple connections using those classes. Breaking it up in two steps like that will be a lot easier.
