Vector field using gnuplot - gnuplot

How do I plot a vector field, where the direction at each point (x, y) is given by tangent(alpha) = f(x, y)?

As far as I can tell, gnuplot can only plot vector fields when reading data from a file. Your file will have to have 4 columns, x, y, deltax and delta y, and gnuplot will then plot a vector from (x,y) to (x+deltax, y+deltay) for each line in the file:
plot "file.dat" using 1:2:3:4 with vectors head filled lt 2
If you are not insisting on using gnuplot, there are other tools that can to this better or at least easier. I personally use asymptote. There is an example of a vectorfield plotted in asymptote here.

It seems this question/answer is a bit old, and since I believe that gnuplot is changed a bit in the latest versions, probably the answer should be updated.
I found a nice and compact solution here, by thse:
which I will report for convenience:
set xrange [-5:5]
set yrange [-5:5]
# only integer x-cordinates
set samples 11
# only integer y-cordinates
set isosamples 11
# we need data, so we use the special filename "++", which
# produces x,y-pairs
plot "++" using 1:2:1:(2.*$2) with vectors
Here, the original question was how to plot the vector field F(x,y) = <x, 2y>.
The trick is in the plot "++", which is a special file name which allows to use functions in the using specifier.
So, as #Jan said in his answer, gnuplot needs 4 fields in the data file to plot a vector field, but here the fields are synthetic and produced with two functions.
An equivalent formulation using defined functions could be:
set xrange [-5:5]
set yrange [-5:5]
dx(x) = x
dy(x) = 2*x
plot "++" using 1:2:(dx($1)):(dy($2)) w vec
See help special-filenames for further details.


Gnuplot smoothing data in loglog plot

I would like to plot a smoothed curve based on a dataset which spans over 13 orders of magnitude [1E-9:1E4] in x and 4 orders of magnitude [1E-6:1e-2] in y.
set log x
set log y
set xrange [1E-9:1E4]
set yrange [1E-6:1e-2]
set samples 1000
plot 'data.txt' u 1:3:(1) smooth csplines not
The smooth curve looks nice above x=10. Below, it is just a straight line down to the point at x=1e-9.
When increasing samples to 1e4, smoothing works well above x=1. For samples 1e5, smoothing works well above x=0.1 and so on.
Any idea on how to apply smoothing to lower data points without setting samples to 1e10 (which does not work anyway...)?
Thanks and best regards!
To my understanding sampling in gnuplot is linear. I am not aware, but maybe there is a logarithmic sampling in gnuplot which I haven't found yet.
Here is a suggestion for a workaround which is not yet perfect but may act as a starting point.
The idea is to split your data for example into decades and to smooth them separately.
The drawback is that there might be some overlaps between the ranges. These you can minimize or hide somehow when you play with set samples and every ::n or maybe there is another way to eliminate the overlaps.
### smoothing over several orders of magnitude
reset session
# create some random test data
set print $Data
do for [p=-9:3] {
do for [m=1:9:3] {
print sprintf("%g %g", m*10**p, (1+rand(0))*10**(p/12.*3.-2))
set print
set logscale x
set logscale y
set format x "%g"
set format y "%g"
set samples 100
pMin = -9
pMax = 3
set table $Smoothed
myFilter(col,p) = (column(col)/10**p-1) < 10 ? column(col) : NaN
plot for [i=pMin:pMax] $Data u (myFilter(1,i)):2 smooth cspline
unset table
plot $Data u 1:2 w p pt 7 ti "Data", \
$Smoothed u 1:2 every ::3 w l ti "cspline"
### end of code
Thanks to #maij who pointed out that it can be simplified by simply mapping the whole range into linear space. In contrast to #maij's solution I would let gnuplot handle the logarithmic axes and keep the actual plot command as simple as possible with the extra effort of some table plots.
### smoothing in loglog plot
reset session
# create some random test data
set print $Data
do for [p=-9:3] {
do for [m=1:9:3] {
print sprintf("%g %g", m*10**p, (1+rand(0))*10**(p/12.*3.-2))
set print
set samples 500
set table $SmoothedLog
plot $Data u (log10($1)):(log10($2)) smooth csplines
set table $Smoothed
plot $SmoothedLog u (10**$1):(10**$2) w table
unset table
set logscale x
set logscale y
set format x "%g"
set format y "%g"
set key top left
plot $Data u 1:2 w p pt 7 ti "Data", \
$Smoothed u 1:2 w l lc "red" ti "csplines"
### end of code
Using a logarithmic scale basically means to plot the logarithm of a value instead of the value itself. The set logscale command tells gnuplot to do this automatically:
read the data, still linear world, no logarithm yet
calculate the splines on an equidistant grid (smooth csplines), still linear world
calculate and plot the logarithms (set logscale)
The key point is the equidistant grid. Let's say one chooses set xrange [1E-9:10000] and set samples 101. In the linear world 1e-9 compared to 10000 is approximately 0, and the resulting grid will be 1E-9 ~ 0, 100, 200, 300, ..., 9800, 9900, 10000. The first grid point is at 0, the second one at 100, and gnuplot is going to draw a straight line between them. This does not change when afterwards logarithms of the numbers are plotted.
This is what you already have noted in your question: you need 10 times more points to get a smooth curve for smaller exponents.
As a solution, I would suggest to switch the calculation of the logarithms and the calculation of the splines.
# create some random test data, code "stolen" from #theozh (
set print $Data
do for [p=-9:3] {
do for [m=1:9:3] {
print sprintf("%g %g", m*10**p, (1+rand(0))*10**(p/12.*3.-2))
set print
# this makes the splines smoother
set samples 1000
# manually account for the logarithms in the tic labels
set format x "10^{%.0f}" # for example this format
set format y "1e{%+03.0f}" # or this one
set xtics 2 # logarithmic world, tic distance in orders of magnitude
set ytics 1
# just "read logarithm of values" from file, before calculating splines
plot $Data u (log10($1)):(log10($2)) w p pt 7 ti "Data" ,\
$Data u (log10($1)):(log10($2)) ti "cspline" smooth cspline
This is the result:

How to plot lines parallel to the x-axis with a certain offset given by data in an input file with gnuplot

I calculated the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian for the 1D-hydrogen atom in atomic units with the Fourier-Grid-Hamiltonian method in a nice little Fortran program.
All the eigenvalues found between -1 and 0 (the bound states) are saved into a file line by line like this:
As the number of found eigenvalues differs depends on the stepsize my program uses, the number of entries in the file can vary (in theory, there are infinite ones).
I now want to plot the values from the file as a line parallel to the x-axis with the offset given by the values read from file.
I also want to be able to plot the data only up to a certain line number, as the values get really close to each other the further you come to zero and they cannot be distinguished by eye anymore.
(Here e.g. it would make sence to plot the first four entries, the fifth is already too close to the previous one)
I know that one can plot lines parallel to the x axis with the command plot *offset* but I don't know how to tell gnuplot to use the data from the file. So far I had to manually plot the values.
As a second step I would like to plot the data only in a certain x range, more concrete between the points of intersection with the harmonic potential used for the numeric solution V(x) = -1/(1+abs(x))
The result should look like this:
scheme of the desired plot (lookalike)
The closest I got to, was with
plot -1/(1+abs(x)),-0.5 title 'E0',-0.18 title 'E1', -0.11 title 'E2'
which got me the following result:
my plot
Hope you guys can help me, and I'm really curios whether gnuplot actually can do the second step I described!
As for the first part of your question, you can for example use the xerrorbars plotting style as:
set terminal pngcairo
set output 'fig.png'
unset key
set xr [-1:1]
set yr [-1:0]
unset bars
plot '-' u (0):($1<-0.1?$1:1/0):(1) w xerrorbars pt 0 lc rgb 'red'
The idea here is to:
interpret the energies E as points with coordinates (0,E) and assign to each of them an x-errorbar of width 1 (via the third part of the specification (0):($1<-0.1?$1:1/0):(1))
"simulate" the horizontal lines with x-errorbars. To this end, unset bars and pt 0 ensure that Gnuplot displays just plain lines.
consider only energies E<-0.1, the expressions $1<-0.1?$1:1/0 evaluates otherwise to an undefined value 1/0 which has the consequence that nothing is plotted for such E.
plot '-' with explicit values can be of course replaced with, e.g., plot 'your_file.dat'
This produces:
For the second part, it mostly depends how complicated is your function V(x). In the particular case of V(x)=-1/(1+|x|), one could infer directly that it's symmetric around x=0 and calculate the turning points explicitly, e.g.,
set terminal pngcairo
set output 'fig.png'
fName = 'test.dat'
unset key
set xr [-10:10]
set yr [-1:0]
unset bars
f(x) = -1 / (1+abs(x))
g(y) = (-1/y - 1)
plot \
f(x) w l lc rgb 'black', \
fName u (0):($1<-0.1?$1:1/0):(g($1)) w xerrorbars pt 0 lc rgb 'red', \
fName u (0):($1<-0.1?$1:1/0):(sprintf("E%d", $0)) w labels offset 0, char 0.75
which yields
The idea is basically the same as before, just the width of the errorbar now depends on the y-coordinate (the energy). Also, the labels style is used in order to produce explicit labels.
Another approach may be to get data from "energy.dat" (as given in the question) with system and cat commands (so assuming a Un*x-like system...) and select V(x) and E at each x via max:
set key bottom right
set yr [-1:0.2]
set samples 1000
Edat = system( "cat energy.dat" )
max(a,b) = ( a > b ) ? a : b
V(x) = -1/(1+abs(x))
plot for [ E in Edat ] \
max(V(x),real(E)) title sprintf("E = %8.6f", real(E)) lw 2, \
V(x) title "V(x) = -1/(1+|x|)" lc rgb "red" lw 2
If we change the potential to V(x) = -abs(cos(x)), the plot looks pretty funny (and the energy levels are of course not correct!)
More details about the script:
max is not a built-in function in Gnuplot, but a user-defined function having two formal arguments. So for example, we may define it as
mymax( p, q ) = ( p > q ) ? p : q
with any other names (and use mymax in the plot command). Next, the ? symbol is a ternary operator that gives a short-hand notation for an if...else construct. In a pseudo-code, it works as
function max( a, b ) {
if ( a > b ) then
return a
return b
This way, max(V(x),real(E)) selects the greater value between V(x) and real(E) for any given x and E.
Next, Edat = system( "cat energy.dat" ) tells Gnuplot to run the shell command "cat energy.dat" and assign the output to a new variable Edat. In the above case, Edat becomes a string that contains a sequence of energy values read in from "energy.dat". You can check the contents of Edat by print( Edat ). For example, it may be something like
Edat = "-0.11 -0.22 ... -0.5002"
plot for [ E in Edat ] ... loops over words contained in a string Edat. In the above case, E takes a string "-0.11", "-0.22", ..., "-0.5002" one-by-one. real(E) converts this string to a floating-point value. It is used to pass E (a character string) to any mathematical function.
The basic idea is to draw a truncated potential above E, max(V(x),E), for each value of E. (You can check the shape of such potential by plot max(V(x),-0.5), for example). After plotting such curves, we redraw the potential V(x) to make it appear as a single potential curve with a different color.
set samples 1000 increases the resolution of the plot with 1000 points per curve. 1000 is arbitrary, but this seems to be sufficient to make the figure pretty smooth.

How to make the same scale of x and y in gnuplot without full autoscaling?

I know that "set view equal xy" automatically sets the same scales for x and y, but it is not exactly what I want. I expect that I define 'xrange [a:b]' and 'yrange [c:?]' and the last number '?' would be defined automatically from the knowledge of 'set view equal xy' and from the knowledge of the lengths of the axes.
I can try to explain in other words. I write the following:
set xrange [-5:5]
set yrange [-1:?]
set view equal xy
plot sin(x) with lines
The resulting scaling depends on the plotted function and gnuplot does not follow the entered values. But it should be possible to calculate '?' just from the knowledge of the visible lengths of axes (Lx,Ly) and condition of 'equal scales' (Sx=Sy):
Sx = Sy
Lx/(-5-5) = Ly/(-1-?)
? = - Ly/Lx * (-5-5) -1
This is what I expect from gnuplot when asking for equal scales. Could anyone help me to achieve this 'not fully auto'-scaling?
Thanks in advance.
I'm not fully sure what you want, but using set yrange [-1:*] should work fine. That autoscales only the upper y-value:
set xrange [-5:5]
set yrange [-1:*]
set size ratio -1
plot 2*x, 0.2*x
The output with 4.6.5 is:

reduce datapoints when using logscale in gnuplot

I have a large set of data points from x = 1 to x = 10e13 (step size is fixed to about 3e8).
When I try to plot them using a logscale I certainly get an incredible huge point-density towards the end. Of course this affects my output plots since postscript and svg files (holding each and every data point) are getting really big.
Is there a way to tell gnuplot to decrease the data density dynamically?
Sample data here. Shows a straight line using logarithmic x-axis.
Usually, for this kind of plots, one can use a filter function which selects the desired points and discards all others (sets their value to 1/0:
Something like:
plot 'sample.dat' using (filter($1) ? $1 : 1/0):2
Now you must define an appropriate filter function to change the data density. Here is a proposal, with pseudo-data, although you might for sure find a better one, which doesn't show this typical logarithmic pattern:
set logscale x
reduce(x) = x/(10**(floor(log10(x))))
filterfunc(x) = abs(log10(sc)+(log10(x) - floor(log10(x))) - log10(floor(sc*reduce(x))))
filter(x) = filterfunc(x) < 1e-5 ? x : 1/0
set multiplot layout 1,2
sc = 1
plot '' using (filter($1)):2 notitle
sc = 10
The variable sc allows to change the density. The result is (with 4.6.5) is:
I did some work inspired by Christoph's answer and able to get equal spacing in log scale. I made a filtering, if you have numbers in the sequence you can simply use Greatest integer function and then find the nearest to it in log scale by comparing the fraction part. Precision is tuned by precision_parameter here.
Now filter by using the filter function defined below
density_parameter = 3.5
filter(x)=(function(x) < 1/(log10(x))**density_parameter & function(x-1) > 1/(log10(x))**density_parameter ) ? x : 1/0
set datafile missing "NaN"
Last line helps in plotting with line point. I used x and x-1 assuming the xdata is in arithmetic progression with 1 as common difference, change it accordingly with your data. Just replace x by filter(x) in the plot command.
plot 'sample_data.dat' u (filter($1)):2 w lp

wxMaxima + gnuplot = Mathematica-like densitymap with a twist

I would like to plot the frequency-domain response of a filter in a similar manner to how the pole-zero plots are on the Wikipedia's "Chebyshev filter" page: . In particular, what I would like is to cut the plot in half along the Y axis and to make the cut stand out as representing the frequency response.
So far I have managed to get this:
The maked seam can be seen but it doesn't stand out, as if freshly welded. I hope the meaning gets to you because I can't find a better explanation now.
Now, what I have, so far, with wxMaxima's draw3d() function, is this:
/* cbrange=[0.05,100.95], */ view=[0,0],yv_grid=101,xu_grid=101,
where Hs(s) is defined earlier, say:
I don't know how to make the frequency response stand out, the order of printing doesn't seem to matter. Does anyone know if it can be done and, if so, how?
I don't know how to achieve that with maxima, but here is a solution with gnuplot only. This uses the + pseudo filename to create the 1D-plot for x=0 with splot. Complex numbers are specified with brackets, {x,y}, i.e. i = {0,1}:
set terminal pngcairo size 1000,800
set output 'chebyshev.png'
N = 501
set isosamples N
set samples N
set pm3d interpolate 3,3
set palette gray
set cbrange [*:10]
set xrange [-1:0]
set yrange [-3:3]
set logscale z
set autoscale zfix
set view 120,278
unset key
set grid
Hs(s) = 0.0248655/((s+0.210329)*(s**2+0.12999*s+0.521695)*(s**2+0.340319*s+0.22661))
splot abs(Hs(x+{0,1}*y)) w pm3d, \
'+' using (y = ($0/(N-1.0) * 6 - 3), 0):(y):(abs(Hs({0,1}*y))) w l lw 3
The result with 4.6.3 is:
