Deploy a .NET Micro framework application on USB device from GNU/Linux with Mono - linux

I started developing an application for a FEZ Panda device, using the .NET Micro Framework several weeks ago, on Windows.
As I really love GNU/Linux, I would like to use MonoDevelop to develop for this device.
Fortunately, there is an add-in for Mono, that allows deploying .NET Micro Framework applications. Unfortunately, it does not support USB deploy, and my computer has no serial port (it is a laptop).
Do you have any solution about my problem?
Thank you in advance,
EDIT: If there is another way that is not using MonoDevelop, I would like to test it too.

Use a USB to Serial adapter. Keep in mind that on most of these boards it is TTL not RS232 so you'll have to get a USB to TTL adapter.
They are usually very cheap. This one should work.


What language/libraries best for BLE connectivity?

Operating system: MacOS
Just for some context on what I am trying to do, I have an Ikea standing desk which has bluetooth. I am able to control the desk with a built in app. I want to create a server running on a raspberry pi that connects to desk and controls it, I then want to create an Alexa skill which will control the desk by calling the server endpoints.
What's the best language/library you would suggest I use? Ideally something that would run on MacOS and Ubuntu.
I don't know anything about BLE yet which is why it is hard for me to find a good answer. If you have resources, books or tutorials that will help me get running with BLE please recommend them.
My use case:
Get desk to go up
Get desk to go down
Get current position of desk
If you want to write one app that works for both MacOS and Ubuntu then as ukBaz said, python and Bleak are your best options. If you want to use the native way of writing BLE apps for each OS, then you can use CoreBluetooth on MacOS and BlueZ on Ubuntu. The advantage of the former is that you can get an application up and running quickly, and the advantage of the latter is that you will find a lot more resources and advanced functionality.
Below are some resources that can help you in your development:-
Theoretical Bluetooth:
Bluetooth Low Energy: A Primer
Getting Started with Bluetooth Low Energy
Ellisys Bluetooth Series
Getting Started with CoreBluetooth
Ultimate Guide to Apple's CoreBluetooth
iOS App Full Example
Configuring Bluetooth devices with bluetoothctl
Ubuntu: Accessing GATT services
Ikea IDÅSEN desk API and CLI
Idasen controller example
Using Python for Bluetooth

node.js BLE API for windows requires external dongle

I'm developping a node.js electron app and I need to decide if our Hardware will feature BLE or standard Bluetooth.
I found a couple of APIs (bleno & noble) for this purpose. However for Windows OS both of these require me to use an additional bluetooth usb adapter (used WinUSB & Zadig).
To put it bluntly, is there any way to communicate with a BLE device on a Windows OS using node.js without using an external dongle?
It seems like standard bluetooth is just way less of a hassle. Thanks!
Found a package which solves this issue using a UWP-to-noble bridge:
It works just like noble but supports BLE connectivity on Windows without the need for a dongle and complicated driver set-ups!
I was able to easily integrate it on Electron as well, problem solved! :)
The official Bluetooth API on Windows is built for Windows Runtime, It supports Javascript but I'm not sure if you need a specific js environment. If you don't get that working, you should write or use a native binding for node.js.

Controlling a driverless USB Audio Device

I have a USB audio device (Scarlett Focusrite 18i6) which does not require a driver, so I assume it uses the USB HID Audio Class standard.
It works on everything from Windows and Mac to Linux and iOS.
But on Mac and Windows, it has a control application which can for instance enable and disable direct monitoring.
How would I go about reverse-engineering how this is done, so that I can reproduce it on platforms where the control application does not exist?
I'm thinking of booting up Windows in a VMWare session and then logging the USB communication (somehow?) while using the control application, but it does sound tedious considering the amount of data and my very limited understanding of USB.
Any other suggestions?
You could try running the control application using Wine instead of reverse engineering it. However, if it's accessing USB devices then there is a good chance it might be using an API not supported by Wine.
To reverse engineer it, you should find a way to look at the USB traffic between the computer and the device. Total Phase has some hardware USB protocol analyzers, but you might be able to find a good software solution for free.

Windows 10 IoT Core Bluetooth Support for Raspberry Pi3

Apologies for asking a time dependant question, but does anyone know when Microsoft are going to sort out there drivers for the Raspberry Pi 3's on-board Bluetooth chip?
Currently the console Device Settings just display the following exception error code relating to a fault with the OS files:
The device is not ready for use. (Excep_FromHResult 0x800710DF)
Or does anyone know of a workaround to this problem?... Short of developing your own drivers and creating a custom OS image for the board.
Many thanks for your help.
Raspberry Pi 3 onboard Bluetooth support is in a future release of Windows IoT Core Insider Preview, per the page it should come soon, so please be patient.
The workaround is to use a compatible USB Bluetooth dongle, check out here to find the list.
If you want to develop your own driver and create a custom image for hobby or fun, you can find very good code samples in, and follow
to create custom windows IoT core image.
Onboard Bluetooth driver seems to be included in the latest preview build version 14376. I did not test it thoroughly but per the snapshots below, it looks very promising.

Does the Universal Windows Application infrastructure support any Serial Port communications?

I have a WPF desktop application that would make a good candidate as a Universal Windows App. The application has a must-have dependence on USB or Bluetooth devices that act as a Serial Port.
In all my reading I've yet to discover whether there is any access to a SerialPort API in a UWA.
I suspect the answer is 'No support'. If so, does anyone know of a USB or Bluetooth GPS that supports whatever APIs the UWA has for that sort of thing. I have to be able to read things like ground speed, elevation, rate of climb, etc.
If the answer is 'Supported', could you point me to some documentation.
For the "Bluetooth devices that act as a Serial Port", I assume you mean the RFCOMM. They are both supported on Windows Runtime since Windows 8.1 and you can also use them in the Universal Windows Application.
namespace: Windows.Devices.Usb and Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Rfcomm.
About the Bluetooth GPS, I'm not sure if it uses RFCOMM or not (it depends on the devices), and it is also possible to use the GATT.
Code Sample: Custom USB device access sample
