Client need SEF URL for e-commerce site (ISS 6). We tried IonicIsapiRewriter and it works good.
Now consider the below url,
This works fine. I write the rule to pass the id as query string (product.action?prt_id=12345)
But client wants the URL to be
How to do this? Without passing product id how to identify the product?
In order to get this working as expected, the men_tshirt part needs to be the new ID to identify the resource that was formerly identified by 12345. So men_tshirt needs to be a unique value in that context.
Then you just need a mapping of those textual IDs onto numeric ID.
I wish to know how to get dynamic data center url.
I have checked in nets and knew that getdatacenterurl only applicable for REST while I wish to do the same in Suitescript.
The reason for this is because currently I am hardcoded the data center in URL and this will not work if the customer change their data center in future.
I know nlapiResolveURL only help to generate the later part of URL and we still need to define the base domain at the first place.
Any helps?
A little hackish but you could use nlapiResolveURL to ask for the external URL of a Suitelet and then replace forms with system and then slice the first part before app. Something like this:
var externalURL = nlapiResolveURL('SUITELET', 'customscript_xxxx', 'customdeploy_xxxx', true);
externalURL = externalURL.replace('forms', 'system');
var dataCenter = externalURL.slice(0,'app'));
Note: The suitelet doesn't need to be public, you can use an internal one and it should still return the first part of the url.
I'd like to know if this is even possible. And if it is possible, what the security ramifications would be.
I want to use Javascript to build a dynamic URL to query a Parse-Server database.
It appears that it might be possible based on an earlier Stackoverflow question here and a Node.js doc here
Here's how I envision it working....
So, a user would be sent (via email/Twitter/etc) a link which was created by above method. Once the user clicked on that URL link, the following would happen automatically:
Step #1: User's system would automatically submit a parse-server query.
Step #2: On success, the user's browser would download a web page which displayed the query results.
step one create the pointer value ie the query pseudo-semantic
step 2 insert the pointer value to a text-type field in parse cls=clazz
step 2b mailgun a msg containing a link like :!clazz/:yALNMbHWoy - where 'yA...oy' is oid of pointer row in parse/clazz table
Note that the link is an abstraction only. Its a uri first to express/route && function that will simply get a row from parse.clazz. That row contains the semantic for making a parse query to get back the full DB compliment to pass along to the node template setting up the html ...
in your node/router GET/clazz/:oid will lookup that Parse row in parse/clazz, using the pointer/text value to format a 2nd, Parse query. The query response from the 2nd parse.qry is your real meat ... This response can be used by the express template formatting the html response to orig request on "".
where u ask "download web page" .. that is simply node's RESPONSE to a GET on a route like "GET/clazz".
How can I get the formatted url from Sitecore Lucene search? I created a custom index and updated it with under root as /sitecore/content/websitename/home.
When the search results are retrieved the URL is appended with https://hostname/websitename/home/sample.aspx. I would like the url to be https://hostname/sample.aspx. Is there any setting in index config that needs to be updated?
In sites.config I already have rootPath="/sitecore/content/websitename" startItem="/home"
You can get the url in two ways:
For each result from your index, fetch the item and get the url with the LinkManager as you normally would for any item. This does mean that you need to fetch the items what will be a performance hit.
Create a computed field in your index to include the url. In your computed field, make sure the correct link is being generated. If not, you might need to check your url options and the maybe the Rendering.SiteResolving setting (true). Verify the results with a debugger (or with Luke to test the index). Remember that if you include the url in the index, you will need to update additional items when an item is renamed (or even the display name changed when that is used in the url). All children of that changed item had their urls changed as well at that point.
I have an Express application that gets search parameters and page numbers via query strings.
var name =;
var state = req.query.state;
var category = req.query.category;
var pageNum = req.query.pagenum;
What I want is if the search query has a page number and yields no results, to do a search without the page number and pass that back to the client. This works fine, and the front-end is receiving the data correctly.
The only thing is that I want the URL to reflect the changed page number search, so rather than being I'd like it to have the page number stripped or changed to 1. I can do this via Javascript on the front-end, but I'd rather have the url changed on the server side (it makes more sense to me at least, rather than having to change every template to do that).
Looks like the only way of doing this is to redirect to the URL without the page query string parameter. It seems this will help me out in getting this done.
I don't quite know your environment, but generally URLs cannot be "changed" on server-side, because they are displayed in the browser on the client-side. The user sees the last whole page request's url. You can only force an URL update (actually a page reload with different URL) from server-side with a HTTP redirect header.
You could check if there are any results for the query with page number, and if not, simply send a redirect to the URL without the page number, so the user sees that extended result with its proper (page-less) URL.
Hope it helps something.
The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York in re Doubleclick Inc. stated:
"GET information is submitted as part of a Web site's address or "URL," in what is known as a "query string." For example, a request for a hypothetical online record store's selection of Bon Jovi albums might read: The URL query string begins with the "?" character meaning the cookie would record that the user requested information about Bon Jovi.
Is it true that a URL query string with a "?" would have the cookie record the user requested information? If so, what RFC/standard includes this?
Edit: I understand the United States District Court doesn't define standards, but I would like to have something concrete to note that they were incorrect.
If you read the whole document, you'll note that they say
DoubleClick's cookies only collect
information from one step of the above
process: Step One. The cookies capture
certain parts of the communications
that users send to
DoubleClick-affiliated Web sites. They
collect this information in three
ways: (1) "GET" submissions, (2)
"POST" submissions, and (3) "GIF"
They are describing a process used by DoubleClick, not an internet standard.
You (and anyone else, including DoubleClick) can take information that is available to you (including information that might be sent as part of a GET submission) and store it in a cookie.
You should interpret the sentence in question (in context) like this:
DoubleClick stores information from the query string in a cookie.
The URL query string is the portion of a URL that begins with the "?" character.
The query string portion of the hypothetical URL is "Bon Jovi".
DoubleClick's process would use a cookie to record that the user requested information about Bon Jovi
Supported Conclusion:
DoubleClick takes/took information from a URL query string (which is the part of the URL that begins with a "?") and uses a cookie to record information that the user requested.
Unsupported Conclusion:
A URL query string with a "?" would have the cookie record the user requested information. There exists some RFC that describes this behavior.
It's certainly possible to store the query string in a cookie, but there is no technical standard that forces that to occur.
They are likely referencing something specific to the code on that specific website, which is presumably storing the query string in a cookie.
Cookies get set and submitted seperately from the URL, so in the HTTP-header it would look like this:
GET /search?terms=bonjovi
Cookie: $Version=1; UserId=JohnDoe
The only way the query string would be stored in a cookie would be if a cookie path is used in conjunction with rewritten URLS or if the server explicitely sets a cookie with some sort of id or the query string.
Last time I checked, the US District Court for the Southern District of New York didn't define Internet standards.
The query string does not affect the cookies, they are using technical language in a sloppy way.
That text may be just an example and you shouldn't stick to that.
Including any text in the query string does not imply a cookie is created with that information, although some sites may contain additional code to do so.