YUI: get all data of row when click cell - yui

I try to make example with datatable of YUI-2.8.2.
YAHOO.example.DynamicData = function() {
// Column definitions
myColumnDefs = [ // sortable:true enables sorting
{key:"id", label:"id", sortable:true},
{key:"date", label:"date", sortable:true},
{key:"price", label:"price", sortable:true},
{key:"number", label:"number", sortable:true}
// Custom parser
var stringToDate = function(sData) {
var array = sData.split("-");
return new Date(array[1] + " " + array[0] + ", " + array[2]);
var appendTestBtn = function(sData){
return "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Cancel\" onClick=\"javascript:onGetRowData();\">";
// DataSource instance
myDataSource = new YAHOO.util.DataSource("http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/datatable/assets/php/json_proxy.php?");
myDataSource.responseType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSON;
myDataSource.responseSchema = {
resultsList: "records",
fields: [
metaFields: {
totalRecords: "totalRecords" // Access to value in the server response
// DataTable configuration
myConfigs = {
initialRequest: "sort=id&dir=asc&startIndex=0&results=25", // Initial request for first page of data
dynamicData: true, // Enables dynamic server-driven data
sortedBy : {key:"id", dir:YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_ASC}, // Sets UI initial sort arrow
paginator: new YAHOO.widget.Paginator({ rowsPerPage:5 }) // Enables pagination
// DataTable instance
myDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable("dynamicdata", myColumnDefs, myDataSource, myConfigs);
// Update totalRecords on the fly with value from server
myDataTable.handleDataReturnPayload = function(oRequest, oResponse, oPayload) {
oPayload.totalRecords = oResponse.meta.totalRecords;
return oPayload;
return {
ds: myDataSource,
dt: myDataTable
In source, i add a button at "number" column (using appendTestBtn method).
I want: when i click that button i can get all data of that row (Currently i only get data of that cell).
Please help me.
Thank you.

You can use a formatter instead:
var buttonFormatter = function (elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
return "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Cancel\" />"
in your column definition:
myColumnDefs = [ // sortable:true enables sorting
{key:"id", label:"id", sortable:true},
{key:"date", label:"date", sortable:true},
{key:"price", label:"price", sortable:true},
{key:"number", label:"number", formatter: buttonFormatter ,sortable:true}
and in your schema don't use parser:
fields: [
Now in your buttonFormatter method you have access to the row like this:
Hope this helps


Header filtering - create Select field with down arrow

I am using Tabulator 5.x. I have a table with header filtering. The column in question is the last column "Transcribed". Is there a way to have the typical down arrow on the right side of the select box that shows the end user it is a drop down list similar to if you were using option in html? Rather than having to click on it filter field to see the choices.
I looked in documentation but do not see any examples using a down arrow. I also looked in the CSS, but did not anything if indeed it was there.
var table = new Tabulator("#transcription-table", {
{title:"ID", field:"id", headerSort:false, visible:false},
{title:"Song Title", field:"songtitle", width:350, sorter:"string", headerFilter:"input"},
{title:"Artist / Group", field:"artistgroup", widthGrow:1.5 ,sorter:"string", headerFilter:"input"},
{title:"Transcribed", field:"transcribed", widthGrow:1.2, sorter:"string", headerTooltip:"Transcribed into music notation", editor:"select", editorParams:{values:{"Yes":"Yes", "No":"No"}}, headerFilter:true, headerFilterParams:{values:{"Yes":"Yes", "No":"No", "":""}}},
Thank you.
You can create your own editor by extending editor module as
Tabulator.extendModule("edit", "editors", {
selectwithdrop: function (cell, onRendered, success, cancel, editorParams) {
var cellValue = cell.getValue().toUpperCase(),
input = document.createElement("select");
Object.keys(editorParams.values).forEach((key) => {
let option = document.createElement("option");
option.text = editorParams.values[key];
option.value = key;
input.style.padding = "10px";
input.style.width = "100%";
input.style.boxSizing = "border-box";
input.style.border = "1px solid #4b4b4b";
input.style.borderRadius = "5px";
input.style.outline = "none";
input.value = cellValue;
// onRendered(function () {
// input.focus();
// input.style.height = "100%";
// });
function onChange(e) {
//submit new value on blur or change
input.addEventListener("change", onChange);
// input.addEventListener("blur", onChange);
//submit new value on enter
return input;
Working Demo CodeSandBox

How do I download data trees to CSV?

How can I export nested tree data as a CSV file when using Tabulator? I tried using the table.download("csv","data.csv") function, however, only the top-level data rows are exported.
It looks like a custom file formatter or another option may be necessary to achieve this. It seems silly to re-write the CSV downloader, so while poking around the csv downloader in the download.js module, it looks like maybe adding a recursive function to the row parser upon finding a "_children" field might work.
I am having difficulty figuring out where to get started.
Ultimately, I need to have the parent-to-child relationship represented in the CSV data with a value in a parent ID field in the child rows (this field can be blank in the top-level parent rows because they have no parent). I think I would need to include an ID and ParentID in the data table to achieve this, and perhaps enforce the validation of that key using some additional functions as data is inserted into the table.
Below is currently how I am exporting nested data tables to CSV. This will insert a new column at the end to include a parent row identifier of your choice. It would be easy to take that out or make it conditional if you do not need it.
// Export CSV file to download
table.download(dataTreeCSVfileFormatter, "data.csv",{nested:true, nestedParentTitle:"Parent Name", nestedParentField:"name"});
// Modified CSV file formatter for nested data trees
// This is a copy of the CSV formatter in modules/download.js
// with additions to recursively loop through children arrays and add a Parent identifier column
// options: nested:true, nestedParentTitle:"Parent Name", nestedParentField:"name"
var dataTreeCSVfileFormatter = function(columns, data, options, setFileContents, config){
//columns - column definition array for table (with columns in current visible order);
//data - currently displayed table data
//options - the options object passed from the download function
//setFileContents - function to call to pass the formatted data to the downloader
var self = this,
titles = [],
fields = [],
delimiter = options && options.delimiter ? options.delimiter : ",",
nestedParentTitle = options && options.nestedParentTitle ? options.nestedParentTitle : "Parent",
nestedParentField = options && options.nestedParentField ? options.nestedParentField : "id",
//build column headers
function parseSimpleTitles() {
columns.forEach(function (column) {
titles.push('"' + String(column.title).split('"').join('""') + '"');
if(options.nested) {
titles.push('"' + String(nestedParentTitle) + '"');
function parseColumnGroup(column, level) {
if (column.subGroups) {
column.subGroups.forEach(function (subGroup) {
parseColumnGroup(subGroup, level + 1);
} else {
titles.push('"' + String(column.title).split('"').join('""') + '"');
if (config.columnGroups) {
console.warn("Download Warning - CSV downloader cannot process column groups");
columns.forEach(function (column) {
parseColumnGroup(column, 0);
} else {
//generate header row
fileContents = [titles.join(delimiter)];
function parseRows(data,parentValue="") {
//generate each row of the table
data.forEach(function (row) {
var rowData = [];
fields.forEach(function (field) {
var value = self.getFieldValue(field, row);
switch (typeof value === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(value)) {
case "object":
value = JSON.stringify(value);
case "undefined":
case "null":
value = "";
value = value;
//escape quotation marks
rowData.push('"' + String(value).split('"').join('""') + '"');
if(options.nested) {
rowData.push('"' + String(parentValue).split('"').join('""') + '"');
if(options.nested) {
if(row._children) {
parseRows(row._children, self.getFieldValue(nestedParentField, row));
function parseGroup(group) {
if (group.subGroups) {
group.subGroups.forEach(function (subGroup) {
} else {
if (config.columnCalcs) {
console.warn("Download Warning - CSV downloader cannot process column calculations");
data = data.data;
if (config.rowGroups) {
console.warn("Download Warning - CSV downloader cannot process row groups");
data.forEach(function (group) {
} else {
output = fileContents.join("\n");
if (options.bom) {
output = "\uFEFF" + output;
setFileContents(output, "text/csv");
as of version 4.2 it is currently not possible to include tree data in downloads, this will be comming in a later release

Using Stored Data to Define Sub Menu Entries

My extension should use the user's options to build submenus under the main extension context menu entry. The options are stored in a table, where each line is defining a submenu. The whole table is stored as a json string in chrome.local.storage with the key jsondata.
The manifest is:
"background": {
"persistent": true,
"scripts": [ "js/storage.js", "js/backgroundlib.js", "js/background.js" ]
"permissions": [ "storage", "contextMenus", "http://*/*", "https://*/*", "tabs", "clipboardRead", "clipboardWrite" ],
In the background script, I'm trying to get the data using:
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
var key = 'jsondata';
storage.area.get(key, function (items){
function build_submenu(json) {
console.log("build_submenu: " + json);
and build_submenu should then call multiple chrome.contextMenus.create({... }) to add the submenus.
For now, I can't get build_submenu being called. Am I trying to do something that is not possible or am I just missing something obvious?
Thanks, F.
Replace storage.area.get with chrome.storage.local.get.
Another suggestion would be removing the outer window.onload listener, since you are using background scripts and window.onload makes no sense.
OK, I finally got this, that works:
"background": {
"persistent": false,
"scripts": [ "js/storage.js", "js/backgroundlib.js", "js/background.js" ]
in background.js, The context menu is build in the callback function when reading from storage. This reading is called when onInstalled is fired.
I use a global var that is saved onSuspend et read again onStartup. and that associate the submenu id and the corresponding row from the user's option. The onClick listener test if the global variable is defined. If not it is read again from storage.
var regex = new Object();
chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener( function () {
console.log("onInstalled called");
var key = 'jsondata';
storage.area.get(key, function (items){ get_jsondata(items[key]);});
function get_jsondata(value){
var data = JSON.parse(value);
var fcb =[ {fcb_context: "fcb_copy", title:"Copy filtered", context: ["selection", "link"]}, {fcb_context:"fcb_paste", context:["editable"], title:"Paste filtered"}];
for (var i=0; i<fcb.length; i++) {
var menu = fcb[i];
//title: "Look up: %s",
title: menu.title,
id: menu.fcb_context,
contexts: menu.context,
var last = data.length;
//var sel = info.selectionText;
for (var j=0; j<last; j++){
title: data[j].name,
contexts: menu.context,
id: menu.fcb_context + "_" + j,
parentId: menu.fcb_context,
//onclick: function(info, tab){ run_cmd( data[j].regex, info, menu.fcb_context ); }
regex[ menu.fcb_context + "_" + j] = data[j];
//console.log(regex[menu.fcb_context + "_" + j]);
}// for j
} // for i
}); //add listener
chrome.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener(function(info, tabs){
var id = info.menuItemId;
if (typeof regex === "undefined" ){
storage.area.get("regex", function(items){
regex = JSON.parse(items["regex"]);
console.log("get " + items["regex"] + " from storage");
run_cmd( regex, info );
} else {
console.log("regex was defined... " + JSON.stringify(regex));
run_cmd( regex, info );
chrome.runtime.onSuspend.addListener(function() {
// Do some simple clean-up tasks.
console.log("onSuspend called saving " + JSON.stringify(regex));
storage.area.set({ "regex" : JSON.stringify(regex)}, function(){console.log("regex saved");} );
chrome.runtime.onStartup.addListener(function() {
console.log("onStartup called");
storage.area.get("regex", function(items){
regex = JSON.parse(items["regex"]);
console.log("get " + items["regex"] + " from storage");
function getSelectedText(info){
var sel = info.selectionText;
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {file:"js/script.js"});
function pasteFilteredText(info){
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {file:"js/script.js"});
function run_cmd(regex, info){
var id = info.menuItemId;
var data = regex[id];
var sel = info.selectionText;
var fcb_context = info.parentMenuItemId;
//console.log("run_cmd regex " + data.regex + " sel " + (sel ? sel : ""));
alert("run_cmd regex " + data.regex + " sel " + (sel ? sel : "") + " fcb_context: " + fcb_context);
Thanks for pointing me what is superfluous or missing.

CRM 2011 Retrieving lookup

I'm new in CRM development. I know a basic thing like "best practice for crm 2011"
I wanna understand now how to work with lookup fields. And I think I chose the easiest way for my self.
I have an costum entity "contract" it has 5 more field, 2 of these are lookups.
First lookup (agl_contractId) - it is a link by it self
Second lookup (agl_ClientId) - link to Client.
What do I need?
When I choose fill First lookup (agl_contractId), script should find in this contract a Client and copy-past it to current form.
I've done script but it isn't work... (((
function GetAccountFromContract()
function (result) {
var Id = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("agl_osnovnoy_dogovorid").getValue();
if (result.Id != null) {
var LookupData = new Array();
var LookupItem = new Object();
var lookuptextvalue = lookupvalue[0].name;
var lookupid = lookupvalue[0].id;
var lokupType = lookupvalue[0].entityType;
function (error) {
equal(true, false, error.message);
If I understand you well: When you select Contract in agl_osnovnoy_dogovorid field, you want to pull Client property from that Contract and put it in agl_accountid field?
If that is right:
First, get Id of selected Contract (from agl_osnovnoy_dogovorid field)
var selectedContract = new Array();
selectedContract = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("agl_osnovnoy_dogovorid").getValue();
var guidSelectedContract = selectedContract[0].id;
//var name = selectedContract[0].name;
//var entType = selectedContract[0].entityType;
Second, retrieve Client from agl_osnovnoy_dogovorid. Your oData query will be like:
http://crmserver/org/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/ContractSet(guid'" + guidSelectedContract + "')/CustomerId
(In example I'm using CustomerId field. For your case enter Schema Name of Client field).
Now, execute query and put result into agl_accountid field:
Xrm.Page.context.getServerUrl() + "/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/ContractSet(guid'" + guidSelectedContract + "')/CustomerId",
if(data.d.CustomerId != null && data.d.CustomerId.Id != null && data.d.CustomerId.Id != "undefined")
//set agl_accountid field
Xrm.Page.getAttribute("agl_accountid").setValue([{id:data.d.CustomerId.Id, name:data.d.CustomerId.Name, typename:data.d.CustomerId.LogicalName}]);
Your using REST to retrieve data but also using FetchXml example to setup the agl_accoutid lookup.
Also some of the conditions are not clear … anyway … I’ve incorporated the change to your original post.
function GetAccountFromContract()
var aodLookupValue = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("agl_osnovnoy_dogovorid").getValue();
if (!aodLookupValue) return;
XrmServiceToolkit.Rest.Retrieve( aodLookupValue[0].id ,
'agl_osnovnoy_dogovoridSet', null,null,
function (result) {
var customer = result.d["your attribute name"];
if (customer) {
var LookupData = new Array();
var LookupItem = new Object();
var lookuptextvalue = customer.Name;
var lookupid = customer.Id;
var lokupType = customer.LogicalName;
function (error) {
equal(true, false, error.message);
}, false );

YUI 3 rendering dropdown in a column on a datatable

I am trying to customize one of the column into a dropdown. It is a json response and the response for the column that I want to customize it into a dropdown list is an array. I am able to create a string into select and option tags but on the Data table it is exactly showing as a string and not as a dropdown. I dont know what am I missing.
The code snippet for my dropdown formatter looks like this :-
var columns =[
key:'Form Name',
key:'Form Number',
formatter: function(o){
var suffixArr = o.data.Suffix;
var mySelect = '<select>';
for (var count = 0; count < (suffixArr.length); count++) {
mySelect += "<option value=\"" + count + "\">" + suffixArr[count] + "</option>";
mySelect+= '</select>';
return(mySelect) ;
Add allowHTML: true to the column attributes to tell the DataTable not to escape the special characters and simply let them through as HTML.
