Making User Wait for 30 Seconds in Compact Framework - multithreading

I have a application in which i am sending a SMS to the Server which will return the result as an SMS. So i have put a Message Intercepter with the Event Handler. The Problem is that Once i send the request i have to wait for 30 seconds before i go ahead with the operation. How do i make my application wait till that. if i use the Thread.sleep it is making the whole application sleep and i am not getting any response out there.
Any idea how to tackle this
Thanks in Advance

What I assume you are trying to do is prevent the user from advancing until they receive a valid response from SMS, as some kind of authentication with a timeout of 30 seconds if the response was not received.
To do this, you could display a modal dialog that just displays the "Waiting for SMS Response.." message and close the dialog once 30 seconds have elapsed (using a Timer) or a response is received from SMS.

The event should fire asynchronously, so your program continues. You can have the event handler set a flag to continue on whatever path your program is taking.
also, as a side note, if you ever find yourself thinking "gee, Thread.Sleep(1000) would work great here" take a step back and examine the situation. Most of the time, you can do it asynchronously with events.

It sounds like you could use a timer of some kind. If you need to execute your code within the UI thread, you could use a System.Windows.Forms.Timer; if you're happy with it executing in a thread pool thread you could use System.Threading.Timer or System.Timers.Timer.
I don't know offhand which of these are available in the Compact Framework, but I'd expect at least one of them to be.
If they're really not available, one option which is kinda hacky but would work is to create a new thread which just sleeps for 30 seconds and then either executes the code you need or marshals to the UI thread (using Control.Invoke/BeginInvoke) to execute there if necessary. It's about as crude a timer as you can get, but it should work.


Node send text after X amount of time?

Let's say you have a parking meter app. User selects an amount of time and pays. 20 minutes before their time is up you want to send them a text via Twilio that their time is almost up. I'm not concerned about the payment or text part. What's the best way to do the timing aspect in Node that triggers the function that sends the text 20min before their time is up? Im aware of setTimeout, but is this a scalable method of handling this? IIRC, setTimeout doesn't execute at exactly the end of it's timer, but is dependant on when it can execute within the event loop. Let's assume you may need a couple hundred timers running at once and your server is realtively busy with other users triggering other callbacks and async functions. Also, the text doesn't necessarily have to be sent at exactly 20min before their time is up, a couple minutes margin of error would be acceptable. Thanks for any help!

How to use browser.wait() in zombie.js?

I've got a Web application that continuously polls for data from the server using Ajax requests. I would like to implement an integration test for it using zombie.js.
What I am trying to do is to wait until the Ajax poll loop receives data from the server. The data should be received after 20 seconds, so I use browser.wait(done, callback) to check if the data is there, and set waitFor to a maximum timeout of one minute.
However, browser.wait() always returns almost immediately, even if my done callback returns false.
In the zombie API documentation, I read the following about browser.wait():
... it can't wait forever, especially not for timers that may fire repeatedly (e.g. checking page state, long polling).
I guess that's the reason for the behavior I see, but I don't really understand what's going on. Why can't I wait for one minute until my poll loop receives data from the server? Why can't browser.wait() wait for timers that may fire repeatedly? What do I need to do to implement my test?
Zombie.js will by default wait untill all the scripts on your page have loaded and executed if they are waiting for document ready.
If I understand you correctly, your script will not execute til after 20 seconds of document ready. In that case Zombie has a function which will let you evaluate javascript in the context of the browser, so you can kick off your ajax code quicker if it is on a timer, and you do not want to wait for it.
Look at browser.evaluate(expr)
Another option would be to simply use a normal JavaScript timeout to wait 20 seconds, and then look at the DOM for the changes you are expecting.
}, 20*1000);

Single-Threaded Windows Service Delaying OnStop

I have a Windows Service (C# 4.0) that picks messages off of a private message queue and for each message sends one or more emails (typically 4 or 5 at most) based on message content.
Message volume is low so I have avoided complexity and left the service sinlge-threaded, but the emails are important so I need to ensure that on an SCM Stop Command any in-process messages/emails are processed/sent before the Stop completes.
In OnStop I am chekcing a static "inProcess" flag representing status and if it is set I am calling ServiceBase.RequestAdditionalTime(120000).
There are 2 problems:
The Stop Command completes immediately with some e-mail unsent, despite the request for 2 minutes.
Even if it worked I am only guessing at how long I should wait.
What is the best way to handle this in a single-threaded service?
Thanks for your help!
To fully answer, we'd need to see the structure of your message processing loop. But one thing I'm thinking is that the ServiceBase.RequestAdditionalTime() method is used to keep the SCM from complaining if a stop command (or pause, continue, start) takes too long, it doesn't mean your service will wait two minutes before stopping.
Thus, the only thing it truly does is keep the SCM from erroring out on a stop request, if you have a slow stop process.
See MSDN here: RequestAdditionalTime() method
What I'm wondering is if you get called in OnStop() and you set some complete flag, and the processing loop immediately exits when it sees this flag?
If you could post your code it would help me refine this answer, but from the question I wonder if you are expecting the call to wait for 2 minutes to let it process more, but you are setting something to tell the processing loop to stop. If this is not the case I can refine the answer further.
As for how long you should wait, that depends on how critical the emails are and how many are likely to be in the queue, and if they are persisted anywhere so that restarting the service would pick up where they left off.

The main form stop responding

I wrote a function that does alot of mathematical operations and it takes about 10 minutes to finish its work. I tried to call this function via a button on a form (Windows forms application). But the problem now is during the 10 minutes, the main form stops to respond till the function is finishing its work.
How can i solve this... any idea!
You might assign a new thread for the calculations so that the form would not have to wait for the calculation to finish to continue execution (i.e. listening to and responding to events etc.)
The problem is that, while your 10 minute function is working, the rest of the program is not executed. In particular, it cannot execute the rendering. (i.e. making your form respond).
The solution is to use threads.
As already mentioned you should assign long running tasks to a worker thread or a threadpool thread.
Keep in mind that there are limited numbers of threadpool thread. ALso Windows forms is not thread safe so you should not be directly updating the form from the created thread. You can make use of InvokeRequired.
In this case better to use BackgroundWorker class. Details in following link.

Which is the correct way to wait for a Thread.finalization and keep my application responsive

Actually i am using this code and works ok, but i 'am wondering if is the correct way.
while WaitForSingleObject(MyThread.Handle, 0) = WAIT_TIMEOUT do
ShowMessage('i am done');
The VCL TThread class has its own WaitFor() method that pumps the main message queue internally when called within the main thread context:
ShowMessage('i am done');
Calling Application.ProcessMessages is generally considered a code smell. Let your main thread idle if it's got nothing to do.
If you ran a company and needed one of your workers to run to the store and grab some much-needed supplies, would you then pace by the door until he got back, or would you prefer to sit in your office and rest and wait for him, and find out that the supplies are here because you hear him walk through the door? Either way, he'll take the same amount of time, but the first way's gonna wear your legs out.
Similarly, instead of having your UI watch the thread, have the thread report back to the UI. One way to do this is to have the thread use PostMessage to send a custom message to the form that launched it once it's finished, and put a message handler on the form to respond to it.
It looks correct (if correct means it do the work). What I would change is to wait for a bit more time (50ms looks good to maintain the application responsive) while not eating CPU.
while WaitForSingleObject(MyThread.Handle, 50) = WAIT_TIMEOUT do
ShowMessage('i am done');
Sure there are other ways to do it... <joke>but I usually apply one of the main engineering principles:
if it works, don't touch it!</joke>
I agree with Mason Wheeler's remark, the main thread is best left to do its job, but I would suggest using the OnTerminate event on the thread. It is more 'Delphi natural' and the internal logic does the PostMessage bit for you. Since TThread is not a component, you can't view it in the object inspector and have to write and attach an event handler yourself. It gets called (in the main thread!) after the thread has completed/terminated.
While it looks okay, like jachguate I would use a bigger time-out value than 0 too. If you use WaitForSingleObject(MyThread.Handle, 100) then the main thread will wait a bit longer, thus eating up less CPU cycles.
A better solution would be the use of messages, though. Your application starts the thread and then puts all controls in disabled mode. The thread then executes and when it's finished, use SendMessage or PostMessage to the main window to notify it that the thread is done again. Then your application will just enable every control (and whatever else) again. This has as advantage that you keep the "natural" messageloop for the application alive, instead of running your own messageloop with this solution.Unfortunately, the message-method has one drawback: if the thread crashes then no message will be sent back, so a backup plan would be practical. For example, by adding a timer control to your mainform which checks every second if the thread is still alive. If not, it too would just activate the form again, disabling itself again.
