how to integrate cassandra with zookeeper to support transactions - cassandra

I have a Cassandra cluster and Zookeeper server installed. Now I want to support transactions in cassandra using zookeeper. How do i do that.
Zookeeper creates znodes to perform read and write operations and data to and fro goes through znodes in Zookeeper. I want to know that how to support rollback and commit feature in cassandra using Zookeeper. Is there any way by which we can specify cassandra configurations in zookeeper or zookeeper configurations in cassandra.
I know cassandra and zookeeper individually how data is read and written but I dont know how to integrate both of them using Java.
how can we do transactions in Cassandra using Zookeeper.

I have a Cassandra cluster and Zookeeper server installed. Now I want to support transactions in cassandra using zookeeper. How do i do that.
With great difficulty. Cassandra does not work well as a transactional system. Writes to multiple rows are not atomic, there is no way to rollback writes if some writes fail, and there is no way to ensure readers read a consistent view when reading.
I want to know that how to support rollback and commit feature in cassandra using Zookeeper.
Zookeeper won't help you with this, especially the commit feature. You may be able to write enough information to zookeeper to roll back in case of failure, but if you are doing that, you might as well store the rollback info in cassandra.
Zookeeper and Cassandra work well together when you use Zookeeper as a locking service. Look at the Cages library. Use zookeeper to co-ordinate read/writes to cassandra.
Trying to use cassandra as a transactional system with atomic commits to multiple rows and rollbacks is going to be very frustrating.

There are ways you can use to implement transactions in Cassandra without ZooKeeper.
Cassandra itself has a feature called Lightweight transactions which provides per key linearizability and compare-and-set. With such primitives you can implement serializable transactions on the application level by youself.
Please see the Visualization of serializable cross shard client-side transactions post for for details and step-by-step visualization.
The variants of this approach are used in Google's Percolator system and in CockroachDB.
By the way, if you're fine with Read Committed isolation level then it makes sense to take a look on the RAMP transactions paper by Peter Bailis.

There is a BATCH feature for Cassandra's CQL3 (Cassandra 1.2 is the formal version that released CQL3), which allegedly can atomically apply all the updates in the BATCH as one unit all-or-nothing.
This does not mean you can rollback a successfully executed BATCH as an RDBMS could do, that would have to be manually done.
Depending on the consistency and preferences you provide to the BATCH statement, guarantees of atomicity of the updates can be increased or decreased to some degree with the UNLOGGED option.

Well, I'm not an exepert at this (far from it actually) but the way I see it, either you deploy some middleware made by yourself, in order to guarantee the specific properties you are looking for or you can just have Cassandra write data to auxilliary files and then copy them through the file system, since the copy function in Java works as an atomic operation.
I don't know anything about the size of the data files you are considering so I don't really know if it is doable, however there might be a way to use this property through smaller bits of information and then combining them as a whole.
Just my 2 cents...


How to handle backpressure on databases when using Apache Spark?

We are using Apache Spark for performing ETL for every 2 hours.
Sometimes Spark puts much pressure on databases when read/write operation is performed.
For Spark Streaming, I can see backpressure configuration on kafka.
Is there a way to handle this issue in batch processing?
Backpressure is actually just a fancy word to refer to setting up the max receiving rate. So actually it doesn't work the way you think it does.
What should be done here is actually on the reading end.
Now in classical JDBC usage, jdbc connectors have a fetchSize property for PreparedStatements. So basically you can consider configuring that fetchSize with regards of what is said in the following answers :
Spark JDBC fetchsize option
What does Statement.setFetchSize(nSize) method really do in SQL Server JDBC driver?
Unfortunately, this might not solve all of your performance issues with your RDBMS.
What you must know is that compared to the basic jdbc reader, which run on a single worker, when partitioning data using an integer column or using a sequence of predicates, loading data in a distributed mode but introduce a couple of problems. In your case, high number of concurrent reads can easily throttle the database.
To deal with this, I suggest the following :
If available, consider using specialized data sources over JDBC
Consider using specialized or generic bulk import/export tools like Postgres COPY or Apache Sqoop.
Be sure to understand performance implications of different JDBC data source
variants, especially when working with production database.
Consider using a separate replica for Spark jobs.
If you wish to know more about Reading data using the JDBC source, I suggest you read the following :
Spark SQL and Dataset API.
Disclaimer: I'm the co-author of that repo.

Is it possible to recover a Cassandra node without a snapshot?

Offsite backups for Cassandra seem like a challenging thing. You basically have to make yet another copy of ALL your data, including the copies of data that exist due to the replication factor. Snapshots make backups easy when you don't mind storing it on the same disk that your node already uses. I'm curious - in the event of a catastrophic failure of this disk, is it possible to recover the node using the nodes that the data was replicated to?
Yes, you can restore data on crashed node using a procedure in documentation - Replacing a dead node or dead seed node. It's for Cassandra 3.x, please pick your Cassandra version from a drop-down menu on the top of the page.
But please note that you still need to do backups if your data is valuable. If you using AWS you can use this project to backup Cassandra to S3 storage.
If you are looking for offsite or off-host backups, you can also look at opscenter from Datastax or Talena software (my company). Both provide you the ability to backup your database locally or to S3. As you may expect, you also have the ability to restore data in case of hardware failures, user errors or logical corruptions which the replicas will not protect you against.
Yes, it is possible. Just execute in terminal "nodetool repair" on the node with missed data. It can take a lot of time. Also I would recommend execute repair operation on each node every month to keep your data always replicated because cassandra does not repairs data automatically (for example after node(s) falling).

How does Apache Cassandra mash with Infinispan?

I have checked the main features of Cassandra and Infinispan. They seem to have and deliver pretty similar characteristics and functionalities:
NoSQL data store
support replication
fault tolerant
MapReduce support
One difference I have found out is that Infinispan does not provide tunable consistency (every node has the same data).
When learning about the Infinispan I came across Cassandra Cache Store ( It provides persistance of data.
But then why I would still want to use Infinispan and not Cassandra directly?
Do these solutions complement each other or they are more competing on the same level?
Infinispan is mainly used as a distributed cache, like memcached/hazelcast and so on.
Natively data are written in memory but you can persist them into what they call "cache stores" -- there are many cache-stores ready (for File/Cassandra/Hbase/Mongo) or you can make your own implementation.
One difference I have found out is that Infinispan does not provide
tunable consistency (every node has the same data).
Tunable consistency and data distribution are two different things. It's not true that "every node has the same data", it depends on how you choose to cluster data. Infinispan, like others, offers both replication (all nodes stores same cache) and distribution (each node will be responsible for a range of tokens). Tunable consistency in Cassandra means that you can choose how many nodes should be informed about your r/w operation before returning the control to the client.
You might need to use Infinispan and not Cassandra directly for many reasons. If for instance you have huge amount of memory in your application servers and you want keep a bigger/different cache than what you can store inside your Cassandra nodes. Other feature you might need is to plug the infinispan-query module in order to perform full-text searches without installing a solr/elasticsearch/whatever cluster or use the transactional capability within is.
IMHO these two products does not compare directly, they're born for different use cases and offers different features. You can use any, one or both, depend on what's your application architecture and needs.

Apache Cassandra : Key auto increment

I started with Cassandra. I use cql 2.0 and I would like to create table with primary key auto_increment. I use cassandra on one node.
Cassandra doesn't have any type of key auto increment feature that you would normally find in an RDBMS. The coordination cost across nodes is too high to make it a worthwhile feature.
Generally you should be using UUIDs whenever you would have used an auto incrementing sequence in an RDBMS. Clients can create these independently of each other with a guarantee of uniqueness (if you are using them correctly). You can use TimeUUIDs if you want to be able to order your keys by creation time (assuming that your clients have synchronized clocks).
You said you are only using a 1 node cluster. If you don't ever plan on growing your cluster to be larger than 1 node then I would suggest using a different database. Cassandra sacrifices many of the traditional database features to make it work really well distributed across a ring of machines. When you only run a single node cluster you lose all of the nice features from an RDMBS without gaining any of the benefits of running a multinode Cassandra cluster.

stack for loading log files into cassandra

I would like to periodically (hourly) load my application logs into Cassandra for analysis using pig.
How is this typically done? Are there project(s) that focus on this?
I see mumakil is commonly used to bulk-load data. I could write a cron job built around that, but was hoping for something more robust than the job I would whip-up.
I'm also willing to modify the applications to store the data in another format (like syslog or directly to Cassandra) if that is preferable. Though in that case I would be worried about data-loss should Cassandra be unavailable.
If you are set on using Flume, you'll need to write a custom Flume sink (not hard). You can model it on
If you are wanting to use Pig, I agree with the other poster that you should use HDFS (or S3). Hadoop is designed to work very well with block storage where the blocks are huge. This prevents the terrible IO performance you get from doing lots of disk seeks and network IO. While you CAN use Pig with Cassandra, you're going to have trouble with the Cassandra data model and you're going to have much worse performance.
However, if you really want to use Cassandra and you aren't dead set on Flume, I would recommend using Kafka and Storm.
My workflow for loading log files into Cassandra with Storm is:
Kafka collects the logs (e.g. with the log4j appender)
Logs enter the storm cluster using storm-kafka
Log line is parsed and inserted into Cassandra using custom Storm bolts (It's extremely easy to write Storm bolts). There is also a storm-cassandra bolt already available.
You should consider loading them into HDFS using Flume, since these projects were designed for this purpose. You can then use Pig directly against your unstructured/semi-structured log data.
