Sorting and filtering lists in Orchard - orchardcms

I've followed the topic 'Creating lists' in the Orchard Project docs but I'm struggling to think how best to implement my preferred sort order and direction in the resulting rendering of Summary display of the content items.
For example, if I create a Book Reviews list as in the example, and I then add a Published Date field following the topic 'Creating a custom field type' then how would I alter my theme or the views in the Module to display (and possibly also filter) the content items by that custom field.
The 'Creating lists' topic discusses how widgets can implement sorting and filtering, but not how the main content type can do so.
p.s. if you know the answer to this you're probably well on the way to being able to implement an Event Calendar Module as suggested by the Orchard Module Challenge; why not have a go and stand a chance to win a TV / XBox / KINECT!
Research to date:
I've noticed that ordering in a Container part is implemented using the following property

In Orchard 1.4 you can Projection Module to achieve that.
In previous versions, I used LINQ queries to do the sorting on the custom field.


CRM365 - Views with complex column layout

The current CRM UI allows you to create relatively complex queries which you can even extend further with tools like FetchXML Builder.
However, when we get to select the columns in the View layout, the interface provides access only to the first direct related set of entities and does not navigate further down.
There are many cases where the column you want to include in the View is just "two-clicks" away and you cannot include it because is "too far". To make things worse, the FetchXML Builder allows you to re-write the join but it does not allow you change the the columns layout you started with when you opened the View initially. IOW, you can modify the query logic but you cannot include additional columns as required.
One possible solution would be to edit the solution directly and inject the FetchXML directly (I have not tried this though) but I would like to listen to the community opinion first or to other possible solution.
Regards and thank you for taking your time.
Unfortunately this is a long existing limitation. There is no supported customization workaround to circumvent this other than building a Fetchxml report or Power BI report to embed with the necessary layout.
From documentation:
You can include columns from the current entity or any of the related entities that have a 1:N entity relationship with the current entity.
You can tweak the layoutxml of any view, but still it has to be in supported zone to avoid failures.

Retrieving term ids for taxonomy field

I'm running into slow performance related to select N+1 issues when accessing the taxonomy terms associated with content items of a custom content type.
I've worked around issues like this in the past by getting all the related content ids up front and so I can use the ContentManager's GetMany method to get them all in one shot. For example, this has worked well for the MediaLibraryPickerField as I can easily get at the media content ids using the Ids property on the field. Here's an example similar to what I've done: Eager loading a field
I'd like to use a similar approach for getting taxonomy terms but I can't figure out how to get the term ids for a Taxonomy field on my content item. It seems that I can only access the lazy loaded term part which results in a select N+1 as they are retrieved for each content item.
Is there a way to get just the term ids for a taxonomy field without retrieving the whole term? I've spent some time digging around in the Taxonomy module source but I'm not finding any way to do it.
Any suggestions?
Try to inject IRepository<TermContentItem>. You should then be able to query over that, going beyond what the service offers natively.

Orchard CMS Lists - how to replicate using Taxonomies

I'm new to Orchard but from various blog posts and SO answers it seems that Lists would help me achieve what I want. Unfortunately it seems that Lists have now been deprecated.
The documentation at suggests using Taxonomies instead. Is it possible to achieve the functionality of a List using Taxonomies?
You can use taxonomies to produce a list of content items. Create your taxonomy, add some items to it, attach the taxonomy field to your content type, and select the taxonomy you want to be displayed in the content type settings. Create a content item with a taxonomy selected then go to the url:
and it should display a list of all items with that taxonomy selected.
However, lists were deprecated and replaced by Projections, I would recommend using these. They are part of core and can be enabled from the backend. You can then create a query with your projection uses. This query determines what items you want displaying. It is pretty nice and simple, just need to play around with it. Let me know if you need more details about it, or probably just googling Orchard Projections will produce some useful links if you need to do some more complex things with it

how to render custom layout of the projection of known content items

I have defined my own projection by a query which returns a set of content items of known content type. I would like to take pick up certain content parts of these content items and display them in the list. Using shape tracing tool I have found the view template where to write my custom layout:
but from the Model variable in the template I can not get the data I want because it is way too high above from the content parts data.
a good example of what I want: let's say I want to render product catalog as defined in this tutorial:
but I want only to render a list which consists from items:
name of the owner who created the product
name of the product.
publish date of the product
and I need to render it at one place, i.e., not separately in their own part views.
Have you tried adding a layout in the projector module? There is a properties mode option that lets you select which fields/data to show. If the data you want is not there, you should be able to implement an IPropertyProvider. There are examples of this in the Projections module code.

Merging and querying multiple lists

I am still new to sharepoint and would like to know if it is possible to make a query that works across several lists. My list looks like this
Customers (id, name and so forth)
Orders ( id, order number, customer and some additional info)
OrderItems (id, name, price, description and so on)
I would like to create a view that will display the OrderItems grouped by Order which again will be grouped by Customer.
In pure .net code that is pretty easy but is it possible to implement it only using sharepoint lists?
Without custom code or third party components you would have only a few options. Using SharePoint Designer to create a Data View or creating a custom Query with some complex CAML which I'm not even sure is entirely possible.
Personally I would look more towards using Master Detail functionality using a combination of web part connections and filtering. By activating Enterprise features you have available a number of Filter Web Parts that should be able to be combined to filter lists to selected values.
Personally I have gone with custom code to bring back list data based on queries and then used the GetDataTable() method of the SPListItemCollection object. Once you have the list items in DataTables you have numerouse ways to sort filter and aggregate the information.
I should add to this that there is a great article on displaying information from a dataset using the SPGridView and SPMenuField. Once you have your DataTables you could establish relationships in a dataset to display the information using these controls:
Connected web parts can do this...
I think SPD can do that.
If you do not want get yourself dirty, take a look at SharePoint List Collection, which is perfect to you.
