Searching with ID NO subsonic - search

public List<EmployeeDirectory> employee = new Health_Scheme_SystemDB.Select
The .Select is giving me problems. Its saying that 'Health_Scheme_System.Health_Scheme_SystemDB.Select' is a 'property' but is used like a 'type'

Remove the new - you are not creating a new instance so you shouldn't use new.

public List<EmployeesX> GetID(string IDNO)
Health_Scheme_System.Health_Scheme_SystemDB db = new Health_Scheme_System.Health_Scheme_SystemDB();
var d = (from c in db.EmployeeDirectories
where c.ID_NO.Contains(IDNO)
return d.ToList<EmployeesX>();
Then bind the grid view with this code. obviously there the data input in the textbox only will be displayed in the gridview.
gvView.DataSource = da.GetID(txtIDNO.Text);


How to create purchase order via code?

I had wrote some code for creating po via code, but it faild with error message: "CS Error: Cannot generate the next number for the sequence."
How can I fix this? Anything I missed? Thx for helping!
protected void createPO() {
POOrder order = new POOrder();
POOrderEntry graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance < POOrderEntry > ();
order.OrderType = "Normal";
order.OrderDesc = "some text";
order.EmployeeID = 215;
order.Hold = false;
var branch = (Branch)PXSelect<Branch, Where<Branch.branchCD, Equal<Required<Branch.branchCD>>>>.Select(Base, "WEST");
graph.FieldDefaulting.AddHandler<POOrder.branchID>((s, e) =>
e.NewValue = branch.BranchID;
e.Cancel = true;
order.VendorID = 79;
order = graph.CurrentDocument.Insert(order);
throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, null);
Try to simply it first to see if something like this works...
protected void createPO()
var graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<POOrderEntry>();
var order = graph.Document.Insert(new POOrder());
order.OrderType = POOrderType.RegularOrder; // This is the default so not necessary
order.OrderDesc = "some text";
order.EmployeeID = 215;
order.Hold = false;
order.VendorID = 79;
throw new PXRedirectRequiredException(graph, null);
Using the Document view in place of the CurrentDocument view which is based on the current record of Document. Document is the primary view and the primary view should be used.
Also for the purchase order type the attribute related to the list values should be used for the stored value of the database (vs what you had was the displayed list value). For example order.OrderType = POOrderType.RegularOrder. Also this is the default value for a PO so it is not necessary to set this value unless you want a different constant found in the POOrderType class.

How to generate IEnumerable<SelectListItem> and set the Text property in controller/Edit CudtomerName and CustomerSurname

Does anyone knows how to generate IEnumerable and set the Text property in controller/Edit CudtomerName and CustomerSurname as shown below?
In Payment/Create controller I replace;
ViewBag.PaymentCustomer = new SelectList(db.CUSTOMERS, "CUSTID", "CustomerName");
with this:
ViewBag.PaymentCustomer = db.CUSTOMERS.ToList().Select(c => new SelectListItem
Value = c.CUSTID.ToString(),
Text = string.Format("{0} {1}", c.CustomerName, c.CustomerSurname)
and its working. But in Payment/Edit is:
ViewBag.PaymentCustomer = new SelectList(db.CUSTOMERS, "CUSTID", "CustomerName", pAYMENT.PaymentCustomer);
Both ViewBag.PaymentCustomer looks same. The Payment/Edit its also get 4th parameter as "pAYMENT.PaymentCustomer". I cannot use "pAYMENT.PaymentCustomer" in db.CUSTOMERS.ToList().Select...
I try this:
//ViewBag.PaymentCustomer = new SelectList(db.CUSTOMERS, "CUSTID", "CustomerName", pAYMENT.PaymentCustomer);
ViewBag.PaymentCustomer = new SelectList(db.CUSTOMERS.ToList().Select(c => new SelectListItem
Value = c.CUSTID.ToString(),
Text = string.Format("{0} {1}", c.CustomerName, c.CustomerSurname)
}), pAYMENT.PaymentCustomer);
And After build and run. I can see dropdown list and inside drop down list does not shows Customername and CustomerSurname. It shows "System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem".
How do I do that?
If u want to generate IEnumerable<SelectListItem> means Just visit the following link it will helpful for u
Asp.Net MVC with Drop Down List, and SelectListItem Assistance
ViewBag.CustomerList = new SelectList(db.CUSTOMERS.ToList().Select(c => new SelectListItem {
Value = c.CUSTID.ToString(),
Text = string.Format("{0} {1}", c.CustomerName, c.CustomerSurname),
}), "Value", "Text", pAYMENT.PaymentCustomer);

How to Add an optionset filter criteria in MS CRM Query Expression?

I have an entity LeaveType with two attributes, 1. Type, 2. Available Days, where Type is an optionset and Available days is a text field. I want to fetch all such LeaveType records where the Type = 'Annual' selected in the optionset. I am not able to find how to add a filter the query expression for the option set value. Below is my in progress method:
public Entity Getleavetype(Guid LeaveDetailsId, IOrganizationService _orgService, CodeActivityContext Acontext)
QueryExpression GetLeavedetails = new QueryExpression();
GetLeavedetails.EntityName = "sgfdhr_leavetype";
GetLeavedetails.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("new_type");
GetLeavedetails.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("new_availabledays");
GetLeavedetails.Criteria.AddCondition("new_type", ConditionOperator.Equal, "Annual" ); //Is this correct????
GetLeavedetails.Criteria.AddCondition("new_employeeleavecalculation", ConditionOperator.Equal, LeaveDetailsId); //ignore this
EntityCollection LeaveDetails = _orgService.RetrieveMultiple(GetLeavedetails);
return LeaveDetails[0];
In your condition you need to set the integer value of the optionset, not the label.
Assuming that Annual value is for example 2, the code will be:
GetLeavedetails.Criteria.AddCondition("new_type", ConditionOperator.Equal, 2);
You should use RetrieveAttributeRequest to find an int value of OptionSet text.
In my code it looks like:
private static int findParkedOptionValue(IOrganizationService service)
RetrieveAttributeRequest attributeRequest = new RetrieveAttributeRequest
EntityLogicalName = Model.Invite.ENTITY_NAME,
LogicalName = Model.Invite.COLUMN_STATUS,
RetrieveAsIfPublished = false
// Execute the request
RetrieveAttributeResponse attributeResponse =
var attributeMetadata = (EnumAttributeMetadata)attributeResponse.AttributeMetadata;
// Get the current options list for the retrieved attribute.
var optionList = (from o in attributeMetadata.OptionSet.Options
select new { Value = o.Value, Text = o.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label }).ToList();
int value = (int)optionList.Where(o => o.Text == "Парковка")
.Select(o => o.Value)
return value;
In you found a perfect example.

How to show ID field as readonly in Edit Form, of a sharepoint list?

I need to show the ID field in the Edit Form of a sharepoint list.
There is a way to do it ? I tried a calculated field and nothing.
I know that I can see the ID field in the view, and if I show as a Access Mode.
I'm using WSS3.0
You can add the ID field to the form using some JavaScript in a CEWP.
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
// Get the ID from the query string
var id = getQueryString()["ID"];
// Find the form's main table
var table = $('');
// Add a row with the ID in
table.prepend("<tr><td class='ms-formlabel'><h3 class='ms-standardheader'>ID</h3></td>" +
"<td class='ms-formbody'>" + id + " </td></tr>");
function getQueryString() {
var assoc = new Array();
var queryString = unescape(;
var keyValues = queryString.split('&');
for (var i in keyValues) {
var key = keyValues[i].split('=');
assoc[key[0]] = key[1];
return assoc;
There is an alternative method that doesn't use the jQuery library if you prefer to keep things lightweight.
You can do this by creating a custom edit form quite easily. I usually stick it into an HTML table rendered within a webpart. There may be a better way of doing that but it's simple and it works.
The key line you'll want to look at is spFormField.ControlMode. This tells SharePoint how to display the control (Invalid, Display, Edit, New). So what you'll want to do is check if your spField.InternalName == "ID" and if it is, set the ControlMode to be Display.
The rest is just fluff for rendering the rest of the list.
Hope this helps.
HtmlTable hTable = new HtmlTable();
HtmlTableRow hRow = new HtmlTableRow();
HtmlTableCell hCellLabel = new HtmlTableCell();
HtmlTableCell hCellControl = new HtmlTableCell();
SPWeb spWeb = SPContext.Current.Web;
// Get the list we are going to work with
SPList spList = spWeb.Lists["MyList"];
// Loop through the fields
foreach (SPField spField in spList.Fields)
// See if this field is not hidden or hide/show based on your own criteria
if (!spField.Hidden && !spField.ReadOnlyField && spField.Type != SPFieldType.Attachments && spField.StaticName != "ContentType")
// Create the label field
FieldLabel spLabelField = new FieldLabel();
spLabelField.ControlMode = _view;
spLabelField.ListId = spList.ID;
spLabelField.FieldName = spField.StaticName;
// Create the form field
FormField spFormField = new FormField();
// Begin: this is your solution here.
if (spField.InteralName == "ID")
{ spFormField.ControlMode = SPControlMode.Display; }
{ spFormField.ControlMode = _view; }
// End: the end of your solution.
spFormField.ListId = spList.ID;
spFormField.FieldName = spField.InternalName;
// Add the table row
hRow = new HtmlTableRow();
// Add the cells
hCellLabel = new HtmlTableCell();
hCellControl = new HtmlTableCell();
// Add the control to the table cells
// Set the css class of the cell for the SharePoint styles
hCellLabel.Attributes["class"] = "ms-formlabel";
hCellControl.Attributes["class"] = "ms-formbody";

Programmatically set a TaxonomyField on a list item

The situation:
I have a bunch of Terms in the Term Store and a list that uses them.
A lot of the terms have not been used yet, and are not available yet in the TaxonomyHiddenList.
If they are not there yet they don't have an ID, and I can not add them to a list item.
There is a method GetWSSIdOfTerm on Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy.TaxonomyField that's supposed to return the ID of a term for a specific site.
This gives back IDs if the term has already been used and is present in the TaxonomyHiddenList, but if it's not then 0 is returned.
Is there any way to programmatically add terms to the TaxonomyHiddenList or force it happening?
Don't use
TaxonomyFieldValue tagValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(termString);
myItem[tagsFieldName] = tagValue;"
because you will have errors when you want to crawl this item.
For setting value in a taxonomy field, you have just to use :
tagsField.SetFieldValue(myItem , myTerm);
In case of usage
string termString = String.Concat(myTerm.GetDefaultLabel(1033),
TaxonomyField.TaxonomyGuidLabelDelimiter, myTerm.Id);
then during instantiation TaxonomyFieldValue
TaxonomyFieldValue tagValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(termString);
exception will be thrown with message
Value does not fall within the expected range
You have additionally provide WssId to construct term string like shown below
// We don't know the WssId so default to -1
string termString = String.Concat("-1;#",myTerm.GetDefaultLabel(1033),
TaxonomyField.TaxonomyGuidLabelDelimiter, myTerm.Id);
On MSDN you can find how to create a Term and add it to TermSet. Sample is provided from TermSetItem class description. TermSet should have a method CreateTerm(name, lcid) inherited from TermSetItem. Therefore you can use it in the sample below int catch statement ie:
myTerm = termSet.CreateTerm(myTerm, 1030);
As for assigning term to list, this code should work (i'm not sure about the name of the field "Tags", however it's easy to find out the proper internal name of the taxonomy field):
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://myUrl"))
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
string tagsFieldName = "Tags";
string myListName = "MyList";
string myTermName = "myTerm";
SPListItem myItem = web.Lists[myListName].GetItemById(1);
TaxonomyField tagsField = (TaxonomyField) myList.Fields[tagsFieldName];
TaxonomySession session = new TaxonomySession(site);
TermStore termStore = session.TermStores[tagsField.SspId];
TermSet termSet = termStore.GetTermSet(tagsField.TermSetId);
Term myTerm = null;
myTerm = termSet.Terms[myTermName];
catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
// ?
string termString = String.Concat(myTerm.GetDefaultLabel(1033),
TaxonomyField.TaxonomyGuidLabelDelimiter, myTerm.Id);
if (tagsField.AllowMultipleValues)
TaxonomyFieldValueCollection tagsValues = new TaxonomyFieldValueCollection(tagsField);
new[] { termString }));
myItem[tagsFieldName] = tagsValues;
TaxonomyFieldValue tagValue = new TaxonomyFieldValue(termString);
myItem[tagsFieldName] = tagValue;
