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Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Linux vi arrow keys broken in insert mode
When I use vi in some consoles, I can use the arrows normally. But in others if I press the up arrow, it prints an "A". I then have to press escape to use the arrows normally.
I'm guessing it's something in the terminal configuration. How do I fix this?
Try using Vim instead of vi. I was forced to use vi at uni. It's crap.
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Vim: search and highlight but do not jump
(14 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I was getting the cursor word as: noremap <leader>h *N, but this moves the screen. What I want is:
Highlights the <cword>; and
Not move the screen, nor the cursor.
Here is my system: Linux, running neovim v0.4.3 with python2&3 support.
OBS: I know about the plugin inkarkat/vim-mark but I got some errors and it is much more than I need.
I tried using the builtin matchadd, but could not enter the <cword> (it interprets the string literally), and within brackets it considered it a regex.
If I understand you correctly, then here is the answer to your question:
ViM: Search and highlight but do not jump
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What is this history window in vim called?
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
Sometimes in vim I accidentally invoke this command line prompt:
What is this called? What keys call this feature?
It's the Command History search pane. As the shortcut is q:, I often find myself there by accident too. has the full usage. :q will quit the pane, and return you to where you were.
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Is there a way to change vim's default mode
(5 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I am trying to move from GEDIT to GVIM but I noticed that when I open a file I am not free to edit it.
unless I press i to go in (INSERT) mode.
Is there a way to bypass this? So the file is instantly editable?
You can do this by editing your .vimrc file. It looks like set im! is the command you're looking for to set input mode as the default, but you'll also need to explicitly map escape to change to command mode.
A better question is why you would want to do this, though. Unless you're opening a brand new file, once you know vim, you'll probably spend very little time in insert mode, as you should be using more advanced command-mode commands (append, correct, etc) to edit and update your code at the appropriate places. If you're just going to use vim the same way you use gedit, don't bother - gedit is better than vim at being gedit.
EDIT: After reading the comments on your question, it sounds like you really, really shouldn't be using vim. It's not something you want to stumble into by default, certainly not if what you want is a basic editor with customizable display.
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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Is there any way to reduce the command in VIM?
In vim to open your NERDTree menu you type :NERDTree, but that actually really annoys me, because it's long and mixed case. Since you close it with q, I want to open it with a short key (maybe :n, you can also provide suggestions for that if you feel like it). How can I change that?
I am sorry if this is simple, but I am a newb, and I don't know form where to start aproaching such a problem -from the plugin files, or is there a special remapping technique in your .vimrc.
You can use
map <F2> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
to map NERDTree to any key you like (F2 in this example)
it's also possible to map it to :n
map :n :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
but that's not very common, I like using one of the F-Keys because that's faster.
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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How can I open a Shell inside a Vim Window?
In emacs there is an amazing functionality that allows user to split the window into two ones and run shell commands on one window. Does it exist on vim?
There are several, but Conque appears to be the most full-featured one.