Capture all input and output from a bash script - linux

I am trying to capture all the input and output from a bash script that i created for installing nagios. I have it creating the log file using tee right now but it only shows when there is an echo command or some output from like "service httpd restart". I mainly want to capture the input the user is entering in the log file for future reference.

The script command, run prior to your program, will capture all input and output to a file you specify. It terminates with a ctrl-D.
script -c yourprogram filename
may do what you're looking for. See the man page for script.


How to take continuous back up of linux gnome terminal logs? commands and output of that command

I want to take continuous backup of logs being printed in my linux terminal. Is it possible that whenever something will be printed in my terminal, it will automatically get printed into some text file with time stamp.
Use the script command ie
script log.txt
at the start of your session. You can also add this to your bash profile so that it starts when you open a terminal etc. You need to use
script -a log.txt
to append. Don't try and cat it or tail it while in the session, you need to CTRL-D then have a look at what got logged.

bash output always in console AND file

On Linux, is there a way to both get the output of all commands in a bash and simultaneously store it to a file WITHOUT having to pipe anything. I know I could do something like
ls -al | tee output.log
but I just want all output always to be stored in a log so I can look into it even after a few days. I don't want to have to add the pipe with each command.
You might want script command. When you run it, a new shell session is started and both input and output are recorded to a file specified.
script my_log.txt
# run your commands
Record of your commands is stored in my_log.txt.
ls -al >> your_file.log 2>&1

Getting STDerr and STDout into a log file inside of a bash script

I was wondering if it is possible to get all of what is outputted from a script I have made to go to a log file if they change one of the variables in the script. Example, in the script a variable createLog=true could be set to enable logging.
I know I can do ./ 2>&1 | tee sabs.log
But I would like to be able to simply run ./
and have the whole script logged in a file, as well as output to the console if the var is set to true.
Would I have to change every command in the script to accomplish this or is there a command I can execute at the beginning of the script that will output to both.
If you need more details please let me know.
exec without an argument lets you redirect for the remainder of the current script.
exec >log 2>&1
You can't tee within the redirect but you can display the file with a background job.
tail -f log &

How do I pipe the output of an LS on remote server to the local filesystem via SFTP?

I'm logged into a remote server via SFTP at the command line. The folder I'm in contains hundreds of thousands of files. I need to get a list of these files in a text file so I can access them programmatically, as none of the PHP SFTP clients are able to return such a large list of files.
When I run an ls on the directory ( within the SFTP session ), it takes about 20 minutes for the file list to finally display.
I don't have write access on this server, so I can't pipe the output to a file on the remote server.
How can I pipe the output to a text file on my local machine ... or get a list of the files to my local machine some other way?
If you're willing to wait the 20 minutes for the data to scroll across your screen you can capture all the output using "script".
Call 'script' before you start your ssh or sftp session and it will capture all terminal output to your local disk. Type 'exit' to finish the capture.
script -- make typescript of terminal session
script [-akq] [-t time] [file [command ...]]
The script utility makes a typescript of everything printed on your ter-
minal. It is useful for students who need a hardcopy record of an inter-
active session as proof of an assignment, as the typescript file can be
printed out later with lpr(1).
If the argument file is given, script saves all dialogue in file. If no
file name is given, the typescript is saved in the file typescript.
If the argument command is given, script will run the specified command
with an optional argument vector instead of an interactive shell.
The following options are available:
-a Append the output to file or typescript, retaining the prior con-
-k Log keys sent to program as well as output.
-q Run in quiet mode, omit the start and stop status messages.
-t time
Specify time interval between flushing script output file. A
value of 0 causes script to flush for every character I/O event.
The default interval is 30 seconds.
The script ends when the forked shell (or command) exits (a control-D to
exit the Bourne shell (sh(1)), and exit, logout or control-D (if
ignoreeof is not set) for the C-shell, csh(1)).
Certain interactive commands, such as vi(1), create garbage in the type-
script file. The script utility works best with commands that do not
manipulate the screen. The results are meant to emulate a hardcopy ter-
minal, not an addressable one.
The following environment variable is utilized by script:
SHELL If the variable SHELL exists, the shell forked by script will be
that shell. If SHELL is not set, the Bourne shell is assumed.
(Most shells set this variable automatically).
csh(1) (for the history mechanism).
The script command appeared in 3.0BSD.
The script utility places everything in the log file, including linefeeds
and backspaces. This is not what the naive user expects.
It is not possible to specify a command without also naming the script
file because of argument parsing compatibility issues.
When running in -k mode, echo cancelling is far from ideal. The slave
terminal mode is checked for ECHO mode to check when to avoid manual echo
logging. This does not work when in a raw mode where the program being
run is doing manual echo.
Wu's answer is good if you do it remotely. Here is another option if you are logged onto the remote server and want to send the file back home to yourself:
Proper answer is here:
your_command | ssh username#server "cat > filename.txt"
If you have ssh access, that would be very easy:
ssh user#server ls > foo.txt
Otherwise, you can just redirect sftp's STDOUT and STDERR to a file. You have to type password and commands blindly though.
In my case following worked:
ssh user#server ls /path/to/source/folder/ > /path/to/destination/folder/filenames.txt
I wrote it in Git Bash. This will first ssh then list all files of source folder and then save the file names to the destination text file.
In this way you can also save the output to json file. Just change the file extension to json instead of txt.
For appending output just put ">>" instead of ">".

Run crontab with user input

i created a crontab which will run a bash script This file requires some input from the user, and saves the user input into a variable. How do i ensure that the user input will be saved to a variable in, and when crontab runs the script i can get the output i want?
for e.g i have 2 files, and i put in file i then run, get the user input, and save it somewhere. crontab will run, and retrieve the value from the "saved somewhere variable". is there anyway for this?
If the input is read by the script from stdin, just redirect input from a file (using a wrapper script).
#! /bin/sh <
If this does not work for you (i.e. you have your script calling some interactive shell program like telnet, you can use Expect to automate the interaction. gets user input and writes it to /etc/file2.dat reads /etc/file2.dat and does whatever it needs
This seems like a strange thing to do. Ask yourself these questions:
Do you really want a popup asking the user for an input value every time the cron runs?
What happens when there's no one at the keyboard?
