Must my pidfile be located in /var/run? - linux

I'm asking in both contexts: technically and stylistically.
Can my application/daemon keep a pidfile in /opt/my_app/run/?
Is it very bad to do so?
My need is this: my daemon runs under a specific user, and the implementor must mkdir a new directory in /var/run, chown, and chgrp it to make my daemon run. Seems easier to just keep the pidfile local (to the daemon).

I wouldn't put a pidfile under an application installation directory such as /opt/my_app/whatever. This directory could be mounted read-only, could be shared between machines, could be watched by a daemon that treats any change there as a possible break-in attempt…
The normal location for pidfiles is /var/run. Most unices will clean this directory on boot; under Ubuntu this is achieved by /var/run an in-memory filesystem (tmpfs).
If you start your daemon from a script that's running as root, have it create a subdirectory /var/run/gmooredaemon and chown it to the daemon-running user before suing to the user and starting the daemon.
On many modern Linux systems, if you start the daemon from a script or launcher that isn't running as root, you can put the pidfile in /run/user/$UID, which is a per-user equivalent of the traditional /var/run. Note that the root part of the launcher, or a boot script running as root, needs to create the directory (for a human user, the directory is created when the user logs in).
Otherwise, pick a location under /tmp or /var/tmp, but this introduces additional complexity because the pidfile's name can't be uniquely determined if it's in a world-writable directory.
In any case, make it easy (command-line option, plus perhaps a compile-time option) for the distributor or administrator to change the pidfile location.

The location of the pid file should be configurable. /var/run is standard for pid files, the same as /var/log is standard for logs. But your daemon should allow you to overwrite this setting in some config file.

/opt is used to install 'self-contained' applications, so nothing wrong here. Using /opt/my_app/etc/ for config files, /opt/my_app/log/ for logs and so on - common practice for this kind of application.
This away you can distribute your applications as a TGZ file instead of maintaining a package for every package manager (at least DEB since you tagged ubuntu). I would recommend this for in-house applications or situations where you have great control over the environment. The reasoning is that it makes no sense if the safe costs more than what you are putting inside (the work required to pack the application should not eclipse the effort required to write the application).

Another convention, if you're not running the script as root, is to put the pidfile in ~/.my_app/ It's simpler this way while still being secure as the home directory is not world-writeable.


Can I create a chroot environment with /proc without administrator priviliges?

I am trying to make a chroot'ed, sandboxed build-environement, which creates itself from a Git checkout before proceeding with building the application. One of the requirements is that the developers doing the git checkout and invoking the build should not need admin privileges on the host machine.
unshare -r chroot
works fine - except there is no /proc which again means a lot of standeard stuff wont work.
Various methods to create /proc I have found with mount require sudo rights.
Docker does this but the developers have to be in the "docker" group which effectively gives them uncontrolled root access - then rather give them sudo rights.
I have found the "proot" which does some kind of emulation to do this. This, however, has some performance penalties.
You also need a mount namespace which will give you the ability to perform recursive bind mounts (and plain bind mount where there are no child mounts). pivot_root and the ability to mount tmpfs, so use unshare -rm.
With a pid namesapce you can also mount fresh instances of procfs.
I ended up using bubblewrap (bwrap). For a few things using ttys, I had to let it run with pseudo uid 0 to work.
If I should do it now I would use podman I think.

Ansible doesn't work when user home directory mounted on NFS volume

Here is the situation. I got a number of hosts that I'd like to maintain via Ansible. The baseline configuration of the hosts like logins/users/etc is controlled by corporate IT overlords, so I can only change things that are related to application not general host setup. Some of the tasks related to application require running as 'root' or some other privileged user.
I do have a password-less sudo access on all the hosts, however all user home directories are located on NFS mounted volume. From my understanding how ansible works it first logs in into the target host as a regular user and places some files into $HOME/.ansible directory, then it switches to root user using sudo and tries to run the stuff from that directory.
But here is the problem. As I mentioned above the home directories are on NFS volume, so after ansible process on the target machine becomes root it can no longer access the $HOME/.ansible directory anymore due to NFS restrictions. Is there a way to tell ansible to put these work files outside of home directory on some non-NFS volume.
There were two parameters for the ansible.cfg configuration file introduced in Ansible 2.1 which allow specifying the location of temporary directory on target and control machines:
Ansible works by transferring modules to your remote machines, running them, and then cleaning up after itself. In some cases, you may not wish to use the default location and would like to change the path. You can do so by altering this setting:
remote_tmp = ~/.ansible/tmp
When Ansible gets ready to send a module to a remote machine it usually has to add a few things to the module: Some boilerplate code, the module’s parameters, and a few constants from the config file. This combination of things gets stored in a temporary file until ansible exits and cleans up after itself. The default location is a subdirectory of the user’s home directory. If you’d like to change that, you can do so by altering this setting:
local_tmp = $HOME/.ansible/tmp

Creating a /var/run folder for a PID file, disappears on reboot?

I'm creating a folder in /var/run which will house my service's PID file:
file { 'service_pid_folder':
path => '/var/run/myservice',
ensure => directory,
owner => $user,
group => $group,
This runs without any problems. The strange thing is that when I reboot my machine and re-run puppet apply, it reruns the creation of this directory on every reboot.
On reboot, the directory doesn't exist, strangely enough. If I try creating it as my process user, I get permission denied.
Why does this folder disappear on reboot? My host is an Ubuntu 14.04 server.
From the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard:
This directory contains system information data describing the system since it was booted. Files under this directory must be cleared (removed or truncated as appropriate) at the beginning of the boot process.
Your system seems to accomplish this by removing the whole tree (or backing it with a volatile filesystem), which I think is perfectly legitimate.

Setting path variable for apache user on Amazon EC2

I can't add /usr/local/bin to the apache users PATH variable. The user doesn't have a .profile, I can't su to the user, I can't export to the PATH from php using exec and adding
SetEnv PATH /usr/local/bin
To either the http.conf or the .htaccess file doesn't make a difference. I can't find the envvars file to change that but I suspect there's some other problem.
I have restarted apache, and indeed my server.
Ended up following what Alfe suggested in his answer, except rather than in the /etc/init.d/httpd file (which could be overwritten easily on update) I added to /etc/sysconfig/httpd:
export PATH=${PATH:+$PATH:}/usr/local/bin
Have a look at the /etc/passwd to see which login shell the apache user has (on EC2 Ubuntu instances it should be /bin/sh which is a link to /bin/dash). Then have a look at the man page of that shell and find out which configuration files are read upon login. (For /bin/dash that would be .login in the user's home directory.) In those you should be able to extend your $PATH as you like.
Since you seem to have no login shell for that user: Have a look at the /etc/init.d/* scripts which start the system services. Apache will be one of them. They are started as root and may change the current user (e. g. to the apache user). In there you might be able to adjust the PATH as you like it.
Patching those scripts, however, is not considered typical configuration. Updates might overwrite what ever you patch there.

How should I log from a non-root Debian Linux daemon?

I'm writing a new daemon, which will be hosted on Debian Linux.
I've found that /var/log has root only write permissions, so my daemon cannot write log files there.
However, if it writes there, it appears it will gain automatic log rotation, and also work as a user might expect.
What is the recommended way for a daemon to write log entries that appear in /var/log, without having to be run as root?
The daemon is a webserver, so the log traffic will be similar to Apache.
You should create a subdirectory like /var/log/mydaemon having the daemon's user ownership
As root, create a logfile there and change the files owner to the webserver user:
# touch /var/log/myserver.log
# chown wwwuser /var/log/myserver.log
Then the server can write to the files if run as user wwwuser. It will not gain automatic log rotation, though. You have to add the logfile to /etc/logrotate.conf or /etc/logrotate.d/... and make your server reopen the logfile when logrotate signals it should.
You might also use syslog for logging, if that fit's your scenario better.
Two options:
Start as root, open the file, then drop permissions with setuid. (I don't remember the exact system calls for dropping permissions.) You'll have to do this anyway if you want to bind to TCP port 80 or any port below 1024.
Create a subdirectory like /var/log/mydaemon having the daemon's user ownership, as WiseTechi said.
Files under /var/log aren't automatically rotated; instead, rotation is controlled by /etc/logrotate.conf and files under /etc/logrotate.d.
use the "logger" command
