Terminating a process -- Transition from allproc list to zombieproc list - linux

How does a process get terminated? Lets say a process has three threads A,B & C. Now when we send a SIG_KILL signal to the process. All is fine so far, Now each process has exit status field in its structure! So, when a process is sent a kill signal, my understanding is that it is sent to all the threads. A thread gets killed either when it traps into kernel. If it is alreading in the kernel, it quits when it exits from the kernel. If a thread is sleeping it exits when it wakes up. Is my understanding right or am i misunderstading/missing something?
If my understanding is correct, when is a process put into zombie list? when all the threads exited or as soon as it receives a kill signal?

Lets say a process has three threads A,B & C.
Ok. I assume modern Linux, with kernel supporting threads (Linux 2.6 + glibc > 2.3)
Then the process (or thread group) consists of 3 threads (or, there is a 3 threads with different tids and same tgid=PID)
Now when we send a SIG_KILL signal to the process.
So, you use a tgid (PID) here. Ok.
Now each process has exit status field in its structure!
Wwwhat? Yes, but killing and exiting from thread group have a special code to get right exit code to waiter. For killing, the exit status is get from signal; for exiting (syscall sys_group_exit) it is the argument of syscall.
So, when a process is sent a kill signal,... it is sent to all the threads.
Basically there can be two kinds of signals:
process-wide - it will be delivered to ANY thread in the process
thread (Can't name it correctly) - which is delivered by tid to some thread and not another.
So, SIGKILL is process-wide, it will kill entire process. It is delivered to some thread.
When kernel will deliver this signal - it will call do_group_exit() function ( http://lxr.linux.no/linux+v2.6.28/kernel/exit.c#L1156 called from http://lxr.linux.no/linux+v2.6.28/kernel/signal.c#L1870) to kill all threads in thread group (in process).
There is a zap_other_threads() function to iterate over all threads and kill them (with resending a thread-delivered SIGKILL) http://lxr.linux.no/linux+v2.6.28/kernel/signal.c#L966
when is a process put into zombie list?
After do_exit() kernel function call. It has a tsk->state = TASK_DEAD; line at the end.
when all the threads exited or as soon as it receives a kill signal?
The moment, when task get its state to TASK_DEAD is after receiving SIGKILL. This signal is already redelivered to all threads of the process at this moment. Can't find the actual exit time of threads, but all threads have a flag of pending fatal signal, so they will be killed at any resched.
UPDATE: all threads of process must be killed (must receive the KILL signal and do a cleanup), as they have some accounting information to be accumulated in the first thread (here first mention not the first-started, but the thread which got an original process-wide SIGKILL; or the thread, which called an exit_group syscall). First thread must wait all another threads; and it will change status only after that.

In FreeBSD, a zombie process cannot execute any code. Therefore, everything that needs the moribund process to do something is performed before that point. If you see a process in this state in ps(1) (usually only if it gets stuck), it has a usual state such as D, S, R or I, with E (trying to exit) appended to it.
A signal is delivered to one thread (either a particular thread or any thread, depending on how the signal was generated). The act of terminating the process (default action of various signals) has a process-global effect. One of the things that happens is that the thread that was chosen to deliver the signal (or that called _exit(2)) requests all other threads to exit.
A thread does not have an exit status at the kernel level; the value available via pthread_join() is a userland feature.


Do I need to check for my threads exiting?

I have an embedded application, running as a single process on Linux.
I use sigaction() to catch problems, such as segmentation fault, etc.
The process has a few threads, all of which, like the app, should run forever.
My question is whether (and how) I should detect if one of the threads dies.
Would a seg fault in a thread be caught by the application’s sigaction() handler?
I was thinking of using pthread_cleanup_push/pop, but this page says “If any thread within a process calls exit, _Exit, or _exit, then the entire process terminates”, so I wonder if a thread dying would be caught at the process level …
It is not a must that you need to check whether the child thread is completed.
If you have a need of doing something after the child thread completes its processing you can call thread_join() from the main thread, so that it will wait till the child threads completes execution and you can do the rest after this. If you are using thread_exit in the main thread it will get terminated once it is done, leaving the spawned threads to continue execution. The process will get killed only after all the threads completes execution.
If you want to check the status of the spawned threads you can use a flag to detect whether it is running or not. Check this link for more details
How do you query a pthread to see if it is still running?

How linux kernel decide the next thread id

I have a question regarding linux kernel scheduling.
We know that, usually, linux maintains the current largest pid. If we want to start a new process, the kernel will use that largest id. So, if we kill and restart a new process, the process id are not sequential. Linux will use the largest id until it hits a limit.
But my question is how linux decides thread ID.
Say, process A and B are running. Process A crashes but process B is spawning new threads. Will process B just reuse that old tid belonging to process A, or, process B will also use the largest id as tid. Which case is more often? Do we have documents?
The kernel sets a maximum number of process/thread ids and simply recycles identifiers when the threads are garbage collected. So if process B spawns enough threads it will eventually reclaim thread ids from process A assuming it has been properly destroyed
Edit: Here are some links that can provide you with more specific answers
Difference between pid and tid
"what is the value range of thread and process id?"
what is the value range of thread and process id?
"Linux PID recycling"
"Process identifer"
"The Linux kernel: Processes"
It sounds like you need to run your threads in with a PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE attribute passed to pthread_create(), then have one reaper thread in your process dedicated to using pthread_join() or pthread_tryjoin() to wait for terminated threads. Rather than having an outside process trying to sort it out, have your process record the PID/TID pair after pthread_create() succeeds and have the reaper thread remove the pair when it detects the thread has terminated.
I typically combined that with a main thread that did nothing but spawn the thread-creation and reaper threads, then wait for a termination signal and terminate the thread-creator and reaper. The thread-creator stops immediately when signaled, the reaper stops when no more unterminated threads are running, the main thread terminates when both the thread-creator and reaper threads can be pthread_join()'d. Since the main thread's so simple it's unlikely to crash, which means most crashes in work threads simply deliver them to the reaper. If you want absolute certainty, your outside process should be the one to start your main process, then it can use wait() or it's siblings to monitor whether the main process has terminated (normally or by crashing).

exit and wait function in UNIX (or LINUX)

I’m writing a program that simulates an unix-based operating system and I have some questions:
From unix.org
The wait() function will suspend execution of the calling thread
until status information for one of its terminated child processes is available, or until delivery of a signal whose action is either to execute a signal-catching function or to terminate the process
Let's imagine there is process A with two child processes B and C. If B and C call the exit function, and then A calls the wait function, which exit status will be retrieved? The one from B or the one from C? Which first and why?
2.When the process is in the waiting state, it doesn't execute its code until for example the status information for one of the terminated child processes is available, is that right?
So it can't for example call a fork fuction while waiting, is that correct?
3.Are there any restriction on when a process can normally be killed in UNIX?
3.a. Are users authorized to kill root processes? (all of the root processes at will?)
wait() returns the PID of whatever child process exited. If two have exited, you must call wait() twice and check the returned PIDs. You shouldn't rely on the order.
Correct, the entire purpose wait() (without the WNOHANG option) is to block. So you cannot do anything else, apart from handling signals, in the waiting process.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean here, but I suspect the answer is mostly "no."
Users cannot kill root processes (at least, not without special configuration). Users also cannot kill processes owned by other users.
It is indeterminate whether B or C will be reported first.
While the process is in wait(), it can do nothing else (in a single-threaded process).
No restrictions for the most part. There are non-interruptible system calls, but the system tries to avoid getting processes hung in them.
No; a user can kill their own processes. User root can kill other people's process (in general); but no-one else can kill root's processes.

How to kill thread spawned using CLONE_THREAD and blocked on a shared resource in kernel space?

I have a test case where there are threads spawned using CLONE_THREAD option in clone() .Here if i want to kill a particular thread I suppose we should be using SYS_tgkill in systemcall(). But will the kill actually affect a thread if it is waiting in kernel space(say a futex_wait)?
I tried killing a thread created in the above manner.But when SIGKILL is sent to the same the whole process is getting killed.Am i missing something in using syscall(SYS_tgkill,pid,tid,9) ?
SIGKILL always kills the target process. There is no way around this; it's unblockable, unignorable, and uncatchable.
You could try sending another signal (like SIGUSR1 or SIGHUP or SIGRTMIN) and having a signal handler installed that calls pthread_exit (but note that this function is not async-signal-safe, so you must ensure that the signal handler did not interrupt another async-signal-unsafe function) or use cancellation (pthread_cancel) to stop the blocked thread.
This should work for normal blocking operations (like waiting for data from a pipe or socket), but it will not help you if the thread is in an uninterruptable sleep state (like trying to read from a badly scratched CD or failing hard disk).

Threads: some questions

I have couple of questions on threads. Could you please clarify.
Suppose process with one or multiple threads. If the process is prempted/suspended, does the threads also get preempted or does the threads continue to run?
When the suspended process rescheduled, does the process threads also gets scheduled? If the process has process has multiple threads, which threads will be rescheduled and on what basis?
if the thread in the process is running and recieves a signal(say Cntrl-C) and the default action of the signal is to terminate a process, does the running thread terminates or the parent process will also terminate? What happens to the threads if the running process terminates because of some signal?
If the thread does fork fallowed exec, does the exece'd program overlays the address space of parent process or the running thread? If it overlays the parent process what happens to threads, their data, locks they are holding and how they get scheduled once the exec'd process terminates.
Suppose process has multiple threads, how does the threads get scheduled. If one of the thread blocks on some I/O, how other threads gets scheduled. Does the threads scheduled with the parent process is running?
While the thread is running what the current kernel variable points(parent process task_stuct or threads stack_struct?
If the process with the thread is running, when the thread starts does the parent
process gets preempted and how each threads gets scheduled?
If the process running on CPU creates multiple threads, does the threads created by the parent process schedule on another CPU on multiprocessor system?
First, I should clear up some terminology that you appear to be confused about. In POSIX, a "process" is a single address space plus at least one thread of control, identified by a process ID (PID). A thread is an individually-scheduled execution context within a process.
All processes start life with just one thread, and all processes have at least one thread. Now, onto the questions:
Suppose process with one or multiple threads. If the process is prempted/suspended, does the threads also get preempted or does the threads continue to run?
Threads are scheduled independently. If a thread blocks on a function like connect(), then other threads within the process can still be scheduled.
It is also possible to request that every thread in a process be suspended, for example by sending SIGSTOP to the process.
When the suspended process rescheduled, does the process threads also gets scheduled? If the process has process has multiple threads, which threads will be rescheduled and on what basis?
This only makes sense in the context that an explicit request was made to stop the entire process. If you send the process SIGCONT to restart the process, then any of the threads which are not blocked can run. If more threads are runnable than there are processors available to run them, then it is unspecified which one(s) run first.
If the thread in the process is running and recieves a signal(say Cntrl-C) and the default action of the signal is to terminate a process, does the running thread terminates or the parent process will also terminate? What happens to the threads if the running process terminates because of some signal?
If a thread recieves a signal like SIGINT or SIGSEGV whose action is to terminate the process, then the entire process is terminated. This means that every thread in the process is unceremoniously killed.
If the thread does fork followed by exec, does the exece'd program overlays the address space of parent process or the running thread? If it overlays the parent process what happens to threads, their data, locks they are holding and how they get scheduled once the exec'd process terminates.
The fork() call creates a new process by duplicating the address space of the original process, and duplicating just the single thread that called fork() within that new address space.
If that thread in the new process calls execve(), it will replace the new, duplicated address space with the exec'd program. The original process, and all its threads, continue running normally.
Suppose process has multiple threads, how does the threads get scheduled. If one of the thread blocks on some I/O, how other threads gets scheduled. Does the threads scheduled with the parent process is running?
The threads are scheduled independently. Any of the threads that are not blocked can run.
While the thread is running what the current kernel variable points(parent process task_stuct or threads stack_struct?
Each thread has its own task_struct within the kernel. What userspace calls a "thread" is called a "process" in kernel space. Thus current always points at the task_struct corresponding to the currently executing thread (in the userspace sense of the word).
If the process with [a second] thread is running, when the thread starts does the parent process gets preempted and how each threads gets scheduled?
Presumably you mean "the process's main thread" rather than "parent process" here. As before, the threads are scheduled independently. It's unspecified whether one runs before the other - and if you have multiple CPUs, both might run simultaneously.
If the process running on CPU creates multiple threads, does the threads created by the parent process schedule on another CPU on multiprocessor system?
That's really up to the kernel, but the threads are certainly allowed to execute on other CPUs.
Depends. If a thread is preempted because the OS scheduler decides to give CPU time to some other thread, then other threads in the process will continue running. If the process is suspended (i.e. it gets the SIGSTP signal) then AFAIK all the threads will be suspended.
When a suspended process is woken up, all the threads are marked as waiting or blocked (if they are waiting e.g. on a mutex). Then the scheduler at some points run them. There is no guarantee about any specific order the threads are run after waking up the process.
The process will terminate, and with it the threads as well.
When you fork you get a new address space, so there is no "overlay". Note that fork() and the exec() family affect the entire process, not only the thread from which they where called. When you call fork() in a multi-threaded process, the child gets a copy of that process, but with only the calling thread. Then if you call exec() in one or both of the processes (presumably only in the child process, but that's up to you), then the process which calls exec() (and with it, all its threads) is replaced by the exec()'ed program.
The thread scheduling order is decided by the OS scheduler, there is no guarantee given about any particular order.
From the kernel perspective a process is an address space with one or more threads (and some other gunk). There is no concept of threads that somehow exist without a process.
There is no such thing as a process without a single thread. A "plain process" is just a process with a single thread.
Probably yes. This is determined by the OS scheduler. Note that there are API's and tools (numactl) that one can use to force some thread(s) to run on a specific CPU core.
Assuming your questions are about POSIX threads, then
1a. A process that's preempted by the O/S will have all its threads preempted.
1b. The O/S will suspend all the threads of a process that is sent a SIGSTOP.
The O/S will resume all thread of a suspended process that is sent a SIGCONT.
By default, a SIGINT will terminate all the threads in a process.
If a thread calls fork(), then all its threads are duplicated. If it then call one of the exec() functions, then all the duplicated threads disappear.
POSIX allows for user-selection of the thread scheduling algorithm.
I don't understand the question.
I don't understand the question.
How threads are mapped to CPU-s is implementation-dependent. Many implementations will try to distribute threads amongst the available CPU-s to improve performance.
The Linux kernel doesn't distinguish between threads and processes. As far as kernel is concerned, a thread is simply another process which happens to share address space with other processes. (You would call the set of "processes" (i.e. threads) which share a single address space a "process".)
So POSIX threads are scheduled exactly as full-blown processes would be. There is no difference in scheduling whether you have one process with five threads, or five separate processes.
There are kernel calls that provide fine grained control over what is shared between processes. The POSIX threads API wraps over them.
