I am trying to send some text from the client's end to the server.
I also want to display time stamps,so as to notify the time at which the message was received.
When I try sending the time it sends a blank.However the rest of the string gets displayed.
Here my code for sending from the client's end:
void ClientSock::OnConnect(int nErrorCode)
// TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
AfxMessageBox(_T("Connection Failure."));
time_t clock;
char min[30] = {0};
char s = ctime_s(min,sizeof(min),&clock);
char text[100] = {0};
char user[10] = {"UserName"};
int n = m_pDlg->GetDlgItemText(ID_REQUEST,text, 100);
and heres how im printing at the Server's console:
SOCKET client;
char text[100] = {0};
char user[10] = {0};
char min[30] = {0};
int n,m;
//(here the server waits for the client and accepts connection requests)
client = accept(server, NULL, NULL);
//(receiving text from the client)
n = recv(client, text, 99, 0);
recv(client, user, 9, 0);
m = recv(client, min, 29, 0);
if(n > 0 && m > 0)
printf("%s:: %s:%s\n",min,user,text);
printf("ERROR:Communication Failure.\n");
A tcp connection should be treated as a stream of bytes. You're treating it as if it was a stream of objects with type information.
After your 3 Send's, the bytes that have been transferred would be e.g.
ABC\0UserName\0\0Time\0 - A total of 19 bytes.
Then you read 99 bytes, and get all of the data stored into "text", with nothing left in the stream for your next reads.
You'll need to either send the length of the text before the text itself, or you'll need to read "data" on the receiving end and scan for e.g. a 0-terminator to extract the 3 logical elements of the stream.
I am making a simple game whose audio speed should increase as the player is approaching the end of the level it is playing. So now I was wondering if there was a way to do this using SDL_Mixer. If SDL_Mixer is not the way to go could you please tell me how could I make this change in the audio file itself to make it faster. I am working with a 8-bit .wav file with 2 channels at the samplerate of 22050.
According to this forum here: https://forums.libsdl.org/viewtopic.php?p=44663, you can use a different library called "SoLoud" to change the playback speed of your sounds on the fly. You can get/see more details on SoLoud here: http://sol.gfxile.net/soloud/. From what I can tell, you cannot do this using SDL2, and SoLoud seems easy enough to use, so that would be my suggestion.
A few years back I was trying to achieve something very similar and, after a lot of web search, I came up with this solution, involving using Mix_RegisterEffect function, which got close:
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_mixer.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
/* global vars */
Uint16 audioFormat; // current audio format constant
int audioFrequency, // frequency rate of the current audio format
audioChannelCount, // number of channels of the current audio format
audioAllocatedMixChannelsCount; // number of mix channels allocated
static inline Uint16 formatSampleSize(Uint16 format)
return (format & 0xFF) / 8;
// Get chunk time length (in ms) given its size and current audio format
static int computeChunkLengthMillisec(int chunkSize)
/* bytes / samplesize == sample points */
const Uint32 points = chunkSize / formatSampleSize(audioFormat);
/* sample points / channels == sample frames */
const Uint32 frames = (points / audioChannelCount);
/* (sample frames * 1000) / frequency == play length, in ms */
return ((frames * 1000) / audioFrequency);
// Custom handler object to control which part of the Mix_Chunk's audio data will be played, with which pitch-related modifications.
// This needed to be a template because the actual Mix_Chunk's data format may vary (AUDIO_U8, AUDIO_S16, etc) and the data type varies with it (Uint8, Sint16, etc)
// The AudioFormatType should be the data type that is compatible with the current SDL_mixer-initialized audio format.
template<typename AudioFormatType>
struct PlaybackSpeedEffectHandler
const AudioFormatType* const chunkData; // pointer to the chunk sample data (as array)
const float& speedFactor; // the playback speed factor
int position; // current position of the sound, in ms
const int duration; // the duration of the sound, in ms
const int chunkSize; // the size of the sound, as a number of indexes (or sample points). thinks of this as a array size when using the proper array type (instead of just Uint8*).
const bool loop; // flags whether playback should stay looping
const bool attemptSelfHalting; // flags whether playback should be halted by this callback when playback is finished
bool altered; // true if this playback has been pitched by this handler
PlaybackSpeedEffectHandler(const Mix_Chunk& chunk, const float& speed, bool loop, bool trySelfHalt)
: chunkData(reinterpret_cast<AudioFormatType*>(chunk.abuf)), speedFactor(speed),
position(0), duration(computeChunkLengthMillisec(chunk.alen)),
chunkSize(chunk.alen / formatSampleSize(audioFormat)),
loop(loop), attemptSelfHalting(trySelfHalt), altered(false)
// processing function to be able to change chunk speed/pitch.
void modifyStreamPlaybackSpeed(int mixChannel, void* stream, int length)
AudioFormatType* buffer = static_cast<AudioFormatType*>(stream);
const int bufferSize = length / sizeof(AudioFormatType); // buffer size (as array)
const int bufferDuration = computeChunkLengthMillisec(length); // buffer time duration
const float speedFactor = this->speedFactor; // take a "snapshot" of speed factor
// if there is still sound to be played
if(position < duration || loop)
// if playback is unaltered and pitch is required (for the first time)
if(!altered && speedFactor != 1.0f)
altered = true; // flags playback modification and proceed to the pitch routine.
if(altered) // if unaltered, this pitch routine is skipped
const float delta = 1000.0/audioFrequency, // normal duration of each sample
vdelta = delta*speedFactor; // virtual stretched duration, scaled by 'speedFactor'
for(int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i += audioChannelCount)
const int j = i/audioChannelCount; // j goes from 0 to size/channelCount, incremented 1 by 1
const float x = position + j*vdelta; // get "virtual" index. its corresponding value will be interpolated.
const int k = floor(x / delta); // get left index to interpolate from original chunk data (right index will be this plus 1)
const float proportion = (x / delta) - k; // get the proportion of the right value (left will be 1.0 minus this)
// usually just 2 channels: 0 (left) and 1 (right), but who knows...
for(int c = 0; c < audioChannelCount; c++)
// check if k will be within bounds
if(k*audioChannelCount + audioChannelCount - 1 < chunkSize || loop)
AudioFormatType leftValue = chunkData[( k * audioChannelCount + c) % chunkSize],
rightValue = chunkData[((k+1) * audioChannelCount + c) % chunkSize];
// put interpolated value on 'data' (linear interpolation)
buffer[i + c] = (1-proportion)*leftValue + proportion*rightValue;
else // if k will be out of bounds (chunk bounds), it means we already finished; thus, we'll pass silence
buffer[i + c] = 0;
// update position
position += bufferDuration * speedFactor; // this is not exact since a frame may play less than its duration when finished playing, but its simpler
// reset position if looping
if(loop) while(position > duration)
position -= duration;
else // if we already played the whole sound but finished earlier than expected by SDL_mixer (due to faster playback speed)
// set silence on the buffer since Mix_HaltChannel() poops out some of it for a few ms.
for(int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
buffer[i] = 0;
Mix_HaltChannel(mixChannel); // XXX unsafe call, since it locks audio; but no safer solution was found yet...
// Mix_EffectFunc_t callback that redirects to handler method (handler passed via userData)
static void mixEffectFuncCallback(int channel, void* stream, int length, void* userData)
static_cast<PlaybackSpeedEffectHandler*>(userData)->modifyStreamPlaybackSpeed(channel, stream, length);
// Mix_EffectDone_t callback that deletes the handler at the end of the effect usage (handler passed via userData)
static void mixEffectDoneCallback(int, void *userData)
delete static_cast<PlaybackSpeedEffectHandler*>(userData);
// function to register a handler to this channel for the next playback.
static void registerEffect(int channel, const Mix_Chunk& chunk, const float& speed, bool loop, bool trySelfHalt)
Mix_RegisterEffect(channel, mixEffectFuncCallback, mixEffectDoneCallback, new PlaybackSpeedEffectHandler(chunk, speed, loop, trySelfHalt));
// Register playback speed effect handler according to the current audio format; effect valid for a single playback; if playback is looped, lasts until it's halted
void setupPlaybackSpeedEffect(const Mix_Chunk* const chunk, const float& speed, int channel, bool loop=false, bool trySelfHalt=false)
// select the register function for the current audio format and register the effect using the compatible handlers
// XXX is it correct to behave the same way to all S16 and U16 formats? Should we create case statements for AUDIO_S16SYS, AUDIO_S16LSB, AUDIO_S16MSB, etc, individually?
case AUDIO_U8: PlaybackSpeedEffectHandler<Uint8 >::registerEffect(channel, *chunk, speed, loop, trySelfHalt); break;
case AUDIO_S8: PlaybackSpeedEffectHandler<Sint8 >::registerEffect(channel, *chunk, speed, loop, trySelfHalt); break;
case AUDIO_U16: PlaybackSpeedEffectHandler<Uint16>::registerEffect(channel, *chunk, speed, loop, trySelfHalt); break;
case AUDIO_S16: PlaybackSpeedEffectHandler<Sint16>::registerEffect(channel, *chunk, speed, loop, trySelfHalt); break;
case AUDIO_S32: PlaybackSpeedEffectHandler<Sint32>::registerEffect(channel, *chunk, speed, loop, trySelfHalt); break;
case AUDIO_F32: PlaybackSpeedEffectHandler<float >::registerEffect(channel, *chunk, speed, loop, trySelfHalt); break;
// example
// run the executable passing an filename of a sound file that SDL_mixer is able to open (ogg, wav, ...)
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if(argc < 2) { std::cout << "missing argument" << std::endl; return 0; }
Mix_QuerySpec(&audioFrequency, &audioFormat, &audioChannelCount); // query specs
audioAllocatedMixChannelsCount = Mix_AllocateChannels(MIX_CHANNELS);
float speed = 1.0;
Mix_Chunk* chunk = Mix_LoadWAV(argv[1]);
if(chunk != NULL)
const int channel = Mix_PlayChannelTimed(-1, chunk, -1, 8000);
setupPlaybackSpeedEffect(chunk, speed, channel, true);
// loop for 8 seconds, changing the pitch dynamically
while(SDL_GetTicks() < 8000)
speed = 1 + 0.25*sin(0.001*SDL_GetTicks());
std::cout << "no data" << std::endl;
While this works, it's not a perfect solution, since the result has some artifacts (crackling) in most cases, which I wasn't able to figure out why.
Github gist I created for this a while ago.
I am using ESP8266 and ModbusMaster.h library to communicate with RS485 enabled power meter. Communication works fine but responses are the ones are confusing me and I can not get correct values. My power meter shows 1.49 kWh but response from Modbus is 16318. Here is my code:
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <SimpleTimer.h>
#include <ModbusMaster.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
Debug. Change to 0 when you are finished debugging.
const int debug = 1;
#define ARRAY_SIZE(A) (sizeof(A) / sizeof((A)[0]))
int timerTask1, timerTask2, timerTask3;
float battBhargeCurrent, bvoltage, ctemp, btemp, bremaining, lpower, lcurrent, pvvoltage, pvcurrent, pvpower;
float stats_today_pv_volt_min, stats_today_pv_volt_max;
uint8_t result;
// this is to check if we can write since rs485 is half duplex
bool rs485DataReceived = true;
float data[100];
ModbusMaster node;
SimpleTimer timer;
// tracer requires no handshaking
void preTransmission() {}
void postTransmission() {}
// a list of the regisities to query in order
typedef void (*RegistryList[])();
RegistryList Registries = {
AddressRegistry_0001 // samo potrosnju
// keep log of where we are
uint8_t currentRegistryNumber = 0;
// function to switch to next registry
void nextRegistryNumber() {
currentRegistryNumber = (currentRegistryNumber + 1) % ARRAY_SIZE( Registries);
void setup()
// Serial.begin(115200);
Serial.begin(9600, SERIAL_8E1); //, SERIAL_8E1
// Modbus slave ID 1
node.begin(1, Serial);
// WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);
while (Blynk.connect() == false) {}
timerTask1 = timer.setInterval(9000, updateBlynk);
timerTask2 = timer.setInterval(9000, doRegistryNumber);
timerTask3 = timer.setInterval(9000, nextRegistryNumber);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void doRegistryNumber() {
void AddressRegistry_0001() {
uint8_t j;
uint16_t dataval[2];
result = node.readHoldingRegisters(0x00, 2);
if (result == node.ku8MBSuccess)
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) // set to 0,1 for two
dataval[j] = node.getResponseBuffer(j);
terminal.println("---------- Show power---------");
terminal.println("kWh: ");
terminal.println("crc: ");
} else {
rs485DataReceived = false;
void loop()
// ArduinoOTA.handle();
I have tried similar thing but with Raspberry Pi and USB-RS485 and it works.
Sample of NodeJS code is below. It looks similar to Arduino code.
// create an empty modbus client
var ModbusRTU = require("modbus-serial");
var client = new ModbusRTU();
// open connection to a serial port
client.connectRTUBuffered("/dev/ttyUSB0", { baudRate: 9600, parity: 'even' }, read);
function write() {
// write the values 0, 0xffff to registers starting at address 5
// on device number 1.
client.writeRegisters(5, [0 , 0xffff])
function read() {
// read the 2 registers starting at address 5
// on device number 1.
console.log("Ocitavanje registra 0000: ");
client.readHoldingRegisters(0000, 12)
.then(function(d) {
var floatA = d.buffer.readFloatBE(0);
// var floatB = d.buffer.readFloatBE(4);
// var floatC = d.buffer.readFloatBE(8);
// console.log("Receive:", floatA, floatB, floatC); })
console.log("Potrosnja u kWh: ", floatA); })
.catch(function(e) {
console.log(e.message); })
function close() {
This code displays 1.493748298302 in console.
How can I implement this var floatA = d.buffer.readFloatBE(0); in Arduino? Looks like that readFloatBE(0) does the trick, but available only in NodeJS / javascript.
Here i part of datasheet for my device
Here is what I am getting as result from original software that came with device:
If someone could point me in better direction I would be thenkfull.
I found ShortBus Modbus Scanner software and tested readings.
Library read result as Unsigned integer, but need Floating Point and Word Order swapped. It is shown on image below.
Can someone tell how to set proper conversion please.
Right, so indeed the issue is with the part done by var floatA = d.buffer.readFloatBE(0);Modbus returns an array of bytes, and the client has to interpret those bytes, ideally done by the library you're using, but if not available on Arduino, you may try manually with byte decoding functions, with the following considerattions:
Modbus registers are 16 bit in length, so length 1 = 16 bits, length
2 = 32 bits, hence the data type noted on the docs as float32 means
"2 registers used for this value, interpret as float".
Therefore, on client.readHoldingRegisters(0000, 12)you're asking to read the register with address 00, and size 12... so this makes no sense, you only need 2 registers.
On your sample Node code, first you're writing
2 registers to address 5 in client.writeRegisters(5, [0 , 0xffff])
register 5 = 0, and register 6 = 0xFFFF, why? Then you go and read
from address 0, in read(), which is the address for Total KwH per
your docs.
So, you should get an array of bytes, and you need to
decode them as a float. Modbus is Big Endian for words and bytes, so
you need to use those in the decoding functions. I don't know exactly
what is available in Arduino, but hopefully you can figure it out
with this extra info.
I suppose that if you just send the buffer to print, you'll get an integer interpretation of the value, hence the problem
I manage to send data from NodeJs runtime with serialport library.
The goal is storing a string received from Serial.read() in Arduino . What is correct:
int string = Serial.read()
char string[20] = Serial.read()
There are many documentations on Internet and they are not the same
P/s: I send string from nodejs in buffer form but i dont think it matters because arduino still implement it as a string anyway.
From the Arduino documentation:
int incomingByte = 0; // for incoming serial data
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps
void loop() {
// send data only when you receive data:
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// read the incoming byte:
incomingByte = Serial.read();
// say what you got:
Serial.print("I received: ");
Serial.println(incomingByte, DEC);
Returns the first byte of incoming serial data available (or -1 if no
data is available) - int
FYI: I've used this code many times and it works on 100%.
I want to use Arduino to read data from ADXL345 accelerometer and use raspberry pi with Processing to save the data into a txt file in pi. I used the code from https://www.researchgate.net/post/How_can_I_save_data_directly_in_the_pc_using_an_Arduino_UNO
And my Arduino code is shown as follows:
#include <Wire.h>
#define DEVICE (0x53) //ADXL345 device address
#define TO_READ (6) //num of bytes we are going to read each time (two bytes for each axis)
byte buff[TO_READ] ; //6 bytes buffer for saving data read from the device
char str[512]; //string buffer to transform data before sending it to the serial port
void setup()
Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master)
Serial.begin(9600); // start serial for output
//Turning on the ADXL345
writeTo(DEVICE, 0x2D, 0);
writeTo(DEVICE, 0x2D, 16);
writeTo(DEVICE, 0x2D, 8);
void loop()
int regAddress = 0x32; //first axis-acceleration-data register on the ADXL345
int x, y, z;
readFrom(DEVICE, regAddress, TO_READ, buff); //read the acceleration data from the ADXL345
//each axis reading comes in 10 bit resolution, ie 2 bytes. Least Significat Byte first!!
//thus we are converting both bytes in to one int
x = (((int)buff[1]) << 8) | buff[0];
y = (((int)buff[3])<< 8) | buff[2];
z = (((int)buff[5]) << 8) | buff[4];
//we send the x y z values as a string to the serial port
sprintf(str, "%d %d %d", x, y, z);
//It appears that delay is needed in order not to clog the port
void writeTo(int device, byte address, byte val) {
Wire.beginTransmission(device); //start transmission to device
Wire.write(address); // send register address
Wire.write(val); // send value to write
Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission
void readFrom(int device, byte address, int num, byte buff[]) {
Wire.beginTransmission(device); //start transmission to device
Wire.write(address); //sends address to read from
Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission
Wire.beginTransmission(device); //start transmission to device (initiate again)
Wire.requestFrom(device, num); // request 6 bytes from device
int i = 0;
while(Wire.available()) //device may send less than requested (abnormal)
buff[i] = Wire.read(); // receive a byte
Wire.endTransmission(); //end transmission
Processing code is shown as follows:
import processing.serial.*;
Serial mySerial;
PrintWriter output;
void setup() {
mySerial = new Serial( this, Serial.list()[0], 9600 );
output = createWriter( "/home/pi/data.txt" );
void draw() {
if (mySerial.available() > 0 ) {
String value = mySerial.readString();
if ( value != null ) {
output.println( value );
void keyPressed() {
output.flush(); // Writes the remaining data to the file
output.close(); // Finishes the file
exit(); // Stops the program
When only use serial monitor window to show x, y, z values, it looks well, but when using Processing to get data while Arduino serial monitor window is running, the data format changes, e.x. wrong format
Please help me.
I'm trying to receive a number through uart which is packed as a string. I'm sending number 1000, so I get 4 bytes + null character. But when I convert the array to number with atoi() and compare the integer with 1000 I don't always get a correct number. This is my interrupt handler function for receiving the number. What could be wrong?
void USART1_IRQHandler(void)
char t = USART1->RDR;
if( (t != '\n' && t!='\0') && (cnt < 4) )
received_string[cnt] = t;
cnt = 0;
t = 0;
received_string[4] = 0;
data = atoi(received_string);
Try this code instead. Here I check the max number of received bytes to avoid buffer overflow (and possible hardware fault). I created a specific function to clear the reception buffer. You can find also a definition for the string length because the code is more flexible. I suggest also to check the reception errors (after read the incoming byte) because in case of errors the reception is blocked.
//Define the max lenght for the string
#define MAX_LEN 5
//Received byte counter
unsigned char cnt=0;
//Clear reception buffer (you can use also memset)
void clearRXBuffer(void);
//Define the string with the max lenght
char received_string[MAX_LEN];
void USART1_IRQHandler(void)
//Read incoming data. This clear USART_IT_RXNE
char t = USART1->RDR;
//Normally here you should check serial error!
//Put the received char in the buffer
received_string[cnt++] = t;
//Check for buffer overflow : this is important to avoid
//possible hardware fault!!!
if(cnt > MAX_LEN)
//Clear received buffer and counter
//Check for string length (4 char + '\0')
if(cnt == MAX_LEN)
//Check if the received string has the terminator in the correct position
if(received_string[4]== '\0'){
//Do something with your buffer
int data = atoi(received_string);
//Clear received buffer and counter
//Clear reception buffer (you can use also memset)
void clearRXBuffer(void){
int i;
for(i=0;i<MAX_LEN;i++) received_string[i]=0;