Compiling ODE code in Linux - linux

I have downloaded ode-0.11.1 and I am able to compile source code by modifying the Makefile provided with the demos, but I can't figure out how to manually compile and link the code I need as a standalone.
I tried probing at the Makefile and substituting the macros manually, as well as running it and checking the output.
Does anyone know how to do this?

OpenDE, or ODE, is configured with GNU autoconf/automake tools.
This means that you need to invoke ./configure before you can build the package.
To see all the options, use:
$ ./configure --help
An invokation to ./configure will often need a target where to install to.
A typical invokation would look like this:
$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME --with-trimesh=opcode
$ make install
This will install OpenDE in your home directory.
If you omit the --prefix argument, the default /usr/local will be used, and you will need root permissions to install.
The example invokation will also include support for triangle meshes using OPCODE.


Automake-1.14 is failing at make

I downloaded automake-1.14 by following this tutorial on Ubuntu 16.04
./configure passed without any error. But the moment I ran make it gave an error.
I actually removed automake-1.15 from linux because when I was
installing protobuf 2.6.1 it says that i can't find automake-1.14. Therefore I remove automake by apt-get autoremove automake. And ran the following commands
$ wget
$ tar xvzf automake-1.14.tar.gz
$ cd automake-1.14
$ ./configure
$ make # FAIL HERE
$ sudo make install
The Error is the following:
anybody#anywhere:~/anyshare/automake-1.14$ make
GEN t/
GEN m4/amversion.m4
CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd . && "/home/anybody/anyshare/automake-1.14/t/wrap/aclocal-1.14"
Can't locate /home/anybody/anyshare/automake-1.14/bin/aclocal in #INC (#INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.22.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.22.1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.22 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.22 /usr/share/perl/5.22 /usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base .) at /home/anybody/anyshare/automake-1.14/t/wrap/aclocal-1.14 line 29.
Makefile:2494: recipe for target 'aclocal.m4' failed
make: *** [aclocal.m4] Error 2
Apparently, the original problem -- and likely the problem building Automake -- was an incorrect appearance that the packages' Autotools-based build systems were out of date.
Generally speaking, Autotools-based packages should be distributed with the Autotools outputs pre-built, even though technically, they are derived files. This avoids any need for the Autotools themselves to be installed on the build system for people who are just building the package on a supported system, not modifying or porting it. Distribution packages built by an Autotools-based build system via make dist will in fact include them.
By default and typically, Autotools-based build systems include rules for rebuilding the build system itself if it is out of date. This is a convenience for package maintainers. Autoconf has a built-in mechanism to provide an option for disabling those rules (so-called "maintainer mode") at configuration time, though not all packages make use of it.
Normal operation of tar preserves file timestamps, but if your particular tar fails to do so, whether in general or in your particular case, or if your filesystem's timestamps have poor resolution, then unpacking the source tarballs may produce a result in which the Autotools outputs appear to be out of date. In that case, unless suppressed, the rules for rebuilding the build system will be triggered when you run make.
If this happens to you, and the package's configure script supports the maintainer-mode option, then you can suppress the build-system rebuilding rules by including the --disable-maintainer-mode option when you configure the package. Hindsight being 20/20, I can confidently state that this solves the Protobuf-building problem for you.

Sys_error using ocamlmklib on an object file

I am compiling a theorem prover on cygwin and I get this error:
$ make
ocamlmklib -o bin/minisatinterface minisat/core/Solver.o minisat/simp/SimpSolver
.o bin/Ointerface.o -lstdc++
** Fatal error: Error while reading minisat/core/Solver.o: Sys_error("Invalid ar
Makefile:49: recipe for target `bin/libminisatinterface.a' failed
make: *** [bin/libminisatinterface.a] Error 2
It is not clear what kind of invalid argument is here?
The only documentation I have found for ocamlmklib did not help on understanding the error message. Could it not read the file itself or there is a problem with the contents? ls does list the file:
$ ls -l minisat/core/Solver.o
-rw-r--r-- 1 gbuday mkpasswd 2096 jan. 22 10.42 minisat/core/Solver.o
update: if I remove Solver.o I get a different error message:
** Fatal error: Cannot find file "minisat/core/Solver.o"
So the above error message is about the contents of the object file.
I happen to know that this specifically has to do with the build of the ATP Satallax, which can be used with Isabelle Sledgehammer, and I was asked to look at this.
I have no expertise with make files and ocaml. My success at building Satallax v2.7 came purely from following the instruction in INSTALL, with some minimal ability at guessing at what error codes meant, which I mainly needed when building Satallax v2.6 over a year ago.
The first important thing to do is make sure that the tar file is unzipped while working in a Cygwin terminal, rather than under Windows with something like WinZip.
Assuming that you're working in a Cygwin terminal, these are the notes which I made. After that I'll include text from the Satallax INSTALL, and few comments.
0) tar xvzf satallax-2.7.tar.gz
1) Cygwin Package (these are also for other's like Leo-II):
zlib-devel, make, OCaml devel, gcc devel, g++ devel, libstdc++6-devel
Ubuntu 12 Packages:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
zlibg-dev using the Ubuntu Software Center
ocaml and g++ if they don't come with "build-essential"
2) Put eprover.exe in the path so that ./configure can find it.
a) There are the following lines in the configure files, which shows
that it's configured to find picomus, eprover has to be in the path
or `which eprover` has to be edited.
# Optionally set picomus to your picomus executable
# Optionally set eprover to your E theorem prover executable
eprover=`which eprover`
3) Follow the instructions in INSTALL.
a) export MROOT=`pwd` takes care of this next note, which I had to do
for v2.6, info I keep in here in case I need it in the future.
b) export MROOT=<minisat-dir>, where you replace "minisat-dir" with the
3) OLD v2.6 NOTE: If you get an error, delete the old source and try
untaring the sources again.
My build of v2.7 went through without problems, other than the test giving errors.
With Satallax v2.7, there is now the requirement that the build find the eprover. Note STEP 3 of INSTALL tells you to modify configure, or put eprover.exe in the path before the build. I put it in the path, which for me is
The INSTALL file then gives short instructions:
* Short Instructions
cd minisat
export MROOT=`pwd`
cd core
make Solver.o
cd ../simp
make SimpSolver.o
cd ../../picosat-936
cd ..
./test | grep ERROR
After downloading all needed packages, and putting eprover.exe in the path, it built without errors for me other than the test, but the executable works when used by Isabelle Sledgehammer.
STEP 3 of INSTALL talks about providing the location of the picomus executable, but I'm pretty sure that there's not need to do that because picosat-936\picomus.exe gets built in this build.
If you watch the build messages, it'll tell you what it's looking for and what it finds.
For completeness, I include the text from INSTALL, except for the instructions related to what's pertinent for Coq.
There are a number of requirements in order to compile Satallax.
In short, you need make, ocaml, g++ and the zlib header files.
In Debian and derived Linux systems, you can get these from
the build-essential and zlib1g-dev packages. You need
ocamlopt to obtain a standalone executable.
If you're not the administrator of the computer on which you're installing,
you can quote the previous paragraph to the administrator.
* Short Instructions
cd minisat
export MROOT=`pwd`
cd core
make Solver.o
cd ../simp
make SimpSolver.o
cd ../../picosat-936
cd ..
./test | grep ERROR
./bin/satallax.opt is the native code executable to use.
See test for examples of how to use it.
* Long Instructions
Compile minisat (see minisat/README)
cd minisat
export MROOT=<minisat-dir> (or setenv in cshell)
cd core
make Solver.o
cd ../simp
make SimpSolver.o
cd ../..
STEP 2 (Optional. Only needed to extract proof information for proof terms.) :
Build picosat (including picomus):
cd picosat-936
cd ..
If desired, edit the configure script to give the location of your picomus
and eprover executables. (If the executables are not found by the configure script,
you will need to give the location of the executables to satallax via the command line
options -P <picomus> -E <eprover> if they are needed.)
Run the configure script for Satallax.
uses ocamlopt to make a standalone executable
and uses ocamlc to make a bytecode executable
that depends on ocamlrun
Test satallax using the examples in the script file:
As long as you don't see a line with the word ERROR, it should be working.

Installed OpenMPI library, but cannot use mpicc command in Linux

I am following openmpi install file.
Firstly, I am a normal user in this linux system. I do not have rights to access /usr/local . If I configure with:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make will complain about permission.
Therefore, I put the place to install in some other directory (let's call it directory 'A'), and then make install .
I got all the files in the bin and such. I got mpic++, mpicc, etc. in the bin folder and such, in the directory 'A'.
Now, the thing is when I need to compile other programs:
Compiling MPI Applications
MPI applications should be compiled using the Open MPI "wrapper"
C programs: mpicc your-code.c
C++ programs: mpiCC or
mpic++ (for case-insensitive filesystems)
This is from the INSTALL file. The thing is bash complains that mpicc command is not found when I type in "mpicc".
OpenMPI is a dependency for the other programs I am trying to compile, and they invoke OpenMPI by using 'mpicc' command.
What can I do in this case?
Your folder A needs to be on your PATH environment variable. In bash, you would do:
export PATH=/path/to/my/folder/A/bin:$PATH
which will let you just type mpicc. Alternatively, you can use the full path as your command:
/path/to/my/folder/A/bin/mpicc myFile.c
If you don't have write access to the default prefix file tree /usr/local/ you should ./configure with an explicit writable prefix, e.g.
./configure --prefix=$HOME/pub
of course, you could mkdir $HOME/pub then should add $HOME/pub/bin to your PATH

Compile GCC and install to DESTDIR

I'm trying to install GCC into /my/custom/path/gcc
but for some reason it installs into the normal installation path.
the commands i'm using:
configure --target=i686-pc-linux-gnu --disable-nls --enable-languages=c,c++ --without-headers
make DESTDIR=/my/custom/path/gcc
make DESTDIR=/my/custom/path/gcc install
What am I doing wrong?
You should run (in a new build tree outside of the source tree)
/your/source/path/to/gcc/configure --target=i686-pc-linux-gnu --prefix=/my/custom/path/gcc ...
and then GCC will become installed in /my/custom/path/gcc/bin/ with include files in /my/custom/path/gcc/include/, libraries in /my/custom/path/gcc/lib/ etc etc
I suggest using /opt/ or $HOME/pub as your prefix and you might also be interested by the --program-suffix=-foo option
(do that in a fresh new build tree outside of the source tree; your previous one is rotten)
After successive compilation with make, you can run in your build tree
make install DESTDIR=/tmp/mygccinst/
and finally, you can copy the definitive files with something like
cp -va /tmp/mygccinst/ /
You may need to run this copy as root...
PS the installation prefix is built-in the gcc driver binary, which actually runs cc1 or cc1plus etc...

Store GNU make generated files elsewhere

How can I store GNU make & configure files elsewhere? I have a project I am working on that I get compiled using:
./configure --prefix=/usr && make && su -c 'make install'
The thing is I don't want to pollute the current folder, which is a svn/git/hg/whatever sandbox with files generated by that command. I want to put those files in a separate location. I don't know if it's similar, but when I compile the linux kernel from source, I can specify where to put the ouput by passing the 'O' option to 'make', something like this:
make O=/home/user/linux-output
The Makefile must support this feature.
I think the autoconf generated makefiles all support the following use:
mkdir ../build
cd ../build
../configure --prefix=/usr
make install
(It's certainly recommended for gcc builds).
As Kristof already pointed out, GNU autotools inherently support out out-of-tree builds at the configure level.
So you can have the Makefile and built binaries out of the source tree trivially.
To get all the auto-generated artefacts out of the source tree requires much more work however.
We have a script that copies changes from a source tree into a working_copy, carefully preserving the configure script etc in the working_copy, which allows the original source tree to be pristine. However it's very inefficient, so I wouldn't recommend it.
I would recommend a normal out-of-tree build, and then explicitly excluding the remaining auto-generated files in the source tree.
