Pull fields/attributes from lsof (Linux command line) - linux

With the recent move to Flash 10 (or maybe it was a distro choice), I and many others are no longer able to copy Flash videos from /tmp. I have, however, found a workaround in the following:
First, execute:
lsof | grep Flash
which should return output like this:
plugin-co 8935 richard 16w REG 8,1 4139180 8220 /tmp/FlashXXq4KyOZ (deleted)
Note: You can see the problem here....the /tmp file has the file pointer released.
You are, however, able to grab the file by using the cp command thusly:
cp /proc/#/fd/# video.flv
where the 1st # is the process ID (8935) and the second if the next number (16, from 16w).
Currently, this works, but it requires a few manual steps. To automate this, I figure I could pull the PID and the fd number and insert them dynamically into the cp command.
My question is how do I pull the appropriate fields into variables? I know you can use $1, etc. for grabbing input arguments, but how do you retrieve outputs?
Note: I could use pidof plugin-container to find the PID, but I still need the other number (since it tells which specific flash video to save).

The following command will return PIDs and FDs for all the files in /tmp that have filenames that begin with "Flash"
lsof -F pfn /tmp/Flash*
and the output will look something like this:
Where the field identifiers are p: PID, f: FD, n: NAME. The -F option is designed to make the output of lsof easy to parse.
Iterating over these and removing the field identifiers is trivial.
while read -r line
case $line in
fds[pids[c]]+=${line:1}" "
names[pids[c]]+=${line:1}" "
done < <(lsof -F pfn -- /tmp/Flash*)
for ((i=0; i<=c; i++))
for name in ${names[pids[i]]}
for fd in ${fds[pids[i]]}
echo "File: $name, Process ID: ${pids[i]}, File Descriptor: $fd"
Lines like this:
fds[pids[c]]+=${line:1}" "
accumulate file descriptors in a string stored in an array indexed by the PID. Doing this for file names will fail for filenames which contain spaces. That could be worked around if necessary.
The line is stripped of the leading field descriptor character by using a substring operator: ${line:1} starts at position one and includes the rest of the string so it drops character zero.
The second loop is just a demo to show iterating over the arrays.

var=$(lsof | awk '/Flash/{gsub(/[^0-9]/,"",$4);print $2 FS $4};exit')
set -- $var

Completed Script:
if [ $1 ]; then
#lsof | grep Flash | awk '{print $2}' also works for PID
pid=$(pidof plugin-container)
file_num=$(lsof -p $pid | grep /tmp/Flash | awk '{print substr($4,1,2)}')
cp /proc/$pid/fd/$file_num ~/Downloads/"$1".flv
echo "Please enter video name as argument."

Avoid using lsof because it takes too long (>30 seconds) to return the path. The below .bashrc line will work with vlc, mplayer, or whatever you put in and return the path to the deleted temp file in milliseconds.
flashplay () {
vlc $(stat -c %N /proc/*/fd/* 2>&1|awk -F[\`\'] '/lash/{print$2}')


How to move files using the result as condition after grep command

I have 2 files that I needed to grep in a separate file.
The two files are in this directory /var/list
I have to grep them in another file in another directory which is in /var/sup/. I used the command below:
for i in TB.*; do grep "$i" /var/sup/logs.txt; done
what I want to do is, if the result of the grep command contains the word "ERROR" the files which is found in /var/list will be moved to another directory /var/last.
for example I grep this file TB.1234.txt to /var/sup/logs.txt then the result is like this:
ERROR: TB.1234.txt
TB.1234.txt will be move to /var/last.
please help. I don't know how to construct the logic on how to move the files, I'm stuck in that I provided, I am also trying to use two greps in a for loop but I am encountering an error.
I am new in coding and really appreciates any help and suggestions. Thank you so much.
If you are asking how to move files which contain "ERROR", this should be extremely straightforward.
for file in TB.*; do
grep -q 'ERROR' "$file" &&
mv "$file" /var/last/
The notation this && that is a convenient shorthand for
if this; then
The -q option to grep says to not print the matches, and quit as soon as you find one. Like all well-defined commands, grep sets its exit code to reflect whether it succeeded (the status is visible in $?, but usually you would not examine it directly; perhaps see also Why is testing ”$?” to see if a command succeeded or not, an anti-pattern?)
Your question is rather unclear, but if you want to find either of the matching files in a third file, perhaps something like
awk 'FNR==1 && (++n < ARGC-1) { a[n] = FILENAME; nextfile }
/ERROR/ { for(j=1; j<=n; ++j) if ($0 ~ a[j]) b[a[j]]++ }
END { for(f in b) print f }' TB*.txt /var/sup/logs.txt |
xargs -r mv -t /var/last/
This is somewhat inefficient in that it will read all the lines in the log file, and brittle in that it will only handle file names which do not contain newlines. (The latter restriction is probably unimportant here, as you are looking for file names which occur on the same line as the string "ERROR" in the first place.)
In some more detail, the Awk script collects the wildcard matches into the array a, then processes all lines in the last file, looking for ones with "ERROR" in them. On these lines, it checks if any of the file names in a are also found, and if so, also adds them to b. When all lines have been processed, print the entries in b, which are then piped to a simple shell command to move them.
xargs is a neat command to read some arguments from standard input, and run another command with those arguments added to its command line. The -r option says to not run the other command if there are no arguments.
(mv -t is a GNU extension; it's convenient, but not crucial to have here. If you need portable code, you could replace xargs with a simple while read -r loop.)
The FNR==1 condition requires that the input files are non-empty.
If the text file is small, or you expect a match near its beginning most of the time, perhaps just live with grepping it multiple times:
for file in TB.*; do
grep -Eq "ERROR.*$file|$file.*ERROR" /var/sup/logs.txt &&
mv "$file" /var/last/
Notice how we now need double quotes, not single, around the regular expression so that the variable $file gets substituted in the string.
grep has an -l switch, showing only the filename of the file which contains a pattern. It should not be too difficult to write something like (this is pseudocode, it won't work, it's just for giving you an idea):
if $(grep -l "ERROR" <directory> | wc -l) > 0
then foreach (f in $(grep -l "ERROR")
do cp f <destination>
end if
The wc -l is to check if there are any files which contain the word "ERROR". If not, nothing needs to be done.
Edit after Tripleee's comment:
My proposal can be simplified as:
if grep -lq "ERROR" TB.*;
then foreach (f in $(grep -l "ERROR")
do cp f <destination>
end if
Edit after Tripleee's second comment:
This is even shorter:
for f in $(grep -l "ERROR" TB.*);
do cp "$f" destination;

Can I get the name of the file currently being read in a for loop?

I want to write a script that takes a word as an argument and searches the current and sub directories' files for the word. if it is found in any of the files it should echo out a message containing the file name and the line the word is found on.
this is what I have so far, but I can't find a way to actually store the file name of the file being read or the line number..
for var in $(grep -R "$word *")
filename=$(find . -type f -name "*") ------- //this doesnt work
linenmbr=$(grep -n "$ord" file) ----------- //this doesnt work
echo found $word in $filename on line number $linenmbr
In bash, any time you are looping, you want to avoid calling utilities (e.g. grep and find) within the loop. That is horribly inefficient because it will spawn a separate subshell for every utility every iteration. (which for 10 iterations -- that is 20 additional subshells, it adds up quick) So in your case, you call grep to feed the loop, and then spawn a separate subshell calling grep again within the loop as well as spawning a separate subshell for find.
You should think of a way to only call grep (or a utility that will provide the needed information) only once, and then parse the output.
If you did want to use grep, then calling grep -rn within a process substitution which is used to feed a while loop is probably as good as you are going to get. You can then use the bash builtin parameter expansions to isolate the filename and line-numbers which will be about as efficient as bash could get, e.g.
[ -z "$1" ] && { ## validate at least 1 input given
printf "error: insufficient input.\nusage: %s srch_term\n" "${0##*/}"
exit 1
while read -r line; do ## read each line of grep output
fn="${line%%:*}" ## isolate filename
no="${line#*:}" ## remove filename
no="${no%%:*}" ## isolate number
printf "found %s in %s on line number %d\n" "$1" "$fn" "$no"
done < <(grep -rn "$1") ## grep in process substitution
Choosing A More Efficient Method
If you can accomplish what you are attempting with one of the stream editing tools, e.g. awk or sed, you are likely to be able to isolate the wanted information an order of magnitude faster. For example, using awk and setting globstar you could do something similar to the following:
shopt -s globstar ## set globstar
[ -z "$1" ] && { ## validate at least 1 input given
printf "error: insufficient input.\nusage: %s srch_term\n" "${0##*/}"
exit 1
## find all matching files and line numbers
awk -v word="$1" '/'$1'/ {
print "found",word,"in",FILENAME,"on line number",FNR; next
}' **/* 2>/dev/null
Give both a try and let me know if you have further questions.
If you want to compare and ensure both are producing the same output, you can use diff to confirm, e.g.
$ diff <(grepscript.sh | sort) <(awkscript.sh | sort)
(if no difference is reported, the output is the same)

Remove a specific line from a file WITHOUT using sed or awk

I need to remove a specific line number from a file using a bash script.
I get the line number from the grep command with the -n option.
I cannot use sed for a variety of reasons, least of which is that it is not installed on all the systems this script needs to run on and installing it is not an option.
awk is out of the question because in testing, on different machines with different UNIX/Linux OS's (RHEL, SunOS, Solaris, Ubuntu, etc.), it gives (sometimes wildly) different results on each. So, no awk.
The file in question is just a flat text file, with one record per line, so nothing fancy needs to be done, except for remove the line by number.
If at all possible, I need to avoid doing something like extracting the contents of the file, not including the line I want gone, and then overwriting the original file.
Since you have grep, the obvious thing to do is:
$ grep -v "line to remove" file.txt > /tmp/tmp
$ mv /tmp/tmp file.txt
But it sounds like you don't want to use any temporary files - I assume the input file is large and this is an embedded system where memory and storage are in short supply. I think you ideally need a solution that edits the file in place. I think this might be possible with dd but haven't figured it out yet :(
Update - I figured out how to edit the file in place with dd. Also grep, head and cut are needed. If these are not available then they can probably be worked around for the most part:
# get the line number to remove
rline=$(grep -n "$1" "$2" | head -n1 | cut -d: -f1)
# number of bytes before the line to be removed
hbytes=$(head -n$((rline-1)) "$2" | wc -c)
# number of bytes to remove
rbytes=$(grep "$1" "$2" | wc -c)
# original file size
fsize=$(cat "$2" | wc -c)
# dd will start reading the file after the line to be removed
ddskip=$((hbytes + rbytes))
# dd will start writing at the beginning of the line to be removed
# dd will move this many bytes
ddcount=$((fsize - hbytes - rbytes))
# the expected new file size
newsize=$((fsize - rbytes))
# move the bytes with dd. strace confirms the file is edited in place
dd bs=1 if="$2" skip=$ddskip seek=$ddseek conv=notrunc count=$ddcount of="$2"
# truncate the remainder bytes of the end of the file
dd bs=1 if="$2" skip=$newsize seek=$newsize count=0 of="$2"
Run it thusly:
$ cat > file.txt
line 1
line two
line 3
$ ./grepremove "tw" file.txt
7+0 records in
7+0 records out
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
$ cat file.txt
line 1
line 3
Suffice to say that dd is a very dangerous tool. You can easily unintentionally overwrite files or entire disks. Be very careful!
Try ed. The here-document-based example below deletes line 2 from test.txt
ed -s test.txt <<!
You can do it without grep using posix shell builtins which should be on any *nix.
while read LINE || [ "$LINE" ];do
case "$LINE" in
*)echo "$LINE";;
done <infile >outfile
If n is the line you want to omit:
head -n $(( n-1 )) file
tail +$(( n+1 )) file
} > newfile
Given dd is deemed too dangerous for this in-place line removal, we need some other method where we have fairly fine-grained control over the file system calls. My initial urge is to write something in c, but while possible, I think that is a bit of overkill. Instead it is worth looking to common scripting (not shell-scripting) languages, as these typically have fairly low-level file APIs which map to the file syscalls in a fairly straightforward manner. I'm guessing this can be done using python, perl, Tcl or one of many other scripting language that might be available. I'm most familiar with Tcl, so here we go:
# \
exec tclsh "$0" "$#"
package require Tclx
set removeline [lindex $argv 0]
set filename [lindex $argv 1]
set infile [open $filename RDONLY]
for {set lineNumber 1} {$lineNumber < $removeline} {incr lineNumber} {
if {[eof $infile]} {
close $infile
puts "EOF at line $lineNumber"
gets $infile line
set bytecount [tell $infile]
gets $infile rmline
set outfile [open $filename RDWR]
seek $outfile $bytecount start
while {[gets $infile line] >= 0} {
puts $outfile $line
ftruncate -fileid $outfile [tell $outfile]
close $infile
close $outfile
Note on my particular box I have Tcl 8.4, so I had to load the Tclx package in order to use the ftruncate command. In Tcl 8.5, there is chan truncate which could be used instead.
You can pass the line number you want to remove and the filename to this script.
In short, the script does this:
open the file for reading
read the first n-1 lines
get the offset of the start of the next line (line n)
read line n
open the file with a new FD for writing
move the file location of the write FD to the offset of the start of line n
continue reading the remaining lines from the read FD and write them to the write FD until the whole read FD is read
truncate the write FD
The file is edited exactly in place. No temporary files are used.
I'm pretty sure this can be re-written in python or perl or ... if necessary.
Ok, so in-place line removal can be done in almost-pure bash, using similar techniques to the Tcl script above. But the big caveat is that you need to have truncate command available. I do have it on my Ubuntu 12.04 VM, but not on my older Redhat-based box. Here is the script:
exec 3<> $filename
exec 4<> $filename
while IFS="" read -r line <&3 ; do
if [[ $linecount == $n ]]; then
echo "omitting line $linecount: $line"
echo "$line" >&4
((bytecount += ${#line} + 1))
exec 3>&-
exec 4>&-
truncate -s $bytecount $filename
#### or if you can tolerate dd, just to do the truncate:
# dd of="$filename" bs=1 seek=$bytecount count=0
#### or if you have python
# python -c "open(\"$filename\", \"ab\").truncate($bytecount)"
I would love to hear of a more generic (bash-only?) way to do the partial truncate at the end and complete this answer. Of course the truncate can be done with dd as well, but I think that was already ruled out for my earlier answer.
And for the record this site lists how to do an in-place file truncation in many different languages - in case any of these could be used in your environment.
If you can indicate under which circumstances on which platform(s) the most obvious Awk script is failing for you, perhaps we can devise a workaround.
awk "NR!=$N" infile >outfile
If course, obtaining $N with grep just to feed it to Awk is pretty bass-ackwards. This will delete the line containing the first occurrence of foo:
awk '/foo/ { if (!p++) next } 1' infile >outfile
Based on Digital Trauma's answere, I found an improvement that just needs grep and echo, but no tempfile:
echo $(grep -v PATTERN file.txt) > file.txt
Depending on the kind of lines your file contains and whether your pattern requires a more complex syntax or not, you can embrace the grep command with double quotes:
echo "$(grep -v PATTERN file.txt)" > file.txt
(useful when deleting from your crontab)

Grep filtering output from a process after it has already started?

Normally when one wants to look at specific output lines from running something, one can do something like:
./a.out | grep IHaveThisString
but what if IHaveThisString is something which changes every time so you need to first run it, watch the output to catch what IHaveThisString is on that particular run, and then grep it out? I can just dump to file and later grep but is it possible to do something like background it and then bring it to foreground and bringing it back but now piped to some grep? Something akin to:
fg | grep NowIKnowThisString
just wondering..
No, it is only in your screen buffer if you didn't save it in some other way.
Short form: You can do this, but you need to know that you need to do it ahead-of-time; it's not something that can be put into place interactively after-the-fact.
Write your script to determine what the string is. We'd need a more detailed example of the output format to give a better example of usage, but here's one for the trivial case where the entire first line is the filter target:
run_my_command | { read string_to_filter_for; fgrep -e "$string_to_filter_for" }
Replace the read string_to_filter_for with as many commands as necessary to read enough input to determine what the target string is; this could be a loop if necessary.
For instance, let's say that the output contains the following:
Session id: foobar
and thereafter, you want to grep for lines containing foobar.
...then you can pipe through the following script:
re='Session id: (.*)'
while read; do
if [[ $REPLY =~ $re ]] ; then
# if you want to print the preamble; leave this out otherwise
printf '%s\n' "$REPLY"
[[ $target ]] && grep -F -e "$target"
If you want to manually specify the filter target, this can be done by having the loop check for a file being created with filter contents, and using that when starting up grep afterwards.
That is a little bit strange what you need, but you can do it tis way:
you must go into script session first;
then you use shell how usually;
then you start and interrupt you program;
then run grep over typescript file.
$ script
$ ./a.out
$ fg
$ grep NowIKnowThisString typescript
You could use a stream editor such as sed instead of grep. Here's an example of what I mean:
$ cat list
Name to look for: Mike
Dora 1
John 2
Mike 3
Helen 4
Here we find the name to look for in the fist line and want to grep for it. Now piping the command to sed:
$ cat list | sed -ne '1{s/Name to look for: //;h}' \
> -e ':r;n;G;/^.*\(.\+\).*\n\1$/P;s/\n.*//;br'
Mike 3
Note: sed itself can take file as a parameter, but you're not working with text files, so that's how you'd use it.
Of course, you'd need to modify the command for your case.

How to loop an executable command in the terminal in Linux?

Let me first describe my situation, I am working on a Linux platform and have a collection of .bmp files that add one to the picture number from filename0022.bmp up to filename0680.bmp. So a total of 658 pictures. I want to be able to run each of these pictures through a .exe file that operates on the picture then kicks out the file to a file specified by the user, it also has some threshold arguments: lower, upper. So the typical call for the executable is:
./filter inputfile outputfile lower upper
Is there a way that I can loop this call over all the files just from the terminal or by creating some kind of bash script? My problem is similar to this: Execute a command over multiple files with a batch file but this time I am working in a Linux command line terminal.
You may be interested in looking into bash scripting.
You can execute commands in a for loop directly from the shell.
A simple loop to generate the numbers you specifically mentioned. For example, from the shell:
user#machine $ for i in {22..680} ; do
> echo "filename${i}.bmp"
> done
This will give you a list from filename22.bmp to filename680.bmp. That simply handles the iteration of the range you had mentioned. This doesn't cover zero padding numbers. To do this you can use printf. The printf syntax is printf format argument. We can use the $i variable from our previous loop as the argument and apply the %Wd format where W is the width. Prefixing the W placeholder will specify the character to use. Example:
user#machine $ for i in {22..680} ; do
> echo "filename$(printf '%04d' $i).bmp"
> done
In the above $() acts as a variable, executing commands to obtain the value opposed to a predefined value.
This should now give you the filenames you had specified. We can take that and apply it to the actual application:
user#machine $ for i in {22..680} ; do
> ./filter "filename$(printf '%04d' $i).bmp" lower upper
> done
This can be rewritten to form one line:
user#machine $ for i in {22..680} ; do ./filter "filename$(printf '%04d' $i).bmp" lower upper ; done
One thing to note from the question, .exe files are generally compiled in COFF format where linux expects an ELF format executable.
here is a simple example:
for i in {1..100}; do echo "Hello Linux Terminal"; done
to append to a file:(>> is used to append, you can also use > to overwrite)
for i in {1..100}; do echo "Hello Linux Terminal" >> file.txt; done
You can try something like this...
#! /bin/bash
for ((a=022; a <= 658 ; a++))
printf "./filter filename%04d.bmp outputfile lower upper" $a | "sh"
You can leverage xargs for iterating:
ls | xargs -i ./filter {} {}_out lower upper
{} corresponds to one line output from the pipe, here it's the inputfile name.
Output files wouldbe named with postfix '_out'.
You can test that AS-IS in your shell :
for i in *; do
echo "$i" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'
If you have a special path, change * by your path + a glob : Ex :
for i in /home/me/*.exe; do ...
See http://mywiki.wooledge.org/glob
This while prepend the name of the output images like filtered_filename0055.bmp
for i in *; do
./filter $i filtered_$i lower upper
