FuzzyFinder in vim - prevent duplicate filenames in Windows - vim

I'm using the FuzzyFinder plugin for vim (specifically with gvim on Windows). It works great, except for one problem: it has many duplicate filenames.
As far as I can tell, this happens because it's case sensitive to filenames, whereas Windows is not. So when I open a file from someplace that lists the directory as "C:\", and another place that lists it as "c:\", I get two different filenames.
Does anyone know of a way that I can fix this?

You should not ask this on SO: first search fuzzyfinder documenation, second create a new issue and let the author fix if nothing from the documentation worked. Have you tried g:fuf_ignoreCase option?


Opening the header file to a C/C++ source file with vim from multiple directories and multiple extension

First off, I was about to write a long list of if/else statements in vim and realized that 1) there was a better way to do what I was trying to do and 2) SO would be ripe with help on the subject. So! I have a variety of files spread about like
If you notice that the C/H, cc/hh, c/h extension may or may not match then you are keen and I'd like you to please help. I've look at things like the following vim scripts from the Vim wiki for "Easily switch between source and header file" and although I only dumped a few hours into a.vim without success, it doesn't seem that the others would work via the docs on that page. So can anyone help out on how to make this work?
A good lead I had was a quick How to Easily Switch between Header and Source topic, but still couldn't make it work.
I guess what I really want is how to avoid the multiple if statements and use real matching to do what I want. I want to look into another directory and if look for a header file of the same name with any familiar extension if it was a source C/C++ file, or look for a source file of any regular extension if it was a header file. Thanks for your help!
UPDATE: I specifically want to open the file in a new tab. I live on vim tabs!
I recommend using the FSwitch plugin. https://github.com/derekwyatt/vim-fswitch
This does exactly what you need out of the box. It is better than a.vim in more than one way, being a rewrite of the idea behind a.vim.
The link you posted presents it as a solution, too.
I have just installed it to my vim configuration and it does its job well.
Just to make sure I was using the most current version, I downloaded the latest a.vim script (2.18) and copied it into my ~/.vim/plugin directory.
You can define certain variables in your ~/.vimrc file to get a.vim to recognize alternate file extensions.
To get the files in your example to match their alternates I added the following to my ~/.vimrc:
let g:alternateExtensions_C = "H,hh"
let g:alternateExtensions_hh = "C"
These are global variables that allow you to override what's already defined. You'll have to define
both relationships (they don't work both ways).
You can see what the current mappings are by typing:
:echo g:alternateExtensionsDict
If you need to define other mappings, follow the same pattern. What comes after the underscore is the file extension you're editing. What's in the double quotes is a comma-separated list of alternate extensions.
let g:alternateExtensions_<ext> = "<list,of,alt,ext>"
If you have a different directory structure, you can define what paths to search by overriding the g:alternateSearchPath variable. ../src and ../include are already included by default.
:echo g:alternateSearchPath
To open the alternate file in a new tab:
By the way, the a.vim script is pretty well documented. You might want to open it up and take a look. I found a setting or two that I didn't know about and I've been using it for years ;o)
I hope that helps.
IMO your best option is to adopt existing scripts to use :tabf instead of :e or whatever the scripts use right now to open the counterpart file. You can also try to make the change configurable and submit it to the script author. (I'm pretty sure many would find the enhancement useful.)
That reminded me of a trick I used very long time ago. Instead of guessing where the corresponding source/header files are, I have used at the top of file special comment containing relative path to the counterpart file. Switching was as simple as finding the special comment, extracting file name and opening it. Problem was similar to yours in that file extensions were not predictable. My rational solution was to stop guessing and denote counterparts explicitly in the source code. (This days I would have probably tried to put the relationship table into an external file with a standard name and look it up in VIM using the upward search.)
Two helpful things
:he 'path'
:he tabfind
So you would do
:set path=../,/usr/include/,/home/buildagent/SDKROOT/mysdk/inc
:tabfind error_codes.h
to open error_codes.h from somewhere exotic without having to specify it. Note how vim globbing is very very flexible, so you might not need mucht
:argadd ./**/*.[h,H] | tab sall
will open all header files under the current directory, regardless of how many levels deep. Be careful running this command on a large tree or with symlinks outside the tree

gVim displays every file with an asterisk on the right (and bold)?

It looks like this:
I'm not sure but I think it started to happen when I reinstalled LAMP (Ubuntu).
All the files used to look like the ones below (no bold and no asterisk).
Any suggestions?
NERDTree uses the asterisk to indicate an item is executable, I believe. At least for me, it shows up on all my .bat and .exe files.
That looks like NERDTree. Maybe there is a NERDTree setting regarding it.
See if the permissions or settings (do they have chmod +x) are different on the files that show an asterisk versus the ones that do not. Have you noticed a pattern between which files are bold and asterisk'd?

vim fuzzy finder subdirectory search?

Is there anyway to ask Fuzzy Finder plugin for VIM search subdirectory as well? It appears to me that no matter what mode I am in, it either search current directory, or I have to be explicit on subdirectory name for it to dive in.
Another plugin folks here mentioned in fuzzy finder textmate plugin. Unfortunately, this plugin doesn't work with current version of vim-fuzzy finder, or so it appears to me.
Any suggestions?
Use ** to have it recurse down directories.
I use tag mode provided by fuzzyfinder to simulate behavior of Textmate. in short, generate an extra tags file with file's base name as tag, then you can locate any files in the tags file directly by file's base name.
The only drawback is you need to update the file tags file, this is a script for that.
I have been using this method for several months and it works almost perfect.
I summarize my method here
I wanted to contribute to jamessan's answer.
It is true that using **/ before your search will do a recursive search in your directory. However, I've found that it's more useful to have the recursive search enabled by default.
In order to do that, you can add ** to your mapping (mine is ]) (you have to escape the * otherwise it won't work)
map <leader>] :FuzzyFinderFile \*\*\/<CR>
Haven't used Textmate, but LustyExplorer could be what you're looking for. Demo here.

A few vim questions

So I was hoping that some old school Vim'ers could help me out. These are all separate questions and normally I would put them up each on their own but I'm not sure if that qualifies as question whoring here.
Plus I think if you know enough to be asking any of these questions they will all be coming up in the near future:
I have a library I'm writing and a series of applications that use that library. There doesn't seem to be an easy way(from what I can tell) to build a ctags file for the library and build one for each of my applications and make sure one references the other when I'm in vim.
Using gf to open files from command mode is awesome, but a lot of my include files
don't contain the full path. They refer to an include directory I set in the IDE. How can I set this directory as another point for Vim to start looking for files?
Is there a way to compile a file inside Vim and send the output to a buffer? I'm currently using MSVS 2k3 but I'll be porting over to Linux in a few weeks so if this is possible on either system I'd appreciate it.
Re 3)
If you put a makefile in your root dir, you can simply write
This will run make and (iirc) put any errors into a seperate buffer, and make vim goto the first compile error. From there you can navigate all erroring lines using :next-error
Also, see this page
for details on how to show the result in a seperate console.
1- tags files are independent, and can be used together. See :h 'tags'
I can't tell what is the easy way to build tags files. I have one that consists in using two plugins of mine:
one (draft) plugin that knows how to update C++ tags files (it should be easy to adapt it to other filetypes),
and another (local_vimrc) that helps me define directories-local .vimrc. Thus for any files within a given directory hierarchy, I can adapt the &tags options to use the relevant tag files, and the current tag file that will be rebuilt automatically (or when a keybinding is triggered). (Plugins like project should do the trick as well)
2- :h 'path'
3- :h :make
:cd {path}
For help:
:he cd
A few others like :lcd might be better suited. Just scroll down that help page.
This is rather off topic, but might still be useful: if you're using Visual Studio a lot and like Vim, you might want to look at ViEmu. It's the best Vim-emulation for any IDE I've yet seen, and the cost is really low. :) And no, I'm not getting a commission. :P
It's not obvious, but if you open a directory instead of a file, it's nicely browseable.
:e . (colon-e-dot)
:e .. (colon-e-dot-dot)
will let you browse from your current directory or its parent.
(understanding that you were probably hoping for a capability to have vim accept e.g.
:e abc.txt
and have it look in several directories, which I don't know how to do.)

Replace in multiple files - graphical tool for Linux

It needs to be graphical. No sed, awk, grep, perl, whatever. I know how to use those and I do use them now, but I need to cherry-pick each replace in 300+ files.
I want a tool where I can:
type a search string
type a replace string
select a directory and file extension
and it would recursively go into each file in that directory and its sub-directories, open it and scroll to the place where search string is and offer two options:
replace (and find next)
find next
Nothing more. Reg.exp. support is a plus, but not required.
SOLVED: Regexxer is exactly what I needed. In case someone needs it on Slackware, here's what you need to download and how to compile it (choosing correct version of each dependency can be a PITA)
I think regexxer is exactly what you're looking for:
regexxer is a nifty GUI search/replace tool featuring Perl-style regular
expressions. If you need project-wide substitution and you’re tired of
hacking sed command lines together, then you should definitely give it a try.
See also the screenshot, looks a lot like what you're describing:
Emacs + dired + query-replace-regexp
For complete recipe follow this link (it's rather long, covering all possible alternatives),
jEdit does exactly what you need. It is written in Java and works well in Linux, Windows and OS X (probably other operating systems also).
Lately Kate (if you use KDE) can do it, but in a very tricky way. Go to "Edit>Search in Files", and choose the folder within which your files exist.
The trick is that only after the search results appear, you will find a text box and a button called "Replace checked". This button will do what you want.
I use gVim for this task all the time. I open up all the files at once, then use the commands to perform a subsitution on each file, asking for confirmation. Generally I use < 20 files, so I open them as tabs and use this:
:tabdo %s/foo/bar/gc
gVim works fine on Windows :) My coworkers often use Textpad to do this same thing, but I'd say gVim is much more efficient at it.
If you are a KDE user there's also kfilereplace.
