Why do links in gmail redirect? - security

I've noticed that some email services (like gmail or my school's webmail) will redirect links (or used to) in the email body. So when I put "www.google.com" in the body of my email, and I check that email in gmail or something, the link says something like "gmail.com/redirect?www.google.com".
This was very confusing for me and the people I emailed (like my parents, who are not familiar with computers). I always clicked on the link anyway, but why is this service used? (I'm also worried that maybe my information was being sent somewhere... Do I have anything to worry about? Is something being stored before the redirect?)
Sorry if this is unwarranted paranoia. I am just curious about why some things work the way they do.

Wikipedia has a good article on URL redirection. From the article:
Logging outgoing links
The access logs
of most web servers keep detailed
information about where visitors came
from and how they browsed the hosted
site. They do not, however, log which
links visitors left by. This is
because the visitor's browser has no
need to communicate with the original
server when the visitor clicks on an
outgoing link. This information can be
captured in several ways. One way
involves URL redirection. Instead of
sending the visitor straight to the
other site, links on the site can
direct to a URL on the original
website's domain that automatically
redirects to the real target. This
technique bears the downside of the
delay caused by the additional request
to the original website's server. As
this added request will leave a trace
in the server log, revealing exactly
which link was followed, it can also
be a privacy issue.1 The same
technique is also used by some
corporate websites to implement a
statement that the subsequent content
is at another site, and therefore not
necessarily affiliated with the
corporation. In such scenarios,
displaying the warning causes an
additional delay.
So, yes, Google (and Facebook and Twitter do this to) are logging where your services are taking you. This is important for a variety of reasons - it lets them know how their service is being used, shows trends in data, allows links to be monetized, etc.
As far as your concerns, my personal opinion is that, if you're on the internet, you're being tracked. All the time. If this is concerning to you, I would recommend communicating differently. However, for the most part, I think it's not worth worrying about.

This redirection is a dereferrer to avoid disclosure of the URL in the HTTP Referer field to third party sites as that URL can contain sensitive data like a session ID.


How do I make sure that links posted by the users of my website are safe and secure?

I am developing a MERN app, where users share things with a link to access those things.
So these things get displayed to other users, and they can click on them, and they get redirected to that link.
This doesn't seem secure as some users can post things with malicious links.
Is there a way to verify that a link is secure and so validate the thing before it gets posted?
This isn't possible in an automated way. Links don't include any information about themselves other than the URL they point to.
You need a list of "malicious" URLs to compare against in order to achieve this. There are services that provide such databases. But this is a never-ending game of cat-mouse.
For example, if I have a malicious website, I don't have to share the URL to my website directly, I can use URL shortener service (bitly for example) that then redirects users. This way, I easily circumvented your protection.
That's the reason browsers have their own "malicious websites" list, since they have access to the final URL you're visiting.
In short: no, there's only limited protection you can offer.
The best you can do is warn the users they're leaving your site, like Discord or Facebook do (and they do that because they can't solve this problem either).

is it safe to fetch an image on plain http on a bank's homebanking website?

I ask here instead of https://security.stackexchange.com/ because I dont think this question is on a professional level.
I just saw something weird on my bank's website, they are fetching an image from another domain, using http instead of https , on firefox it raises a security "mixed content" alert, on chrome it just shows up an alert on the security tab.
This is the site: https://www.bancoprovincia.com.ar/Principal/BipPersonal
The unsafe content (an image) happens to be on the page just before the user logs in to his home banking, I was worried that some attacker could intercept the content and replace it with something that could be a security risk.
Any chance this is a security risk for the bank and it's clients?.
It's not a direct vulnerability, but still bad practice.
Some risks that come to mind:
An attacker having access to users' connections (man in the middle) could replace the image with a malicious one, exploiting potentially zero-day (as yet unknown) flaws in browser or operating system image processor libraries. This could lead to remote code execution on the client.
Replacing the image could also be used to facilitate phishing. The malicious image could tell the user to call a phone number because of some kind of a problem, etc.
It is an information leak. An attacker may receive information about users browsing to the bank website, also if the image is in a header included on all pages, they may receive information about what the user does. This is inherently the case for every external site that has its images linked even over https, but over http this also applies to any MitM attacker.
It is a potential availability problem. If the image on the external site times out (waits too long to download), the page will not load for some time in some browsers and an attacker could exploit that. However, this I think is not affected by the image being served on plain http, it would affect an externally linked https image as well I think.
It's also a very bad practice, because instead of strengthening good security practices in users like always checking browser indications of a secure website, it is telling them that it's ok if there are warnings. It is not.

phantomjs --web-security=no

In the documentation for phantomjs, there is an option to turn off web security and allow XHR (cross domain requests).
Does this present a security risk to a user if you are filling forms with credentials such as usernames and passwords and then downloading screenshots with casper/phantom?
Allowing cross domain XHR opens up a few attacks. E.g. see https://stackoverflow.com/a/7615287/841830. See also Is CORS a secure way to do cross-domain AJAX requests?
But this tends not to come up with the normal use cases for Phantom: whether you are testing your own web site, or screen-scraping, you tend to go to pre-decided URLs and links, and are not sending secret information, and are not going to be tricked by a new and suspicious link. You are unlikely to be logged into your bank, or Facebook, while testing your site or scraping google search results. (BUT, if you are scraping google pages that force you to sign into Google first, be a bit more careful - perhaps set up a dedicated gmail account just for your scraping.)
So, in summary, the attacks are a bit more obscure and unlikely, compared to a normal desktop browsing session, but they are still there, so only use --web-security=no when your script otherwise will not work.

"Referral Denied" Implementation

I was looking for a way to protect a web service from "Synthetic queries". Read this security stack question for more details.
It seemed that I had little alternative, until I came across NSE India's website which implements a certain kind of measure against such synthetic queries.
I would like to know how could they have implemented a protection which works somewhat this way: You go to their website and search for a quote, lets say, RELIANCE, we get a page displaying the latest quote.
On analysis we find that the query being sent across is something like:
But when we directly copy paste the query in the browser, it returns "referral denied".
I guess such a procedure may also help me. Any ideas how I may implement something similar?
It won't help you. Faking a referrer is trivial. The only protection against queries the attacker constructs is server side validation.
Referrers sometimes can be used to sometimes prevent hotlinking from other websites, but even that is rather hard to do since certain programs create fake referrers and you don't want to block those users.
The problems referrer validation could help against other websites trying to manipulate the users browser into accessing your site. Like some kinds of cross site request forgery. But it does never protect against malicious users. Against those the only thing that helps is server side validation. You can never trust the client if you don't trust the user of that client.

How to ensure http requests originate from a specific location?

HTTP Referer is the way I'm doing it at the moment. As everyone who's used this method knows it is not 100% accurate as the Referer header is optional and maybe fiddled with.
Looking at how-to-ensure-access-to-my-web-service-from-my-code-only I'm still unsure of how to go about this in a minimal way.
The situation:
Advertising on someone else's site. Using an iFrame so I can change content/function at will. I pay $x.xx for every time an action is completed. Therefore I need to ensure that the action is being completed from where I said it is allowed to be completed from.
What I'm trying to prevent:
some other webmaster coming along going - "hey that's a nice tool, let me put that on my site"
So as i said at the top, what i do atm is if the referer doesn't match I redirect to a page that has the same tool however whatever actions are preformed on that page they don't cost me any money.
While trying to prevent the above, allow the following:
I don't mind if the webmaster/site owner I'm paying cash to for "actions complete" puts the code on other sites - obviously this is a good thing. Lots more coverage, the site owner gets more cash & i get more actions completed, which generates me more cash.
What can I get the other party to do so I know all the requests coming into my web page are from the other party I have an agreement with and not some random.
Thanks :)
info re app
other parties website has an iFrame. iFrame displays a html/js/php page of mine that sits on one of my domains. This page uses ajax requests to interact with the actual webservice that is a ruby/sinatra app. I have lots of different pages that fit into the look and feel of the other parties website.
So I'm thinking some sort of chatter between the other parties server and my server would be a good idea. Then the result of this chatter would be somehow present during the iFrame request.
However I'm not sure if the other party would be able to set a cookie for the domain being served in the iFrame - in fact I'm pretty sure it can't.
Now to get around that limitation I could have a script included as part of the iFrame on the page that could set a cookie.
Ok the above ideas summarised:
OtherParty server sends a request to my server gets a response.
renders the page with that response as a param to a <script src="...?param"></script>
my script sets a cookie
as script is before iFrame, script is loaded first
iFrame loads with page as a cookie has been set on that domain cookie set before is sent as well
bingo, request verified legit
Does this sound ok?
btw my tool that I want action completed on only works if JS is enabled so...
If you really want to secure who can load your iframe, then one way to do this is via 2-legged OAuth (i.e. have your trusted partner "sign" the iframe GET request). Then your server can grant access based on a cryptographically valid signature and a known signing party. You'll want to enforce relatively short valid lifetimes for the signed requests to prevent someone else from just copying them and embedding them in their own site.
This also gives you the advantage of just having to do an initial, offline key exchange without having your partner making extra server requests of you ahead of the iframe insertion.
