Why isn't mkdir -p working right in a script called by checkinstall? - linux

I'm trying to compile Quarter and package it using checkinstall.
If I do the standard ./configure && make && sudo make install, things go fine.
$ wget http://ftp.coin3d.org/coin/src/all/Quarter-1.0.0.tar.gz
$ tar xzf Quarter-1.0.0.tar.gz
$ cd Quarter-1.0.0
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
But when I use checkinstall, it fails on a mkdir -p that should work perfectly fine. The way it fails is exactly how it would as if the -p option weren't given. This is the checkinstall command line I'm using:
$ checkinstall -D -y --install=no --pkgname=libquarter --pkgversion=1.0.0 \
--arch=i386 --pkglicense=GPL --maintainer=me#example.com --reset-uids=yes
This is the failure:
/bin/bash ../../../cfg/mkinstalldirs /usr/local/include/Quarter/devices
mkdir -p -- /usr/local/include/Quarter/devices
mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/include/Quarter': No such file or directory
make[4]: *** [install-libdevicesincHEADERS] Error 1
This is the relevant part of the script:
$ cat cfg/mkinstalldirs
case $dirmode in
if mkdir -p -- . 2>/dev/null; then
echo "mkdir -p -- $*"
exec mkdir -p -- "$#"
I don't understand why that exec is there -- doesn't that guarantee that the remainder of the script (after the esac) will never execute? (If the if test passes, then the script assumes mkdir -p works correctly, so once it does the real mkdir -p it can quit; otherwise the remainder of the script implements proper mkdir -p behavior.) I also don't understand why it uses "$*" in the echo and "$#" in the next line, but it doesn't seem to matter -- they're both the same thing since this script is being called with just one argument. (Tom explained in comment.)
If I add two lines between echo and exec that does mkdir -p -- "$#" and then echo "Now doing the exec mkdir..." then it works like this -- better, but still bewildering:
/bin/bash ../../../cfg/mkinstalldirs /usr/local/include/Quarter/devices
mkdir -p -- /usr/local/include/Quarter/devices
mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/include/Quarter': No such file or directory
Now doing the exec mkdir...
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 InputDevice.h /usr/local/include/Quarter/devices/InputDevice.h
.... finishes successfully!
Now, the fact that doing the mkdir line twice made it work tells me it's not a permissions issue (beside, that would generate a different diagnostic from mkdir, and this is being run as sudo, and it's actually working in /var/tmp/... not the real /usr/local/...). I think what's happening is that the first mkdir invocation (the one I added) is actually creating just the Quarter directory and bailing out, and then when the second mkdir runs, it's able to create the devices subdirectory, because the Quarter directory is already there. But why would mkdir work that way???
My workaround is to patch that mkinstalldirs script somehow, but I'm really curious why this is breaking!
This is a Ubuntu 10.10 guest running in VirtualBox on Win7, checkinstall version 1.6.2 installed thru apt-get.
I did some testing to see what works and what fails in this environment...
mkdir -p /foo works correctly
mkdir -p /foo && mkdir -p /foo/bar works correctly
mkdir -p foo/bar works correctly
mkdir /foo/bar failed as expected (correct)
mkdir foo/bar failed as expected (correct)
mkdir -p /foo/bar fails
Weird that -p works for relative pathnames but not for absolute pathnames. Or maybe the correct distinction is that -p works outside of the "chroot" tree (if it's even really using chroot) but not within it.
I also verified that despite the failure, it is able to create the first directory level.
Still a mystery.

checkinstall --fstrans=no
should fix this.
in /etc/checkinstallrc and try again.

mkdir -p isn't working like it should because it's a checkinstall version of mkdir, not the "true" mkdir. Must be some bug in checkinstall that makes it work a bit differently.
This patch works around the bug:
sed -i 's/if mkdir .*-p --.*; then/if false; then ## &/' cfg/mkinstalldirs

sed -i -e 's/TRANSLATE=1/TRANSLATE=0/g' /etc/checkinstallrc


Run sudo command in shell script

I wrote a shell script like this
sudo mkdir /var/www/html/test
sudo cp ./index.html /var/www/html/test/index.html
echo "Hi" > /var/www/html/test/index.html
if I runt this with sudo it works well.
$ sudo ./script.sh
but I don't want to run with sudo. because echo doesn't need root privilege. In other hand if I run this without sudo like this:
$ ./script.sh
for the first command (mkdir) it asks me for root password and second command doesn't run and give me a permission denied error.
How can I handle this situation?
Based on your setup, e.g. in ubuntu if I run sudo 2 times, the second time I don't have to give the password. So it is possible that the second sudo DID run, without asking for password again.
You can clarify, try this:
sudo echo a
sudo echo b
It is most likely, as Kip K commented, the error originates from the echo "Hi"... since the normal user has no permission to write /var/www/html/test/index.html .
Kinda overkill, but you can give constant feedback like this:
sudo bash -c 'echo mkdir; mkdir /var/www/html/test'
sudo bash -c 'echo cp; cp ./index.html /var/www/html/test/index.html'
Try chown for directory test:
sudo bash -c 'mkdir /var/www/html/test && chown -R USER /var/www/html/test'
cp ./index.html /var/www/html/test/index.html
echo "Hi" > /var/www/html/test/index.html
or ... chmod o+w /var/www/html/test

Run command as root within shell script

I'm working on a script that will shred a usb drive and install Kali linux with encrypted persistent data.
#! /bin/bash
cd ~/Documents/Other/ISOs/Kali
echo "/dev/sdx x=?"
read x
echo "how many passes to wipe? 1 will be sufficient."
read n
echo "sd$x will be wiped $n times."
read -p "do you want to continue? [y/N] " -n 1 -r
if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
exit 1
echo "Your role in the installation process is not over. You will be prompted to type YES and a passphrase."
sudo shred -vz --iterations=$n /dev/sd$x
echo "Wiped. Installing Kali"
sudo dd if=kali-linux-2.0-amd64.iso of=/dev/sd$x bs=512k
echo "Installed. Making persistence."
sudo parted /dev/sd$x mkpart primary 3.5GiB 100%
sudo cryptsetup --verbose --verify-passphrase luksFormat /dev/sd$x
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sd$x my_usb
sudo mkfs.ext3 -L persistence /dev/mapper/my_usb
sudo e2label /dev/mapper/my_usb persistence
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/my_usb
sudo mount /dev/mapper/my_usb /mnt/my_usb
sudo -i
echo "/ union" > /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf
umount /dev/mapper/my_usb
cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/my_usb
echo "Persistence complete. Installation complete."
It works nearly perfectly. These commands individually entered into the terminal will create the desired effect, but the problem comes in at line 37:
sudo echo "/ union" > /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf
That command won't work unless I'm logged in as root user. To solve this I tried adding the sudo -i command before, but once I do that all of the following commands are skipped.
It's okay if the solution suggested requires me to type in the password. I don't want the password stored in the script, that's just wreckless.
Side note, I didn't make a generic form for this question because I want other people to be able use this if they like it.
The problem is that the echo runs with root privilege but the redirection happens in the original shell as the non-root user. Instead, try running an explicit sh under sudo and do the redirection in there
sudo /bin/sh -c 'echo "/ union" > /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf'
The problem is that when you type in the following command:
sudo echo "/ union" > /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf
Only the "echo" will be run as root through sudo, but the redirection to the file using > will still be executed as the "normal" user, because it is not a command but something performed directly by the shell.
My usual solution is to use teeso that it runs as a command and not as a shell built-in operation, like this:
echo "/ union" | sudo tee /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf >/dev/null
Now the tee command will be run as root through sudo and will be allowed to write to the file. >/dev/null is just added to keep the output of the script clean. If you ever want to append instead of overwrite (e.g. you would be using >>normally), then use tee -a.

How to make a file and its parent directory at once? [duplicate]

I know you can do mkdir to create a directory and touch to create a file, but is there no way to do both operations in one go?
i.e. if I want to do the below when the folder other does not exist:
cp /my/long/path/here/thing.txt /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt
cp: cannot create regular file `/my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt': No such file or directory
Has anyone come up with a function as a workaround for this?
Use && to combine two commands in one shell line:
mkdir -p /my/other/path/here/ && touch /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt
Note: Previously I recommended usage of ; to separate the two commands but as pointed out by #trysis it's probably better to use && in most situations because in case COMMAND1 fails COMMAND2 won't be executed either. (Otherwise this might lead to issues you might not have been expecting.)
You need to make all of the parent directories first.
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$FILE")" && touch "$FILE"
If you want to get creative, you can make a function:
mktouch() {
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Missing argument";
return 1;
for f in "$#"; do
mkdir -p -- "$(dirname -- "$f")"
touch -- "$f"
And then use it like any other command:
mktouch ./base/data/sounds/effects/camera_click.ogg ./some/other/file
Do it with /usr/bin/install:
install -D /my/long/path/here/thing.txt /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt
when you don't have a source file:
install -D <(echo 1) /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt
This is what I would do:
mkdir -p /my/other/path/here && touch $_/cpredthing.txt
Here, the $_ is a variable that represents the last argument to the previous command that we executed in line.
As always if you want to see what the output might be, you can test it by using the echo command, like so:
echo mkdir -p /code/temp/other/path/here && echo touch $_/cpredthing.txt
Which outputs as:
mkdir -p /code/temp/other/path/here
touch /code/temp/other/path/here/cpredthing.txt
As a bonus, you could write multiple files at once using brace expansion, for example:
mkdir -p /code/temp/other/path/here &&
touch $_/{cpredthing.txt,anotherfile,somescript.sh}
Again, totally testable with echo:
mkdir -p /code/temp/other/path/here
touch /code/temp/other/path/here/cpredthing.txt /code/temp/other/path/here/anotherfile /code/temp/other/path/here/somescript.sh
for f in "$#"; do mkdir -p "$(dirname "$f")"; done
touch "$#"
you can do it in two steps:
mkdir -p /my/other/path/here/
touch /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt
as I saw and test in a unix forum this solves the problem
ptouch() {
for p in "$#"; do
_dir="$(dirname -- "$p")"
[ -d "$_dir" ] || mkdir -p -- "$_dir"
touch -- "$p"
if [ ! -d /my/other ]
mkdir /my/other/path/here
cp /my/long/path/here/thing.txt /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt
no need for if then statements...
you can do it on a single line usign ;
mkdir -p /my/other/path/here;cp /my/long/path/here/thing.txt /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt
-- or on two lines --
mkdir -p /my/other/path/here
cp /my/long/path/here/thing.txt /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt
-- the -p prevents error returns if the directory already exists (which is what I came here looking for :))
In the special (but not uncommon) case where you are trying to recreate the same directory hierarchy, cp --parents can be useful.
For example if /my/long contains the source files, and my/other already exists, you can do this:
cd /my/long
cp --parents path/here/thing.txt /my/other
if you want simple with only 1 param snippet :
rm -rf /abs/path/to/file; #prevent cases when old file was a folder
mkdir -p /abs/path/to/file; #make it fist as a dir
rm -rf /abs/path/to/file; #remove the leaf of the dir preserving parents
touch /abs/path/to/file; #create the actual file

GNU Make removes downloaded zip files for no apparent reason

I have this makefile tha sthould download and build openssh (along with other things):
mkdir $(SOURCES_DIR)
mkdir $(DRAFTS_DIR)
TAR_PROJECTS += openssh
echo "Building $#"
openssh-clean: openssh-archive-clean
$(DRAFTS_DIR)/%.tar.gz: $(DRAFTS_DIR)
echo "Pulling $*."
wget $($*-tar-url) -O $(DRAFTS_DIR)/$*.tar.gz
$(SOURCES_DIR)/%-archive : | $(DRAFTS_DIR)/$$*.tar.gz
mkdir $#
cd $# && tar xvzf $(DRAFTS_DIR)/$*.tar.gz
rm -rf $(SOURCES_DIR)/$*-archive $(DRAFTS_DIR)/$*.tar.gz
When i run make openssh it runs correctly but at the end it removes the archive it downloaded. This is very strange to me:
$ make openssh --just-print
echo "Pulling openssh."
wget "ftp://ftp.cc.uoc.gr/mirrors/OpenBSD/OpenSSH/portable/openssh-6.2p2.tar.gz" -O /home/fakedrake/Projects/ThinkSilicon/xilinx-zynq-bootstrap/drafts/openssh.tar.gz
mkdir /home/fakedrake/Projects/ThinkSilicon/xilinx-zynq-bootstrap/sources/openssh-archive
cd /home/fakedrake/Projects/ThinkSilicon/xilinx-zynq-bootstrap/sources/openssh-archive && tar xvzf /home/fakedrake/Projects/ThinkSilicon/xilinx-zynq-bootstrap/drafts/openssh.tar.gz
echo "Building openssh"
rm /home/fakedrake/Projects/ThinkSilicon/xilinx-zynq-bootstrap/drafts/openssh.tar.gz
Pretty sure you can list targets (and intermediates) as .PRECIOUS to avoid them being deleted for you. I'm afraid you'll need to RTFM for more details - I'm in visual studio rather than make these days, so my make skills are a bit rusty...

Unix - create path of folders and file

I know you can do mkdir to create a directory and touch to create a file, but is there no way to do both operations in one go?
i.e. if I want to do the below when the folder other does not exist:
cp /my/long/path/here/thing.txt /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt
cp: cannot create regular file `/my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt': No such file or directory
Has anyone come up with a function as a workaround for this?
Use && to combine two commands in one shell line:
mkdir -p /my/other/path/here/ && touch /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt
Note: Previously I recommended usage of ; to separate the two commands but as pointed out by #trysis it's probably better to use && in most situations because in case COMMAND1 fails COMMAND2 won't be executed either. (Otherwise this might lead to issues you might not have been expecting.)
You need to make all of the parent directories first.
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$FILE")" && touch "$FILE"
If you want to get creative, you can make a function:
mktouch() {
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Missing argument";
return 1;
for f in "$#"; do
mkdir -p -- "$(dirname -- "$f")"
touch -- "$f"
And then use it like any other command:
mktouch ./base/data/sounds/effects/camera_click.ogg ./some/other/file
Do it with /usr/bin/install:
install -D /my/long/path/here/thing.txt /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt
when you don't have a source file:
install -D <(echo 1) /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt
This is what I would do:
mkdir -p /my/other/path/here && touch $_/cpredthing.txt
Here, the $_ is a variable that represents the last argument to the previous command that we executed in line.
As always if you want to see what the output might be, you can test it by using the echo command, like so:
echo mkdir -p /code/temp/other/path/here && echo touch $_/cpredthing.txt
Which outputs as:
mkdir -p /code/temp/other/path/here
touch /code/temp/other/path/here/cpredthing.txt
As a bonus, you could write multiple files at once using brace expansion, for example:
mkdir -p /code/temp/other/path/here &&
touch $_/{cpredthing.txt,anotherfile,somescript.sh}
Again, totally testable with echo:
mkdir -p /code/temp/other/path/here
touch /code/temp/other/path/here/cpredthing.txt /code/temp/other/path/here/anotherfile /code/temp/other/path/here/somescript.sh
for f in "$#"; do mkdir -p "$(dirname "$f")"; done
touch "$#"
you can do it in two steps:
mkdir -p /my/other/path/here/
touch /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt
as I saw and test in a unix forum this solves the problem
ptouch() {
for p in "$#"; do
_dir="$(dirname -- "$p")"
[ -d "$_dir" ] || mkdir -p -- "$_dir"
touch -- "$p"
if [ ! -d /my/other ]
mkdir /my/other/path/here
cp /my/long/path/here/thing.txt /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt
no need for if then statements...
you can do it on a single line usign ;
mkdir -p /my/other/path/here;cp /my/long/path/here/thing.txt /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt
-- or on two lines --
mkdir -p /my/other/path/here
cp /my/long/path/here/thing.txt /my/other/path/here/cpedthing.txt
-- the -p prevents error returns if the directory already exists (which is what I came here looking for :))
In the special (but not uncommon) case where you are trying to recreate the same directory hierarchy, cp --parents can be useful.
For example if /my/long contains the source files, and my/other already exists, you can do this:
cd /my/long
cp --parents path/here/thing.txt /my/other
if you want simple with only 1 param snippet :
rm -rf /abs/path/to/file; #prevent cases when old file was a folder
mkdir -p /abs/path/to/file; #make it fist as a dir
rm -rf /abs/path/to/file; #remove the leaf of the dir preserving parents
touch /abs/path/to/file; #create the actual file
