JAXB is not picking up #XmlJavaTypeAdapter - jaxb

I have the following class that I need to serialize as XML:
public class Position {
#XmlElement(name = "Quantity", required = true)
private DecimalQuantity quantity;
I have put an XmlJavaTypeAdapter on the DecimalQuantity class because I want it to be serialized simply as a BigDecimal without the DecimalQuantity wrapper.
public class DecimalQuantity {
private BigDecimal value;
Here's the very simple DecimalQuantityAdapter class:
public class DecimalQuantityAdapter
extends XmlAdapter<BigDecimal, DecimalQuantity> {
public DecimalQuantity unmarshal(BigDecimal val) throws Exception {
return new DecimalQuantity(val);
public BigDecimal marshal(DecimalQuantity val) throws Exception {
return val.getValue();
I have a unit test that shows that the adapter is working correctly. The following Order object that has a DecimalQuantity gets serialized correctly (notice that this test class looks almost identical to the Position class above):
#XmlRootElement(name = "Order")
public class Order {
#XmlElement(name = "Quantity", required = true)
private DecimalQuantity quantity;
This gets serialized as shown below - no wrapper around the decimal number - life is good!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
The trouble starts when I try to use DecimalQuantity in other maven projects. For example, the Position class shown at the beginning of this post is in a different maven project. The web service that uses the Position class is in yet another maven project. When the web service tries to deserialize DecimalQuantity, it does not know what DecimalQuantity is and is not able to pick up the DecimalQuantityAdapter. This is the error I get:
Caused by: javax.xml.bind.JAXBException:
class org.archfirst.common.quantity.DecimalQuantity nor any of its super class is known to this context.
at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl.getBeanInfo(JAXBContextImpl.java:594)
at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.XMLSerializer.childAsXsiType(XMLSerializer.java:648)
... 53 more
I have event tried to add the #XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation on the attribute itself, but JAXB does not pick it up. The only way to get rid of the exception is to put an #XmlSeeAlso({DecimalQuantity.class}) on the Position class itself. However, this disables the adapter and I get the following (undesired) serialization:
<Quantity xsi:type="ns2:decimalQuantity" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"/>
Any idea where the problem is? I feel it has something to do with the visibility of JAXB annotations on DecimalQuantity and DecimalQuantityAdapter across packages/projects.

Ok, I finally found the problem. My unit test was picking up the JAXB implementation in the Java runtime, whereas my real application (a web service) was picking up the JAXB implementation from GlassFish. Apparently the implementation bundled with GlassFish ( cannot handle my use case. I proved it by forcing my unit test to use jaxb-impl- Also it seems that the bug has been fixed in the latest JAXB implementation (2.2.3-1), but I am struggling to figure out how to replace GlassFish's implementation with this new version (see my post here).

Are you sure the problem is with the XmlJavaTypeAdapter for decimals, not the DecimalQuantity type. Because the exception you've posted is the one that happens when JAXB encounters a value of unknown class.
What happens if you omit the #XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation? I know it probably can't work the way you intend, but what is the error message? Isn't it the same?
As you wrote the exception is gone when you added:
I would leave the annotation in the code and try to find the reason why the adapter doesn't work.
Can you debug in the your XML adapter and/or add some trace output there, just to make sure the adapter really returns a non-empty String?


Mule Issue : More than one JAXBContext

We are facing one issue in our Mule Adapter related to JAXB context, needed some opinion on the same
We are using xpath to evaluate some expressions in the choice blocks in our adapter like below for instance,
<choice doc:name="Choice">
<when expression="//env:abc/env:Body/ref:dataelement/ref:/ref:element" evaluator="xpath">
Now, this works perfectly fine in our application but the problem arises when one of other team uses this Adapter as a jar in their application.
When they try to use this adapter, they are getting below error,
Message : More than one object of type class javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext registered but only one expected.
Type : org.mule.api.registry.RegistrationException
Code : MULE_ERROR--2
JavaDoc : http://www.mulesoft.org/docs/site/current3/apidocs/org/mule/api/registry /RegistrationException.html.
After debugging with the help of loggers etc, we narrowed down to the choice block used above which is causing this particular issue. Also, googled a bit and found one of the posts pointing out the same issue.
Also, to confirm we commented out the choice block having xpath expression and the flow went ahead but broke again where was xpath used in some other way.
Can anyone please suggest any suitable workaround to resolve this issue?
I agree with you. It is an unresolved issue in Mule.
One solution we have implemented is not define the jaxb context in the config you are providing in the jar file.
Along with the jar file, give instructions to the end application using it, to include the JAXB packages in their JAXB Context object definition.
This way there will be only one JAXB context and it will work smoothly.
Hope this helps.
This is a bit late however the solution that worked was
<mulexml:jaxb-context name=“JAXB_Context“ packageNames=“org.example.test1:org.example.test2“ doc:name=“JAXB Context1“ />
Please note that there must be no space between package names.
Thanks to: http://dominikbial.de/quicktipp-working-with-more-than-one-package-name-in-a-jaxb-context-config-in-mule-esb/
As of now we cannot add more than one JAXBContext in mule. As an alternative you can write your custom transformer.
I implemented something like
public interface MyAppJaxbObj2XmlComponent<I,O> extends
MyAppComponent<I,O>,Callable {
public O marshal(I input) throws Exception;
Abstart transformer
public abstract class AbstractMyAppJaxbObj2XmlComponent<I,O> implements
private Class<I> inputType;
public AbstractMyAppJaxbObj2XmlComponent(){
this.inputType = (Class<I>) new TypeToken<I>(getClass())
public AbstractMyAppJaxbObj2XmlComponent(Class<I> type){
this.inputType = type;
public Object onCall(MuleEventContext eventContext) throws Exception {
I input = eventContext.getMessage().getPayload(inputType);
O output = marshal(input);
return output;
Your flow transformer this will load your needed jaxb during startup.
public class MyFlowJaxbObj2XmlComponent extends
AbstractMyAppJaxbObj2XmlComponent<RequestPayloadType,String> {
public void init() {
//Load your schema during startup
You can also implement a fluid interface as an alternative for this.

Rendering GORM classes from Spring Boot

I'm trying to write a simple Spring Boot controller that renders a GORM instance and failing.
Here's a shortened version of my code:
class UserController {
#RequestMapping(value='/test', method=GET)
User test() {
return new User(username: 'my test username')
I get the following error message:
Could not write JSON: No serializer found for class org.springframework.validation.DefaultMessageCodesResolver and no properties discovered to create BeanSerializer (to avoid exception, disable SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) ) (through reference chain: users.domain.User["errors"]->grails.validation.ValidationErrors["messageCodesResolver"]); nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: No serializer found for class org.springframework.validation.DefaultMessageCodesResolver and no properties discovered to create BeanSerializer (to avoid exception, disable SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) ) (through reference chain: users.domain.User["errors"]->grails.validation.ValidationErrors["messageCodesResolver"])
The error seems to be caused by extra properties injected by GORM. What is the proposed solution for this? Will this eventually be solved in gorm-hibernate4-spring-boot? Should I simply disable SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS (I don't have a lot of experience with Jackson so I'm not entirely sure what side effects this may have)? Should I use Jackson's annotations to solve the problem? Any other options?
I've found a way to get rid of the error using this code:
class ObjectMapperConfiguration implements InitializingBean {
ObjectMapper objectMapper
void afterPropertiesSet() {
def validationErrorsModule = new SimpleModule()
validationErrorsModule.addSerializer(ValidationErrors, new ErrorsSerializer())
class ErrorsSerializer extends JsonSerializer<ValidationErrors> {
void serialize(ValidationErrors errors, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) {
Obviously this solution is far from perfect as it simply nukes all validation errors but right now it is good enough for me. I am pretty sure the Spring Boot team will have to address this issue eventually as the GORM objects are also being serialized with some internal Hibernate properties like attached. I'm not accepting this answer as it is not an acceptable solution for most scenarios, it basically just squelches the exception.
This did not work for me.
So I used this instead and the error disappeared.
I'm using springBootVersion '1.4.1.RELEASE' with gorm & hibernate5:
I am having to include the following at the top of each domain class in order to use them in a client response (i.e. json serialization using jackson):
#JsonIgnoreProperties(["errors", "metaClass", "dirty", "attached", "dirtyPropertyNames"])
When using springBootVersion '1.3.5.RELEASE' I was able to get away with:
This is trending in the wrong direction :)

How to customise the XML output of a Jersey JAXB serialisation

I have some #javax.xml.bind.annotation.Xml... annotated classes here intended for a RESt web service. Jersey is setup in a spring managed web container and the web service is returning a well formatted xml. We use the maven-enunciate-plugin to document the web service and create the xsd to the returned xml documents. I now would like to use the documentation xsd file as a schemaLocation within the returned xml file so that the xml validation won't complain about missing definions. How can I get the XML serialisation configured for this?
If I remember correctly, I had to do a few of things to get namespace identifiers properly written into my generated XML.
1) Created a JaxbFactory that configs and returns a custom marshaller (and unmarshaller, too, BTW). I'm omitting the getters/and unmarshalling setup below...
public JaxbFactory() throws Exception {
context = JAXBContext.newInstance(ResourceDto.class);
// Setup the marshaller
marshaller = context.createMarshaller();
marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_SCHEMA_LOCATION, XmlMetadataConstants.XML_SCHEMA_LOCATION); // this schema location is used in generating the schema-location property in the xml
2) That factory class isn't "visible" to Jersey. To make it visible, I create a MarshallerProvider. That looks something like this:
public class ResourceJaxbMarshallerProvider implements ContextResolver<Marshaller> {
// injected by Spring
private ResourceJaxbFactory ResourceJaxbFactory;
private ResourceStatusJaxbFactory ResourceStatusJaxbFactory;
* ----------------------------------------
* Setters (for Spring injected properties)
* ----------------------------------------
public void setResourceJaxbFactory(ResourceJaxbFactory ResourceJaxbFactory) {
this.ResourceJaxbFactory = ResourceJaxbFactory;
public void setResourceStatusJaxbFactory(ResourceStatusJaxbFactory ResourceStatusJaxbFactory) {
this.ResourceStatusJaxbFactory = ResourceStatusJaxbFactory;
* ------------------------
* Interface Implementation
* ------------------------
public Marshaller getContext(Class<?> type) {
if (type == ResourceDto.class)
return ResourceJaxbFactory.getMarshaller();
else if (type == ResourceStatusDto.class)
return ResourceStatusJaxbFactory.getMarshaller();
return null;
I've got Jersey wired into Spring using the Jersey/Spring Servlet so any #Provider class that gets created by Spring is automatically recognized by Jersey. In my Spring applicationContext.xml all I have to do is instantiate the resource provider. It will, in turn, go grab the marshaller from the factory.
3) The other thing that I found critical was that I had to create a package-info.java file in the root package containing my resource. Looks like this:
* Note that this file is critical for ensuring that our ResourceDto object is
* marshalled/unmarshalled with the correct namespace. Without this, marshalled
* classes produce XML files without a namespace identifier
#XmlSchema(namespace = XmlMetadataConstants.XML_SCHEMA_NAMESPACE, elementFormDefault = XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED)
package com.yourcompany.resource;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm;
At least I think that's everything I needed to do, I can't remember every single piece. I do remember that the package-info.java piece was the last critical cog that made it all come together.
Hope that helps. I spent wayyyy too much time digging for the info on all this. Jersey was seductively simple before I wanted it to do proper xml schema validation (and decent error reporting for schema-invalid input). Once I started down that road Jersey went from brain-dead easy to decently hard. The majority of that difficulty was sussing out all the details from the variety of posts online. Hopefully this will help get you farther, quicker. :-)

Using MOXy's #XmlCDATA annotation with jersey

I'm working on REST web-service written with jersey and I'm trying to output some XML with CDATA sections in it. I understand the reference implementation of JAXB doesn't support that, so I've downloaded EclipseLink's MOXy and I'm trying to get the #XmlCDATA annotation to work.
My JAXB mapped bean looks like this
package com.me.entities;
#XmlRootElement #XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD)
public class MyBean {
private URI thumbnail;
#XmlElement(name="longdescription") #XmlCDATA
private String description;
public MyBean() { }
public final String getDescription() { return description; }
public final void setDescription(String d) { this.description = d; }
and I have the jaxb.properties file in the com/me/entities along with the class files. The properties file has
in it. I'm sure it gets loaded successfully since if I replace the factory class name with some nonsense the app breaks down. Also, explicitly marshaling the file creating the JAXBContext on my own works fine, so the problem seems related to jersey. According to this my setup is fine, but when my jersey resource returns an instance of MyBean
#GET #Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML)
public MyBean getMyBean() {
MyBean b = new MyBean();
b.setDescription("Some blurb plenty of invalid chars like <<< && >>>");
return b;
what I get back has no CDATA in it, but looks like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<info><longdescription>Some blurb plenty of invalid chars like <<< && >>></longdescription></info>
What am I doing wrong?
Looks like the problem was my application server: I am running this with WebLogic 10.3.5 in development mode, which comes with a lot of common libraries pre-installed that in the default configuration take precedence over those deployed in the webapp WEB-INF/lib folder.
To fix this a weblogic specific application description is needed, just create a weblogic.xml file inside WEB-INF containing the prefer-web-inf-classes option. The file I used is this:
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
I still have no idea which library was the problem though, anyone knows feel free to edit this answer.
Please download Jaxb Extension:
This is Eclipselink open source extension for Jaxb.
Get jar file: eclipselink.jar copy into Project lib.
EclipseLink 2.4.1 Installer Zip (37 MB)
And see example at:
Good look!.

JAXB cyclic reference avoidance using #XmlIDREF

I'm using JAXB in a web service with some slightly complex objects. One of the objects, Sensor, has a list of other objects it can communicate with, which necessarily can include itself (behavior that cannot be changed), leading to a cyclic reference during marshalling to XML.
public class Sensor extends BaseObject {
private ArrayList<SensorCommLink> sensorCommLinks;
public class SensorCommLink {
private BaseObject receiver;
private Sensor cueingSensor;
public abstract class BaseObject {
private String id;
As shown above I solved this using #XmlIDREF and #XmlID and it works very nicely.
The client-side code generated via wsimport marshals the objects to XML and the server is able to unmarshal them perfectly.
The problem I'm experiencing is that for some reason on the server side I am getting a cyclic reference exception when I try to marshal a Sensor object. The maddening part is that the server-side code contains the JAXB annotations that are used by wsimport to create the client-side code, which works great, yet I can't marshal server-side Sensors due to the cycle.
I tried copying all of the extra annotations JAXB adds to the client-side code onto the server-side classes thinking perhaps there was a runtime bug in JAXB that was preventing it from properly applying the #XmlIDREF annotation. No luck there.
Perhaps there's something very basic I'm missing here but this issue is driving me a little batty and I'm at a dead stop while I try to figure it out.
One thing I did notice that I'm investigating is that some of the namespaces on the generated client-side objects aren't what I expected, though the code works. I'm curious to see if somehow a namespace issue on the server is causing the IDREF marshalling to bomb.
Any chance on the server side it is processing properties (get/set) instead of fields (instance variables). You can enforce field access in the following way:
public class SensorCommLink {
private BaseObject receiver;
private Sensor cueingSensor;
Or you could annotate the get methods.
