How to write add-in for SharePoint Designer 2010 - sharepoint

I'm looking for information on writing an add-in for SharePoint Designer 2010. If you go to File->options there is a possibility to add COM add-in's, I would like to write one, preferably using C#.
Any pointers to documentation/examples?
What SharePoint specific classes are accessible? -- This might be helpful to you. --This is the way you can install any adding.

There's some information that may be useful on this forum:
I haven't tried it myself though.


Passing parameters in Web Parts

I am working with Sharepoint 2003. I want to pass data from one web part to other like select a drop down in one web part and the other gets updated. I am pretty new to SharePoint please suggest me any tutorials, links sample code to do that.
Thanks for help.
kind regards
This requirement is specified by creating connectable web parts. See this link:
Although it is for SharePoint 2010 and 2007, but concepts are same.
Madhur's link is good although you'll have to make sure you don't try to use the Asp.Net WebPart infrastructure to create your WebPart. That support was added in the 2007 cycle of the product.
You will want to extend Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart

Getting Started With SharePoint and InfoPath 2010

I am a .Net developer and I need to get started with SharePoint 2010 and InfoPath 2010 for a new project.
I believe I don't want too much SharePoint just the basic configuration and how to host an InfoPath form there. For InfoPath I need to know how to design forms and program it using VS2010.
I appreciate if you can provide me with some links/books to get started with SharePoint and InfoPath (with more emphasis on InfoPath development).
I really need some personalized advice instead of an entire website to surf. I will be totally lost like this.
As John alluded to - the path to learning really depends on your project needs.
My recommendation would be to learn InfoPath first. You don't need SharePoint and you don't even need Visual Studio to utilize the majority of InfoPath. You might be able to accomplish your goals right there without even delving into anything else.
If that is not enough start looking at the other things. You will need advanced programming (Visual Studio) if you are trying to customize the form experience for the user, adding functionality that is not available directly in InfoPath. Start looking down this path if you run into roadblocks with how you want your InfoPath form to work.
You will need SharePoint if you need a delivery mechanism, forms storage, tracking for the users. Start looking down this path if the forms start being complicated to manage on a file share (or if you need extra functionality like change tracking etc).
In general - start with Infopath and progress to the other things based on your needs. Programming is for the form (singular) experience, SharePoint is for the forms (plural) experience. Note also that they are not mutually exclusive - usually you end up needing both.

How to Populate Sharepoint MOSS 2007 Reference Data?

I need to populate reference data in a number of custom lists across difference versions (DEV, TEST and LIVE) of the same MOSS 2007 installation. Can anyone point me towards a way of doing this? I am initially looking at using a script (PowerShell?) or tool to populate this data.
Thanks, MagicAndi.
There is the CodePlex project SharePoint 2007 Test Data Population Tool that can do this. I've only ever written my own tools to do this myself so can't vouch for it.
I haven't heard of any PowerShell scripts that can do it but they wouldn't be hard to write. Do a search for PowerShell and SharePoint and I'm sure you'll find numerous examples.
It depends on How you create the List. If you create the List through the SharePoint UI then you need to populate the details as per Alex comments or Custom Code / powershell script. In case if you have a Feature that creates the list follow this

Migrating a SharePoint Designer Workflow into Visual Studio Workflow

Under normal circumstances you cannot move a workflow designed in SharePoint Designer to another site, or into Visual Studio for further customisation/development.
I believe it is possible but was looking for some pointers on approach/technique and maybe some links to more information.
I know some MVPs (Todd Bleeker and others) have been working on this in the past, but I have yet to find a definitive solution to the issue.
Also does anyone know if MS are considering improvements to the Workflow designer within the next version of SharePoint Designer?
Here's a link which might help get you started.
The issue with Sharepoint Designer workflows is that they have essentially hardcoded all the List (and other) GUIDs into them, which just makes it impractical to generalize them.
From what I've heard, you can "just" move the XOML File into a new Visual Studio Workflow and then add the .cs and .rules files, but I also heard conflicting info about this.
I do not know if Microsoft plans improvements, but I also think that SharePoint Designer still has plenty of room for improvements.

Creating Infopath 2007 addins that manipulate the design-time form

I'm experimenting with creating an add-in for Infopath 2007. The documentation is very skimpy. What I'm trying to determine is what kind of actions an add-in can take while designing a form. Most of the discussion and samples are for when the user is filling out the form. Can I, for example, add a new field to the form in the designer? Add a new item to the schema? Move a form field on the design surface? It doesn't appear so, but I can't find anything definitive.
There is no Object Model for the InfoPath designer.
I believe the closest that you can get is the exposed API for the Visual Studio hosting that InfoPath supports; but I don't believe that this will give you the programatic control of the designer that you'd like.
Sorry Kevin.
Unfortunatly Bryan is probably right.
And I have tried to make a VS plugin for use with InfoPath development. It is very restrictive and hard to use. Not very effective for quick scripting work.
I have found AutoHotKey to be the best ad hoc scripting tool for use with InfoPath. It doesn't integrate directly with InfoPath, but I have found key+mouse automation to accomplish most of what I have needed.
