How to deploy a theme.war file in liferay - liferay

I have a theme.war file, which I've placed in the server/tomcat/tomcat6/webapps of liferay folder. When I start the tomcat server this war files create a theme folder. Now to deploy it what should i do?

if you deployed from a bundle (and assuming the bundle's base directory is LIFERAY) there should be a LIFERAY/deploy directory next to the LIFERAY/tomcat6 directory. To deploy plugins to the Liferay portal server you should drop the WAR file in this deploy directory, not in the webapps. Plugins include portlet applications, themes, layouts, hooks and extensions.

In addition to what David stated (deploy through the "deploy" folder) you'll have to select your theme for the community, organization or just one page by selecting Manage/Page/Look&Feel when it's deployed to tomcat.
Somehow I had the impression that you expect it to show up immediately.
If you want to deploy directly to tomcat you'll have to build your theme in the plugins-sdk with "ant direct-deploy" - this creates a tomcat-deployable theme.


How to configure hypersonic db for Liferay portal 7?

I used the configs/dev/local/ file and this contains:
# Hypersonic
Still when I add content to the site none of the lportal files have been changed in the c:/data/hsql/ folder?
The default configuration uses Hypersonic and creates the lportal folder inside LIFERAY_HOME/data path, see
But in some Liferay 7 testing I realized that lportal files are not written to file until you stop Liferay.
So try stoping Liferay and check the files after that.
A last warning: Hypersonic is not recommended for production use. My advice: never use Hypersonic, install Postgresql or MySQL and configure Liferay to connect to them.

Accidentally deleted tomcat `webapps` folder

I have accidentally deleted the webapps folder in tomcat. I had 2 web applications there deployed as .war files and the default tomcat folder, "Root", "manager", "host-manager", "examples" and "docs".
Since I am on cloud amazon EC2 instance (ubuntu) and I have no use of tomcat manager, can I simply create a new directory manually called webapps and copy and paste the .war files of my projects?
Will this work or is this subjected to break something at some point?
Absolutely yes, your apps will be automatically deployed again after some seconds.
Moreover, you can download those Root, manager, host-manager, examples and docs folders from the tomcat distribution, and copy them into your webapps directory. The manager and host-manager apps will restart automatically.
Since the configuration to access manager and host-manager is inside conf/tomcat-users.xml, it has not been deleted. So the apps will work like previously, without any change.

Visual studio continuous deployment of a Webapp does not work

I cannot deploy using the build created by the integration between Azure and VSO.
The build finishes correctly, but it is not deployed on the website! The bin folder is there. But there is no folder for the views!
I have the impression it started when I create an webjob in the solution.
I cannot publish it neither!
Thank you
It's possible you're actually publishing the web job (is the project just a console app?) to the webapp, instead of the web project.
(Side note, this is one way to get a web job deployed and running)
You can control which project in your solution is being deployed by adding a new setting under "app settings" on the "configure" tab for the webapp.
The setting you want is Project and it's a relative path from the solution root to the .csproj file of your web project.
Alternatively, you can specify the setting in a custom .deployment file.
Relevant Kudu documentation here
From the documentation:
You can specify the full path to the project file. Note that this is not a path to the solution file (.sln), but to the project file (.csproj/.vbproj). The reason for this is that Kudu only builds the minimal dependency tree for this project, and avoids building unrelated projects in the solution that are not needed by the web project.
Here is an example:
project = WebProject/WebProject.csproj

Liferay projects building in wrong deploy folder

Working with liferay and portlets from last 3 weeks.
I downloaded the bundled liferay server and placed it on my local drive.
I did the set up and was able to access localhost:8080 properly.
I also created some custom portlets and when build them in eclipse the war files were getting deployed in the path C:/liferay/deploy.
Now, I changed the server location, I wanted to have the server in D:/ drive.
When I did the transition, started the tomcat server from D:/liferay/tomcat/bin/startup.bat
and then build the project, the war files are still building in c:/ drive.
When I copy the war file manually from c:/liferay/deploy to D:/liferay/deploy it gets deployed successfully.
I want the war file to be created directly in the d:/liferay/deploy folder.
Can someone help me understand what all changes do i need to do here?
If you are using Liferay plugin sdk then there would be file named as
in your plugin sdk.Change the below properties as per new configuration and give a try

Deploy JSF-Maven application from Eclipse directly to tomcat

Well, i have doubts about best practice to do a deploy correctly. So, lets go.
I have a project JSF with Maven in my local machine in ECLIPSE IDE. In other side (my server online) i have a Tomcat Server (version 6) + SVN Server working normally. The communication from my Eclipse with SVN Repository works fine. My doubt is about putting WAR file from my eclipse workspace to tomcat webapp folder, so i have some solutions to do this:
A) This is the most simple form but i don't know if this correct (best practice): Make a Maven Build (in ECLIPSE) and i'll have a WAR file. Copy the WAR file manually to tomcat webapp folder.
B) Make a "svn checkout" in my "SERVER ONLINE" (where is locate my svn server) and after i can make "mvn tomcat:deploy" to generate WAR file, and copy to tomcat webapp folder.
C) I think this form is more correct but i don't know how can i do: From my ECLIPSE IDE directly deploy (create WAR file) in TOMCAT Remote Server (webapp remote folder).
D) Open "http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8080/manager/html" and put manually the WAR file.
Well, this is the first time i'm doing this, and i need know what is the most used form.
I and heard most people deploy by A C D way.
You can do it manually without Eclipse see here
