IntelliJ IDEA global search - search

I would like to search across projects for variable usages, or at least for strings. I've got IndexYourFiles which works well for text searches, but I have to re-index every now and then and would like an integrated solution.
Is there any way that I can search across projects in IntelliJ IDEA? So far I have only been able to search within the currently-open project. I'm guessing IntelliJ can't do this natively; are there any plug-ins out there to support this?

IntelliJ is project based so you can only search within the open project using Ctrl + Shift + F(Windows) or Cmd + Shift + F(Mac).
When I need to search across a set of projects I use Agent Ransack

IntelliJ 13 (at least) has "Edit/Find/Find in Path...".
It has the Scope option which can be set to a directory, so if all projects are in the same directory (e.g. IdeaProjects) then it will search all projects.

Use grep.
In the terminal, go to the root directory of your project, and type grep -r my_string_here ..
You can add color to your search with --color (just add alias grep='grep --color' to your.bash_profile, and add-i` to make your search case-insensitive.

In the IntelliJ now it is very easy to find the anything through just two clicks and search on the bar.
Double click on shift and enter the keyword in the search bar.
I'm using ubuntu which I found the shortcut.

My workplace eventually set up Atlassian Fisheye which allows us to search for code or specific files across all of our projects, and it's working well.


Is Android Studio 4+ text search across all files gone?

In previous versions of Android Studio before 4.0, you can search across all text based files.
Now, not only is the short cut to launch the search is gone. The "search everywhere" command only search across file names.
Did I miss something in the update.
You can still search across all files for specific text in AS 4+ by using:
or from menu:
Edit > Find > Find in path
In case you don't know, the shortcut for 'Search everywhere' is achieved by quick double-press Shift. I have got AS 4.1. It works well, maybe something is missed when you updated, maybe the restart is required after the update. If restarting doesn't help, you can 'invalidate caches / restart'. Sometimes, IDEA/AS goes mad, fails to find references.

Search-Everywhere in Android Studio (IntelliJ) makes Search File redundant?

In Android Studio (and IntelliJ), shift-shift is used to Search File (and Everywhere, e.g. class name etc).
I just realize it also have shift-command-O that search for a file.
With shift-shift, it seems to me shift-command-O is redundant.
So I'm checking to see if I have miss something that is in shift-command-O but not in shift-shift?
Shift-Shift shows a popup with occurrences of the string you've entered in names of files, classes, symbols and actions. Shift-Command-O shows a popup with occurrences of the same string only in names of files. Same task, same UI (in recent IJ/AS versions) more narrow filter.
Well you're almost right but there is one main difference in those two commands.
Shift shift will search for a file.
While shift-command-o will go to the specified file.
I guess in a way they to de same, but if you use Shift-command-o you will be redirected to that file and saves you one click.
But feel free to use what you want, shortcuts are for convenience so you should use what is most comfortable.
Here is a link with all shortcuts in IntelliJ IDEA, could be usefull in the future :)

How to search all files in project from text editor (IDE)?

Which text editor allows to search all files in the project, without a need they to be opened?
For example: When I'm using Visual Studio and I open project Ctrl+F allows searching into all of the files in the current project. That's for ASP.NET projects.
I want to be able to search in my PHP project. I'm using NotePad++, but when I want to search into all the files, I need to open all of them first, and after entering the phrase to choose Find All in All Opened Documents. But now my project is getting bigger and bigger, and I want to be able to search into all of the files, without need all of them to be opened as a tabs.
Is there such an option in NotePad++? If not, can you recommend me some text editor or IDE that allows this type of searching in normal PHP project(and how that can be done)?
the function is just in front of you:
Notepad++ offers the "Find in Files..." Option in the search menu. (It is just the third tab in the usual search dialog. )
Just enter the correct filter (e.g. *.php or *.*) and use the checkboxes on the right. Most useful is "Follow current doc", which preselects the "Directory" selection. Depending on your project layout you want to enter a constant path there and also check the "In all sub-folders" option.
I really miss the ease of this notepad++ function in eclipse. For me this IS "grep for windows". And you have also replace functionality, so this can be a "sed for windows" replacement, too.
With best regards,
what operating system are you using?
In most Linux distros you could use the command line with something like this
grep -rnw ./haystack/* -e "needle"

VIM NERDTree shortcuts to open standard Rails folders

I have just made the switch from Textmate to MacVim and so far I am loving it! My workflow is just becoming a breeze… and I'm kinda hooked on that.
As front-end developer working on Rails projects I find that I am constantly opening up the same folders in the projects (app/assets/javascripts|stylesheets & app/views & specs).
I was wondering if there was a way to set shortcuts to open up these folders in NerdTree? I've looked into Bookmarks but these seem absolute paths - I'd like default relative paths for all the Rails projects I work on. Is this possible?
There is no default way to do this in NERDTree. It is probably possible, but it would require a custom script to do what you're describing. I'm sure you can get help developing that if you look for it, but I'm betting it will be hard to find something that already does this.
You can, however, check out, which as far as I know is the de facto standard for Rails development in Vim. It'll probably cut down on your need to use NERDTree to navigate files at all, because you can jump through related files quickly with other commands.
As romaini mentioned, bookmarks are also very handy. Make a bookmark for the top-level of a Rails project, open something, use vim-rails techniques to navigate related files, you'll get what you need.
Did you try the project plugin?
NERDTree stores bookmarks in a very simple file. Creating one such file for every project and pointing NERDtree to it may solve the problem.

Faster search for files in Netbeans

Is there an existing plugin or tweak that speeds up the "Go To File" search in Netbeans ? Compared to Eclipse, Netbeans search is way too slow specially if one has multiple large size projects.
I know I can use CTRL+O for "Go To Type" but often I need to search for other file types like XMLs, property files etc. across thousands of files in multiple projects.
I installed the Quick Search plugin but even that doesn't search for non Java file types.
You can focus on the Project Tree and simply type the file name which you want to looking for. Press Up/Down to select if more than one file match your search.
Or use keyboard shortcut to open the search file form:
Mac OS:
The best way to search and open file in netbeans -
Press CTRL+O and type file name you are looking for, it will search in current projects and list matching files
why not right click on the project and click 'find'?
I can only recommend using the Open File Fast plugin
How to quickly find a file/files in netbeans. Maybe for someone it will be helpful.
In Netbeans projects files view select some directory where you want to look for the file.
Click ctrl+f to show the finder dialog
Pass your file name into 'file name patterns' input
In options set only 'Regular expression'
The 'Containing text' input has to be empty
For Mac users
Find file fast will your solution for find file faster just like sublime..
using the shortcut alt+shift+o
hope it will help
You can install the recent file list plugin
This plugin is not as powerful as the intellij but to simulate the same behavior (open the recent files with ctrl+E):
After install the plugin assign the Ctrl+E shortcut to the "Recent Files" action: Tools->Options->Keymap->Search "Recent Files" and assign Ctrl+E shortcut
If all you need is to search by file name/pattern, then I suggest plugin "Quick File Search"
Press Ctrl + Shift + H.
On the screen appear option scope. Click on this text-box and choose the project you want to find needed text snippets, or you can find all of the projects. I am using Netbeans 8.1 Best regard !
