SWF SecurityError: Error #2000: No active security context - security

I have a flash image gallery that worked just fine, until few days a go it stopped loading the images. the debugger throws this error :
SecurityError: Error #2000: No active security context.
can someone explain what can be the cause?

I've run into this problem when working with loading images where the path is located in an external XML file. So... I load the XML get the path from it but then the problem I had was I was loading 30+ images and the error was popping up only 6 times so.. I had no idea which file locations where the bad ones.
If you want flash to out put more info than just :
SecurityError: Error #2000: No active security context.
Add this event listener to your Loader:
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler);
and finally this function:
protected function ioErrorHandler(e:IOErrorEvent):void{
With this in place your Security Error will convert to a URL Not Found Error with the file location you supplied. With this information in hand it should be easier for you to debug the problem.
Error #2035: URL Not Found. URL: file:////Volumes/Macintosh%20HD/Users/cleanshooter/Documents/Website%20/here/there/everywhere/30805/filename.jpg

I faced this issue before,the final conclusion was related to incorrect image path or name

Did your images extensions change, possibly from like .jpg to .JPG or something?
Typically this is called if there is a problem with your external media. Here's a workaround for it, but I typically try and solve versus make it go away.
setTimeout( function():void{fileReference.load();}, 1);
Hope this helps.

I ran across this issue and used the above setTimeout example but for a slightly different purpose. I was calling a php script that hit Twitter and got the same security issue in Flash debug player. I just wanted to add my example which builds on the above to show how you can use this "workaround" for URLLoader as well as fileReference.
var myXMLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var urlStr:String = "http://www.yourdomain.com/php/twitter.php";
var myVariables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
myVariables.twitterID = "yourtwitterID";
var myURLRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(urlStr)
myURLRequest.data = myVariables;
setTimeout(function():void { myXMLLoader.load( myURLRequest ); }, 1);
myXMLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onXMLLoadHandler);

You need to handle the error:
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, onHTTPError);
protected function onHTTPError(e:HTTPStatusEvent):void{
This way it will handle the error and works fine.

In response to headwinds:
In AS3 you need to import flash.utils.setTimeout. The syntax for setTimeout is setTimeout(A, B, ...rest);
Where B is the function to get called afterwards,
A is the delay in ms (e.g. 1000 for a second)
and C is any number of parameters you need to provide for the function, separated by a comma.
import flash.utils.setTimeout;
// package, etc
//main function
setTimeout(respond, 500, true, false);
private function respond(A : Boolean, B : Boolean) : void {
var result : Boolean = A == B;


Cannot set property 'avatar' of undefined at Member.set [as avatar] - Discord Bot

I haven't used my Discord recently but the last time I ran it, it still worked perfectly. However, I keep getting this error Cannot set property 'avatar' of undefined at Member.set [as avatar] these days.
Can someone help me?
I was struggling with this issue and eventually figured it out. It's because the 'this' keyword is getting hijacked somehow in the code within the Object.defineProperty call inside the Member constructor(line 2606 in my version of index.js, but I've made a few other fixes already so yours is probably different). I was able to fix it by caching off the 'this' reference into a private member and referencing that instead. It feels hacky but it works. Like so:
function Member(client, server, data) {
copyKeys(data, this, ['user', 'joined_at',]);
this.id = data.user.id;
this.joined_at = Date.parse(data.joined_at);
this.color = colorFromRole(server, this);
var tempThis = this;
['username', 'discriminator', 'bot', 'avatar', 'game'].forEach(function(k) {
if (k in Member.prototype) return;
Object.defineProperty(Member.prototype, k, {
get: function() { return client.users[tempThis.id][k]; },
set: function(v) { client.users[tempThis.id][k] = v; },
enumerable: true,
I just experienced the same error with my own bot completely out of the blue. After some investigation, I checked the code at DiscordClient.handleWSMessage (on my error it was showing at index.js:1871:31 as opposed to index.js:1891:31, however I'm not sure if it's a matter of having different versions of discord.io installed) - in any case, the error seemed to be stemming from the Event switch statement responding to a GUILD_CREATE event - this may be different for you:
/*The lib will attempt to create the server using the response from the
REST API, if the user using the lib creates the server. There are missing keys, however.
So we still need this GUILD_CREATE event to fill in the blanks.
If It's not our created server, then there will be no server with that ID in the cache,
So go ahead and create one.*/
client.servers[_data.id] = new Server(client, _data);
return emit(client, message, client.servers[_data.id]);
I don't understand why GUILD_CREATE events are being received, my bot has never been programmed to handle these, however commenting out the executable lines in the switch case above and replacing them with an empty return statement seemed to stop the error occurring, and my bot stayed connected (so far, I've only been testing for a few minutes).
Might not work for everyone, but on my computer this issue was resolved by saving and only running after I saved. Slightly annoying but it worked!

AddApacheModRewrite method suggesting that file doesn't exist (when it does)

Just trying to put an ApacheModRewrite call in my .NET Core 3.1 web application, and no matter what I do, it keeps telling me that the file does not exist. I've verified that the file exists at that location, I've tried creating a custom PhysicalFileProvider, and I've tried to set the file as Content/Copy Always, but no matter what I do, I cannot get past this code:
var options = new RewriteOptions()
.AddApacheModRewrite(env.ContentRootFileProvider, env.ContentRootPath + ".htaccess");
And the error:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 'The file F:\Source\MyWebsite\htaccess.txt does not exist.'
Where env.ContentRootFileProvider resolves to path: "F:\Source\MyWebsite" and again I have confirmed that the .htaccess file does, indeed, exist. I've also tried a variety of different ways to access the file path in the AddApacheModRewrite, but I'm really scratching my head on this one.
What am I doing wrong?
Figured it out. I had to use a streamreader, read the file, and then was able to apply it:
using (StreamReader apacheModRewriteStreamReader
File.OpenText(env.ContentRootPath + "\\.htaccess"))
var options = new RewriteOptions()

#material material-component-web Invalid tab component given as activeTab

firstly let my say that the mdc documentation is difficult for non-pros like me.
I'm using Elixir Phoenix and Brunch.
I import and everything is fine.
import {MDCTab, MDCTabFoundation} from '#material/tabs'; import
{MDCTabBar, MDCTabBarFoundation} from '#material/tabs'; import
{MDCTabBarScroller, MDCTabBarScrollerFoundation} from
I manually instantiate the tab bar in a separate function that I export
export var Tabbable = {
run: function(MDCTabBar, el){
var myDynamicTabBar = window.myDynamicTabBar = new MDCTabBar(document.querySelector('#' + el));
Which is following the documentation like this
const tabBar = new MDCTabBar(document.querySelector('#my-mdc-tab-bar'));
but is slightly different to the documentation's use of the tab bar in their code snippet
var dynamicTabBar = window.dynamicTabBar = new mdc.tabs.MDCTabBar(document.querySelector('#dynamic-tab-bar'));
But, whenever I try to use mdc I get a 'not defined' error. Therefore, I'm not using it :-)
Now, when the user clicks the tab bar I capture that like this:
myDynamicTabBar.listen('MDCTabBar:change', function ({detail: tabs}) {
var nthChildIndex = tabs.activeTabIndex;
The subtle difference is that my myDynamicTabBar is MDCTabBar but the documentation's dynamicTabBar is mdc.tabs.MDCTabBar
My tab control works, but it throws an error only visible in the console:
Uncaught Error: Invalid tab component given as activeTab: Tab not
found within this component's tab list
which is likely because I'm not using mdc.tabs? The documentation notes the change event happens on the MDCTabBar.
Therefore, how do I get rid of this annoying error in the console?
And why can I not access the global mdc? I have tried this in my Brunch file
globals: { mdc: "#material"}
But no good.
I'm right behind you on this! I'm frustrated with the docs too :(
You answered your own question in this Elixir thread which is very informative.
I found the real solution in this thread https://github.com/hyperapp/hyperapp/issues/546
MDCTabBar automatically initiates its children. So initiating tabs will result in that error.
The fix is to just initiate MDCTabBar

UWP Windows 10 app crashes in release mode but works fine in debug mode

My UWP app is crashing in Release mode and works fine in Debug mode but I can't put my finger on what the issue is but I know it's related to a combination of raising an event from System.Threading.Timer and MVVMLight.
I created an new dummy application and use the same code (ZXing.net.mobile where I used 2 portable libraries and I used my own user control which is a simplified version of theirs - I'm using events instead of <Action>). This works fine and I'm currently trying to put more steps into it i.e. include mvvmlight and navigation but so far, I can't reproduce the problem in this dummy app.
The error I'm getting is:
Unhandled exception at 0x58C1AF0B (mrt100_app.dll) in Company.MyApp.App.exe:
0xC0000602: A fail fast exception occurred. Exception handlers will not be
invoked and the process will be terminated immediately.
Followed by:
Unhandled exception at 0x0107D201 (SharedLibrary.dll) in
Company.MyApp.App.exe: 0x00001007.
When looking at the Threads window, one of the worker thread has the following information if that's of help.
Not Flagged > 4012 0 Worker Thread <No Name>
ExceptionHelpers.ReportUnhandledError Normal
[External Code]
ReportUnhandledError(System.Exception e) Line 885
(System.Exception ex) Line 17
ReportUnhandledError(System.Exception ex) Line 274
(System.Exception exception) Line 152
ThrowAsyncIfNecessary(System.Exception exc) Line 784
InvokeCore() Line 182
Invoke(object thisObj) Line 162
InvokeOpenStaticThunk(System.__Canon obj)
System.Private.WinRTInterop.CoreLib.dll!Internal.WinRT.Interop.WinRTCallbacks.PostToCoreDispatcher.AnonymousMethod__0() Line 266
MyCompany.MyApp.App.ViewModels.ValidateHandler.Invoke(string pin)
.Proc_(object __this, System.IntPtr __methodPtr) Line 6163
MyCompany.MyApp.App.McgInterop.dll!Windows.UI.Core.DispatchedHandler__Impl.Vtbl.Invoke__STUB(System.IntPtr pComThis) Line 45147
[External Code]
Within my QR Code UserControl, it's using a System.Threading.Timer and it raises an event when a QR Code is found:
timerPreview = new Timer(async (state) =>
// Check if a result was found
if (result != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Text))
Debug.WriteLine("Barcode Found: " + result.Text);
if (!this.ContinuousScanning)
delay = Timeout.Infinite;
await StopScanningAsync();
delay = this.ScanningOptions.DelayBetweenContinuousScans;
timerPreview.Change(delay, Timeout.Infinite);
}, null,
In the page that host the QRCode UserControl, I've got the following code:
private async void ScannerControl_BarcodeFound(string barcodeValue)
var dispatcher = CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher;
await dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => {
As you can see, I'm passing the QrCode value to my ViewModel and from there, I sent a message and then re-direct to another page:
public void BarcodeFound(string barcodeData)
Messenger.Default.Send<string>(barcodeData, MessengerTokens.QrCodeFound);
I could keep going and provide additional code, but as I add additional breakpoints I can see that the code and passing the correct value and going to the correct location but eventually it throws this error. If I add additional error handlers or dispatcher code, it eventually works and goes to the next page as expected but when I click on a button in my CommandBar, it then takes a while and it eventually throws the same error, so by adding these additional bits of code, I feel I'm just pushing down the problem further down the line.
Anyone got any suggestions on how I get around this problem. I wish I could share the full app but definitely can't. So I know it will be hard to provide a solution, but if anyone has suggestions I'd appreciate them.
As I said, I think the issue is a result of a combination of threading and mvvmlight but it's driving me nuts that my test app so far is working exactly as expected, so I'm pretty sure it's not Zxing or my UserControl.
Any help, suggestions would be greatly appreciated or if you need me to provide additional info, please let me know what and I'll try to provide it.
Well, this was a painstaking exercise and a huge waste of my time!
It was down to a few things!!
I was using a different DataService in Releasemode which wasn't implemented. By implemented, I mean all my functions were returning the NotImplementedException or null values.
When passing my model to my ViewModel, I did not check if it was null, thus causing unhandled exceptions.
I had a chain of mvvmlight events (Messenger.Default.Send<>) being triggered and none were checking for error or null values.
While all of these were caused by poor validation from my part, these errors are extremely poorly reported in Release mode! if from the get go, I had received a NullReferenceException or any kind of exceptions, it would have put me in the right direction immediately, but throwing errors such as the one I've had were totally useless but it didn't but lesson learned!!
All I can say is that if this problem ever happens to you, don't waste your time rewriting code or trying to find workarounds. First work your way through your workflow/chain of events and hopefully, you'll eventually catch the culprit.
Hope this helps.
Sadly we were facing a similar issue, ours was involved with setting the qualifier values for changing localization on the fly in the app but came up with mystery fail fast/SharedLibrary native errors. Upgrading the Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowPlatform package from 6.0.4 to 6.0.7 seems to have resolved the issue.
Only thought of this because another place I was researching this error involved someone solving a SharedLibrary problem by upgrading their NETCore package, that case was an earlier one (5.x), but figured it was worth a shot.

sharepoint: Using a Content Editor Web Part this error occurred:"Cannot retrieve properties at this time."

I have a content editor web part. Whenever I edit the content and then click save, the following errors occurred:
"Cannot retrieve properties at this time."
"Cannot save your changes"
How do you fix this?
I tried googling it.. there are some similar cases but not exactly the same. I tried this link:
and this one:
and this one:
I found the answer!! apparently using mozilla firefox it worked. Then I found out that there is a javascript error in IE, this javascript error doesnt happened in firefox. how ironic!
Are you doing anything to modify the URL in an HTTPModule? I ran into this problem on a publishing site where a module was hiding the "/pages" part of the URL. Modifying the CEWP via the page when accessed w/o the "/Pages" wasn't working, but with the "/Pages" it was.
Got error: http://www.tempura.org/webpartpage.aspx
Worked: http://www.tempuri.org/pages/webpartpage.aspx
I don't see how this is an answer -- "don't use IE".
In my case (and apparently many others) it has something to do with ISA + SharePoint + host headers. I will post the fix if I find one.
I have had problems with this before and have found recycling the Application Pool often corrects the problem.
IE8 -->
Tools --> Compatiblity View Settings --> CHECK THIS : Display All Websites in ....
If you are editing a webpart page, make sure that it is checked out. Sometimes the document library the webpart pages are in will have a "force check out to edit" option and it will give you errors if the webpage itself isn't checked out.
I had this same error recently. In javascript, I had written some prototype overrides (see examples below) to add some custom functions to the string and array objects. Both of these overrides interferred with SharePoint's native JavaScript somehow in IE. I removed the references from the master page and this issue was FIXED. Currently trying to find a work-around so I can keep them because things like the string.format function is very nice to have...
if (typeof String.prototype.trim !== 'function') {
String.prototype.trim = function(){
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
String.format = function() {
var s = arguments[0];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) {
var reg = new RegExp("\\{" + i + "\\}", "gm");
s = s.replace(reg, arguments[i + 1]);
return s;
I also faced the same problem. Finally it worked for me using url /Pages/Contact-Us.aspx instead of clean URL. It worked only with IE browser. Don't know why this was happening but anyhow it worked with me.
Use IE browser
Use Pages in the URLinstead of clean URL.
to me,
compatibility mode in IE8, to work
