Thread pooling and multi core systems - multithreading

Do you think threadpooling design pattern is the way to go for the multi-core future?
A threadpooling library for instance, if used extensively, makes/force the application writer
(1) to break the problem into separate parallel jobs hence promoting (enforcing :) ) parallelism
(2) With abstraction from all the low level OS calls, synchronization etc etc makes programmer's life easier. (Especially for C programmers :) )
I have strong belief its the best way (Or One of the "best" ways :) ) for multi-core future...
So, my question is, am I write in thinking so or I am in some delusion :)

Thread pooling is a technique that involves a queue and a number of threads taking jobs from the queue and process them. This is in contrast to the technique of just starting new threads whenever a new task arrives.
Benefits are that the maximum number of threads is limited to avoid too much threading and that there is less overhead involved with any new task (Thread is already running and takes task. No threat starting needed).
Whether this is a good design highly depends on your problem. If you have many short jobs that come to your program at a very fast rate, then this is a good idea because the lower overhead is really a benefit. If you have extremely large numbers of concurrent tasks this is a good idea to keep your scheduler from having to do too much work.
There are many areas where thread pooling is just not helpful. So you cannot generalize. Sometimes multi threading at all is not possible. Or not even desired, as multi threading adds an unpredictable element (race conditions) to your code which is extremely hard to debug.
A thread pooling library can hardly "force" you to use it. You still need to think stuff through and if you just start one thread... Won't help.

As almost every informatics topic the answer is: It Depends.
the pooling system is fine with Embarrassingly parallel
For other task where you need more syncornization between threads it's not that good

For the Windows NT engine thread pools are usually much less efficient than I/O Completion Ports. These are covered extensively in numerous questions and answers here. IOCPs enable event-driven processing in that multiple threads can wait on the IOCP until an event occurs due to an IOC (read or write) on a socket or handle which is then queued to the IOCP. The IOCP in turn pairs a waiting thread with the id of the event and releases the thread for processing. After the thread has processed the event and initiated a new I/O it returns to the IOCP to wait for the next event (which may or may not be the completion of the I/O it just initiated).
IOCs may also be artificially signalled by explicit posting from a non-event.
Using IOCPs is not polling. The optimal IOCP implementation will have as many threads waiting on the IOCP as there are cores in the system. The threads may all execute the same physical code if that is deemed efficient. Since a thread processes from an IOC up until it issues an I/O it does nothing which forces it to wait for other resources except perhaps to compete for access to thread-safe areas. It is a natural choice to move away from the "one handle per thread" paradigm. IOCP-controlled threads are therefore as efficient as the programmer is able to construct them.

I like the answer by #yaankee a lot except I would argue that thread pool is almost always the right way to go. The reason: a thread pool can degenerate itself into a simple static work partitioning model for problems like matrix-matrix multiply. OpenMP guided is kind of along those lines.


How does process blocking apply to a multi-threaded process?

I've learned that a process has running, ready, blocked, and suspended states. Threads also have these states except for suspended because it lives in the process's address space.
A process blocks most of the time when it is doing a blocking i/o or waiting for an event.
I can easily picture out a process getting blocked if its single-threaded or if it follows a one-to-many model, but how does it work if the process is multi-threaded?
For example:
I have a process with two threads in a system that follows a one-to-one model. One handles the gui and the other handles the blocking i/o. I know the process remains responsive because the other thread handles the i/o.
So is there by any chance the process gets blocked or should I just rule it out in this case?
I'm just getting into these stuff so forgive me If I haven't understand some of the important details yet.
Let's say you have a work queue where the UI thread schedules work to be done and the I\O thread looks there for work to do. The work queue itself is data that is read and modified from both threads, therefor you must synchronize access somehow or race conditions result.
The naive approach is to synchronize access to the queue using a lock (aka critical section). If the I\O thread acquires the lock and then blocks, the UI thread will only remain responsive until it decides it needs to schedule work and tries to acquire the lock. A better approach is to use a lock-free queue about which much has been written and you can easily search for more info.
But to answer your question, yes, it is still much easier than you might think to cause UI to stutter / hang even when using multiple threads. There are various libraries that make it easier or harder to solve this problem, so depending on your OS and language of choice, there may be something better than just OS primitives. Win32 (from what I remember) doesn't it make it very easy at all despite having all sorts of synchronization primitives. Pthreads and Boost never seemed very straightforward to me either. Apple's GCD makes it semantically much easier to express what you want (in my opinion), though there are still pitfalls one must be aware of (such as scheduling too many blocking operations on a single work queue to be done in parallel and causing the processor to thrash when they all wake up at the same time).
My advice is to just dive in and write lots of multithreaded code. It can be tough to debug but you will learn a lot and eventually it becomes second nature.

Why are OS threads considered expensive?

There are many solutions geared toward implementing "user-space" threads. Be it goroutines, python's green threads, C#'s async, erlang's processes etc. The idea is to allow concurrent programming even with a single or limited number of threads.
What I don't understand is, why are the OS threads so expensive? As I see it, either way you have to save the stack of the task (OS thread, or userland thread), which is a few tens of kilobytes, and you need a scheduler to move between two tasks.
The OS provides both of this functions for free. Why should OS threads be more expensive than "green" threads? What's the reason for the assumed performance degradation caused by having a dedicated OS thread for each "task"?
I want to amend Tudors answer which is a good starting point. There are two main overheads of threads:
Starting and stopping them. Involves creating a stack and kernel objects. Involves kernel transitions and global kernel locks.
Keeping their stack around.
(1) is only a problem if you are creating and stopping them all the time. This is solved commonly using thread pools. I consider this problem to be practically solved. Scheduling a task on a thread pool usually does not involve a trip to the kernel which makes it very fast. The overhead is on the order of a few interlocked memory operations and a few allocations.
(2) This becomes important only if you have many threads (> 100 or so). In this case async IO is a means to get rid of the threads. I found that if you don't have insane amounts of threads synchronous IO including blocking is slightly faster than async IO (you read that right: sync IO is faster).
Saving the stack is trivial, no matter what its size - the stack pointer needs to be saved in the Thread Info Block in the kernel, (so usualy saving most of the registers as well since they will have been pushed by whatever soft/hard interrupt caused the OS to be entered).
One issue is that a protection level ring-cycle is required to enter the kernel from user. This is an essential, but annoying, overhead. Then the driver or system call has to do whatever was requested by the interrupt and then the scheduling/dispatching of threads onto processors. If this results in the preemption of a thread from one process by a thread from another, a load of extra process context has to be swapped as well. Even more overhead is added if the OS decides that a thread that is running on another processor core than the one handling the interrupt mut be preempted - the other core must be hardware-interrupted, (this is on top of the hard/soft interrupt that entred the OS in the first place.
So, a scheduling run may be quite a complex operation.
'Green threads' or 'fibers' are, (usually), scheduled from user code. A context-change is much easier and cheaper than an OS interrupt etc. because no Wagnerian ring-cycle is required on every context-change, process-context does not change and the OS thread running the green thread group does not change.
Since something-for-nothing does not exist, there are problems with green threads. They ar run by 'real' OS threads. This means that if one 'green' thread in a group run by one OS thread makes an OS call that blocks, all green threads in the group are blocked. This means that simple calls like sleep() have to be 'emulated' by a state-machine that yields to other green threads, (yes, just like re-implementing the OS). Similarly, any inter-thread signalling.
Also, of course, green threads cannot directly respond to IO signaling, so somewhat defeating the point of having any threads in the first place.
There are many solutions geared toward implementing "user-space" threads. Be it goroutines, python's green threads, C#'s async, erlang's processes etc. The idea is to allow concurrent programming even with a single or limited number of threads.
It's an abstraction layer. It's easier for many people to grasp this concept and use it more effectively in many scenarios. It's also easier for many machines (assuming a good abstraction), since the model moves from width to pull in many cases. With pthreads (as an example), you have all the control. With other threading models, the idea is to reuse threads, for the process of creating a concurrent task to be inexpensive, and to use a completely different threading model. It's far easier to digest this model; there's less to learn and measure, and the results are generally good.
What I don't understand is, why are the OS threads so expensive? As I see it, either way you have to save the stack of the task (OS thread, or userland thread), which is a few tens of kilobytes, and you need a scheduler to move between two tasks.
Creating a thread is expensive, and the stack requires memory. As well, if your process is using many threads, then context switching can kill performance. So lightweight threading models became useful for a number of reasons. Creating an OS thread became a good solution for medium to large tasks, ideally in low numbers. That's restrictive, and quite time consuming to maintain.
A task/thread pool/userland thread does not need to worry about much of the context switching or thread creation. It's often "reuse the resource when it becomes available, if it's not ready now -- also, determine the number of active threads for this machine".
More commmonly (IMO), OS level threads are expensive because they are not used correctly by the engineers - either there are too many and there is a ton of context switching, there is competition for the same set of resources, the tasks are too small. It takes much more time to understand how to use OS threads correctly, and how to apply that best to the context of a program's execution.
The OS provides both of this functions for free.
They're available, but they are not free. They are complex, and very important to good performance. When you create an OS thread, it's given time 'soon' -- all the process' time is divided among the threads. That's not the common case with user threads. The task is often enqueued when the resource is not available. This reduces context switching, memory, and the total number of threads which must be created. When the task exits, the thread is given another.
Consider this analogy of time distribution:
Assume you are at a casino. There are a number people who want cards.
You have a fixed number of dealers. There are fewer dealers than people who want cards.
There is not always enough cards for every person at any given time.
People need all cards to complete their game/hand. They return their cards to the dealer when their game/hand is complete.
How would you ask the dealers to distribute cards?
Under the OS scheduler, that would be based on (thread) priority. Every person would be given one card at a time (CPU time), and priority would be evaluated continually.
The people represent the task or thread's work. The cards represent time and resources. The dealers represent threads and resources.
How would you deal fastest if there were 2 dealers and 3 people? and if there were 5 dealers and 500 people? How could you minimize running out of cards to deal? With threads, adding cards and adding dealers is not a solution you can deliver 'on demand'. Adding CPUs is equivalent to adding dealers. Adding threads is equivalent to dealers dealing cards to more people at a time (increases context switching). There are a number of strategies to deal cards more quickly, especially after you eliminate the people's need for cards in a certain amount of time. Would it not be faster to go to a table and deal to a person or people until their game is complete if the dealer to people ratio were 1/50? Compare this to visiting every table based on priority, and coordinating visitation among all dealers (the OS approach). That's not to imply the OS is stupid -- it implies that creating an OS thread is an engineer adding more people and more tables, potentially more than the dealers can reasonably handle. Fortunately, the constraints may be lifted in many cases by using other multithreading models and higher abstractions.
Why should OS threads be more expensive than "green" threads? What's the reason for the assumed performance degradation caused by having a dedicated OS thread for each "task"?
If you developed a performance critical low level threading library (e.g. upon pthreads), you would recognize the importance of reuse (and implement it in your library as a model available for users). From that angle, the importance of higher level multithreading models is a simple and obvious solution/optimization based on real world usage as well as the ideal that the entry bar for adopting and effectively utilizing multithreading can be lowered.
It's not that they are expensive -- the lightweight threads' model and pool is a better solution for many problems, and a more appropriate abstraction for engineers who do not understand threads well. The complexity of multithreading is greatly simplified (and often more performant in real world usage) under this model. With OS threads, you do have more control, but several more considerations must be made to use them as effectively as possible -- heeding these consideration can dramatically reflow a program's execution/implementation. With higher level abstractions, many of these complexities are minimized by completely altering the flow of task execution (width vs pull).
The problem with starting kernel threads for each small task is that it incurs a non-negligible overhead to start and stop, coupled with the stack size it needs.
This is the first important point: thread pools exist so that you can recycle threads, in order to avoid wasting time starting them as well as wasting memory for their stacks.
Secondly, if you fire off threads to do asynchronous I/O, they will spend most of their time blocked waiting for the I/O to complete, thus effectively not doing any work and wasting memory. A much better option is to have a single worker handle multiple async calls (through some under-the-hood scheduling technique, such as multiplexing), thus again saving memory and time.
One thing that makes "green" threads faster than kernel threads is that they are user-space objects, managed by a virtual machine. Starting them is a user space call, while starting a thread is a kernel-space call that is much slower.
A person in Google shows an interesting approach.
According to him, kernel mode switching itself is not the bottleneck, and the core cost happen on SMP scheduler. And he claims M:N schedule assisted by kernel wouldn't be expensive, and this makes me to expect general M:N threading to be available on every languages.
Because the OS. Imagine that instead of asking you to clean the house your grandmother has to call the social service that does some paperwork and a week after assigns a social worker for helping her. The worker can be called off at any time and replaced with another one, which again takes several days.
That's pretty ineffective and slow, huh?
In this metaphor you are a userland coroutine scheduler, the social service is an OS with its kernel-level thread scheduler, and a social worker is a fully-fledged thread.
I think the two things are in different levels.
Thread or Process is an instance of the program which is being executed. In a process/thread there is much more things in it. Execution stack, opening files, signals, processors status, and a many other things.
Greentlet is different, it is runs in vm. It supplies a light-weight thread. Many of them supply a pseudo-concurrently (typically in a single or a few OS-level threads). And often they supply a lock-free method by data-transmission instead of data sharing.
So, the two things focus different, so the weight are different.
And In my mind, the greenlet should be finished in the VM not the OS.

Lightweight Threads in Operating Systems

It is said that one of the main benefits of Node (and presumable twisted et al) over more conventional threaded servers, is the very high concurrency enabled by the event loop model. The biggest reason for this is that each thread has a high memory footprint and swapping contexts is comparatively expensive. When you have thousands of threads the server spends most of its time swapping from thread to thread.
My question is, why don't operating systems or the underlying hardware support much more lightweight threads? If they did, could you solve the 10k problem with plain threads? If they can't, why is that?
Modern operating systems can support the execution of a very large number of threads.
More generally, hardware keeps getting faster (and recently, it has been getting faster in a way that is much friendlier to multithreading and multiprocessing than to single-threaded event loops - ie, increased number of cores, rather than increased processing throughput capabilities in a single core). If you can't afford the overhead of a thread today, you can probably afford it tomorrow.
What the cooperative multitasking systems of Twisted (and presumably Node.js et al) offers over pre-emptive multithreading (at least in the form of pthreads) is ease of programming.
Correctly using multithreading involves being much more careful than correctly using a single thread. An event loop is just the means of getting multiple things done without going beyond your single thread.
Considering the proliferation of parallel hardware, it would be ideal for multithreading or multiprocessing to get easier to do (and easier to do correctly). Actors, message passing, maybe even petri nets are some of the solutions people have attempted to solve this problem. They are still very marginal compared to the mainstream multithreading approach (pthreads). Another approach is SEDA, which uses multiple threads to run multiple event loops. This also hasn't caught on.
So, the people using event loops have probably decided that programmer time is worth more than CPU time, and the people using pthreads have probably decided the opposite, and the people exploring actors and such would like to value both kinds of time more highly (clearly insane, which is probably why no one listens to them).
The issue isn't really how heavyweight the threads are but the fact that to write correct multithreaded code you need locks on shared items and that prevents it from scaling with the number of threads because threads end up waiting for each other to gain locks and you rapidly reach the point where adding additional threads has no effect or even slows the system down as you get more lock contention.
In many cases you can avoid locking, but it's very difficult to get right, and sometimes you simply need a lock.
So if you are limited to a small number of threads, you might well find that removing the overhead of having to lock resources at all, or even think about it, makes a single threaded program faster than a multithreaded program no matter how many threads you add.
Basically locks can (depending on your program) be really expensive and can stop your program scaling beyond a few threads. And you almost always need to lock something.
It's not the overhead of a thread that's the problem, it's the synchronization between the threads. Even if you could switch between threads instantly, and had infinite memory none of that helps if each thread just ends up waiting in a queue for it's turn at some shared resource.

When Should I Use Threads?

As far as I'm concerned, the ideal amount of threads is 3: one for the UI, one for CPU resources, and one for IO resources.
But I'm probably wrong.
I'm just getting introduced to them, but I've always used one for the UI and one for everything else.
When should I use threads and how? How do I know if I should be using them?
Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules to using Threads. If you have too many threads the processor will spend all its time generating and switching between them. Use too few threads you will not get the throughput you want in your application. Additionally using threads is not easy. A language like C# makes it easier on you because you have tools like ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem. This allows the system to manage thread creation and destruction. This helps mitigate the overhead of creating a new thread to pass the work onto. You have to remember that the creation of a thread is not an operation that you get for "free." There are costs associated with starting a thread so that should always be taken into consideration.
Depending upon the language you are using to write your application you will dictate how much you need to worry about using threads.
The times I find most often that I need to consider creating threads explicitly are:
Asynchronous operations
Operations that can be parallelized
Continual running background operations
The answer totally depends on what you're planning on doing. However, one for CPU resources is a bad move - your CPU may have up to six cores, plus hyperthreading, in a retail CPU, and most CPUs will have two or more. In this case, you should have as many threads as CPU cores, plus a few more for scheduling mishaps. The whole CPU is not a single-threaded beast, it may have many cores and need many threads for 100% utilization.
You should use threads if and only if your target demographic will virtually all have multi-core (as is the case in current desktop/laptop markets), and you have determined that one core is not enough performance.
Herb Sutter wrote an article for Dr. Dobb's Journal in which he talks about the three pillars of concurrency. This article does a very good job of breaking down which problems are good candidates for being solved via threading constructs.
From the SQLite FAQ: "Threads are evil. Avoid Them." Only use them when you absolutely have to.
If you have to, then take steps to avoid the usual carnage. Use thread pools to execute fine-grained tasks with no interdependencies, using GUI-framework-provided facilities to dispatch outcomes back to the UI. Avoid sharing data between long-running threads; use message queues to pass information between them (and to synchronise).
A more exotic solution is to use languages such as Erlang that are explicit designed for fine-grained parallelism without sacrificing safety and comprehensibility. Concurrency itself is of fundamental importance to the future of computation; threads are simply a horrible, broken way to express it.
The "ideal number of threads" depends on your particular problem and how much parallelism you can exploit. If you have a problem that is "embarassingly parallel" in that it can be subdivided into independent problems with little to no communication between them required, and you have enough cores that you can actually get true parallelism, then how many threads you use depends on things like the problem size, the cache line size, the context switching and spawning overhead, and various other things that is really hard to compute before hand. For such situations, you really have to do some profiling in order to choose an optimal sharding/partitioning of your problem across threads. It typically doesn't make sense, though, to use more threads than you do cores. It is also true that if you have lots of synchronization, then you may, in fact, have a performance penalty for using threads. It's highly dependent on the particular problem as well as how interdependent the various steps are. As a guiding principle, you need to be aware that spawning threads and thread synchronization are expensive operations, but performing computations in parallel can increase throughput if communication and other forms of synchronization is minimal. You should also be aware that threading can lead to very poor cache performance if your threads end up invalidating a mutually shared cache line.

When is multi-threading not a good idea? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
I was recently working on an application that sent and received messages over Ethernet and Serial. I was then tasked to add the monitoring of DIO discretes. I throught,
"No reason to interrupt the main
thread which is involved in message
processing, I'll just create
another thread that monitors DIO."
This decision, however, proved to be poor. Sometimes the main thread would be interrupted between a Send and a Receive serial message. This interruption would disrupt the timing and alas, messages would be lost (forever).
I found another way to monitor the DIO without using another thread and Ethernet and Serial communication were restored to their correct functionality.
The whole fiasco, however, got me thinking. Are their any general guidelines about when not to use multiple-threads and/or does anyone have anymore examples of situations when using multiple-threads is not a good idea?
**EDIT:Based on your comments and after scowering the internet for information, I have composed a blog post entitled When is multi-threading not a good idea?
On a single processor machine and a desktop application, you use multi threads so you don't freeze the app but for nothing else really.
On a single processor server and a web based app, no need for multi threading because the web server handles most of it.
On a multi-processor machine and desktop app, you are suggested to use multi threads and parallel programming. Make as many threads as there are processors.
On a multi-processor server and a web based app, no need again for multi threads because the web server handles it.
In total, if you use multiple threads for other than un-freezing desktop apps and any other generic answer, you will make the app slower if you have a single core machine due to the threads interrupting each other.
Why? Because of the hardware switches. It takes time for the hardware to switch between threads in total. On a multi-core box, go ahead and use 1 thread for each core and you will greatly see a ramp up.
To paraphrase an old quote: A programmer had a problem. He thought, "I know, I'll use threads." Now the programmer has two problems. (Often attributed to JWZ, but it seems to predate his use of it talking about regexes.)
A good rule of thumb is "Don't use threads, unless there's a very compelling reason to use threads." Multiple threads are asking for trouble. Try to find a good way to solve the problem without using multiple threads, and only fall back to using threads if avoiding it is as much trouble as the extra effort to use threads. Also, consider switching to multiple threads if you're running on a multi-core/multi-CPU machine, and performance testing of the single threaded version shows that you need the performance of the extra cores.
Multi-threading is a bad idea if:
Several threads access and update the same resource (set a variable, write to a file), and you don't understand thread safety.
Several threads interact with each other and you don't understand mutexes and similar thread-management tools.
Your program uses static variables (threads typically share them by default).
You haven't debugged concurrency issues.
Actually, multi threading is not scalable and is hard to debug, so it should not be used in any case if you can avoid it. There is few cases where it is mandatory : when performance on a multi CPU matters, or when you deal whith a server that have a lot of clients taking a long time to answer.
In any other cases, you can use alternatives such as queue + cron jobs or else.
You might want to take a look at the Dan Kegel's "The C10K problem" web page about handling multiple data sources/sinks.
Basically it is best to use minimal threads, which in sockets can be done in most OS's w/ some event system (or asynchronously in Windows using IOCP).
When you run into the case where the OS and/or libraries do not offer a way to perform communication in a non-blocking manner, it is best to use a thread-pool to handle them while reporting back to the same event loop.
Example diagram of layout:
Per CPU [*] EVENTLOOP ------ Handles nonblocking I/O using OS/library utilities
| \___ Threadpool for various blocking events
Threadpool for handling the I/O messages that would take long
Multithreading is bad except in the single case where it is good. This case is
The work is CPU Bound, or parts of it is CPU Bound
The work is parallelisable.
If either or both of these conditions are missing, multithreading is not going to be a winning strategy.
If the work is not CPU bound, then you are waiting not on threads to finish work, but rather for some external event, such as network activity, for the process to complete its work. Using threads, there is the additional cost of context switches between threads, The cost of synchronization (mutexes, etc), and the irregularity of thread preemption. The alternative in most common use is asynchronous IO, in which a single thread listens to several io ports, and acts on whichever happens to be ready now, one at a time. If by some chance these slow channels all happen to become ready at the same time, It might seem like you will experience a slow-down, but in practice this is rarely true. The cost of handling each port individually is often comparable or better than the cost of synchronizing state on multiple threads as each channel is emptied.
Many tasks may be compute bound, but still not practical to use a multithreaded approach because the process must synchronise on the entire state. Such a program cannot benefit from multithreading because no work can be performed concurrently. Fortunately, most programs that require enormous amounts of CPU can be parallelized to some level.
Multi-threading is not a good idea if you need to guarantee precise physical timing (like in your example). Other cons include intensive data exchange between threads. I would say multi-threading is good for really parallel tasks if you don't care much about their relative speed/priority/timing.
A recent application I wrote that had to use multithreading (although not unbounded number of threads) was one where I had to communicate in several directions over two protocols, plus monitoring a third resource for changes. Both protocol libraries required a thread to run the respective event loop in, and when those were accounted for, it was easy to create a third loop for the resource monitoring. In addition to the event loop requirements, the messages going through the wires had strict timing requirements, and one loop couldn't be risked blocking the other, something that was further alleviated by using a multicore CPU (SPARC).
There were further discussions on whether each message processing should be considered a job that was given to a thread from a thread pool, but in the end that was an extension that wasn't worth the work.
All-in-all, threads should if possible only be considered when you can partition the work into well defined jobs (or series of jobs) such that the semantics are relatively easy to document and implement, and you can put an upper bound on the number of threads you use and that need to interact. Systems where this is best applied are almost message passing systems.
In priciple everytime there is no overhead for the caller to wait in a queue.
A couple more possible reasons to use threads:
Your platform lacks asynchronous I/O operations, e.g. Windows ME (No completion ports or overlapped I/O, a pain when porting XP applications that use them.) Java 1.3 and earlier.
A third-party library function that can hang, e.g. if a remote server is down, and the library provides no way to cancel the operation and you can't modify it.
Keeping a GUI responsive during intensive processing doesn't always require additional threads. A single callback function is usually sufficient.
If none of the above apply and I still want parallelism for some reason, I prefer to launch an independent process if possible.
I would say multi-threading is generally used to:
Allow data processing in the background while a GUI remains responsive
Split very big data analysis onto multiple processing units so that you can get your results quicker.
When you're receiving data from some hardware and need something to continuously add it to a buffer while some other element decides what to do with it (write to disk, display on a GUI etc.).
So if you're not solving one of those issues, it's unlikely that adding threads will make your life easier. In fact it'll almost certainly make it harder because as others have mentioned; debugging mutithreaded applications is considerably more work than a single threaded solution.
Security might be a reason to avoid using multiple threads (over multiple processes). See Google chrome for an example of multi-process safety features.
Multi-threading is scalable, and will allow your UI to maintain its responsivness while doing very complicated things in the background. I don't understand where other responses are acquiring their information on multi-threading.
When you shouldn't multi-thread is a mis-leading question to your problem. Your problem is this: Why did multi-threading my application cause serial / ethernet communications to fail?
The answer to that question will depend on the implementation, which should be discussed in another question. I know for a fact that you can have both ethernet and serial communications happening in a multi-threaded application at the same time as numerous other tasks without causing any data loss.
The one reason to not use multi-threading is:
There is one task, and no user interface with which the task will interfere.
The reasons to use mutli-threading are:
Provides superior responsiveness to the user
Performs multiple tasks at the same time to decrease overall execution time
Uses more of the current multi-core CPUs, and multi-multi-cores of the future.
There are three basic methods of multi-threaded programming that make thread safety implemented with ease - you only need to use one for success:
Thread Safe Data types passed between threads.
Thread Safe Methods in the threaded object to modify data passed between.
PostMessage capabilities to communicate between threads.
Are the processes parallel? Is performance a real concern? Are there multiple 'threads' of execution like on a web server? I don't think there is a finite answer.
A common source of threading issues is the usual approaches employed to synchronize data. Having threads share state and then implement locking at all the appropriate places is a major source of complexity for both design and debugging. Getting the locking right to balance stability, performance, and scalability is always a hard problem to solve. Even the most experienced experts get it wrong frequently. Alternative techniques to deal with threading can alleviate much of this complexity. The Clojure programming language implements several interesting techniques for dealing with concurrency.
