Haskell IF statements - haskell

I'm pretty new to haskell, but if you make an if statement:
function a b c
| (a+b == 0) = True
| --etc.
| otherwise = False
Is the second if statement the same as an else if in other languages, or is it just another if. I assume its the former as you can only have one output, but I just want to make sure.

The construct you used is called a guard. Haskell checks the given alternatives one after another until one condition yields True. It then evaluates the right hand side of that equation.
You could pretty well write
function n
| n == 1 = ...
| n == 2 = ...
| n >= 3 = ...
thus the guard kinds of represents an if/elseif construct from other languages. As otherwise is simply defined as True, the last
| otherwise =
will always be true and therefore represents a catch-all else clause.
Nontheless, Haskell has a usual a = if foo then 23 else 42 statement.

What you have here is not really an if statement, but rather a guard. But you are right that the second case gets "executed" only if the previous cases (by cases here I mean the expressions between the | and =) did not match (evaluate to True). otherwise is just a synonyme to True (that way it always "matches").

It must be like an else if.
The bottom pattern otherwise is really just True, so if the first match didn't win, you would always get the more specific value and the otherwise value.

Correct. Though you've used guards, the way you've expressed it is more or less identical to using an if-statement. The flow of testing the conditional to yield a result will fall through the guard you've written in the order they were listed in your guard.
(a+b == 0)
Will be checked first
Will be checked second and so forth, provided no preceding conditional is true.
Will be checked last, provided no preceding conditional is true.


Why += is considered as an assignment operator while >= is not?

I was thinking why the '=' in '+=' is considered as assignment while '=' in '>=' is not considered as such. There is no importance behind this question but some random thought of a beginner. For example purpose, you can consider that
a = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
a += 2 # array updated and assigned to a
a>=2 # becomes a boolean indexing filter
a += 2 changes the value of a. It reassigns it's value to be two more than it was before. By the way, += as a whole is the assignment operator, not just the =.
a>=2 does not change the value of a. Yes, it becomes true or false. But 'true' or 'false' is all it is. It does not get assigned to anything. The value of a is as it was before.
You can do b = a>=2. But in that case, = is the assignment operator because it is what assigns the value to b.

Are Haskell guards evaluated sequentially?

What is the order in which Haskell guards are evaluated?
Say that I have a function which returns a Bool:
someFunc :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
someFunc b1 b2
| b1 == True && b2 == True = True
| b1 == True = False
| b1 == False .....
I think it was with Monads and the Do-notation that I read, that actions are sometimes not evaluated sequentially. That is if I have:
do { val1 <- action1
val2 <- action2
action3 }
It might be the case that val2 will be calculated before val1.
Is this the case for guards as well? Can they be evaluated out of order?
If guards were sequential, then if the first statement evaluates to False, and the second evaluates to True, then I can conclude that b2 is False. Does this logic always hold?
Edit: By statements I mean guard 1 to 3
Evaluating the tests within guards can’t have any side-effects — unlike in procedural languages. So the order of evaluating the comparisons or Boolean connectives doesn’t make any difference to the semantics of the program.
Prioritising the branches — that is, each of the lines starting | — is from top to bottom. But really ‘evaluating’ is the wrong concept: it would be OK for the compiler to first evaluate your b1 == False, providing it didn’t take the third branch until it had checked the first two. (GHC doesn’t actually do that; I’m just setting up a straw man.)
Note that in a call to someFunc, the arguments for b1, b2 might be arbitrarily complex expressions. Haskell’s ‘Lazy semantics’ mean that neither of them are evaluated until needed.
Does this logic always hold?
Be careful: if an early guard turns out False, you can’t assume anything about the expressions in it. The compiler might have rearranged them for efficiency, evaluated one out of textual order, then moved on. In your example, if for the first branch it turned out b1 /= True, the compiler might not evaluate b2 at all. So you can’t conclude anything about b2. Indeed b2 might give bottom/infinite calculation, if evaluated.
It’s not just with Monads or Do-notation (which are the same thing) that expressions are not necessarily evaluated in textual order — that’s true across any expressions in any context. (The IO Monad has some dodgy semantics, to make it seem ‘statements’ are executed top-to-bottom.)

Why does the expression: If (A:=!A) evaluate differently each time a hotkey is pressed?

In an Autohotkey script, once a user presses the CapsLock key, a SplashText should pop up indicating that it is ON, or out when it is OFF, the problem here is not about the code that gets it to work but how much simpler it can get.
There are different ways that do it, some need about 25 lines, some use SetTimer and GetKeyState internal functions and several loops to get it to run, some just about five and no loops.
#SingleInstance Force
SetCapsLockState, Off
If (Tog:=!Tog)
SplashTextOn ,350 ,35 , Wanted !, [CapsLock] Activated.
How does: If (Tog:=!Tog) get this code running so easily? Tog is just a variable not initiated, and each time the CapsLock is pressed it is continuously changing its value from 1 to 0
It seems to be acting as a Flag in the code? what am I missing in this line:
If (Tog:=!Tog)
What makes it evaluate different each time?
This is one below is another approach with A = 0 working as a switch, I made this one and it doesn't quite get as simple as I'd like it to be but it does the job.
Longer code:
#SingleInstance Force
SetCapsLockState, Off
If (A = 0)
SplashTextOn ,350 ,35 , Wanted !, [CapsLock] Activated.
Longest code:
This last one gets the same result but checks the actual physical state of the key It wouldn't rely on SetCapsLockState, Off at the top of the script to make sure a switch will do the rest of the work in just one line as the simpler one.
#SingleInstance Force
SetTimer, StateCapsLockON_Timer, 100
If GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T")
SetTimer, StateCapsLockOFF_Timer, 100
SplashTextOn ,350 ,35 , Wanted !, [CapsLock] Activated.
SetTimer, StateCapsLockON_Timer, Off
If !GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T")
SetTimer, StateCapsLockOFF_Timer, Off
SetTimer, StateCapsLockON_Timer, On
Any good ideas about the way If (Tog:=!Tog) works in the simplest of these three examples?
I got this now, check logical-not on this link:
If the operand (In this case Tog) is blank or 0, the result of applying logical-not (or !Tog) is 1, which means "true". Otherwise, the result is 0 (false)
if (Tog = 0)
Tog = 1
would bring the same result as:
If Tog:=!Tog
Because an operation was taking place before the If even checked the changed value, if wasn't just comparing data, the operation was happening before the if since the values inside the parenthesis were not just being read but were also being changed and the variable being reassigned.
(expression) Any sub-expression enclosed in parentheses. For example, (3 + 2) * 2 forces 3 + 2 to be evaluated first.
The key difference is the usage of the assignment operator := as opposed to the comparing operator =. Since, as you've seen, you can evaluate expressions in an if-statement, you can actually include both operators in the same if-statement. Here's an example:
If (( test := 3+2 ) = 5 )
Here "test" is first being assigned the sum of 3+2, then compared to 5. So, the key is that if-statements allow assignments to take place and that assignments take place first, that is, before anything is compared and evaluated to be true or false.
If there is no comparing operator (= , <, >, <=, >=), as is the case in your toggle, it just evaluates whether the variable itself is true or false. If the variable is blank, 0, or false, it evaluates to false; everything else is true, even the string "false".
Now for the fun bit. We can actually reduce your code to one line if we use Progress with the "zh0" option.
~CapsLock::Progress , % ( Tog := !Tog ) ? "zh0 w350 h35" : "Off" ,, [CapsLock] Activated. , Wanted !
Unfortunately, this isn't possible with SplashText since these are actually two separate commands. But the upside is that Progress actually has a lot more options available, so you can change the font size and color, etc.

how does && work when both the variables are the same?

I'm learning groovy to work on smartthings and found a relatively common command among the various examples and existing code (see below).
Reading the function of the && operator I would think the "&& cmd.previousMeterValue" is superfluous. Or is there some code shortcut I'm missing?
if (cmd.previousMeterValue && cmd.previousMeterValue != cmd.meterValue) {
do something
Not knowing what type previousMeterValue has, this answer is somewhat generic.
Groovy follows common operator precedence, i.e. != is evaluated before &&.
To show it explicitly, the full expression is the same as:
(cmd.previousMeterValue) && (cmd.previousMeterValue != cmd.meterValue)
cmd.previousMeterValue is testing the value for the Groovy-Truth.
Depending on value type, the following might be applicable:
Non-null object references are coerced to true.
Non-zero numbers are true.
So if the value is null or 0, the expression is false.
If the first part of the expression evaluated to false, then the second part is skipped.
The logical && operator: if the left operand is false, it knows that the result will be false in any case, so it won’t evaluate the right operand. The right operand will be evaluated only if the left operand is true.
If the first part of the expression evaluated to true, then cmd.previousMeterValue != cmd.meterValue is evaluated, using the following rule:
In Groovy == translates to a.compareTo(b)==0, if they are Comparable, and a.equals(b) otherwise.
So if value is a number object, then it is evaluated as:
cmd.previousMeterValue.compareTo(cmd.meterValue) != 0
This means that BigDecimal values are compared by value, ignoring specific scale.

Correct way to define a function in Haskell

I'm new to Haskell and I'm trying out a few tutorials.
I wrote this script:
lucky::(Integral a)=> a-> String
lucky 7 = "LUCKY NUMBER 7"
lucky x = "Bad luck"
I saved this as lucky.hs and ran it in the interpreter and it works fine.
But I am unsure about function definitions. It seems from the little I have read that I could equally define the function lucky as follows (function name is lucky2):
lucky2::(Integral a)=> a-> String
lucky2 x=(if x== 7 then "LUCKY NUMBER 7" else "Bad luck")
Both seem to work equally well. Clearly function lucky is clearer to read but is the lucky2 a correct way to write a function?
They are both correct. Arguably, the first one is more idiomatic Haskell because it uses its very important feature called pattern matching. In this form, it would usually be written as:
lucky::(Integral a)=> a-> String
lucky 7 = "LUCKY NUMBER 7"
lucky _ = "Bad luck"
The underscore signifies the fact that you are ignoring the exact form (value) of your parameter. You only care that it is different than 7, which was the pattern captured by your previous declaration.
The importance of pattern matching is best illustrated by function that operates on more complicated data, such as lists. If you were to write a function that computes a length of list, for example, you would likely start by providing a variant for empty lists:
len [] = 0
The [] clause is a pattern, which is set to match empty lists. Empty lists obviously have length of 0, so that's what we are having our function return.
The other part of len would be the following:
len (x:xs) = 1 + len xs
Here, you are matching on the pattern (x:xs). Colon : is the so-called cons operator: it is appending a value to list. An expression x:xs is therefore a pattern which matches some element (x) being appended to some list (xs). As a whole, it matches a list which has at least one element, since xs can also be an empty list ([]).
This second definition of len is also pretty straightforward. You compute the length of remaining list (len xs) and at 1 to it, which corresponds to the first element (x).
(The usual way to write the above definition would be:
len (_:xs) = 1 + len xs
which again signifies that you do not care what the first element is, only that it exists).
A 3rd way to write this would be using guards:
lucky n
| n == 7 = "lucky"
| otherwise = "unlucky"
There is no reason to be confused about that. There is always more than 1 way to do it. Note that this would be true even if there were no pattern matching or guards and you had to use the if.
All of the forms we've covered so far use so-called syntactic sugar provided by Haskell. Pattern guards are transformed to ordinary case expressions, as well as multiple function clauses and if expressions. Hence the most low-level, unsugared way to write this would be perhaps:
lucky n = case n of
7 -> "lucky"
_ -> "unlucky"
While it is good that you check for idiomatic ways I'd recommend to a beginner that he uses whatever works for him best, whatever he understands best. For example, if one does (not yet) understand points free style, there is no reason to force it. It will come to you sooner or later.
