MonoTouch and Xcode 4 - xamarin.ios

Now that the Xcode 4 GM seed has been released, will MonoDevelop eventually interact with it somehow for XIB editing? I'm currently manually setting the "Open With..." on each of my XIBs to the old Interface Builder, but there are two problems with this: I have to remember to do it; and any XIB editing enhancements Apple makes in Xcode 4 aren't available.

Support was previewed here:
Given the current status of MonoTouch, I think it's safe to assume you will not see this in MonoTouch as it exists now. Presumably this development will be carried over into the new iPhone/Mono product from Xamarin (

Xcode 4 GM is under NDA, so nothing can be discussed about it publically.

Adding outlets and actions is no longer there. XCode 4 now integrates these in code directly, but that is Objective C only, not C#.


Netbeans changed after UML installed

I installed and used a UML plugin found here: UML Plugin for Netbeans 7.0?
Afterword, all of my .java code associated with the UML became black and white and un-editable. Although, I can write extra text it cannot be deleted. Running my project results in "Cannot execute - java executable not found".
I deleted the UML files associated with my projects and the code hasn't returned to normal.
Here is a picture:
This actually occurred to all java files.
Unlike Eclipse, different versions of NetBeans are so different that plugins made for younger versions (6) DO NOT work on later versions (8) by default. You can upgrade only subversions steps (digits after dot) without changing plugins. So you have used two pieces of SW that need not be compatible at all. You used a workaround to make to work the installation. And you can get absolutely any consequences, don't be surprised.
The history of the problem: there is no free UML plugin supporting NetBeans NOW. There was one, of Visual Paradigm, for versions to 6. But it's later variants are not free anymore and they are differently organized. If you want to use the modern version of the plugin, prepare to pay. It is very probable, that the free plugin doesn't work on NetBeans 8 by purpose.
You can try a new different plugin of another author. It seems more simple, but at least it won't destroy your IDE. And now you have to save the project, reinstall NetBEans and import the project again.

WCAG 9.2 - Verify that any element with its own user interface is device-independent

I'm using the accessibility checker in Visual studio 2012
On * < script > * tags I get this Warning WCAG 9.2 - Verify that any element with its own user interface is device-independent.
The relevent WCAG article talks about alternative keyboard or voice input.
So what exactly am I meant to do? How do I get rid of the warnings? Idealy I'd like to add an attribute to the tag to say 'yeah i've checked it' or something that makes it not a warning anymore.
I'm not familiar with Visual Studio's checker, but that advice is about making sure your site/app can be used without a mouse. Have you tested it with just your keyboard? If you can use all the features with just the keyboard then youve met that requirement and the checker is juat reminding you to do a manual check since it can't determine that automatically.
Also Priority 2 is from the old WCAG 1 guidelines, not version 2 which has been the standard for several years now. Visual Studio might have a setting to check for the new requirements (which still include device-independence).

Using Xamarin Storyboard Editor to edit XIBs

Just wanted to know if it is possible to open regular XIB files from new Xamarin's storyboard editor? Switching back and forth between Xamarin and Xcode is a bit inconvenient, and the new editor looks really nice; however, Storyboards have a few drawbacks and it is a pain to use them for our projects.
Any ideas re availability of this?
The plan is to add support for editing .sib files in future versions of Xamarin Studio.This will likely not happen in time for the first release with the iOS Designer (i.e. version 4.2), but I think it would be reasonable to expect that version 4.4 will have support for editing .xib files.
As of right now, no. I think it might be because of the complexity of the underlying XML but I'm not 100% sure. You can always create or upvote it on uservoice:
Using stand-along Xib files is now available, you can learn how to do it here -
Using Xamarin Storyboard Editor to edit XIBs

Getting started with Xcode 4.2

I have recently got a Mac and I have downloaded Xcode 4.2 from the store. I am trying to get to grips with iPhone development but I am having real troubles. All the tutorials I seem to find online, when they create a project, they had a resources folder, and inside that there is xib file which allows them to use an interface builder.
This does not appear on 4.2, so makes it kinda hard to follow majority of tutorials have the resources folder. How do I get this back? Or how do I access this file on 4.2?
Also, I could someone explain to me where the objects list is? I started following this tutorial
as it seemed to be using Xcode 4.2, but when I get down to the storyboard section, it says
"Of course, we really want another tab on there so we can see the switching between the two – so lets drag in another Navigation Controller from the Utilities (objects) list and plonk it down somewhere. "
Except I cannot find this objects list? How do I open this objects list? What am I missing?
Sorry if these questions seem very basic, I am new to both Macs and iPhones. Android development seems a HELL of a lot easier from what I can see so far.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Also would be grateful if anyone could point in direction of any good up to date tutorials
I have a post on it will give you a nice understanding of how most stuff fits together, I don't use Interface Builder at all since it only makes the app bigger. Have a look at my blog post, still need to do styling, and add more posts but it is a nice beginner guide.
Most posts you are finding still use XCode 3 that's why you can't find certain things.
Also have a look at
What they are referring to as the object list, in XCode 4 it is found in the bottom right corner of Interface Builder. In XCode 4 Interface Builder is part of XCode and no longer an external application. Therefore when ever you open a XIB file Interface Builder also automatically opens

How do I get a new version of a xcdatamodel to appear in xcode?

Environment: xcode 3.2.1, document-based core-data application.
I have a document-based cocoa app which uses core data. I have made multiple versions of the data model Xcode shows a xcdatamodeld directory with multiple xcdatamodels (versions) that I made over time. (I also have the appropriate mapping models). All works fine, but now when I want to create a new version, xcode refuses to show the new xcdatamodel. The file is actually created; I can see it in the finder if I go into the xcdatamodeld package.
Has anyone run into this behaviour? Is there a fix? Perhaps my xcodeproj file is corrupted somehow?
I'll answer my own question. Believe it or not, this anomalous behaviour was caused by a bug in a Logitech scripting addition which was tickled by the fact that I am using Default Folder X!
Weird, but true.
All better now.
