Jsf dynamically created actionListener parameter - jsf

I have a custom facelet component (custom tag) but there is one thing that currently annoys me a lot. I'm trying to pass an action listener as a parameter to the custom tag, in order to make it more dynamic and just doesn't work.
Environment: JSF 1.2, IceFaces 1.8
Here's the way I'm trying to achieve this:
the command link uses the passed parameter 'paginationController'
<h:commandLink id="#{id}-link-three" value="click"
actionListener="#{paginationController.paginationLinkClicked}" />
the parameter 'paginationController' is passed like this:
when I click the link, there's what I receive:
Received 'javax.el.MethodNotFoundException' when invoking action listener
'#{paginationController.paginationLinkClicked}' for component 'entity-list-apps-link-three'
2011-02-22 12:49:47,803 SEVERE [javax.faces.event] (http-
javax.el.MethodNotFoundException: /WEB-INF/jsf/common/components/facelets
/applicationList.xhtml #107,71 actionListener="#{paginationController.paginationLinkClicked}":
Method not found: rowSelectController.paginationLinkClicked(javax.faces.event.ActionEvent)
So it seems that it successfully resolves the bean name to rowSelectController, but it complaints it can't find the method, and the method IS there!
One more thing, if I replace the parameter with the correct controller's name, it just works! Any ideas?

Because paginationController is variable you need to use the [] syntax here. Assuming paginationLinkClicked is a fixed method name:
<h:commandLink actionListener="#{paginationController['paginationLinkClicked']}" />
If paginationLinkClicked would also be variable, you need to omit the single quotes:
<h:commandLink actionListener="#{paginationController[paginationLinkClicked]}" />


pass bean action as attribute in custom tag inside ui:repeat [duplicate]

In my JSF 1.2 project, I have created a facelet tag file and defined an inputText that has actionListener attribute to which I need to pass the backing bean method name.
I tried defining a variable actionListener="#{actionListener}" in the tag file. In my xhtml where I call the component, when I pass the value as
tag file treats it as a property and errors out indicating no property 'preFillData' found. If I change it to
then there is a parse error in the tag file because it doesnot like parenthesis to indicate method name.
How do we pass method name to the tag file?
Passing method expressions is not supported in tag files. Only since JSF 2.0 it's possible with so-called composite components.
What you can do is to separate the bean reference and the method name so that you can use the brace notation to invoke the method. I'm only not sure if that works out for an actionListener, you normally don't use that to invoke actions, but it should definitely work for an action.
<my:tag ... bean="#{myBean}" actionMethod="preFillData" />
with inside tag.xhtml
<h:commandButton ... action="#{bean[actionMethod]}" />
Only if you happen to use JSF 2.0 on Facelets, then you can use <o:methodParam> to pass a method expression to a tag file. See also a.o. Dynamic ui include and commandButton.

<f:setPropertyActionListener> Parent is not of type ActionSource, type is: com.sun.faces.component.PassthroughElement

I'm using Passthrough elements in my JSF project, and need to do something similar to this:
<h:commandLink action="#{myBean.acao()}" value="click me">
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{myBean.object}" value="#{localObject}"/>
but using Passthrough elements to have more control of my frontend like trying below:
<a href="#" jsf:action="#{myBean.acao()}">click me
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{myBean.object}" value="#{localObject}"/>
but apparently this is not working, I get the following error message:
<f:setPropertyActionListener> Parent is not of type ActionSource, type is: com.sun.faces.component.PassthroughElement
Does anyone know how I could solve this?
Looks like just a bug in your Mojarra version. It works for me with current latest 2.2.12 version.
You could workaround it by utilizing the EL 2.2 feature of passing method arguments. See also Invoke direct methods or methods with arguments / variables / parameters in EL. It's surely available in your environment as #{myBean.acao()} apparently didn't throw an EL exception (this syntax is not supported before EL 2.2).
click me
If you absolutely need to invoke a setter during an action listener event, e.g. because you'd like to control the invocation of action by throwing AbortProcessingException in case the set value is invalid, see also Differences between action and actionListener, then declare a jsf:actionListener.
click me

CommandButton action: use value of inputText as parameter in dynamic URL

I need to make a small form where user types a number into the inputField, and clicks on a button, then is sent to a page, using that number as a parameter to the page.
So far I got into this:
<p:inputText id="myText" style="width:75px;" />
<p:commandButton id="myButton" value="Ir"
title="Ir" ajax="false" proces="#this,myText" />
tried with ${param['form:myButton']} and #{param['form:myButton']}, error is the same.
Problem is, JSF thinks its a method expression...
GRAVE: Servlet.service() for servlet [Faces Servlet] in context with path [/intranet] threw exception [/myPage action="/site/page.xhtml?id=${param['form:myButton']}".xhtml #95,41 action="/site/page.xhtml?id=${param['form:myButton']}" Not a Valid Method Expression: action="/site/page.xhtml?id=${param['form:myButton']}" with root cause
javax.el.ELException: Not a Valid Method Expression: action="/site/page.xhtml?id=${param['form:myButton']}"
at org.apache.el.lang.ExpressionBuilder.createMethodExpression(ExpressionBuilder.java:236)
at org.apache.el.ExpressionFactoryImpl.createMethodExpression(ExpressionFactoryImpl.java:55)
at org.jboss.weld.util.el.ForwardingExpressionFactory.createMethodExpression(ForwardingExpressionFactory.java:43)
at org.jboss.weld.el.WeldExpressionFactory.createMethodExpression(WeldExpressionFactory.java:64)
at com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.TagAttributeImpl.getMethodExpression(TagAttributeImpl.java:222)
at com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jsf.ActionSourceRule$ActionMapper2.applyMetadata(ActionSourceRule.java:104)
at com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.MetadataImpl.applyMetadata(MetadataImpl.java:81)
at javax.faces.view.facelets.MetaTagHandler.setAttributes(MetaTagHandler.java:129)
at javax.faces.view.facelets.DelegatingMetaTagHandler.setAttributes(DelegatingMetaTagHandler.java:102)
at com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jsf.ComponentTagHandlerDelegateImpl.doNewComponentActions(ComponentTagHandlerDelegateImpl.java:402)
and this is the bottom-most exception trace.
Question: how can I pass the value typed into of the input-field into the action of the Button when the button is clicked, so the browser navigates to the desired page passing the value in the input as a parameter, without resorting to a backing bean.
I don't need to communicate with the server, just forward the page.
any solution using jQuery or plain javascript in tandem with JSF is acceptable too.
using mojarra, primefaces 3.3.1
use <f:param> It's explained in this article from BalusC http://balusc.blogspot.in/2011/09/communication-in-jsf-20.html#ProcessingGETRequestParameters
I do not need a bazooka to kill a mouse. The answer is very simple.
bind a javascript function to the onclick of the button, and in that function, retrieve the value of the input field by its id, then assemble URL with the parameters and navigate away from within the javascript function.
JSF code (assume they are inside a form with myForm as its id):
<p:inputText id="myInput" style="width:75px;" />
<p:commandButton id="myButton" value="Ir" onclick="navega();" title="Ir" ajax="false" proces="#none" />
Javascript script, declared on a separate file or later on in the xhtml document:
function navega() {
var submittedInputValue = $('#myForm\\:myInput').val();
window.location.href = "/site/mypage.xhtml?param1=whatever&id=" + submittedInputValue ;
Take note of the prepend id (myForm:myInput), of using \\ to escape the : in jQuery, and using & instead of & in the xhtml so its not treated as an entity.
Note: probably not all of those commandButton attributes are required, feel free to edit this answer and remove the useless ones.
EDIT: removed the submit and changed process to #none on the command button.

commandLink is not fired in a page with a param in its URI

When I call a method in a page with a param in its URI, the method is not invoked unless I pass the parameters of the uri again. For example if I have:
This method results in error (obviously because it renders the page again without params, but the method foo is never invoked):
<h:commandLink value="Do Action" actionListener="#{mybean.foo}"/>
So I added an ajax to only update the component, but the button is not getting fired:
<h:commandLink value="Do Action" actionListener="#{mybean.foo}">
<f:ajax render="somecomponent"/>
When I passed the param values again, the button invokes the method just fine:
<h:commandLink value="Do Action" actionListener="#{mybean.foo}">
<f:param name="mykey" value="myvalue"/>
<f:ajax render="somecomponent"/>
However, this button is included (ui:include) in many pages with different param keys and values. How can I invoke the method without passing the param values?
Im using glassfish 3.1.2, jsf 2.0
Apparently the bean is request scoped and the parameter plays a role in the way how the command link is rendered (e.g. by the rendered attribute on one of its parent components, or by a dynamic include of the template containing the command link).
All those conditions are namely re-evaluated during apply request values phase of the form submit. The developer has to make sure that all those conditions are exactly the same as when the form was presented to the enduser. So, when the bean is request scoped and the parameter is absent, then the command link appears as non-rendered in the component tree and this way its action won't be invoked.
Putting the bean in the view scope is the easiest way to fix this (unless you're using a dynamic <ui:include>, this is then more complicated, you'd need to turn off partial state saving for the particular view).
See also:
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated - point 5

UIComponent#getValue() obtained via binding is not available in validator of another component

I'm trying to figure out why an f:attribute tag's value isn't passed when attached to h:inputSecret tag. I'm quite new to jsf, but as far as I know attributes can be attached to any kind of component. Here is the code:
<h:inputSecret id="passw" value="#{advertAdder.userPass}"
required="true" validator="#{advertAdder.validatePasswords}">
<f:attribute name="confirmedPass" value="#{advertAdder.passConfirmator.value}"/>
<h:inputSecret id="passwConfirm" required="true"
and the method that wants to acces this attribute:
public void validatePasswords(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value)
if (!value.equals(component.getAttributes().get("confirmedPass")))
FacesMessage mess = new FacesMessage("Password and it's confirmation are not the same!");
context.addMessage(component.getClientId(context), mess);
((UIInput) component).setValid(false);
In above code component.getAttributes() always returns map with only two attributes:
javax.faces.component.VIEW_LOCATION_KEY and com.sun.faces.facelets.MARK_ID.
I've added attribute tag to a h:commandButton to check it, and then everything was fine. Am I missing something or it's not possible to add an attribute to non-action tag?
I'm using Mojarra 2.0.2 and Glassfish 3.0.1.
Thanks in advance.
Input components are processed in the order as they appear in the component tree. The UIInput#getValue() is only available when the component is already been processed. Otherwise you need to use UIInput#getSubmittedValue() instead.
<f:attribute name="confirmedPass" value="#{advertAdder.passConfirmator.submittedValue}"/>
Note that this gives you the unconverted and unvalidated value back. It would make somewhat more sense to put the validator on the confirm password field instead and pass the value of the first password field along. See also JSF Validator compare to Strings for Equality and JSF doesn't support cross-field validation, is there a workaround?
Alternatively, you can also try out the OmniFaces <o:validateEqual> component. You can find a concrete example in this article.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, it's unnecessary to bind the component to the bean this way. Replace all occurrences of #{advertAdder.passConfirmator} by #{passConfirmator}. Keep the controller free of properties which are never internally used.
