Adding column item as a link in sharepoint - sharepoint

How do I add an item in a column as a link in a list in Sharepoint Server 2010?
What is the type of column which is showing link to another document?

Let me see if i understand you correctly.
You have seen the browse for document link in publishing sites, and you want this functionality in your standard list.
Unfortuately you cannot do this, the standard data types are:
So you are left with just plain old Hyperlink, which doesn't have the browse for document box.
If you try to create a site column with the datatype Publishing Hyperlink, and add it to your list, you should get an error message when you try to browse
"Cannot complete action"

You can add Calculated Value column in the list, and specify the formula for the column which will redirect you to the desired location.

You can do this with jQuery by parsing the link from the title with link or edit button. But also, if you want a non client side solution, there is a good article here on how to add a column and using a workflow fill that column with a "quick link" that the user can provide to people wanting to link to there document. It is a general approach that I think you can see could be adapted to various needs.
For a head start on a jQuery solution check out

In order to link document with list item, you can create "Hyperlink with formatting and constraints for publishing" site column and add it to any list.
If you need to browse and upload multiple files per list item, you can use 3rd party add-ons like Sparqube Document column.


Link a custom column to SharePoint List items

Status: I have a custom list, and a custom column.
Problem: SharePoint lists has a built-in column called "Title". When you create a new item in the list, the item "Title" column is by default linked to the item with edit menu. I am trying to use this linkage by linking a custom column to the item. I want to disregard the built-in "Title" column and have my own custom column (i.e: "Issue") linked to the item.
I've looked around and I found this solution:
To link the Item to a specific column/field, you need to open the list in SharePoint Designer and edit the view AllItems.aspx in Advanced Mode, then look for the "ViewFields" tags and add LinkToItem=”TRUE” at the end of the column name tag like:
FieldRef Name="My Column" LinkToItem="TRUE"
Sadly however, the suggested solution above didn't work for me even though it worked for some (including the author). I followed it to the letter, and tried it on a different columns and content types. But it did not work. It would never link.
Any help?
Are you using SP 2013?
If this is the case the you shlould use "linkToItem" (small l).
I hope this works.
Best regards

Creating a sharepoint 2007 search for a list (results only from that list)?

I have been researching this for some time, and have not been able to find a solution. I would just like to have a search bar that when an ID is entered, the search will return all the list items that have that ID.
I'm sure I am leaving out details (as I am a sharepoint novice), but any help would be greatly appreciated.
What you need is not search, but filter.
In the view of you library, follow these steps :
Put the page in edit mode
Add a web part "Text Filter Web Part"
Open its tool pane
Name the filter, "IDFilter" for example, and validate
Still in edit mode, select "Modify shared Web Part" --> "Connections" --> "Send filter values to name of your library"
Choose the field that holds your ID and click "Finish"
That's it. You can now type the ID in the field, and it will dynamically apply a filter on the ID field.
That said, you should post you future questions on this is a SharePoint dedicated stackexchange site.

SharePoint DropDown List Filter

I want to be able to filter a SharePoint list based on the values present (easy by clicking the filter button at the top of the list for each column). However I'd like to give options in a drop down menu and once chosen the list would be refilted based on the options I give. Is this possibile to do in the browser or would it require designer or actual code? Thank you.
This is all SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Server knowledge; I've never used 2007.
What #Ryan is alluding to here is that you can click a down-arrow on most list columns to filter them. One caveat is that if the column is multi-select, it won't display a drop-down. (SharePoint doesn't know how to group, filter, or sort on multi-select columns.) Another caveat could be that if you're displaying the list items in such a way that their headings don't appear (such as in a List View web part, or maybe in some of the styles...) you obviously won't be able to filter.
A solution might be to use a "SharePoint List Filter" web part, which uses a list column as the source for filter values which can then be sent to other web parts -- such as a List View web part. Presumably, you could use the list you're intending to filter as a source for the Filter web part itself. From a UX perspective maybe this might help you display the list with different styling, but still get the drop-down filter directly in the content area.
A caveat with the "SharePoint List Filter" web part is that it's not actually a drop-down per se, but instead shows a little filter icon that pops up a dialog in which users then have to select a value.
Note there's also the "Managed Metadata Navigation" feature that would give users dropdowns (for e.g. choice columns) and metadata filter fields (for managed metadata columns). These show up in the Quick Launch (left-nav area) if configured on the list/library settings. The feature must first be enabled on the site.

Custom column in list

Can any one tell me that, Is is possible in wss to have our custom column in a view of list. The way how we are adding edit and delete column in grid by setting autogenerateedit button property to true. I have to write my custom login on click event of that button. This action is going to be common for all list items.
Sachin K
I am afraid that it is not possible out of the Box in SharePoint (WSS / MOSS). If you want to have such an option, you might need to create a Separate page that will have code to do the opertion. Try out the SPGridView and SPDataSource.
Else I would suggest (Recommend) you to have a look at the DataSheetView option provided by the List, it will list List item details as all editable format, like Excel sheet.

Can I change the column that links to the item with edit menu in a sharepoint list?

There was a similar question asked but it wasn't exactly what I am trying to do.
Here is a link to the question: Auto Number Column in SharePoint List with Link to Item
Two solutons were offered to that question.
Could either of these solutions work for an imported list I have where Sharepoint has decided which column links to the item with edit menu? I want to change which column does this as I need to change the format and this means removing the column that has defaulted to being the link to item with edit menu.
You cannot dynamically change the menu column OOTB in SharePoint. To "move" the menu to a different column, you should create a new computed column and wrap the rendering (DisplayPattern) with the _EditMenuTableStart and _EditMenuTableEnd fields.
To see an example of how to do this, take a look at the "AddMenuColumn" PowerShell script from the iLoveSharePoint project on CodePlex. The script is pretty straightforward, so you should be able to translate it into code if you need that (or add declarative using features).
You could also just use the script as it is, to add the new menu column to your list.
