Threads and CPU Affinity - multithreading

Lets say there are two processors on a machine. Thread A is running on P1 and Thread B is running on P2.
Thread A calls Sleep(10000);
Is it possible that when Thread A starts executing again, it runs on P2?
If yes, who decides this transition? If no, why not?
Does Processor store some data that which all threads it's running or OS binds each thread to Processor for its full lifetime ?

It is possible. This would be determined by the operating system process scheduler and may also be dependent on the application that is running. No information about previously running threads is kept by the processor, aside from whatever is in the cache.

This is dependent on many things, it behaves differently depending on the particular operating system. See also: Processor Affinity and Scheduling Algorithms. Under Windows you can pin a particular process to a processor core via the task manager.

Yes, it is possible. Though ultimately a thread inherits its CPU (or CPU core) from the process (executable.) In operating systems, which CPU or CPU core a process runs on for its current quanta (time slice) is decided by the Scheduler:

The OS decides which processor to run the thread on, and it may easily change during the lifetime of that thread, especially if there is a context switch (caused by the sleep). It's completely possible if the system is loaded that both threads will be running on the same processor (or core), just at different times. Or if there isn't any load on the system, both threads may continue to run on separate processors.


Multithreded applications on different CPUS

If, for example, there is a let's say embedded application which run on unicore CPU. And then that application would be ported on multi core CPU. Would that app run on single or multiple cores?
To be more specific I am interested in ARM CPU (but not only) and toolchain specifics e. g. standard C/C++ libraries.
The intention of this question is this: is it CPU's responsibility to "decide" to execute on multiple cores or compiler toolchain, developer and standard platfor specific libraries? And again, I am interested also in other systems' tendencies out there.
There are plenty of applications and RTOS (for example Linux) that run on different CPUs but the same architecture, so does that mean that they are compiled differently?
Generally speaking single-threaded code will always run on one core. To take advantage of multiple cores you need to have either multiple processes, multiple threads, or both.
There's nothing your compiler can do to help you here. This is an architectural consideration.
If you have multiple threads, for example, most multi-core systems will run them on whatever cores are available if the operating system you're running is properly compiled to support that. Running an OS that's been compiled single-core only will obviously limit your options here.
A single threaded program will run in one thread. It is theoretically possible for the thread to be scheduled to move to a different core, but the scheduler cannot turn a single thread into multiple threads and give you any parallel processing.
I misunderstood your question. If there are multiple threads in the application, and that application is binary compatible with the new multicore CPU, the threads will indeed be scheduled to run on different CPUs, if the OS scheduler deems it appropriate.
Well it all depends on the software that if it wants to utilize other cores or not (if present). Lets take an example of Linux on ARM's cortexA53.
Initially a vendor provided boot loader runs on, FSBL (First state bootloader). It then passes control to Arm trusted firmware. ATF then runs uboot. All these run on a single core. Then uboot loads linux kernel and passes control to it. Linux then initializes some stuff and looks into some option, first in the bootargs for smp or nosmp flags. if smp it will get the number of CPUs assigned to it from dtb and then using SMC calls to ATF it will start other cores and then assign work to those cores to provide true feel of multiprocessing environment. This is normally called load balancing and in linux it is mostly done in fair.c file.

How does multithreaded kernel work?

I have read that linux kernel is multi threaded and there can be multiple threads running concurrently in each core. In a SMP (symmetric multiprocessing) environment where a single OS manages all the processors/cores how is multithreading implemented?
Is that kernel threads are spawned and each dedicated to manage a core. If so when are these kernel threads created? Is it during bootup at kern_init() after the bootstrapping is complete and immediately after the Application processors are enabled by the bootstrap processor.
So does each core have its own scheduler(implemented by the core's kernel thread) that manages the tasks from a common pool shared by all kernel threads?
How does (direct) messaging between kernel threads residing on different cores happen when they need to intimate some events that another kernel thread might be interested in?
I also thought if one particular selected core with one kernel scheduler that on every system timer interrupt acquire a big kernel lock and decide/schedule what to run on each core?
So I would appreciate any clarity in the implementation details. Thanks in advance for your help.
Early in kernel startup, a thread is started for each core. It is set to the lowest possible priority and generally does nothing but reduce the CPU power and wait for an interrupt. When actual work needs to get done, it's either done by threads other than these threads or by hardware interrupts which interrupt either this thread or some other thread.
The scheduler is typically invoked either by a timer interrupt or by a thread transitioning from running to a state in which it's no longer ready to run. Kernel calls that transition a thread to a state in which it's no longer ready to run typically invoke the scheduler to let the core perform some other task.

Is CPU still executing any instruction when operating system is waiting for user inputs?

What is the CPU doing when there is only one process (like bash) and the process is waiting for user input?
It depends on the capability of the physical hardware. On typical PCs, the CPU would spend most of that time halted waiting for an interrupt to wake it up.
The CPU is (almost) never idle in a typical Linux system. If your bash process is halted waiting on input, the CPU will work on other processes until the blocking system call returns, signaling the bash process to resume.
There is a component in practically each and every one Operating System, being it the simplest bare-bone hardware Operating System or some more advanced one like FreeRTOS or some desktop or server Operating System which is usually called Scheduler.
Scheduler is responsible for planning and distributing CPU power and for eventually switching the CPU into low-power-consumption mode which in the extreme case may mean that the CPU goes totally offline and waits for the external hardware interrupt to wake it up.
By reading about schedulers and by reading their code available from open source Operating Systems you can find out "exactly" what does the CPU usually do.
Some starting points:
FreeRTOS -
Linux -
ReactOS -
MenuetOS -, chapter "Scheduling" -
Google: "linux scheduler source code"

In single-threaded applications, is that one and only thread a kernel thread?

From Wikipedia it says:
A kernel thread is the "lightest" unit of kernel scheduling. At least one kernel thread exists within each process.
I've learned that a process is a container that houses memory space, file handles, device handles, system resources, etc... and the thread is the one that really gets scheduled by the kernel.
So in single-threaded applications, is that one thread(main thread i believe) a kernel thread?
I assume you are talking about this article:
According to that article, in a single threaded application, since you have only one thread by definition, it has to be a kernel thread, otherwise it will not get scheduled and will not run.
If you had more than one thread in your application, then it would depend on how user mode multi threading is implemented (kernel threads, fibers, etc ...).
It's important to note however it would be a kernel thread running in user mode, when executing the application code (unless you make a system call). Any attempt to execute a protected instruction when running in user mode would cause a fault that will eventually lead to the process being terminated.
So kernel thread here not to be confused with supervisor/privileged mode and kernel code.
You can execute kernel code, but you have to go through a system call gate first.
No. In modern operating systems applications and the kernel run at different processor protection levels (often called rings). For example, Intel CPUs have four protection levels. Kernel code runs at Ring 0 (kernel mode) and is able to execute the most privileged processor instructions, whereas application code runs at Ring 3 (user mode) and is not allowed to execute certain operations. See

Difference between OS scheduling and RTOS scheduling

Consider the function/process,
void task_fun(void)
If this process were to run on a normal PC OS, it would happily run forever. But on a mobile phone, it would surely crash the entire phone in a matter of minutes as the HW watchdog expires and resets the system.
On a PC, this process, after it expires its stipulated time slice would be scheduled out and a new runnable process would be scheduled to run.
My doubt is why cant we apply the same strategy on an RTOS? What is the performance limitation involved if such a scheduling policy is implemeted on an RTOS?
One more doubt is that I checked the schedule() function of both my PC OS ( Ubuntu ) and my phone which also runs Linux Kernel. I found both of them to be almost the same. Where is the watchdog handing done on my phone? My assumption is that scheduler is the one who starts the watchdog before letting a process run. Can someone point me where in code its being done?
The phone "crashing" is an issue with the phone design or the specific OS, not embedded OSes or RTOSes in general. It would 'starve' lower priority tasks (possibly including the watchdog service), which is probably what is happening here.
In most embedded RTOSes it is intended that all processes are defined at deployment by the system designer and the design is for all processes to be scheduled as required. Placing user defined or third party code on such a system can compromise its scheduling scheme as in your example. I would suggest that all such processes should run at the same low priority as all others so that the round-robin scheduler will service user application equally without compromising system services.
Phone operating systems are usually RTOS, but user processes should not run at higher priority that system processes. It may be intentional that such processes run higher than the watchdog service exactly to protect the system from "misbehaving" applications which yours simulates.
Most RTOSes use a pre-emptive priority based scheduler (highest priority ready task runs until it terminates, yields, or is pre-empted by a higher priority task or interrupt). Some also schedule round-robin for tasks at the same priority level (task runs until it terminates, yields or consumes its time-slice and other tasks of the same priority are ready to run).
There are several ways a watchdog can be implemented, none of which is imposed by Linux:
A process or thread runs periodically to test that vital operations are being performed. If they are not, correction action is taken, like reboot the machine, or reset a troublesome component.
A process or thread runs continuously to soak up extra CPU time and reset a timer. If the task is not able to run, a timer expires and takes corrective action.
A hardware component resets the system if it is not periodically massaged; that is, a hardware timer expires.
There is nothing here that can't be done on either an RTOS or any other multitasking operating system.
Linux, on a desktop computer or on a mobile phone, is not a RTOS. Its scheduling policy is time-driven.
On a RTOS, scheduling is triggered by events, either from environment through ISR or from software itself through system calls (send message, wait for mutex, ...)
In a normal OS, we have two types of processes. User process & kernel Process. Kernel processes have time constraints.However, user processes do not have time constraints.
In a RTOS,all process are Kernel process & hence time constraints should be strictly followed. All process/task (can be used interchangeably) are based on priority and time constraints are important for the system to run correctly.
So, if your code void task_fun(void) { while(1) } runs forever, other higher priority tasks will be starving. Hence, watch dog will crash the system to specify the developer that time constraints of other tasks are not met.
For example, GSM Scheduler needs to run every 4.6ms, if your task runs for more time, time constraints of GSM Scheduler task cannot be satisfied. So the system has to reboot as its purpose is defeated.
Hope this helps :)
